Tag: WTF

Glenn Beck POUTRAGED over Nazi comparisons made by people who are not Glenn Beck

     Yesterday, Glenn Beck expressed POUTRAGE that anyone would compare something to Nazi Germany, that is, anyone not named Glenn Beck.

    When Democrat Jared Polis (CO-2) compared Arizona’s new “Breathing while Latino” law ( as Fox’s Shep Smith calls it ) to the Nazi tactic of demanding papers be presented at all times or face arrest, Glenn Beck started to cry.

Glenn Beck:     “Are you comparing the systematic cold blooded extermination of millions of Jews to America making sure that people are here legally?

    No, Glenn Beck, you moron. Jared Polis is comparing the law that required that anyone suspected of being a Jew in Nazi Germany must show documentation or face imprisonment to the new Arizona law that requires anyone suspected of being an illegal immigrant to show their documentation or face imprisonment.


More below the fold

Greenwald: Obama DoJ prosecutes Bush corruption whistleblower, but not Bush war crimes

    The Obama Justice Department (on April 15th 2010)* announced that it has secured a ten-felony-count indictment against Thomas Drake, an official with the National Security Agency during the Bush years.  


    (T)he DOJ alleges “that between approximately February 2006 and November 2007, a newspaper reporter published a series of articles about the NSA,” and it claims “Drake served as a source for many of those articles, including articles that contained classified information.”


    Although the indictment does not specify Drake’s leaks, it is highly likely (as Shane also suggests) that it is based on Drake’s bringing to the public’s attention major failures and cost over-runs with the NSA’s spying programs via leaks to The Baltimore Sun.


Bold text and some editing* done by the diarist

   The indictment of Thomas Drake has NOTHING to do with the illegality of the Bush warrantless wiretapping program, rather, it has to do with Drake’s uncovering of major failures and cost over-runs within the domestic spying program. As Greenwald writes . . .

    I used to write post after post about how warped and dangerous it was that the Bush DOJ was protecting the people who criminally spied on Americans (Bush, Cheney Michael Hayden) while simultaneously threatening to prosecute the whistle-blowers who exposed misconduct.  But the Bush DOJ never actually followed through on those menacing threats; no NSA whistle-blowers were indicted during Bush’s term (though several were threatened ).  It took the election of Barack Obama for that to happen, as his handpicked Assistant Attorney General publicly boasted yesterday of the indictment against Drake.


Bold text added by the diarist

    Wait, wait, wait! If Obama’s DoJ is prosecuting crimes from the Bush era isn’t that an act of “Looking backwards, not forward”? ( and yes, revealing state secrets, even if done for the good of the public as whistleblowers do, is still illegal. )

More below the fold

F U, Sean Hannity. Timothy McVeigh was a killer bathed in American blood. HAVE YOU NO SHAME?

No. They have no shame. It is the job of those who are repulsed by the Timothy McVeighs of the world to shame them.

    A few days ago Eric Boehlert of MediaMatters.org asked this question.

    It’s a chilling prospect, but one that seems more and more plausible: What if Fox News actually wants mob violence?

My answer: Yes

    Today, Sean Hannity called the astroturfed sheep of billionaire financed tea partiers “Tim McVeigh wannabees” as if it were a compliment, and they actually cheered him.

Watch . . .

HANNITY: When you think about the vast majorities that they have in Congress and they had to bribe, backroom deals, corruption, that’s all because the tea party movement, the people – all these Tim McVeigh wannabes here.



   So now the right is cheering for Timothy McVeigh? Is there anything more UnAmerican than praising an enemy of the Democratically elected United States Government?

    This is where the line must be drawn. If not now, when?

    So here is some Fair and Balanced news for tea partiers, Conservatives, Republican politicians, Fox News and right wing pundits:

   Timothy McVeigh was a psychotic killer bathed in the blood of innocent Americans. McVeigh stood for everything our founding fathers fought against, and if you can not denounce violence and eliminationist rhetoric against you fellow Americans you have no right to call yourself an American patriot.

    I’m mad as hell. More below the fold


GOP Rep. Nunes: N!%%er is okay if you call a tyrant it. Censure him NOW!

The transcript

R is officially for racist until an adult appears on the right. Don’t hold your breathe.

   With that in mind, I give you GOP Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA21). When asked about teabaggers calling African American Representatives N!&&er, spitting on them, and calling gay Represenatives “F@&&0t”, he not only JUSTIFIED it, he seemed to endorse this level of hatred and intolerence.

   Watch it for yourself.

A transcript, my interpretation and thoughts and more below the fold.

Psycho Talk! HCR = “That great war of yankee aggression”

Crossposted at Daily Kos

Paging Ed Shultz, psycho talk in the wingnut isle.

    Screw going to 11. The Conservative Freak Out continues to go to infinite and beyond.

    Witness Rep. Paul Broun as he flat out rewrites history in a disgusting attempt to compare Health Care Reform into something scary, such as that “Great war of Yankee aggression”. In the reality based world, we call that THE CIVIL WAR!

    Watch . . .

BROUN: If ObamaCare passes, that free insurance card that’s in people’s pockets is gonna be as worthless as a Confederate dollar after the War Between The States – the Great War of Yankee Aggression.


    So Ronald Reagan will replace that Yankee agressor President Grant on the $50 bill because Reagan’s accomplishments (cough – Jack Shit- cough) are greater than FREEING THE SLAVES?

