Tag: Alan Grayson

Grayson on: Secret Bailouts, Fed Audit, and Rewarding Failure

If you DON’T Study, DON’T play by the Rules, and DON’T CARE who is hurt by your careless actions — would you expect an “all expenses paid” Scholarship?  … or record Bonuses?  … or more free Mad Money than you know what to do with?


Yet that is exactly what the reckless Wall Street Bankers got — HUGE Rewards — FOR BEHAVING BADLY!

In some circles, this is call Co-dependency and “Enabling” …

In America we call it “Too Big to Fail”.

Well Alan Grayson and Ron Paul, are about expose this Trillion Dollar “reward for failure” system, for what it is …

Rep. Alan Grayson on the Fed Bailing Out Big Banks:

“You Don’t Give Scholarships to Kids Who Fail”


Alan Grayson accused the Fed of manipulating the stock market

Crossposted at Daily Kos

     Back in late September, Alan Grayson (Big D-FL08) grilled Federal Reserve General Counsel Scott Alvarez on whether or not the Federal Reserve has manipulated the stock and futures market. Since this hasn’t been diaried and Sunday is a slow news day, I thought it would be fun to watch Alan Grayson in action in a bit of a flashback.

(UPDATE: Unfortunately and oddly, the video is no longer working for some strange reason. Good thing I transcribed it when I did. I am looking for another version of the same vide, so hang in there until I can find it

UPDATE 2: Found a second video. Hope you enjoy)

      Transcript and commentary below the fold.

Grayson: “For Gods’ sake!” while weeping for the dead victims of the Insurance Cartels (Updated)

Crossposted at Daily Kos

(Updated to include all 4 videos, with a hat tip to Kossacks Scarce and Miss Information)

     Not just GUTS, but HEART too.

     After reading over 8 minutes of the testimony of the people who have lost loved ones to our Murder For Profit Health Insurance, Alan Grayson invoked the name of God and pleadedbefore Congress “For Gods’ sake, I look forward to a time when we will have finally done our jobs.”

Video 1

    I have provided a short transcript of the final video of Grayson’s House floor speech, and I hope you will forgive me for not including a transcript of the first. I can not transcribe it by ear without welling up in tears myself.

    More below the fold.

Grayson SCHOOLS Paul Broun on Constitution. He will NOT yield! (Update: Now with even more EPIC WIN

      Crossposted at Daily Kos

This guy is a TRUTH MACHINE!

    This is another absolute beaut from the CongressmanWithGUTS, Alan Grayson (BIG D-FL08).

     In a hearing on the Republican Witch Hunt over ACORN (pardon to any witches), Alan Grayson SCHOOLS the Republicans on the committee and achieved classic EPIC WIN!


A partial transcript and more below the fold.

Grayson: “Bipartisanship is a Weapon of Mass Distraction to keep us from doing what we need to do”

Crossposted at Daily Kos


    “A Democrat with Guts, people think of it like a mythological creature, like a Unicorn.”


    “Bipartisanship is a Weapon of Mass Distraction.”

   ~   Rep. Alan Grayson

    A Democrat with GUTS deserves an electorate that will FIGHT for him. That is how we will encourage more Dems to grow guts and learn how to fight.

    A short transcript and more below the fold.

Grayson EXPLODES on GOP: “America doesn’t CARE about your feelings” Man On Fire!

Crossposted at Daily Kos

    Alan Grayson (BIG D-FL08) is my new hero. We need this guy in Congress for years to come!

    But first, on to the show, and what a show it is!

    Full transcript of the can of whoop@$$ unleashed by Grayson on Republicans AND weak kneed Dems below the fold.

Who was Grayson really Apologizing to?

also posted on dkos

Rep Alan Grayson’s Apology


Well, I would like to Apologize —

I would like to Apologize to the Dead.

44789 Americans die every year because they HAVE NO Health Insurance,

according to this Harvard Study.  http://grayson.house.gov

That is more than 10 x the number of Americans who’ve died in the War in Iraq

It’s more than 10 x the number of Americans who died in 9/11

but that was just once.


Take a look at this — read it and weep.

and I mean that Read it and WEEP!

Let’s remember we should ‘care about people’ — EVEN after they’re born.

Be a Good Patriot — Die Quickly!

Crossposted at Booman Tribune

Alan Grayson has recently raised the ire of the corpatocracy and their volunteer army of teabaggers merely by simply stating the obvious, this being our obligation as good citizens, as defined by the Republican Party and the mislabeled “centrists” of the Democratic Party:

1. Don’t get sick.

2. If you do get sick…

3. Die quickly.

The Economic Royalist cabal has cried loudly, and in unison, demanding that Mr. Grayson apologize.  And even some in the so-called liberal blogosphere have joined the call for him to fall on his sword for his Holocaust reference. Although the numbers of dead (officially) are not yet as large, Big Money in this country has positioned themselves to realize a profit from the deaths of those inhabiting the “undesirable” class, those whose lack of wealth must surely be due to laziness and sloth.  Even the Nazis, to our knowledge, did not realize six and seven-figure tax-free payouts from those who were sent to the gas chambers. Fortunately, Rep. Grayson’s recent apology was not what his detractors had in mind, that of apologizing for the congressional inaction that continues while approximately 122 people per day die in this country due to lack of access to healthcare. In case you haven’t seen it yet:

Overnight Caption Contest

Empty Talking Points, Faux Outrage, and The Lie Factory — Exposed.

Ed Schultz: This wasn’t flippant, Grayson just took it to them ‘by the rules’. And he doesn’t have to apologize to nobody for anything. And you know what, there are a lot of Lefties around this Country, in their living rooms tonight saying, ‘YES! this is how you got to handle these folks!’

The Republicans are demanding an apology for the same reason they are offering Amendments about Czars — They have nothing to offer in the Health Care Debate!


Ed Schultz: Congressman Grayson do you take anything back?

Alan Grayson: Absolutely NOT!  — the people WHO should be apologizing are the Republicans — they’re the ones who should be apologize for dragging us all through the mud here, while we are just trying to improve Health Care in America.

It’s a lie factory. They make lies. Factory-made lies. Lies from a factory. A factory of lies.

How many ways can we think of to say it and say it and say it?

The shot rang around the blogosphere this morning, everyone has heard it. It’s quoted on a rec list diary at Daily Kos.

GRAYSON: My response is WHATEVER. America is sick of you, Republican Party. You are a LIE FACTORY – that’s all you ever do. Why don’t you work together with the Democrats to solve America’s problems instead of making stuff up?

It is good to see that Dem leadership is going to stand with Grayson on his “Die quickly” line and reject the fake outrage from the other side. However, I can’t help but feel like we will let an opportunity to go on offense slip away. Again.


What does 120 People a Day look like?

Finally a Democrat, willing to fight Fire with Fire — I mean extreme Rhetoric with Rhetoric!

Kudos to Alan Grayson who has the guts to dish back to the GOP, the same  “strong language”that they’ve been dishing out for months!!!

Whose Side Are You On?  by Alan Grayson by Alan Grayson:

Last night, I went onto the House floor and did something that the Republicans aren’t used to.  I told the truth about the Republican health care plan.  The plan is simple:

  1. Don’t get sick.

  2. If you do get sick…

  3. Die quickly.

Sounds about right! The Party of No, Knows one thing — How to say NO!

It’s not like Grayson didn’t use any Facts to back it up …

44789 / 365 = 122.7 people per day

Die for “Lack of health insurance” …

What does 120 People a Day look like, anyways?

That about what it takes to fill up 2 city buses …

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