Tag: racism

Why stop at “Race War”, Rush? Tell us how you REALLY feel

“[T]he race war among Democrats continues — even though Obama won”


   Why stop at “Race War”, Rush?

   Why not go farther, like class war?

   Oh, but if we were to unite the have nots against the millionaires, it would be over pretty quick, huh Rush?

   Yeah, been there, done that for the last 200 years.

    Crossposted at Daily Kos

Dozens of US Military personnel spotted on Nazi networking site

From the tech site BoingBoing

“The Southern Poverty Law Center, a hate-group watchdog organization based in Alabama, will present documentation to Congress on Friday about the presence of active duty military personnel on the white supremacist social networking site newsaxon.org. On that website, SLPC spotted 40 users who claim to be serving in the military, an apparent violation of Pentagon regulations prohibiting racist extremism in the ranks….”


“Unfair to Crazy Conspiracy Theories”

Simulposted at http://www.dailykos.com/story/…

    Given this contempt for hard science, I’m almost reluctant to mention the deniers’ dishonesty on matters economic. But in addition to rejecting climate science, the opponents of the climate bill made a point of misrepresenting the results of studies of the bill’s economic impact, which all suggest that the cost will be relatively low.

    Still, is it fair to call climate denial a form of treason? Isn’t it politics as usual?

    Yes, it is – and that’s why it’s unforgivable.

    Do you remember the days when Bush administration officials claimed that terrorism posed an “existential threat” to America, a threat in whose face normal rules no longer applied? That was hyperbole – but the existential threat from climate change is all too real.


MSNBC supports white supremacists unless they fire this man

Crossposted at http://www.dailykos.com/story/…

What does Pat Buchanan have to do to get fired from MSNBC, show up to work in a white sheet?

    Yes, Virginia, there is a white supremacist on MSNBC.

    His name is Pat Buchanan.

    Some of Pat Buchanan’s previous statements include these quotes.

    “Take a hard look at Duke’s portfolio of winning issues and expropriate those not in conflict with GOP principles, [such as] reverse discrimination against white folks.”


    And yes, that is David Duke whom Pat is referring to.

    Sadly, that is just the beginning, and it barely even scratches the surface.

    At the bottom of this diary there are e-mail addresses where you can demand that this racist hack be given das boot for the hateful bile he spews forth, bile which has no place in 2009 or America in any year.

KATV, Channel 7 in Little Rock, is back at it.

KATV is back with racist comments.  They just do not stop.  Here are a few from tonight.

Poster jethrobodine, and I assure that is the name that this person has chosen, says,  

Another crime in crime bluff. This place has become the dung hole of Arkansas.  Its mostly filled with racist people who have no respect for anyone but there race.  Three main businesses in Crime Bluff is Paper Mill,railroad and drugs.  Im sure this guy was probably killed because of drugs.

Police are to scared to do anything they let these thugs run around and do anything. They cuss everywhere in public and act like animals and get in your way because your white.

I will not even try to correct the numerous spelling, grammar, and syntax mistakes.  Those are in addition to not making any sense in the first place.

Here is another one from the same poster.

You either never been to Pine Bluff or are like them.  You dont know what racist is till you step in Pine Bluff.  A pack of wild animals act better than the majority in that town. That is a FACT!!!!

This person does not seem to have a very good grasp of the English language.

I have sent another warning to KATV, but that operation seems not to care.  It is not a peer reviewed site, so only the folks who own it tend to the comments.  That tells use something.

Warmest regards,


KATV, Channel 7 in Little Rock, Promotes Racism

I read a comment by a very offensive person the day before yesterday and wrote KATV, Channel 7, in Little Rock, Arkansas to complain about rank racism, with the racist words, on their site.  I got no reply to my email address, except for “news updates”.

This same commentator is back tonight, and I will reproduce the entire story and his comments.  I believe that Fair Use protects us here, since this blatant racism is news in and of itself.

Here is the KATV story.

Plumerville Officer Shot, Killed

posted 06/19/09 6:12 pm

Plumerville – A Conway newspaper says it has confirmed the name of at least one person being held in connection with the shooting death of a Plumerville police officer Friday morning.

