Author's posts

No Divorce Today 20090916

Today was the court date for the hearing regarding the divorce.  All details have been covered, the property, the money, the retirement, ad infinitum.

Mrs. Translator took a big chunk of her morning to appear before the judge, costing her leave time and the extra money that she makes for running the early morning detention hall at her school.  I did my part (although I did not have to appear, since I contested nothing) by signing, having notarized, and mailing back critical documents the same day that I received them without fail.

Not any energy to say anything any more

10:00 Eastern time is the end.  I likely will not be here any more.

Warmest regards,


Translator’s Take on Medical Care Reform was Bunk 2009

I wrote an essay the other evening about my take on medical care reform.  I got a few positive comments, and hardly any negative ones.  I wrote it to pique (please pardon me for using one of my favorite words) criticism, but was way too confident in what I said.

I was WRONG.  The medical care situation is much more dire than either side in DC would have us know, and I will tell you why.  I will also tell you that, unless someone much smarter than I am can come up with a solution, our system will collapse soon, and that is not an empty threat.

My Apologies 20090914

Folks, I am sorry that I did not post the regular Pique the Geek here last evening.

Things are going poorly for me.

Writing, the Skill that makes us Human 20090911

Many lifeforms communicate.  Whether it is from pheromones, like the insects (and to a smaller extent, us) to verbal language, there is some sort of communication.

Other than the opposed thumb, the thing that makes us unique is that we not only communicate, we write it down.  That is a seminal difference.  Here is why.

Translator’s Take on Medical Care Reform 20090911

First, let me go on record as being a supporter of a single payer approach to medical care.  I think that, in time, we will become enlightened enough to get there, but not this year.

With that said, here is what that I think is possible to attain, and it is much better than nothing.  Please help me to punch holes in my approach, because this is an extremely complex subject and even I (LOL!) can not get it all correct.

Well, Wednesday is the Day to begin the First of the Last 20090910

Well, I found out tonight that the papers that I signed and had notarized last week made their way back to the soon to be the former Mrs. Translator’s attorney.  Everything seems to be in order, and unless the judge finds something wrong, it will be final next Wednesday.

Thus ends 32 years of marriage, and 34 years of infatuation.  But it was always more than infatuation.  Certainly there was a definite bit of sexual attraction at first, because she was (and is) so very beautiful, but there was always more.

Pique the Geek 20090906. The Things that we Eat: Non-Nutritive Sweeteners

This is the second of two installments on non-nutritive sweeteners.  This time we will talk about one very ancient one, the new ultra sweet aspartame analogue, and a couple of natural products, one of which is gaining popularity these days.

Non-nutritive sweeteners probably have value in managing conditions such as diabetes and obesity where caloric intake, particularly from simple carbohydrates, needs to be restricted.  However, these materials are not panaceas and other dietary measures are essential to control either of those conditions.  Some studies also are consistent with the premise that the mere sensation of sweetness can cause a rise in blood glucose in non-diabetic people, thus making these agents act like sugar even though they contain no calories.  These interpretations are controversial, though.

Warp Speed

Zeph slept into the late afternoon.  I went and awoke him, shaking him.  “Zeph, Zeph, we did it!  We constructed a stable warp field and went faster than light, or at least you did!.”

Zeph was very passed out from the night before.  I finally was able to awaken him.  “Dave, what happened?”

“Zeph, you broke the light limit!  We did it!”

“Oh, shit, my head hurts.  I dreamed of little, well full sized, green men with pointed ears.”

“Shit, Zeph, those were the Vulcans.  You really met them.  They saw our warp signature and landed to meet us.  You are going to be remembered forever.”

American Family Association Propaganda 20090903

The American Family Association (AFA) is a right wing wingnut outfit run by Donald Wildmon and his son.  They own the “news” outlet One News Now (ONN), which is as nutty as Cybercast News.

They are also tax exempt.  You tell me after you read this one if they should be.  I think not.

American Family Association Propaganda 20090903

The American Family Association (AFA) is a right wing wingnut outfit run by Donald Wildmon and his son.  They own the “news” outlet One News Now (ONN), which is as nutty as Cybercast News.

They are also tax exempt.  You tell me after you read this one if they should be.  I think not.

The Final Papers Came Today 20090901

The final draft of the papers came this evening.  I inspected them, then printed them to carry to the bank where I do business to get the notary seal on them.  Then I will go back to the house and scan my signed copy to keep a record of it.

Then off the the Post Office, to send my signed and notarized set back the the attorney.  I am told that in a week or two everything will be dissolved.

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