It’s hard to say where it went wrong,
Decades before me and this song,
Through the banksters and the wars,
I just can’t take it anymore . . .
Tag: Homeland Security
Aug 19 2012
I Am You and You Are Me
Aug 17 2012
Every Banker Had a Good Time
As the leaders of the People’s Republic of Plutocracy, Inc. prepare for the corporate coronations of Romney and Obama in Tampa and Charlotte, they’re fervently hoping Occupy Wall Street won’t spoil all the fun by sending dangerous American citizens into the streets to tell the truth all over the place. In Beltway offices, Homeland Security meetings, and conference calls with the militarized police departments of the One-Percent, the same questions are being asked about Occupy Wall Street. Who are those people? Why are they going to the national conventions with protest signs and devious plans to say whatever they want about the government, right out loud, in broad daylight where other citizens might hear them? What the hell do they think this is, a democracy?
I’ve got a feeling it’s not going to matter how many riot police are in the streets, pepper-spraying everyone in the twilight’s last gleaming, Americans are going to hear what Occupy Wall Street has to say in Tampa and Charlotte about the “government” and the “job creators” and this trickle down train wreck they call an economy.
Oh yeah . . .
Oh please believe me, I’d hate to miss the train. Oh yeah.
The chorus of our new national anthem is inspiring, isn’t it? Feel free to sing along Fox viewers, low information voters, brainwashed birthers and cable pundits, pulpit pounders of the Westboro Baptist Church and Obamabots of the Great Orange Asteroid . . .
Every worker had a hard year,
Every banker had a good time,
Every general had a wet dream,
Every fat cat saw the sun shine.
Oh yeah.
May 31 2011
Protecting The Constitution & Our Internet Rights
Cross posted from The Stars Hollow Gazette
In the November elections, one of the greatest losses that the left suffered was Russ Feingold. What we didn’t notice until this past week during the rush to please the right wing and President Obama by renewing the unaltered (un)Patriot Act for four more years was that there were others who had picked up the cause of the left, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), Mark Udall (D-CO), Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Tom Udall (D-NM).
Amendment Requires Government to End Practice of Secretly Interpreting Law
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Washington, D.C. – As the Senate prepares to approve a four-year extension of the Patriot Act without public debate about how the executive branch actually interprets controversial provisions in the ten-year-old surveillance law, U.S. Senators Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), Mark Udall (D-Co.), Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) and Tom Udall (D-NM) introduced an amendment to the Patriot Act reauthorization legislation to require the U.S. Attorney General to make the U.S. Government’s official interpretation of the law public.
The amendment also states that it is the “Sense of the Congress” that government officials “should not secretly reinterpret public laws and statutes in a manner that is inconsistent with the public’s understanding of these laws and should not describe the execution of these laws in ways that misinforms or misleads the public.”
Now, Sen. Wyden takes a stand for our internet rights and against the sell out Democrats by placing a hold on the “Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act of 2011” (pdf) or as is euphemistically known the “Protect IP Act” which is the second try at getting Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA), which failed to pass the last session thanks to Wyden.
The “Protect IP Act” is a revamping of COICA making it just as bad if not worse:
This version changes the “interactive computer services” language mentioned in our post below to “information location tools,” a term that points back to section 512(d) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. In that context it’s been generally understood to refer to search engines, though there’s no guarantee we wouldn’t see efforts to expand the definition in actions under this bill. But in any case, requiring search engines to remove links to an entire website raises serious First Amendment concerns considering the lawful expression that may be hosted on the same domain.
In other words, “the proposed laws could be used to shut down websites that link to other websites that authorities claim to be carrying out infringing activities.”
Gaius Publius at AMERICAblog points out that Homeland Security already has shut down sites:
As evidence, I offer and These domains created no content, as near as I could tell. But they linked to sites that offered sports television over the Internet, and those links were on a game-by-game basis. So, for example, if you didn’t want to subscribe to cable, but wanted to watch ESPN games, you could go to one of these sites, peruse the list of links, choose your game and source, click and watch. Sometimes several sources offered the same game, and you had several links to choose from.
