Author's posts

Electricity Rationing-A “Benefit” of Digital TV

This is the official sappy government FCC site touting the “benefits” of digital TV.

Note all of the marketing hype. I can become a “DTV Deputy”. I can get info in spanish. Note how an entire site is geared towards the simplemindedness of a five year old. To me at least it is chock full of subliminals diverting your focus away from the Satanicness it will bring. In order to get to this let’s click on the FAQ section on the left, that stupid looking TV remote control. After that go to Why are we switching to digital TV. Here is the answer.

“An important benefit of the switch to all-digital broadcasting is that it will free up parts of the valuable broadcast spectrum for public safety communications (such as police, fire departments, and rescue squads). Also, some of the spectrum will be auctioned to companies that will be able to provide consumers with more advanced wireless services (such as wireless broadband)”.

Wireless broadband! Why is this a bad thing? Well if you have no problem with being watched 24 seven or have no problem with government knowing your every move then fine. As an engineer I could also price out very cheap solar powered mini spy cameras that only need be in range of another ugly cell phone tower. Oh, watch the proliferation of uglyness in those babies!

Financial houses are investing in corporations that will meter and control your water and electric use. Yes, you will be rationed.

I don’t see rationed energy and water use as a “benefit” of digital TV.  

Sorry but I don’t see the benefit of government partnerships with companies making all of their products outside of the United States.  And for what 300 channels of crystal clear mindnumbingly stupid “news” and or programming engineered to decimate good moral behavior.

What is does mean is the re-allocation of lower frequecy spectrum, RF energy with a farther reach potential.  They are going to reach into you life and crush it.

Hey but you’re happy, just look at the clear picture!

My Ghandi solution? Go dark Feb 17,2009 go dark. What will you miss? Mindnumbingly stupid corporate “news”? MTV and E channel shows socially engineered to degrade morals? TV evangelicals declaring I-35 in Texas the Holy Highway?

They are pulling the plug, we should too!

Normalization of Satanic Memes

This sounds wonderful!  I’m going to tell you why it’s not.


Pay down you mortage quicker.  Have full control over your financial resources.

Sounds great?  Not.

The Illuminati News

My gut feeling told me something was wrong with the Obama phenomena, today’s news confirms the feelings. Distancing myself from M$M news I have found alternates in the alterntive news spectrum of the internet.  It is global in scope although the numbers are small.  Confirming the accuracy of stories is difficult if not impossible but to some extent this matters not.  The general memes, the projections and elaborate deceptions involved point to an organized, planned destruction of America.  A good pre-requisite to fully understanding this link is the movie End Game by Alex Jones.…

Yesterday Congress held hearings about professional baseball.  I wondered what Satanic evil they needed to cover up with such a silly diversion.  Today I have my answer.  The outrage-o-meter is pegged so I might be a tad incoherent.

Infragard Warning Signals

On two occasions now and on two computers using totally different IP addresses the web site not only fails to respond it locks up Internet Explorer also.  Discovered only a short time ago Infragard is a “partnership” of “information sharing” (data mining) of untold amounts of your personal life’s history between the FBI and the private business world.  Think of it as the RIAA on steriods, hauling two years olds off the the gulags for listening to an “illegal” copy of Sesame St.

You may want to refrain linking to the main Infragard site for some time.  Focus instead on the one, don’t think they will take that one down.

As already reported the corporate members of Infragard will have shoot to kill capacity in the event of martial law.  Deputy Dogs, don’t taze me bro was just far too tame for these psychopaths.  It’s been “upgraded”, don’t shoot me, Mr CEO.

What could be done is an accounting of “vanishing” sites located by using Google and other search engines to find places discussing “Infragard”.  Are they today none functioning when you know you saw them yesterday.  Is the internet “malfunction” something you have never encountered before?

Consider doing it on an “expendable” computer.  I have a work laptop so if it frys there is an entire IT department.

Bring this latest piece of Satan inspired totalitarian fascism directly into the light.  Ah, it CAN”T be true you say?  How have your last seven years turned out?

