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The coming AO of these Present Wars of Choice

And you’ll never guess just what they found in that dust!!!!

Iraq, Kuwait dust may carry dangerous elements

MC2 Ace Rheaume / Navy Builder 2nd Class Eric Clark, assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 5, is caught in a sandstorm May 4 at Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan. A Navy study suggests that dust from Afghanistan contains metals that may cause respiratory problems and brain damage.

FINALLY: VooDoo Economics!!

It’s about Damn Time somebody not only talks about but uses the labels of the failure of this so called capitalist system that did what it was long forecast it would, “Collapse”!!!!!

One of the many reasons it lasted this long, up till the beginning of the new century {I was in construction, now forced into retirement} and those like myself who were paying attention saw the collapse coming, it was getting harder for developers to find the cash for projects long before the residential collapse, was the easy credit schemes cooked up by the banks and others.

ReFrame Wealthy Tax Cuts to Reality – The Wars

Many profited off these two long running occupations and still do. Wall Street brokers and the brokerage houses, Bankers! Wall Street investors directly or indirectly, you invest, especially big investors, you invest with those making steady profits and War is a steady profit making endeavor! The lobbyist of modern times especially for the Corporate Lobbyist! The Washington so called think tanks and especially those running them! Sadly many of the Military and Veterans organization charities especially those running them or on the boards of and companies doing business with them! And many more reaped huge wealth, no bid contractors, mercenary armies that grew, the list can go on and on!

These tax cuts were brought on and signed into existence as we started and waged two invasions and occupations and those continue, as does the profits and wealth from!!

Happy Thanksgiving for Many Veterans? Not!!

And while this just below is happening, money also drying up for Military Help orgs. as well as Veterans orgs. {more on that below this first report}, we get the Pampered Class, Majority of America {need the forgetful keep being reminded that over 70% supported the leaving Afghanistan and the invasion of Iraq, those in that entire region need no reminding!}, whining about the security they helped create the need for, most being of the cheering crowds of these failed wars of choice and loss of personal security under those who ordered it all, even the (T) {tepublicans} in congress, embedded or the new coming in, are speaking out against the TSA!!!!

Oil Spill’s Unlicensed Engineers

My oh my, and to think that all one apparently needs is that higher education industry mill piece of paper, when if a tradesman performs any work and gets caught without being licensed all hell breaks lose, Especially if something goes wrong!!

Uncalculated Risks

Vietnam Conflict Over? Not By A Long Shot!

And you may be living real close to more then one ‘enemy’, though was once a great allie of ours, weapons of mass destruction that lingers on today!

After Vietnam the country made a collective “We will never forget the mistakes!” statement than quickly moved on, forgetting everything as to the lessons of guerilla insurgent warfare, the why those invaded and occupied fight back, the results of War, Everything, even the Military who’ve shown in these two modern Wars of Choice, Afghanistan stopped being anything about 9/11 with the drums beat pointed at Iraq and us Not keeping the promise of helping them rebuild, after we rid the country of a brutal regime and international criminal terrorist and stopped going after them, just ask the bush, he even stated he stpped even thinking about bin Laden.

FOX and TEA Speakers Don’t Get Paid Much??

I posted the following in an open thread, over at KOS, last night, it’s a local report about another hypocritical grifter trying, apparently, to get on that gravy train of the rush, beck, palin types. He’s either not succeeding or he’s lyin, which would be typical and going along with the grifter con, hitting the easy marks and reaping that wealth.

I’ll add a few more lines to what I posted, why?, well it’s still getting local play, caught it this morning, and this guy apparently needs more press exposure. My duty to help him out so he can make more ‘grifting’.

War Court vs. Civilian Trial

Well what do ya know, Justice {Civilian Courts} still works in the U.S.! Another of the Gitmo detainee’s, only this one went to trial, was found that the U.S. Government didn’t have much evidence of his guilt. Same for the hundreds let go after years being held and most likely tortured after the bush admin picked them off the streets or wherever and whisked them away to other countries prisons, so the U.S. could denie the torture, and to Guantanamo and held incommunicado from the outside world, human rights, defense of charges and any evidence of what they were charged with!

The Secret Transfer of Nuclear Materials

START {Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty} needs to be restarted, which was totally scrapped in the previous administration and republican congresses, and vigorously negotiated, with total common sense goals, to rid the planet of these Weapons of Total Mass Destruction!!

U.S., Kazakhstan complete secret transfer of nuclear materials

Discussion After Premier of “Wartorn 1861 – 2010”

DCoE – Defense Centers of Excellence

11 November 2010 – Military leaders, vets discuss invisible wounds of war and getting help after viewing HBO documentary about PTSD

HBO’s Wartorn 1861 – 2010

Rachel and Jon

Watching/Listening to this Stewart needs to go and watch and read All of what’s been coming out of the Inquiries into the Iraq War, as well as during and in the now, especially the Brit Inquiry. He’s spinning the hawks lines in this interview without caring about the Facts that have just proven what millions were saying as that administration were doing. While no criminal charges will come directly out of these inquiries the testimonies are now the record and can and will be used by others for possible criminal charges, We Hope!  

On This Veterans Day 2010

{Click on banner to view the trailer, film clips and more}

Veterans Day 2010: “Caring for the invisible wounds”

{This video is some twenty two minutes long so you might want to visit the stories, links below, at the Pittsburgh Post Gazette and view each separately as you have the time}

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