According to Conway’s Log Cabin Democrat, 22-year-old Shane Ashton Lonix of 19 Rolling Pine Cove, Conway, was being held Friday morning at the Faulkner County Detention Facility on suspicion of capital murder. The newspaper said the information was obtained through an FCSO jail intake report.

Officer Joseph C. “Joey” Cannon, was shot after he pulled over a stolen pickup truck on U.S. Highway 64 in Conway County on Friday morning. A Conway County Sheriff’s spokesman says Cannon was shot one time in the chest, but was able to return fire. (Scene Video)

State police spokesman Bill Sadler confirmed that the driver and passenger in the vehicle had both been caught, and that a weapon was recovered. The truck, which police say was stolen in Pulaski County, was taken into evidence. Sadler says the driver was caught while fleeing on foot in Mayflower, and officers captured the passenger near the scene of the shooting.

Say It On 7:

Click Here to Comment on this Story

Conway County authorities could not confirm that Lonix is suspected in Friday’s murder. The identity of the truck’s passenger, who was being held this morning in a Conway County facility, has not been released.

Lonix was also wanted for violating the conditions of parole stemming from a hot check conviction.

Plumerville Mayor Ed Paladino says Cannon was a police officer in the city for about nine years, and had 27 years of law enforcement experience. His son works as a deputy for the Conway Co. Sheriff’s Office, and his daughter is a law enforcement dispatcher.

Cannon, who was the Assistant Chief of Police, was planning to retire from the Plumerville force next month.

Paladino says the shooting is the worst thing to happen in his small town in more than 100 years, when a candidate for U.S. Congress was shot to death.

I can not get a fix on the picture of the accused, but suffice it to say that he appears to be a relatively young black man.

KATV has a blog response area.  Most of the comments are pretty harmless, but this one is not.  I complained to KATV yesterday about this particular commentator about racism, but they did not do anything.  So now it goes national.  Here is the comment:

When will the nation wake up? They will be free in 2 -3 years max.  I say again, when will the nation wake up?

What we need is public courthouse hangings every Sunday afternoon.

Hang them all… and stop kissing their butt.  But I will also say it is a proven fact that the majority of these crimes are comitted by the negra.

that is why i have no respect for negra, and firmly believe they should all be working in my cotton fields.  They are the root of all problems.  Send em on down to my cotton fields I got a “hoe” fer em…..

This is just past any decent thought that a person could have.

The real problem is that KATV allows racists like this to post without any repercussions.  

A Republican Crybaby Culture of Racism and Filth

Breaking news of the latest right-winger incited to commit acts of violence in support of the most virulent political party since the Nazis. A Kansas abortion doctor was gunned down in cold blood today in a Wichita, Kansas church, just another example of how these religious fanatics that dare to call themselves Christians would make Jesus puke were he return to earth tomorrow – then the same bastards would crucify his liberal ass. Here we have yet another example of the sort of mayhem that unstable, armed-to-the teeth freaks are capable of when their buttons are pushed by the malignant filth the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and the rest of the house propagandists for the American fascist state. Nothing is sacred to these miscreants, murdering their whole families and then committing suicide is commonplace, the same houses of worship that they claim to be places of sanctity are now legitimate shooting galleries, shit some lunatic right-winger not long ago dressed up as Santa Claus and massacred a houseful of former relatives including children. A terminally diseased political philosophy breeds this type of scum and they should all be subject to euthanasia for the good of society. If you consider that to be overly harsh just imagine how many of these human time bombs that you in your normal daily doings encounter, they hate liberals, gays, minorities and even going to the grocery store becomes a dangerous endeavor when surrounded by them.

The Republican Party Is A Racist Organization. Fact, Not Opinion.

Yes the title is pretty strong, but there is no other way to say it, the Republican Party is at the very best a tacitly racist organization. Those of you who read the Dog’s posts on a regular basis (HI! BTW to all six of you!),  know he is not one to say inflammatory things just to be inflammatory. The Dog knows that people who read this and do not agree are going to be very unhappy, but this is not something the Dog has come to all at once, this is based on observation of data.  

Racism and Railroads–The US Experience and Israel’s

It’s difficult to track the crimes of the Israeli state and Zionism against the Palestinian people. I don’t mean hard to keep count of, true though that may be, but painful. It hurts to keep focusing on them, because they are so unrelenting–another olive grove bulldozed, another protester shot in the head with a tear gas canister, another bombing raid on Gaza, another house demolished.