Again, neither of these sites generated the video. They merely offered links to other sites that did. Those other sites perhaps violated intellectual property rights; these sites certainly did not.
Now go ahead and click the links for those sites, and see what happened to them. Yep, that’s the Homeland Security logo.
hree guesses when both of these seizures occurred. If you said “Right before the Super Bowl,” America’s ad and money feast with a football game inside, you wouldn’t be wrong. Homeland Security, the counter-terrorism arm of our national security state, is helping to seize small-people’s property (those sites were property) in order to protect the profits and property of billionaire sports owners and the advertisers who love them.
Not that I wasn’t certain that Obama and friends weren’t in the pockets of billionaires and corporation but it is becoming even more evident that most of the Democratic leadership is no better than the Republicans.
We need more people in Congress like Ron Wyden who are willing to stand for the people who elected them. Like Gaius Publius, I’m making lists of those who are willing.
Feb 23 2011
It’s Gotta Be Bad If Even Bob Barr Gets It
Cross-posted from The Stars Hollow Gazette
Sen. Al Franken, (D-MI) has called Internet Freedom the most important free speech issue of our time. That Freedom is now being threatened by Senators Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and Susan Collins (R-ME) who have introduced a bill that would essentially give the President the authority to shut down the internet with new national emergency powers, aka a “kill switch”:
President Obama would be given the power to “issue a declaration of a national cyberemergency.” Once that happens, Homeland Security would receive sweeping new authorities, including the power to require that so-called critical companies “shall immediately comply with any emergency measure or action” decreed.
No “notice” needs to be given “before mandating any emergency measure or actions.” That means a company could be added to the “critical” infrastructure list one moment, and ordered by Homeland Security to “immediately comply” with its directives the next.
The U.S. Senate’s Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, which Lieberman chairs, appears to believe that it’s not necessary to include explicit judicial review of the president’s emergency authority once exercised, believing it’s implicit. Any such lawsuit filed by a targeted company would likely focus on language saying the emergency decrees should be “the least disruptive means feasible.”
The president may declare a “cyberemergency” for 30 days, and extend it for one 30-day period, unless Congress votes to approve further extensions.
Homeland Security will “establish and maintain a list of systems or assets that constitute covered critical infrastructure” and that will be subject to those emergency decrees.
(emphasis mine)
The ACLU legislative counsel Michelle Richardson said”It still gives the president incredible authority to interfere with Internet communications.” If the Department of Homeland Security wants to pull the plug on Web sites or networks, she said, “the government needs to go to court and get a court order.” I light of the recent erroneous seizure of 84,000 web sites by the Department of Homeland Security that took them off line even Bob Barr has weighed in with this statement:
No government – no matter how benign or well-meaning – should be empowered to control the Internet. Moreover, the Congress should take a long, hard look at how federal agencies are using – and abusing – their existing powers to control parts of the Internet.
Holy FSM. They’re even calling this bill “Cybersecurity and Internet Freedom Act.”
Hello!!!! Does this sound familiar?????? Egypt, Libya, anyone?????
Jan 19 2011
Arrrrrghhh !!!
As Lieberman deliberated, the new chair of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), told HuffPost that the party would consider supporting Lieberman if he returned to the fold.
Joe & George the President
The feeling of ill will is mutual: Lieberman said during the health care debate that one reason he opposed a Medicare buy-in compromise was that progressives were embracing it.
Joe & John the Presidential Candidate
March 20, 2003
” What we are doing here is not only in the interest of the safety of the American people. Believe me, Saddam Hussein would have used these weapons against us eventually or given them to terrorists who would have. But what we are doing here, in overthrowing Saddam and removing those weapons of mass destruction and taking them into our control, is good for the security of people all over the world, including the Iraqi people themselves.”
