Tag: Dennis Kucinich

The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. the legacy remembered, the message that should not be forgotten

From Dennis Kucinich’s campaign site: http://www.dennis4president.co…

Kucinich wins presidential endorsement from key Mexican American organization and more! w/poll

From Dennis’ campaign site site:

Kucinich wins presidential endorsement from key Mexican American organization

Ohio Congressman and Democratic Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich gained a significant endorsement today from the Mexican American Political Association (MAPA), a progressive advocacy organization based in California and well known for its work in the areas of civil and human rights.

For Progressives: It’s time to back the real Progressive in the race!

According to CBS news, Hillary Clinton has won the Nevada Caucuses. Not that there’s any surprise in that, since she and Obama were seen as the true possible winners most of the way through. No, Nevada’s just telling us what we’ve known all along. The big two media darlings are going to be the front runners. Let’s look at the results:

Clinton – 54%, Obama – 45%, Edwards – 4%

New Hampshire Recount Day 3: 1st 100 Vote Difference and Totals w/poll

Day three of the New Hampshire Democratic Recount, called for and paid for the the Dennis Kucinich campaign, has some interesting anomalies.  We have our first 100 vote change in a ward for a candidate.  We also have the running totals for the candidates!

New Hampshire Recount Continues: One Big Vote Anomaly So Far! w/poll

The New Hampshire recount is continuing.  The Democratic recount, paid for by the Dennis Kucinich campagin, is further along than the Republican recount.  So far, it looks as though the counting was pretty good, although there are changes in almost all of the wards counted.

New Hampshire Recount: Already worth it! w/poll

The New Hampshire Primary recount started yesterday.  Paid for by the Dennis Kucinich campaign, the recount may or may not show a change of the winner of the event.  Even so, after one day, we’ve found enough out to be able to say that the recount is worth every penny!

Give the Candidates the MLK Test w/poll!

On the day after his birthday celebration, and with the argument over his legacy going on amongst the big two Democratic candidates, perhaps it’s a good time to look at how MLKjr might look upon the Democratic candidates.

Let the New Hampshire recount begin! Nevada SC rules against Dennis: The corps win again! w/poll

As we know, election integrity has been a talking point for the Democrats since the debacle in Florida in 2000.  And it reared it’s head in 2004 with the debacle in Ohio.  Now, in 2008, it’s popped up in New Hampshire.

Dennis wins suit: Here’s why NBC/GE want him off the stage!

NBC/GE is holding a presidential debate in Nevada tomorrow, January 15, 2008!  They had invited four candidates to the event, as all of them had met NBC/GE’s criteria for the event.  The four candidates were to be JE, HRC, BO and DK!

If you want Universal Health Care, vote Kucinich!

And so we see the field narrowing again!  John Edwards appears to be on CNN’s not viable list.  My advice to Edwards and his supporters:  Be like my candidate, Dennis Kucinich!  Fight the bastards every step of the way.  And while your at it, embrace Dennis’ call for Universal Health Care!  ðŸ™‚

The ONLY reason you would oppose a recount

Any time anybody gives me a marching order, without any reasons why, my first instinct is to ask “why?”

When that person responds “Because I said so,” it tends to rub me the wrong way to say the least.

That approach doesn’t even work with my five year old, and it sure as heck doesn’t work with anybody but authority-lovers like Fundie Christians.

Yet that’s what we’re supposed to swallow from the likes of Kos and his little bully “enforcer” DHinMI over at Dailykos.

“Oppose a recount in New Hampshire BECAUSEE WE SAID SO” is what they’re saying over there.  Do they really think that’s gonna work?

And the reason it’s really suspect:  Why would you oppose something that would ultimately PROVE THAT YOU ARE RIGHT?

Classy: NBC disinvites Dennis Kucinich to 1/15 debate after publicly inviting him! w/poll

Well, the big three only supporters have their wish.  The January 15 debate will now be a three centerist candidate confab!

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