Tag: racism

Glenn Beck; Race Relationships or Health Care Reform

Glenn Beck calls Obama racist

Americans may recall, it began with a Sweet aside and grew into a [Glenn Beck] beckon.  Now, the stage is set.  The audience is explosive.  Words of woe are shouted from every hall.  For more than a month the media has given rise to the troublesome message.  The reason for health care reform; the Obama Administration yearns to provide a platform for “stealth reparations.”

Utopia 14: Monument

If you want people to get nothing done, convince them they are on one side of something. —Carolyn Casey

“My hats off to Glenn Beck” says Dobbs, except by hat, he means hood

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Beck:     “This guy (President Obama), is, I believe, a racist.”

Dobbs:     “And there’s Van Jones saying, “Well, you know, you said something I don’t like, so what are we gonna do? We’ll just attack your sponsors.” That didn’t work out so shiny for him, did it? So, by the way, I gotta say hats off to Glenn Beck for having the guts to stand up to this.”

     More commentary, a transcript, and my civil rights friendly boot up Lou Dobbs keister below the fold.

Just call him a N!&&ER and get it over with, Republicans. We ALL KNOW that’s what you mean

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Diarist’s note: I apologize for the N-bomb. I am a white male and take offense to that term as well, but as we are all ADULTS (unlike the GOP and the far right base) we should be able to discuss all matters as adults, and that means discussing any and all matters within reason.

    I imagine that every young African American who is denied the opportunity to see and hear the first African American President in America’s long, proud and sad history on the first day of the school year will undoubtably guess sooner or later; “Is it because he is black? And if so, do they feel the same way about me?”

     And my answer to that hypothetical question is Yes. It is because he is black.

     President Barack Obama, who won the Presidency in a free and fair election by the American people despite claims to the contrary, has been called a Secret Muslim, a terrorist, a Kenyan, a socialist, a Nazi, a fascist, an Authoritarian, a despot, a dictator, a liar, a crook, a crony, a cheat, a racist and a reverse racist, he has been called everything but the one word that we know is behind all of the others and is on the tip of his most rabid opponenets tongues; A N—–.

    “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country, unless the President is Black!”

    I paraphrase, of course, the late and great President John F. Kennedy, who died at the hands of an assassins bullet after being demonized by the far right and it’s John Birch Society conspiracy theory cranks.

    Of course, if these words were spoken then by an African American President, well, that would have never happened. African Americans were barely citizens, barely had the right to vote or sit in a white man’s restaurant, let alone run for or win the Presidency, but one could imagine that if an African American President at the time had said the same quote as JFK, it would be followed by the Republican addendum, unless the President is Black!”.

    In only 7 months, 7 Damned Months we have seen the following blatant acts of racism and race baiting by the Republican party, and not once, NOT ONCE, has a single adult among them stood up and said ENOUGH OF THIS, I WILL NOT ALLOW IT.

    Not once.

more evidence of the obvious below the fold.

Maxine Waters, class act, on GOP racism: “Let them define themselves, let them reveal who they are.

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    Last night on Countdown, Keith Olbermann and Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA35) discussed overt Republican racism {specifically her colleauge Rep Lynn Jenkins (Racist-KS2) call for a Republican Great White Hope to thwart the obviosly not white President Obama.}

    As Keith Olbermann so eloquently put it regarding Rep. Jenkins half assed, half apology.

KO:     “The old conditional apology. It’s your fault if you’re offended that an active politician in 2009 should use the most demeaning of racist phrases, vintage 1909.”

    Following that nail on the head statement, Keith defers to Congresswoman Maxine Waters, whom I deeply respect, and can only imagine what it must feel like to be in her shoes, or any other member of the African American caucus in the Democratic party. I would say the same of African American republicans in congress if there actually were any African American republicans in congress, but I digress.

    More, and a transcript of Representative Waters’s response below the fold.

Is CNBC a co-conspirator in inciting violence?

TPM has a story that needs to get out:


Tea Baggers are hoping for a literal “riot” at an upcoming town hall event, in order to create a spectacle for CNBC’s cameras. And the event will be hosted by a Democratic congressman who this week had a swastika painted on a sign outside his district office.

Yesterday, Tea Party Patriots national coordinator Jenny Beth Martin sent an email, obtained by TPMmuckraker, to a Tea Party google group. Martin told the group: “We have a media request for an event this week that will have lots of energy and lots of anger. This is for CNBC.”


Later that day, a Tea Bagger named Pat Wayman responded with a suggestion, also obtained by TPMmuckraker: “This one should be a riot! literally….” he wrote.

Wayman then posted information for an upcoming town hall meeting hosted by Rep. David Scott (D-GA).

So, if this is true, CNBC is asking Teabaggers to create a riot or near riot so they will have good footage and their right wing TV personalities can play Glenn Beck.  If it is true.

There are at least two things that CNBC/GE Legal really should look at: (1) Potential criminal liability as a co-conspirator if any laws are broken; (2) Potential civil liability for any personal injury or property damage under joint and several liability principles.  

WTF is all I can say.  GE needs to rein in CNBC before someone is hurt.

Obama is a monkey/nazi says Lobbyists behind teabagger movement

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Seriously, these are the grassrootsy guys.

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   The plaster the founding fathers and claim 1st amerndment rights. The problem isn’t their first Amendment rights, but how they use these images to influence the easily deceived to act against their own interests and in favor of special interests.

  Free speech is not a problem until special interests try to buy up yours.