    Holy revisionist history, batman! WTF?

More below the fold . . . .

Maverick to AZ children: MARK IT ZERO!!!! You are entering a world of pain

Crossposted at Daily Kos

Image Hosting by PictureTrail.com This is GOOD NEWS for John McCain, and it comes at the expense of 42,000 Arizona children. What a sellout maverick.

    Roughly translated, McCain and the Arizona GOP’s message to sick AZ children would read like this . . . .

    Dear Tiny Tim,

    SCHIP costs money that should be going to tax cuts for the rich. Get a job and buy private insurance. Until then, don’t get sick, and if you do, die quickly.

                      Tough shit, Sen. John McCain

    U.S. Sen. John McCain may finally get his health-care wish, which is less care for fewer of Arizona’s children.

    The Arizona legislature voted to permanently end the state’s participation in the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), 13 years after McCain voted against it and 3 years after leading the charge against reauthorizing the popular bi-partisan program.

    McCain’s home state of Arizona is now the first and only state to ever opt out of SCHIP.

For Immediate Release

Rodney Glassman U.S. Senate

Exploratory Committee

More below the fold . . .  

STUNNING! Maddow interviews Pelosi on Bush War Crimes, impeachment and “Looking forward”

Crossposted at Daily Kos

    I give you the finest journalist America has to offer today, Rachel Maddow, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi.

Image Hosting by PictureTrail.com

    A full transcript and more below the fold.

Screw rent! Ask Stupak if we should KILL our gays now or wait till later

    Crossposted at Daily Kos

Brought to you by PeanutButterPAC

I wonder if Fox News will pick up this diary?

   While I am very interested in the question of “Who paid Bart Stupak’s rent? ” I would also like to know who was paying the rent of his roommates. Some of those roommates were . . .

Gov. Mark Sanford (R-SC)

Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC)

Senator John Ensign (R-NV)

Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK)

Rep Zach Wamp (R-TN)

Rep Mike Doyle (D-PA)

    Who wants to bet Fox asks Doyle about this but not DeMint, who is the front man for their Tea Party astroturfed Corporatist movement.

    But that is not the BIG QUESTION I want to ask Stupak and his Christian Mafia cult members. No, my question to them is . . .

    “Should we kill our gays now, or wait until later?”

More below the fold . . .  

I DEMAND media coverage of America’s wars NOW!

Crossposted at Daily Kos

    This will be, in the proper blogotoobz vernacular, a short diary.

    Simply put, I DEMAND media coverage of America’s wars NOW!

    If these wars are NOT worth media coverage, they are not worth fighting. If the threat America faces from it’s enemies is so great that it is absolutely necessary that we go to war, than it is absolutely necessary that the “free” press gives it ample coverage.

    Since the Presidential Primaries back in the Spring of 2008 coverage of America’s wars have almost entirely disappeared from the traditional media. With the exception of a few intrepid journalists the traditional media has given us NOTHING as far as details of what is happening in Iraq, Afghanistan or Pakistan except for the times when Dick Cheney emerges from his crypt, when President Obama sent more troops to Afghanistan, when an Iraqi journalist threw his shoes at George Bush’s idiot of a son and when Rudy “9/11,9/11,9/11” shows up to collect his royalty fee.

   In short, I want DETAILS, and if you’re not in the mood you better GET IN THE MOOD, Mister.

More below the fold

Bush and Rove’s Citizens United fueled comeback. I $hit you not

Crossposted at Daily Kos

At least half a dozen leaders of the Republican Party have joined forces to create a new political group with the goal of organizing grass-roots support and raising funds ahead of the 2010 midterm elections, according to people familiar with the effort.

The organizational details of the group, expected to be called the American Action Network, are still being worked out, but it is expected to contain both a 501(c)3 and a 501(c)4 component. In simpler terms, a 501(c)3 can advocate on policy matters while a 501(c)4 is an election arm.

Republican leaders expected to be affiliated with the group include former Minnesota Sen. Norm Coleman, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, former Bush adviser Karl Rove, Republican strategist Ed Gillespie, and Republican donor Fred Malek.


    Jeb Bush, George Bush, same difference, same incompetent governing style, failed ideas and Corporatist agenda.

    More below the fold

Michael Steele loves, LOVES “Obama is a racist “

Crossposted at Daily Kos

    Remember when FOX employee Glenn Beck said that “President Obama is a racist who hates white people and white culture.”?

    Well, the Republican party officially agrees with that now.

    Listen as Republican party leader Micheal Steele states how much he Loves, LOVES Glenn Beck.

More below the fold, and two questions for every Republican candidate in 2010 as well . . . .  

Alms for the Truth

As reluctant as I am to whore myself for donations, I am, literally, hungry. I just ate the last can of tuna and there is a bag of brown sugar, one cup of instant coffee and a box of Penne that will have to last me the next week. It is either going to be a big, sweet, crunchy cup of coffee or the worst pasta dish ever known to mankind.

Therefore, I hope to strike up a deal with the readers and dear friends of mine online.

I will do a political trash job on the politician of your choice as payment for a small donation towards my future breakfast, lunches and dinners. Pictures of ponies and pooties will be accepted in lieu of donations, but I kindly ask that said pooties/ponies are pics of a tasteful nature, just in case any children happen to find themselves on this website.


I thank the Gods for the friends I have made here an elsewhere on the toobz in the last year. You guys and gals keep me sane.

Cheers to you and yours,


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