False Flag Time


It’s the impressions from a picture thing again.  This man actually enjoys it, a reincarnation of a torture master out of the Spanish inquisition.  Some twist of Satanic fate leaves me with the distinct impression human suffering gives this man sexual gratification.

Most of the time the evil impressions only come the first time I see it.  Alberto Gonzales, John Yoo, Leo Strauss were among the evil minions.  This time I have seen his picture before yet this particular one emanates and evil more powerful than Gonzales.  I would like to think of it as a developing asset, a useful tool in sizing people up.  Preparation for the future crisis.

Chertoff+Nazi 96,200 Google hits!………

Homeboy Assholiansim.

Hon. Chertoff?  No, like John Edwards, the psychic who talks to the dead, your eyes Sir are a mirror of your evil soul.

The Bilderburg Group

Embracing the conspiracy theories presents it’s problems.  End Game states the purpose of secret organizations is to cull the population of the earth down to 500 million.  Now I could just take the blue pill and dismiss all of this as the rantings of insane people but the NWO paragidms actually match and align perfectly with the last 20 years of American history, even longer.

Homeland Security claims to protect the Homeland yet meets several times over several years to merge the “Homeland” into a three nation union. documents the media blacklisting of verboten topics.

The US population is a mere 300 million out of the world 6 billion.  We consume and waste far to many resources.  The technology has been developed and exported.  Our moral fiber is under continuous attack and the founding principles of law are being deliberately discarded at alarming rates.…

Not something left to the random statistical arena of a series of chance events, it must be by plan and design.

Now if you take all of that in as fact and a black guy, a woman, and a war mongering pyschopath are presented to you as the potential next leader of the “free” world you will chalk the whole affair up the the planned destruction of America it is.

What is the answer then?  Have fun.  In these, the last of days not having the financial resources for that remote survivalist bunker way back up in the woods I might as well have fun.  Send an encrypted message to your international friends, spell Fuck You NSA in laser pointers on your front lawn, take the battery out of your cell phone on long trips and “cheating” on your taxes is American Patriotism at it’s best.  Educate your loved ones.…

God says the Biblical Apocalypse need not involve fire and brimstone and the elimination of all on earth, He may accept the refusal of soldiers to fire upon other people because they were ordered to or perhaps even a sizable portion of fully awake people with a concern about their fellow man.

Hey, you will grant me one last Horse Ride though, won’t you.

And was Bush the third anti-Christ?…  

Back in the US, Back in the USSA

Election Russian style

Hah!  I have discovered how to imbed pictures, now alla youse are in trouble.

The sign says “Election of President Dmitri Medvedev”.  It exemplifies the Russian attitude.  Yes, they know the election is a sham, this guy is THE chosen one and that’s it.  Let us all as Americans embrace truth shall we?

In this country we have the same thing only the delusions are more complex. Here we make a media circus out of the affair broadcasting entire progams geared toward a thirteen year old audience.  Racist/sexist, a repulican who is really a Democrat, Democrats who are really warmongers.  A broken long ago system places the chosen ones in the media forefront.  Unknown back door deals are made and “the others” drop out.  Diebold tallys the “votes” declaring a “mandate” based upon an ideology as timely as a black powder musket.

2008 list is out!

Valtin gives us the keyword Infraguard!

Did Jack McLamb say McCain’s codename was “Songbird” in North Vietnam?

Wille Nelson comes out on 911 truth!

And ABC and AOL picked it up, mentioned it.  Now I’m scared.

Last one.…

Nice Apocalyptic Horsie, good boy.

Bite Me Obama and more

Since I consistently use Obama’s vote to reauthorize patriot act.  Hey treason is treason by any definition.  Well it would seem the subject was of such note that he decided to provide a laimstream answer in most crafty Orwellian doublespeak.

Obama On The Reauthorization Of The PATRIOT Act

January 30, 2008

Senator Obama discusses the reauthorization of the USA PATRIOT Act.

Podcast Transcript:

Hello, this is Senator Barack Obama and today is Friday, December 16th, 2005.