   Meet the kings of phony astroturfed protest groups opposing change, reform, President Obama and whatever else you got except free market ideology and cutting taxes (for the rich).

   How do Joe The Plumber, racism, Republicans, Nazis, Ron Paul supporters, NWO CT theorists, ACORN CT theories, teabaggers, Oil industry insiders, free market advocates and health care opponents all tie in together?


   No. Only professionals are capable of this sort of co-ordination.

   The stupidity is just icing on the home made Entenmann’s cake.

Much more on this below the fold.

The RW’s thinly coded call for assassination. Call it what it is, TERRORISM

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   The lesson we should learn from Dr. Tiller’s murder is that if someone is demonized enough in the mass media, some crazy person will try to kill them.

   Marabout40 has an excellant RecListed diary at Dkos titled Thank You Rachel Maddow & Frank Schaeffer!. Within that diary there is a video featuring Frank Schaeffer which I strongly suggest that you watch. In that video Mr. Schaeffer is quoted as saying :

    “Their coded message to their own lunatic fringe is very simple, ‘Go for broke’


    [It is} literally leaving a loaded gun on the table, saying ‘The first person who wants to use this, go ahead’

   I do not wish to fear monger, but I genuinely fear for our President, and our Democracy.

American Dumbass

With all that is so terribly wrong in this sordid and rapidly decomposing empire the amount of fixation on the White House ‘Beer Summit’ offers a crystal clear glimpse through the looking glass at WHY we are all fucked. The media fueled racial circus of the story of the rogue cop James Crowley and Professor Henry A. Gates led to yesterday’s sit down with The Pope of Hope and the V.P. from the Usury State over a few beers in a symbolic conference that was given the importance of say The Yalta Conference. In our cheapened, dumbed-down, busted-flat in Baton Rouge and fucked up the ass with no lube by the oligarchy lemming colony it’s media manufactured horseshit like this that gives me zero hope that anything will ever be fixed in my lifetime. With healthcare reform pretty much dead other than the certainty that the insurance corporations will be rolling in the dough from the coming mandated coverage, the wars still raging and the phony recovery setting up millions of suckers for the next fleecing it’s drivel like this that serves as news.

Oh and Michael Jackson is still dead.

K K Konservatives intimidate Democrat over health care by hanging him in effigy

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    A group called “Patients First,” a project of the lobbyist-funded Americans for Prosperity, has been going around the country and hosting tea parties in opposition to “government-run health care.”


    Yesterday, AFP decided to hold a protest in front of the offices of Democratic Rep. Frank Kratovil’s (D-MD1) office. Despite the fact that Rep. Kratovil has yet to take a stance for or against health care reform, the AFP protesters felt it would be appropriate to voice their concerns by hanging him in effigy.

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    And I thought calling the Congressman or writing him was the best way to influence his opinion! I didn’t know this was an option.

    It’s not an option, of course, unless you have lost your mind or you are a hate mongering sociopath.

    Now, if I were Rep. Kratovil, I would vote for health care reform just to spite this proto-lynch mob.

    Unfortunately, I am not he, and I don’t know how Congressman Kratovil will respond to this.

    This is not the first time a Democratic Politician has been threatened with hanging by voices empathetic to the GOP. Recently Sam Joe The Plumber the Propaganda machine suggested that someone should String up Senator Chris Dodd.

    And then of course there are the tea baggers, the Obama is a socialists, the Obama is a fascists, the Obama is a Kenyan, and on, and on, and on.

    This is not Democracy of We The People. This is not the rule of law decided by fair elections. This is how to intimidate citizens through threats of violence. This is the rule of mob.

   I do not know if the goal is to threaten Kravotil into opposing Health Care reform or if these tea baggers are just so mindlessly hateful and violent that this is the only way they can express themselves. I honestly do not know what the fuck these clowns are thinking when they do this kind of shit.

   But I do know what the goal is. The goal is to use threats of violence to achieve their political means.

   And that is the definition of terrorism.

   So when is the line in the sand drawn? When do We The People who voted for NotTheGOP put our foot down and say ENOUGH to these Corporatist psychotic brownshirts?


CNN Pres: Birther coverage “Legit”, MSNBC Pres: Birthers “Racist”. Okay, so how about Buchanan?

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  It’s official. CNN is FOXlite

    On Friday, the Southern Poverty Law Center called on CNN to fire Dobbs for trading in “racist conspiracy theories.” And some of Dobbs’ staff at CNN have told him and network executives that they are uncomfortable with his persistent focus on the story.

    Klein defended Dobbs, saying that the host’s treatment of the so-called “birther” movement has been “legitimate.”


    Does this guy even watch his own network? Or does he just prefer to let Dobbs’s xenophobic McCarthyistic mania masquerade as objective journalism?

Dr. David McKalip: Right Wing Fiend of the Week

Why is it that every freak in America tends to gravitate to the state of Florida, the diseased penis of America? The latest example of the deranged assholes that are attracted to this goddamned state is one Dr. David McKalip who is now bathing in the tub of shit that is his ten minutes of fame for being outed as the provider of a racist picture of Barack Obama which is the one on display above. Seems that his email was intercepted and leaked to TPM Muckraker and the Orange Satan. When reached for comment by the dastardly librul media McKalip invoked the standard defense of “I am not a racist” which is right up there with Limbaugh’s “bone in the nose” or any of the rest of the cant spewed by these sort of diseased vermin. I would bet the rent that he is one of the deranged “birthers” too.

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