Author's posts
Mar 25 2011
One down, four to go?

Ever since this story re-surfaced on Monday with the der speigel thing, Ive been reading and searching for the details that will give me more of a Big Picture view as well as more facts of the matter. It aint easy, lotta ugly.
But there’s one surprise.
I’m not 100% certain that I have it right, but … well, okay I admit it. Maybe I’m just a sap, a sucker, a bleeding heart liberal, a naive hopeful vulnerable peaceloving DFH flower power peacenik heart on my sleeve bleeder. …
I want to tell you about this one “starfish” in this godawful mess.: Specialist Adam Winfield. And that I support him.
In war, truth is the first casualty.
Aeschylus, Greek tragic dramatist (525 BC – 456 BC)
A simple and essential truth appears to be that Spc. Adam Winfield has been wronged. He is accused of the May 2010 murder of an Afghani civilian. In fact, he tried, (and failed obviously), to blow the whistle in Feb 2010 on his squad-mates. Follow below for more.
Jan 18 2011
My country,’ tis of thee,
Ya know how sometimes you’re just driving in your car, thinking, and you see something out of the corner of your eye, you’re supposed to be paying attention, ya know, you’re driving, but it’s a Stop Sign and you glance over to the right and you see a “hobo” (okay homeless man, but the kids call ’em hobo’s) takin’ a swig off his jug of MadDog and its noon and his shopping cart and his dog are just waiting there patiently beside him, and you’re driving so you can’t really look and you don’t really wanna look but you do and it just… All… Hits you … all at once. And all you really want to do is just curl up into the fetal position and cry.
But you’re driving. There’s no cars coming so you proceed through the little intersection in your little corner of your little section of town in your big city and you just. keep. going.
But somehow you find yourself inexplicably…. singing:
My country,’ tis of thee,
sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing;
land where my fathers died,
land of the pilgrims’ pride,
from every mountainside let freedom ring!
No? That never happens to you? Well. That’s what happened to me today.
What have we come to? How could we have allowed this to happen?
My country. My people. Who are we?
And who have we become?
Jan 18 2011
My country,’ tis of thee,
Ya know how sometimes you’re just driving in your car, thinking, and you see something out of the corner of your eye, you’re supposed to be paying attention, ya know, you’re driving, but it’s a Stop Sign and you glance over to the right and you see a “hobo” (okay homeless man, but the kids call ’em hobo’s) takin’ a swig off his jug of MadDog and its noon and his shopping cart and his dog are just waiting there patiently beside him, and you’re driving so you can’t really look and you don’t really wanna look but you do and it just… All… Hits you … all at once. And all you really want to do is just curl up into the fetal position and bawl.
But you’re driving. There’s no cars coming so you proceed through the little intersection in your little corner of your little section of town in your big city and you just. keep. going.
But somehow you find yourself inexplicably…. singing:
My country,’ tis of thee,
sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing;
land where my fathers died,
land of the pilgrims’ pride,
from every mountainside let freedom ring!
No? That never happens to you? Well. That’s what happened to me today.
What have we come to? How could we have allowed this to happen?
My country. My people. Who are we?
And who have we become?
Jan 18 2011
My country,’ tis of thee,
Ya know how sometimes you’re just driving in your car, thinking, and you see something out of the corner of your eye, you’re supposed to be paying attention, ya know, you’re driving, but it’s a Stop Sign and you glance over to the right and you see a “hobo” (okay homeless man, but the kids call ’em hobo’s) takin’ a swig off his jug of MadDog and its noon and his shopping cart and his dog are just waiting there patiently beside him, and you’re driving so you can’t really look and you don’t really wanna look but you do and it just… All… Hits you … all at once. And all you really want to do is just curl up into the fetal position and bawl.
But you’re driving. There’s no cars coming so you proceed through the little intersection in your little corner of your little section of town in your big city and you just. keep. going.
But somehow you find yourself inexplicably…. singing:
My country,’ tis of thee,
sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing;
land where my fathers died,
land of the pilgrims’ pride,
from every mountainside let freedom ring!
No? That never happens to you? Well. That’s what happened to me today.
What have we come to? How could we have allowed this to happen?
My country. My people. Who are we?
And who have we become?
Jan 12 2011
the Destiny of a Nation
It was a creed written into the founding documents that declared the destiny of a nation.
Yes we can.
Excuse me folks, I’m having a moment.
Dec 14 2010
Oh I was gonna say something
Love love love love love love love love
but the embed is fighting me. grrrr. lol.
Here lets try this one.
ah that’s better. sheesh.
Dec 02 2010
Please note: patience is not one of my virtues…heh.
SPECIAL NOTE: a small announcement: I will be hosting another Party here Friday night… same bat time same bat channel.
I. Animal / Spirit Totems
So, in my last Friday Night Party essay (the DD Rummage Sale) I popped a Poll in there. It was almost an afterthought, certainly spur of the moment… but I felt inspired to add it there, not really knowing what kind of response it would get. What the heck, I thought.
The concept of Animal/Spirit totems is one of those trendy things that I happen to like a lot. Even though I usually hate trendy things. So… I figured I’d embellish & explore a bit more here, after the jump.
So what do you imagine is your totem?
Nov 30 2010
like minds roll call
Nov 28 2010
Idiosyncrasies: Dragon’ s Head
Sunday, Nov 28 2010 Note: This is a Draft Rescue. FWIW. I started it months ago and never got back to it. (Procrastinate much? moi??) It’s really just a little ditty. Decided to go ahead and publish it, more to clean out my Draft Folder as much as anything. I’m in purge mode these days. ~LL
I got plenty. I don’t know where I come up with some of these, I swear. But it’s entertaining sometimes. heh.
… the Dragon’s Head …
Nov 24 2010
Lions and Tigers Oh My
a quickie … Leo… nice
Save Tigers Now is a global campaign by World Wildlife Fund and Leonardo DiCaprio.
Our goal is to build political, financial and public support to double the number of wild tigers by 2022, the next Year of the Tiger.
Nov 23 2010
well there it is

Chris Hedges yesterday… just go read the whole thing. Jeebuz.
There is no hope left for achieving significant reform or restoring our democracy through established mechanisms of power. The electoral process has been hijacked by corporations. The judiciary has been corrupted and bought. The press shuts out the most important voices in the country and feeds us the banal and the absurd. Universities prostitute themselves for corporate dollars. Labor unions are marginal and ineffectual forces. The economy is in the hands of corporate swindlers and speculators. And the public, enchanted by electronic hallucinations, remains passive and supine. We have no tools left within the power structure in our fight to halt unchecked corporate pillage.
All reform movements, from the battle for universal health care to the struggle for alternative energy and sane environmental controls to financial regulation to an end to our permanent war economy, have run into this new, terrifying configuration of power. They have confronted an awful truth. We do not count. And they have been helpless to respond as those who are most skilled in the manipulation of hate lead a confused populace to call for their own enslavement.