Jul 04 2011
HONORING THE FALLEN: US Military KIA, Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan – June 2011

Jan 01 2011
HONORING THE FALLEN: US Military KIA, Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan – December 2010
Honor our living brothers and sisters all the time! Fully Fund the Veterans Administration, no questions asked, as we fund the Department of Defense, no questions asked. Sacrifice comes from the rest who send those of us who serve into Wars and Occupations of others, they and their families are not the only ones who should be Sacrificing their all!
Aug 05 2010
HONORING THE FALLEN: US Military KIA, Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan – July 2010
Iraq, Rapidly becoming the Forgotten War!!
There have been 4,733 coalition deaths — 4,414 Americans, 2 Australians, 1 Azerbaijani, 179 Britons, 13 Bulgarians, 1 Czech, 7 Danes, 2 Dutch, 2 Estonians, 1 Fijian, 5 Georgians, 1 Hungarian, 33 Italians, 1 Kazakh, 1 South Korean, 3 Latvian, 22 Poles, 3 Romanians, 5 Salvadoran, 4 Slovaks, 11 Spaniards, 2 Thai and 18 Ukrainians — in the war in Iraq as of August 4 2010, according to a CNN count. { Graphical breakdown of casualties }. At least 31,897 {31,860 last month} U.S. troops have been wounded in action, according to the Pentagon. View casualties in the war in Afghanistan
Jul 04 2010
HONORING THE FALLEN: US Military KIA, Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan – June 2010
Iraq, Rapidly becoming the Forgotten War!!
There have been 4,729 coalition deaths — 4,410 Americans, 2 Australians, 1 Azerbaijani, 179 Britons, 13 Bulgarians, 1 Czech, 7 Danes, 2 Dutch, 2 Estonians, 1 Fijian, 5 Georgians, 1 Hungarian, 33 Italians, 1 Kazakh, 1 South Korean, 3 Latvian, 22 Poles, 3 Romanians, 5 Salvadoran, 4 Slovaks, 11 Spaniards, 2 Thai and 18 Ukrainians — in the war in Iraq as of May 5 2010, according to a CNN count. { Graphical breakdown of casualties }. The list also includes 13 U.S. Defense Department civilian employees. At least 31,860 {31,839 last month} U.S. troops have been wounded in action, according to the Pentagon. View casualties in the war in Afghanistan
Jun 05 2010
HONORING THE FALLEN: US Military KIA, Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan – May 2010
Honoring the fallen in Afghanistan
Staff Sgt. Rachel Martinez, USAF Photo by SSgt. Matt Davis, USAF NTM-A31 May 2010 As the sun set over Camp Eggers on Memorial Day, hundreds of coalition members gathered to pay tribute to comrades lost in battle – not just U.S. fallen heroes, but fallen heroes from every nation.
During the coalition memorial remembrance ceremony, service members who gave their life in support of Operation Enduring Freedom were honored with a moment of silence and a roll call of their names during a candlelight ceremony.
“Those that have given their last full measure for this mission are as varied as those that serve here today,” said Army Lt. Gen. William Caldwell IV, NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan and Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan commanding general. “Privates to chief warrant officers to lieutenant colonels – from the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Canada, Latvia, the United States and from Afghanistan – they are members of all services, from National Guard, Reserve and Active components.”
While many countries have their own dedicated day set aside to remember the fallen members of their armed forces, special effort was made to include all coalition countries into the Memorial Day remembrance as a sign of the joint effort and sacrifice happening in Afghanistan. Representatives of many coalition nations were present at the ceremony, raising flags, lighting candles and paying their respects. Continued
May 06 2010
HONORING THE FALLEN: US Military KIA, Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan – April 2010
Iraq, Rapidly becoming the Forgotten War!!
There have been 4,719 coalition deaths — 4,402 Americans, 2 Australians, 1 Azerbaijani, 179 Britons, 13 Bulgarians, 1 Czech, 7 Danes, 2 Dutch, 2 Estonians, 1 Fijian, 5 Georgians, 1 Hungarian, 33 Italians, 1 Kazakh, 1 South Korean, 3 Latvian, 22 Poles, 3 Romanians, 5 Salvadoran, 4 Slovaks, 11 Spaniards, 2 Thai and 18 Ukrainians — in the war in Iraq as of May 5 2010, according to a CNN count. { Graphical breakdown of casualties }. The list also includes 14 U.S. Defense Department civilian employees. At least 31,790 {31,762 last month} U.S. troops have been wounded in action, according to the Pentagon. View casualties in the war in Afghanistan
Mar 08 2010
god fucking dammit…THANK YOU
Ive always known I would get this call… for years.
god god god fucking dammit.
my ex-husband … crazy mutherfucker … one of the dearest soul friends I could ever have. I rarely see him but he’s always there, floating around in my conscious watery mind.
no info just yet… waiting for that. Sometime between last night and this morning. Word will come through the vine, when they know. Body at the ME’s now.
Im shaking.
Mar 05 2010
HONORING THE FALLEN: US Military KIA, Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan – February 2010
Honoring the Fallen of the worse day of the worse month of casulties from Afghanistan.