Sometimes, though, a small outrage jumps out at me and I feel I have to do something, even if it’s just share my anger.

The trigger for this piece is a new policy initiated by Israel Railways. In March, 2009, management moved to lay off 150 Israeli Arabs who worked as guards, monitoring and maintaining railroad crossings. A new policy was put in place–only those with permits to carry weapons could hold the job.

And only veterans of the Israeli Defense Forces, in which few Arabs serve. get these permits. In fact, management stated explicitly that the program is designed to give employment to young veterans in Israel’s shaky economy. The workers have a case before the Labor Board there, but Israel Railways has already started hiring for their positions.

I realized immediately why I grew so angry. This is a direct parallel to what happened to Black railroad workers again and again in the years from the civil war to the victory of the modern civil rights movement.

The issue was the fireman’s job, the backbreaking and filthy job of shoveling coal into the engines of old steam locomotives. Think of Blind Willie McTell, “Statesboro Blues”:

Big Eighty left Savannah, Lord, and did not stop

You ought to saw that colored fireman when he got that boiler hot.

Or the old country tune “Wreck of the Old 97”:

So he turned and he said to his Black greasy fireman

“Shovel on a little more coal…”

But when the economy got real bad, suddenly the “Black man’s jobs” started looking pretty good to Southern whites. In 1911, for instance, 10 Black railroad workers were shot on the New Orleans & Texas Pacific line because the railroad gave them equal seniority with whites. Climbing on the locomotives to pull the spout down from the water tower and position it to refill the boiler, they were sitting ducks for snipers.

In the Great Depression of the ’30s, the same thing happened again. A deadly one-sided war took place, with the all-white unions of the Railroad Brotherhoods complicit in the terror when they weren’t actually organizing it. On the Mississippi division of the Illinois Central from 1932 to 1933, Frank Kincaid, Ed Cole, Aaron Williams, Wilburn Anderson, Frank Johnson and Will Harvey were shotgunned to death. Elsewhere, mob action by “concerned citizens” living along the railroad lines stopped trains and savaged Black firemen and the few white railroad workers who took their backs. The companies filled these sudden “vacancies” with white workers.

Israel’s crimes draw a lot of comparisons. We talk about the “apartheid wall.” David Rovics, in an essay reprinted at Fire on the Mountain, drew a very careful but pointed set of connections with the Nazi regime in Germany. Well, by me, these folks are today’s segregationists, white supremacists, KKK, and they should be understood and dealt with as such.

Reposted from Fire on the Mountain.

Book Review: Environmentalism in Popular Culture

This is a review of Noel Sturgeon’s (2009) Environmentalism in Popular Culture, an interesting book of feminist cultural criticism.  Environmentalism in Popular Culture offers the most readily-accessible critique of an American mythology of the environment that I’ve read yet.  Though it makes some rather quick connections between its identity politics categories and environmental analysis, it maintains the reader’s interest throughout.

(crossposted at Big Orange)

It’s a public health issue…NOT an open season to attack Latinos!

For crying out loud….some people just make me shake my head and be disgusted.  As many of you know, there is a potential health problem of major proportions going on in Mexico.  Now for logical folks, commonsense says stay cool and find a way to help the less fortunate.  But oh no, you got some on the Right who think “hot damn, I get to bring out the racist in me!”

Petition: Stop Oklahoma Land Run Re – Enactments

Stop Land Run Re – Enactments in Oklahoma Public Schools

WHEREAS, S.P.I.R.I.T is working for the rights of Oklahoma Indians, all American Indians, Indigenous people and the peaceful solution to all differences; and

WHEREAS, the Oklahoma History and US History does not provide the whole and true history of Oklahoma Indians or American Indians (Native Americans), and

WHEREAS, re-enacting the Land Run in public schools and in communities in Oklahoma is demeaning and humiliating to Oklahoma Indians, and

– snip –

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the undersigned and S.P.I.R.I.T, the group formed to help American Indians with matters such as these, formally requests the Oklahoma School Boards, Department of Education, Legislators and public officials to abolish the Land Run re-enactments held annually in this state.


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