When Navy SEAL Robert Guzzo returned from Iraq, he feared seeking treatment for PTSD would endanger his career. The Fold devotes today’s show to telling his story.
Tag: ptsd
Jun 23 2011
Brit Inquiry: Veterans and One Result of Wars
Not adding anything, no need, been saying for over a decade now and most folks just move on, “what on reality tv tonight”, without a thought unless something comes up about, like a speech about by the President, complain about and then wonder about things like “what’s that grifter from Alaska up to today”, hint: wanna know visit huff post.
Jun 15 2011
Just Some of ‘Lessons of War’ Not Learned!!
And now we’re over a decade of oh so many lessons not learned and in not one but two theaters of with a third front being bombed and invaded right next door to one of the two and joined with NATO in bombing another that the previous administration had brought the leader of back into the fold after years of calling him a terrorists supporter and supporting terrorists criminal acts!
Nov 13 2010
Discussion After Premier of “Wartorn 1861 – 2010”
Nov 11 2010
On This Veterans Day 2010
Oct 06 2010
North Wales MP’s – U.S. Veterans Courts – PTSD – Justice
An important report on a Europeans review of Veterans, U.S. Veterans Courts, PTSD and Justice and Help for!
This is the type of lead the rest of the World used to look to the U.S. for, we were never perfected but working that way, and many here were once so good at it. Sadly this issue is another that comes out of our recent failed policies of destruction and terror waged on others, DeJa-Vu all over again. But shows that those who deplored our actions recently, and have been turning their backs to us in many area’s including economic, are finding some of the old America and it’s once Leadership Role in the World Community as we try to rebuild what we’ve lost and move back in the right direction!!
Sep 19 2010
“My report was too hot to broadcast”
DeJa-Vu all over again, and again, and again……………………..that’s what hell on earth, War, especially those of choice because eventually everyone knows that truth and reality even the deniers, Is!
Word is Michael is suffering from severe PTSD after his many years of reporting In-Theaters, both, that had finally caught up to him with all he’s seen, reported on and as this report says especially didn’t report, or couldn’t.
Sep 08 2010
Threatened to Kill Obama and Clinton
Add another in the growing list of extremely tragic, luckily no one was hurt in this potential deadly incident, and potentially leading to more that the Hate Rhetoric and Actions are bringing forth!
Jul 29 2010
Military Stress: Army Releases Report on Suicide Prevention
I just can’t think of anything more to add, as not only myself but many others have stated over and over thousands of times in these years, to the three reports and link to the study then are stated within them!
This is a 10MB, 370page pdf download, you can visit the Army site by click the graphic or the link.
Army Health Promotion, Risk Reduction and Suicide Prevention Report
July 29, 2010 With suicides at an all-time high, the U.S. Army released a report today blaming “a permissive unit environment” for high risk behavior.
“For some, the rigors of service, repeated deployment, injuries and separations from family resulted in a sense of isolation, hopelessness and life fatigue,” Army Vice Chief of Staff Peter Chiarelli says in a letter accompanying the report.
Jul 16 2010
Extremely Sad but not Unexpected News
Record number of Army suicides in June
7/15/2010 Officials have been grappling with how to identify, treat soldiers at risk
The U.S. Army on Thursday reported a record number of suicides in a single month among active duty, Guard and Reserve troops, despite an aggressive program of counseling, training and education aimed at suicide prevention.
Suicides for the first half of the year are up 12 percent over 2009. In June, 32 soldiers are believed to have committed suicide, including 21 on active duty.
The June report came as the Army also released a 20-minute training video on suicide prevention titled, “Shoulder to Shoulder – I will never quit on life.” Continued
Jun 27 2010
National PTSD Awareness Day Arrives
This is going to be short.
Meant to inform of this day, to send you to one extremely dedicated individuals own post, to hopefully send some to search out even more {if you haven’t followed the real issues}, for the trolls who won’t see these issues on conservative blogs or news? sites, and we probably won’t hear a peep on any of the Sunday Morning empty blab shows or news outlets.
Jun 05 2010
HONORING THE FALLEN: US Military KIA, Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan – May 2010
Honoring the fallen in Afghanistan
Staff Sgt. Rachel Martinez, USAF Photo by SSgt. Matt Davis, USAF NTM-A31 May 2010 As the sun set over Camp Eggers on Memorial Day, hundreds of coalition members gathered to pay tribute to comrades lost in battle – not just U.S. fallen heroes, but fallen heroes from every nation.
During the coalition memorial remembrance ceremony, service members who gave their life in support of Operation Enduring Freedom were honored with a moment of silence and a roll call of their names during a candlelight ceremony.
“Those that have given their last full measure for this mission are as varied as those that serve here today,” said Army Lt. Gen. William Caldwell IV, NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan and Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan commanding general. “Privates to chief warrant officers to lieutenant colonels – from the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Canada, Latvia, the United States and from Afghanistan – they are members of all services, from National Guard, Reserve and Active components.”
While many countries have their own dedicated day set aside to remember the fallen members of their armed forces, special effort was made to include all coalition countries into the Memorial Day remembrance as a sign of the joint effort and sacrifice happening in Afghanistan. Representatives of many coalition nations were present at the ceremony, raising flags, lighting candles and paying their respects. Continued