You know four years ago, following 9/11, this body that I serve in, the United States Senate, passed the USA PATRIOT Act in order to give our nation’s law enforcement the tools they needed to track down terrorists – terrorists who possibly right now are looking to exploit weaknesses in our laws and our security and carry out even deadlier attacks than we saw back then.

All of us agree that we need legislation to make it harder for suspected terrorists to go undetected in this country. All of us agree that we need to make it harder for them to organize and strategize and get flight licenses and sneak across our borders – every single America wants that to happen.

But soon after the PATRIOT Act passed, I began hearing concerns from people of every background, every political leaning that this law – the very purpose of which was to protect us – was also threatening to violate our rights and our freedoms as Americans. That it didn’t just provide law enforcement the powers it needed to keep us safe, but powers that it didn’t need to invade our privacy without cause or suspicion.

Now, what’s happened in Washington, of course, is that the debate as usual has degenerated into this “either-or” type debate. So, either we’re in favor of protecting our people from terror or we will protect our most cherished civil liberties. That’s a false choice. It asks too little of us, assumes too little about America.

That’s why as it’s come time to reauthorize this law, there have been a group of senators, including myself, working in a bi-partisan way to show the American people that we can track down terrorists without trampling on our civil rights. We want to show the American people that the federal government will only issue warrants and execute searches because it needs to, not because it wants to. In other words, what we’ve been trying to do is to inject some accountability in this process – to get answers and to see evidence where there is suspicion.

So, a bi-partisan group of Senators several weeks ago actually came up with a compromise piece of legislation – you had people like Russ Feingold on the left and Larry Craig on the right agree to this bill. We passed it out of the Senate unanimously. It wasn’t perfect but at least it addressed some of the most serious provisions, like the so-called “sneak-and-peek” provisions, that existed in current law.

Unfortunately, the house members decided they didn’t like this bill. They put some rushed legislation together that fails to address the concerns that people had about the previous PATRIOT ACT. So, just to give you a couple of examples: this legislation puts our own Justice Department above the law. When National Security Letters are issued this legislation that’s been proposed allowed federal agents to conduct any search on any American, no matter how extensive or wide-ranging, without ever going before a judge to prove that the search is necessary. All they needed was sign-off from a local FBI official. That’s it.

Once a business or a person received notification that they will be searched, they are prohibited from telling anybody about it; they can’t challenge this automatic gag order in court. Despite the fact that judges have already found similar restrictions violate the First Amendment – the bill that is before the Senate disregards this case law and the right to challenge the gag orders.

If you do decide to consult an attorney for legal advice – you have to tell the FBI that you’ve done so already. This is unheard of – there is no such requirement in any other area of the law, and I don’t see why it’s justified here.

If somebody wants to know why their own government has decided to go on a fishing expedition through every personal record or private document, through library books they’ve read , phone calls they’ve made, e-mails that they’ve sent – this legislation gives people no rights to appeal the need for such a search in a court of law. No judge will hear their plea, no jury will hear their case.

And that’s – that’s just plain wrong.

Now, I’m happy to say that we had our first vote on this issue on the floor of the Senate today. There was a procedure that is called a “cloture vote.” Cloture means that it ends debate, it eliminates the possibility of the filibuster. Those of us who thought this was a bad compromise voted against cloture, and a number of Republicans joined us and in fact cloture, which required 60 votes, did not succeed.

And so the Republican leadership is scrambling right now to figure out what they’re going to do, and the White House has threatened that they are just going to let the Patriot Act lapse all together and will then blame Democrats if there is a terrorist attack prior to reauthorization of a new Patriot Act. Now that kind of rhetoric makes absolutely no sense, as you might imagine. If in fact the White House and the Republican leadership think that these provisions are absolutely vital, then you’d think that they would accept Democrats’ offer to extend it for three months as we continue to work on this compromise. There’s a lot of political posturing going on around this and I think that needs to end because the issues that we’re dealing with here are too important to play politics with.