Joe and John in Iraq
September 29, 2011. 10 years and 18 days after 9-11 attacks on NYC
” It is time for us to take steps that make clear that if diplomatic and economic strategies continue to fail to change Iran’s nuclear policies, a military strike is not just a remote possibility in the abstract, but a real and credible alternative policy that we and our allies are ready to exercise.It is time to retire our ambiguous mantra about all options remaining on the table. It is time for our message to our friends and enemies in the region to become clearer: namely, that we will prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapons capability — by peaceful means if we possibly can, but with military force if we absolutely must. A military strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities entails risks and costs, but I am convinced that the risks and costs of allowing Iran to obtain a nuclear weapons capability are much greater.
Some have suggested that we should simply learn to live with a nuclear Iran and pledge to contain it. In my judgment, that would be a grave mistake. As one Arab leader I recently spoke with pointed out, how could anyone count on the United States to go to war to defend them against a nuclear-armed Iran, if we were unwilling to go to war to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran? Having tried and failed to stop Iran’s nuclear breakout, our country would be a poor position to contain its consequences.
I also believe it would be a failure of U.S. leadership if this situation reaches the point where the Israelis decide to attempt a unilateral strike on Iran. If military action must come, the United States is in the strongest position to confront Iran and manage the regional consequences. This is not a responsibility we should outsource. We can and should coordinate with our many allies who share our interest in stopping a nuclear Iran, but we cannot delegate our global responsibilities to them.”……
Dec 29 2010
Social Engineering
Why normalize something which is NOT happening.……
So when you Google geo-engineering the top featured sites are these “wack job” new age spirituality types or this one from the equally “wack job” Bible thumpers from someplace called “Godlike Productions”.
If I was a “normal” American citizen should I report all of this to Homeboy Security as a national security threat?
Oh, wow, you learn something new everyday. It’s not NEW, here is a link from 2007!…
Yes, indeed citizens need to spy on each other.…
How else would we catch such villians like Levi Detweiler. Possesion of alcohol and “overdriving” an animal? Is that “illegal” or did they just make that up.…
Nov 20 2010
It’s Time— Part Two. (A Docudharma Exclusive)
Let me state up front that in writing this, I could have speculated all day and drawn many inferences. But instead, I have chosen to stick to the basic facts and I’ll let you draw your own conclusions. For the record, I have injected my opinion once and I state that it is my opinion. And even though I have told this information to at least 500 people in person, one of whom was from Homeland Security and two others who worked for the IRS, I am still leary of posting this information for fear of reprisal. I have made a few attempts to contact the media, but there seems to be little interest from any media outlet. What is this information you ask? The information is that the IRS does not shred any of it’s print runs. They send ALL excess printed material intact to Great Lakes Recycling. To be fair, they might shred it now, but I have reason to suspect that it is still unshredded.
Oct 18 2010
October Surprise: Bin Laden Upgraded to House From Cave For Wikileaks Release
From CNN, Your Most Trusted News Source:
The October Surprise
Anonymous NATO Spokesperson Upgrades Osama Bin Laden From Cave To House in Pakistan, Getting a Jump on the Latest Wikileaks Which Will Show He’s Working at al- Zawahiri’s International House of Naancakes
Kabul, Afghanistan, CNN, Monday, October 18, 2010…Osama bin Laden and his deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri are believed to be hiding close to each other in houses in northwest Pakistan, but are not together, a senior NATO official said.
“Nobody in al Qaeda is living in a cave,” said the official, who declined to be named because of the sensitivity of the intelligence matters involved.
The official would not discuss how the coalition has come to know any of this information, but he has access to some of the most sensitive information in the NATO alliance.
Wikileaks Donation Site Shut Down
CNN, Friday October 15, 2010…WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange claims the U.S. government was behind the decision by Moneybookers to shut down the account, an allegation denied by American officials.
According to e-mails provided to CNN by Assange, Moneybookers informed WikiLeaks of its decision in August, shortly after the Pentagon demanded WikiLeaks return all of the military documents and remove them from its website. WikiLeaks refused to do so and is expected to release hundreds of thousands of additional Pentagon papers later this month.The first e-mail from Moneybookers that notified WikiLeaks of its decision indicated one of the potential grounds for termination was “to comply with money laundering or other investigations conducted by government authorities, agencies or commissions.”
