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It’s been about ten weeks since I fell and broke both wrists on August 18th. I am just now finally almost back to normal functioning. Whatever that means. While there has not been a whole lot going on in my visible outer world, there’s a lot going on in my own little mind. Still churning and brewing.

Meanwhile. August on, it’s been Health Care Insurance Not Reform farce and the rise of Grayson and lots of other fun stuff.

Guess what has been churning and brewing behind the MSM radar scenes in torture/justice news? I don’t know, somehow I quit paying attention. Thank goodness, the usual suspects did not.

First up, ACLU has this new video up. Go to their site to view it.

The men in this video were held at Guantanamo for years without charge and denied any meaningful opportunity to challenge the legality of their detention. But now they are finally free. This is their story.

(ACLU adds this note: “Please note that by playing this clip You Tube and Google will place a long-term cookie on your computer. Please see You Tube’s privacy statement on their website and Google’s privacy statement on theirs to learn more. To view the ACLU’s privacy statement, click here.”

WHAtzaMattah You?! updated

Not only is it Saturday night, but it’s Halloween!!!! and oh that time change thing*, don’t forget.

I’m disappointed in you people.

Where are the pranks, the tricks? and the Dharma TREATS????

You gonna make me do ALL the heavy lifting around here? huh?!! sheesh.

dammit open thread


looking online for an einstein wig for somebody i know… lookit this shit.

“Mr President” wig (grey only) and “Commander In Chief” wig (grey only).

they also have an “Indian Squaw Wig with Braids. Black.” wig.



Battle Fatigue

Open Thread…?

Hold Tight, Open Thread

I got a ride to my morning clinic appointment so I’ll be back this afternoon.


be excellent to each other, guys and gals.

“You’re Alone Now”

“You’re alone now!”

That’s what a friend of mine said to me, many many years ago, when I was doing one of those back and forth style break-ups. You now, I kept taking him back. Lucy and Charlie Brown and the football.

Charlie Brown Pictures, Images and Photos

And she was right. She was right then and she’s right again, now, in my head.

I guess it’s my turn to spill my guts in a political blog which has become my community. Oh, I’ll go talk, in detail, with my Babes Forum, they’ve known gory details for the past 5 or 6 years, and they’ll be supportive. They always are.

Here… I have to hand it to both Translator and Ministry of Truth, who have outted themselves (!) with their personal woes yet somehow managed to spare us an overload of details. (Sometimes I wonder how many of us are “walking wounded”.) I’m not so good at that, so I just censor myself altogether. It’s easier.

Because … it’s complicated.

But, then again, on another level, it’s really not. It’s about Power. Again. Money. Control.

I don’t have any.

Random Open

hey ho

I’m exhausted. okay? Wiped. Too tired to explain, and I wouldn’t anyway, so just take my word for it.

I’m really appreciative to all of you who stay on top of the various details of the ongoing battles that involve phonecalling petitions congress white house health care pelosi progressive caucus Whitehouse (the man) bills committees reid rahm axelrod grayson holder slinkerwink obama  health insurance reform wars troops funds wall street terror senators business hedge funds graphs charts pie leahy artic ice and everything else i left out. which is a lot.

i can’t. at least not today.

see? i can’t even work up the energy to capitalize that i.

there is this one thing, though. oh wait, and one other thing too. let me go get it. them.

Third Ways

So, this is likely to be a little bit “stream of consciousness” in delivery, sorry, welcome to my brain. heh.

Yesterday was interesting day, and yes, I am referring to some diaries and commentary over at l’orange. In particular, of course, was buhdydharma’s clarion call (now up to 764 comments) and later in the evening, y’got a good dose of teh funny but true from Shizzle (only 478 comments in that one), addressing the recent ramped up flame wars between “Pragmatics” and “Idealists”.

I happen to think that whole Pragmatist v. Idealist frame-up is a crock of shit. Myself, I am clearly in the Idealist camp, but I’m enough of a Pragmatist to know that I don’t even bother trying to persuade or convince or rally the… pragmatists to our side. Can’t explain that very well. It has very little to do with me being pragmatic and everything to do with me being very thin-skinned chickenshit. lol.

So… what about us subversives, huh?

Buffy Sainte-Marie, Gentle Activist

On this past Sunday evening, I sat with my daughter, a 7th grader, and went over homework with her. She needed colored pencils to complete an assignment for History. Teacher had talked to them about Columbus Day and the homework was to draw… the faux version of history taught to the poor leetle 5th graders on one page, and divided by the spiral bound, the true version on the other. (scans below in comments.LL) She colored while I read aloud to her from Zinn.  I know she is in a great (public) school, gifted and all that, plus an IB program, but still … maybe there is hope if middle school curriculum is embracing some truth in its history classes. Buffy St. Marie knows a thing or two about that concept.


Democracy NOW! aired a full hour yesterday evening with Buffy St. Marie. I only caught a few minutes of it while I was in my car, but I found the links as soon as I got back home, so I thought I’d share here in essay form. PLEASE take the time to go view/read transcript there.

She kind of made me cry a little.

Roundabout Monday (Open Thread)


I’ve been on the phone all morning with a whole lotta cluck and clatter.

Don’t dessert me now, Dharmanauts!! 🙂

how ’bout just a leeetle more…?



Grayson on Radio, THIS Morning (Updated)

UPDATE: 8AM Pacific time, TODAY: link to listen online

Rep. Grayson will be interviewed on Monterey’s progressive talk radio station KRXA 540. Tune in to hear an interview unlike those you’ll get from the mainstream media. Look for more pointed questions and insights from former D.C. insider Hal Ginsberg. Also on, Dr. Paul Hochfeld – from MAD AS HELL DOCTORS.

h/t to DK diary JerichoJ8.

Grayson seems to be making the rounds of progressive radio. He sure knows his audience!

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