So, I am hopeful that we get an extension on the existing Patriot Act for three months; we can work out a compromise that ensures our civil liberties are protected; that provides for the critical judicial oversight that’s at the core of most of our law enforcement processes; that still gives law enforcement the tools that they need in order to protect our homeland.

Now, having said all this let me also complain to you. As a consequence of the disorganization here in the Senate and whoever is running the ship, I am supposed to be flying over the Pacific Ocean right now – with my family – about to land in Hawaii for my vacation with my wife and kids. They have gone without me. My wife basically said, “Well, I hope you can make it, buddy” and took off. So, it looks like I’m stuck in Washington this weekend. As you might imagine, I’m not happy about this.

Despite that fact, I want to mention that I probably won’t be doing a podcast until early January. I’m going to be traveling after my vacation to the Middle East, including Iraq and Israel. If the schedule and logistics allow it I’m going to try to record a podcast while I am in the Middle East. Either way I’ll try to give you guys a full report when I get back.

So despite the fact that I’m feeling a little gloomy right now, the grinch has sort of stole my Christmas – he looks surprisingly like Bill Frist – nevertheless, I am hoping that all of you guys have a wonderful holiday season, a happy new year, and I look forward to talking to you soon.


Bilderburg owns Obama too!  Lord, I love it when my impressions are right.

Now the good news.  Wille Nelson, added to the now very long list of 911 truth.  Very scary, the story has even been mentioned in the blacklisted “news” media channels, specifically ABC and AOL.

More 911.


And Damn if Karma ain’t a bitch!  ROTFLMAO!  The Jesus freaks are getting the implantable Mark of the Beast 666 Satan microchip due to one of “their own” supporting the technology and concept of it all!

Far better than primary Bildeburg selection day, the hatter sites are humming!

Tom Petty sings

Super Bowl Sunday, the epitome of Americana.  Lest there not be another wardrobe malfunction.  A geriatric rendition of “I won’t back down”.  I find this sort of a lost cause in today’s “post 911 HR 1955 world”.

While the words and the music may touch my soul the real substance of the matter escapes me as I continue my persuit of establishing the date on which I get to mount my Apocalyptic horse.  As Biblical Apocalypses go God has given me the impression that the fire and brimstone normally associated with Biblical Armageddon scenarios need not be accompanied by physical destruction of all humanity itself but might instead relate to a radical “change” in the attitudes of people.  In legalese it is the Ghandi escape clause.

The next song was “free, free falling”, kind of like WTC 1,2 and Seven.

I submit all of you are making a difference.  Your observations of reality, the echo of your blogposts into NSA HQ room 423B are making a diference.  Your watchful eyes stabbing the heart of evil deceptions in political thinking are making a difference.

Rational thinking I hope will prevail, if not we are toast.

He is a cool horse though.

Be creative in your own personal White Rose opposition endeavors.


Feel “safe” Now…

I like the original German don’t you?

Unlike the Germans though America seems to have heightened the Satanic evil potential by removing any ideology behind a round up.  It’s simply a matter of policy and procedure.  The Stanford Prison experiment on steroids our brand of fascism includes 40 year old wives of teachers, peons if you will.

The term “zogster” comes up with very few hits on Google linking it to a “white supremacy group”.  More like five misguided kids in the basement or perhaps a regional term set up by the CIA itself.  Zogster then has little relevance and may serve to divert attention away from the far more mainstream practice of the militarization of local police.

Tazer deaths, thug type cops with no oversight.  I would sue, big time.

Simply the Best

Most here seem to be very astute observers of current events.

I am saddened by what I have just seen and I have only gone through half of it yet it shines a bright beacon of light on the subject.  Don’t dismiss the man behind it simply connect the dots.  Remember what your not too distant past was like.

Now for viewing on Google.  Required viewing.…

Killing the internet for profit

What can I say about stuff like this.  It’s Friday and surely time to get an eighteen pack on the ride home.  A hearty Seig Heil Illuminati salute, get your globalization grease out to you all because BOHICA.

For those with less than my razor sharp perceptions of Satanically influenced social policies and norms I will elaborate later in the comments.

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