Tag: Idiocracy

The Pledge of Allegiance: The Real Indoctrination

The unhinged dregs of American society that are the Birthers, Birchers, Deathers, Jesus Juicers and assorted other rabid dogs of the far right have had their star spangled panties in a wad over the dreaded brown-skinned devil’s ‘indoctrination’ speech to the nation’s school children. Now it is lost on these increasingly strident and violent morons that there is absolutely nothing either Communist or Socialist in Obama’s bailing out of the Wall Street casinos with tax dollars, the escalation of an increasingly bloody and futile quagmire in Afghanistan and the coming selling down the river of the nation’s uninsured for the benefit of the insurance industry parasites so why even bother with the REAL indoctrination going on in classrooms. The Pledge of Allegiance.

American Dumbass

With all that is so terribly wrong in this sordid and rapidly decomposing empire the amount of fixation on the White House ‘Beer Summit’ offers a crystal clear glimpse through the looking glass at WHY we are all fucked. The media fueled racial circus of the story of the rogue cop James Crowley and Professor Henry A. Gates led to yesterday’s sit down with The Pope of Hope and the V.P. from the Usury State over a few beers in a symbolic conference that was given the importance of say The Yalta Conference. In our cheapened, dumbed-down, busted-flat in Baton Rouge and fucked up the ass with no lube by the oligarchy lemming colony it’s media manufactured horseshit like this that gives me zero hope that anything will ever be fixed in my lifetime. With healthcare reform pretty much dead other than the certainty that the insurance corporations will be rolling in the dough from the coming mandated coverage, the wars still raging and the phony recovery setting up millions of suckers for the next fleecing it’s drivel like this that serves as news.

Oh and Michael Jackson is still dead.

Planet Shit Dispatch: American Idiot Edition

You know who is bitter in America? I am. Because shit-kickers voted twice for a retarded guy they wanted to have a beer with, and everybody else had to suffer the consequences!

-Bill Maher

The bubba vote? What a fucking hoot! Newsweek magazine just continues to amaze in their increasingly successful quest to become America’s predominant tabloid shitrag. This week’s cover story is laughingly entitled Obama’s Bubba Gap and flogs the latest Clinton slime machine storyline that the magical mulatto empty suit is failing to attract the same dumb motherfucker demographic who were largely responsible for giving us the eight year running pox on western civilization that is the George W. Bush soft dictatorship.