Category: Personal

I miss you guys and gals

Just thought I’d pop in and say hello to all you dharma bums out there. I’ve been pounding the streets looking for work and finding that what is out there is either demeaning, mind numbing or something I’m over qualified for, and nothing will pay me enough to live on and climb out of debt with. Truly, we are wage slaves for rent, and that is more apparent now than ever. When Corporatists speak of freedom it is the freedom to rob you and your freedom to starve that they speak of. Let every corporatist feel the hunger and cold of poverty so that they know of the rotten fruit they have sown.

It is, to be blunt, fucking frustrating.

My computer has a virus and is down, so I can’t weigh in on subjects the way I am used to, but my absence from the sunny shores of DD has bothered me tremendously, as I miss the friends I have here, so I thought I’d offer this meager explanation as a way to stay in touch and solicit all the ponies you have. I need them now more than ever.

    I’ll leave the politics aside for now, and get more personal. I am curious to hear how things are in your respective worlds, my dear Dharma Bums. I hope all is well, and if not I hope it is getting better. Don’t be afraid to share your good news with me, I’ll be glad to know that someone who isn’t on the wrong side of the class was is doing better nowadays, and if things do suck for you too let me know. You’ll never find another more sympathetic ear as mine.

Wishing you all well in the trenches of the class war.



(P.S. I’m typing on my cellphone, and since I haven’t paid the bill in months I am on whatever free WiFi I can pick up. I may not respond immediately to comments, but I’ll try to keep up as much as coverage and chance allow.)


Thanksgiving Chill

This Chill Space is dedicated to my sister.  She had surgery yesterday to remove uterine cancer.  It looks like the cancer hasn’t spread (pending biopsy results on the lymph nodes) and she will be completely cured after this surgery & chemo. This is what I am Thankful for today!  

by OTB


PhotobucketIt has been declared that health care must be deficit neutral; and Social Security, Medicare, and other entitlements must be cut or they will destroy the country.   Yet, somehow, there is always ample money for bank bailouts, wars, and tax cuts.  

So as Washington pisses away trillions of our dollars, millions of Americans are experiencing a financial crisis unprecedented by anything since the Great Depression.   And just like Katrina, they are being left to fend for themselves.  


On Giving Thanks The European Way, Or, Freedom: It’s The New Black!

I have a Thanksgiving story for your consumption that has nothing to do with turkeys or pumpkin pie or crazy uncles.

Instead, in an effort to remind you what this holiday can really stand for, we’ll meet some people who are thankful today for simply being free.

It’s a short story today, but an especially touching one, so follow along and we’ll take a little hop across the Atlantic for a trip you should not miss.

An Introduction and a Question

Oh, how to begin this…

I’ve spent a lot of time on DailyKos. Often times, when I find a diary that seems outside of the mainstream progressive movement or contentious, but something I really agree with, there’s a “Crossposted at Docudharma” link in it. That’s what steered me to this site a few months ago. I’ve been reading the site occasionally, then frequently ever since.

not again

I was hoping this would get better. I was hoping for some kind of help or improvement.

This went on for years.

Tonight, I gave up for the last time.

This isn’t some kind of prima donna histrionics.

This is just a final failure of trust.

This is a kind of death. I can’t trust him any more. It’s gone on too long.

And here’s the poem. It’s just history now.

But it’s a good poem. I like this poem. I can find some love in it. But, oh, god. Why do people have to give up on each other? Why is love so often considered irrelevant?

I HATE having to do this, but it’s on the plate.  

I am the Homeless. Please help

Crossposted at Daily Kos

    Because of extenuating circumstances, I now find myself without housing. I will be leaving NY-19 (upstate NY) and goig back to New York City to be staying with friends for the time being, but I would like to solicit your help.

    Problems such as poverty, unemployment and homelessness seem distant and something that doesn’t hit as close to home until they become your problems. With that in mind, I would like to ask for your help in caring for societies less fortunate going into this holiday season, as many of us will nnot be sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner in our own homes with our own families. Many will be going without this Thanksgiving and during the upcoming holiday’s, now more than ever, and I now count myself among them. Therefore, if you can give to the less fortunate, I implore you to do so, but first I ask you to help others even less fortunate than I before I dare to ask you for anything for myself.

Please donate to if you can, anything you can give is very appreciated.

    As for myself, I will explain below the fold.

Hear the Wind Howl

Anybody catch the Country Music Awards tonight?

Me either.

Some random thoughts below the tunes.

Ft Hood; A Tragedy That Was Avoidable

Yes, the Ft. Hood shooting was a tragedy.  Yes, it was an avoidable tragedy.  

It is a story, still emerging, of a man that was harassed for his religious beliefs, that saw a war he would be deployed to a war he didn’t believe in, a war that was characterized by the military in their proselytism of Catholicism, who got to hear one bad story after another, and had nowhere to turn himself.  

The story isn’t so much as one about the man as the system that failed him, making him feel forced to do what he did.  It is a system that has existed for a long time before him and will for a long time after him.

I detailed a similar system in my Daily Kos diary, “Mess Up, Move Up,” written two and a half years ago.

But, there was more to that story.  For the first time, I will document the time I spent in that unit, and, how like at Ft. Hood, I saw a system totally fail…

A Thank You Long Overdue

On Running Away with the Circus

A short essay on gratitude inspired by Diane W’s melancholy ruminations about being a mutant in a world full of ‘bots, which struck an intimately familiar chord in so many of us.

While we were in Chapel Hill last week for Bob Del Tredici’s presentations we got to meet Sue Sturgis of the Institute for Southern Studies, who wrote that excellent article about our long-ago adventures in being and becoming. She told us that the article generated a lot of complaints from the ‘usual suspects’ that have dedicated their ‘bot lives to defending the nuclear beast, yet those complaints included nothing that could have been considered pertinent to the facts we reported to Congress and the NRC way back then and Sue reported to the world in April of this year. In fact, the primary objection to our existence was the entirely predictable lament…

“But they’re just clowns!”

Some shameless fund raising. Okay begging

Cross posted at DK

Good morning;I know this isnt exactly the place for this but I can’t think of a better group of people to ask.  Yep I need some donations.

I’ve joined the largest endurance sports fund raising charity in the world Team In Training, I’m signed up for the New Jersey Marathon on May 2nd 2010 and I need to raise at least $2,100

Follow me below the fold.

Battle Fatigue

Open Thread…?

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