When Assange asked for a further explanation, he received another e-mail from the company saying the account was initially suspended “due to being accessed from a blacklisted IP address. However following recent publicity and the subsequently addition of the WikiLeaks entity to blacklists in Australia and watch lists in the USA, we have terminated the business relationship.”
Sep 28 2010
Holder’s DOJ Setting Record Marijuana Busts…
Change You Can’t Believe In-
Eric Holder’s Department of Justice Setting Pot Bust Records
FBI stats say 858,408 people were arrested for marijuana in 2009, under US Atty General Holder’s DOJ, the 2nd highest total ever, and it was an increase of + 1.3% from under the Bush administration’s last year in office, 2008. (the record was 872,721 in 2007)
per NORML, arrests for marijuana are more than one half of all drug arrests in the United States, up from 44% 10 years ago.
758,593 were charged with possession only , the remaining 99,815 were charged with sale or manufacture, which includes cultivation.
Sep 25 2010
It Would Also Make California a Laughingstock…
By Arnold Schwarzenegger
September 24, 2010
Los Angeles Times
It would also make California a laughing stock.

But you already did that.
Republican Governor of CA, Arnold Schwarzenegger Smoking Pot
Jul 13 2010
Dillon: Is Foreign Govt. Stopping + Detaining us from looking at our own Country ?!
Is a Foreign Government Interfering with OUR OWN CITIZENS on our own soil?!
Or is this a Dispersant Cover Up story ? WDSU channel 6 News/ Fired BP Contractor talks to Adam Dillon 7/11/10
Scott Walker of WDSU News: ” During our visit to a Grand Isle beach in June (on the 11th) to see clean up workers, a WDSU photographer and I blocked from getting with in a hundred yards of them. (This was the infamous Talon security people who are threatening journalists, bloggers, and regular folk down in the Gulf )Adam Dillon, who was fired from BP, was a cleanup contractor from North Carolina, now talks to ”
video here:……
Adam Dillon, fired by BP, now a whistleblower
more video transcript:
Dillon: …. after the way BP treated me, I am telling you now, you deserved an answer.Scott Walker of WDSU News: Shortly after our beach run in, Dillon was promoted. Now he says he was fired because he was seen as a threat to his superiors.
Dillon: I Became a liability to their operation up there because of the info I found out
News: Does BP have anything to hide ? Something other than the cleanup effort going on here ?
Dillon: I saw something when I was out there. I took pictures of something. I brought it to the attention of the command structure. And, Whatever I took pictures of, 12 hours later, I was gone.
News: he believes those photos showed equations related to the used of dispersants used on the oil in the Gulf. While Dillon has harsh words for those in charge and questions, he is just as quick to credit the thousands of workers who are working hard to clean up our shores.
Dillon: At the command center, I worked with some really great people. I worked w/ some great hardworking individuals in there. but the bottom line it’s just about the money. There are some very cutthroat individuals in there they are not worried about cleaning up the spill, as is.
News: this former special ops soldier says lost all faith in BP
Dillon: I will never have loyalty to this company. (BP) I will always have loyalty to my country and my country comes first. What this company is doing to my country is wrong.
News: No comment from BP, Will attempt to reach out to those in charge. More coming Monday in my interview with Dillon, where he tells me, He was confined and interrogated almost an hour.
This is an excerpt of the last part of the video
Adam Dillon, quote: “What this company is doing to my country is wrong.”
Jun 25 2010
Works So Well In Pakistan, So On To US- Mexican Border & Gulf
The future is now. Got some crazy, yellow Gasden snake flag flying neighbors, who are arming themselves for the 2nd Coming ? Is your Congressman or Senator a birther, or just an exuberant alien exporter?
How would you like the Tea Party or the uber right wing of the CIA telling Homeland Security where to deploy these next ?
With Nixon, it was the National Guard.
With Obama, during an election year, one day after sacking his Afghan general, it’s the Drones.