Crossposted at Daily Kos
This is GOOD NEWS for John McCain, and it comes at the expense of 42,000 Arizona children. What a
sellout maverick.
Roughly translated, McCain and the Arizona GOP’s message to sick AZ children would read like this . . . .
Dear Tiny Tim,
SCHIP costs money that should be going to tax cuts for the rich. Get a job and buy private insurance. Until then, don’t get sick, and if you do, die quickly.
Tough shit, Sen. John McCain
U.S. Sen. John McCain may finally get his health-care wish, which is less care for fewer of Arizona’s children.
The Arizona legislature voted to permanently end the state’s participation in the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), 13 years after McCain voted against it and 3 years after leading the charge against reauthorizing the popular bi-partisan program.
McCain’s home state of Arizona is now the first and only state to ever opt out of SCHIP.
For Immediate Release
Rodney Glassman U.S. Senate
Exploratory Committee
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