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No coin out of my pocket.

I have been thinking a lot about the spontaneous secularism that has swept most western cultures. One of the greatest kinds of movements, this one occurred on an individual level without any kind of central figures. The individual choice just happened to happen in roughly the same time as everyone else making the same choice, unbeknownst to one another.

Cultures are making a liberal (In the traditional sense of the word, not the taint modern American political entertaiment has applied to it.) jump, a liberal progression for religion beyond even reformation, the ability to denounce a supreme being in public without being ridiculed, or worse.

This also happened when most western cultures were snug as bug in a rug with their universal health care and eduction. Feeling secure in this never before heard of safety net, they no longer felt the need to go to church. Their prayers had been answered, they had found sanctuary. But as a people they had provided it. God was MIA again.

And then there is America.

America is still a little to theocratic for my taste. I don’t know what is worse. Knowing the theocrats would never allow Brazilian MTV to be shown in America, or that they use people’s love of Jesus to justify their wars. This small minority is oppressive to American culture as a whole. They dominate almost every facet of our lives, and will continue to do so until we get universal health care and education like every other civilized western culture.

See, that is why the the theocrats and the corporate Right are in cohots. For outdated economic reasons, the corporate Right thinks universal health care is a bad idea. The theocrats though, they don’t want America to get health care because then people might flee the pews. How very Christian.

So basically, until we get universal health care, we live in a theocracy.

Merry Christmas Franklin and Jefferson!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

Well thank god Dubai has stepped in an bought a sizable chunk of Citigroup, otherwise we would have a new Enron on our hands. In the fine tradition of making sure to steal a million purses because then its just a statistic, Citigroup used some rather shady account maneuvers. In fact, what they have done is outright illegal.

The whole shame would have been exposed, once Citigroup was exposed on the finical sheets. Of course, Dubai helped out, buying 5% of the Citigroup for the discount price of a mere $7.5 billion. This was more of a shout out to their boy in Saudi Arabia, a certain sheik who already owns a lot of the supposedly American corporation.

So, what the fuck happened?

This is a test of the self-hypocritical network. Repeat, this is only a test.

Well I have seen some people comment that we are not allowed to critique Markos’s current Newsweek article, I wonder if this is not the same blind worship much derided on progressive blogs when it comes to Republicans unwaivering faith in George Bush. The second Markos decided to leave the safe confines of Daily Kos for a gig Newsweek, he became a public figure independent of Big Orange.

If some users feel it is out of bounds to culturally critique the massive of Markos, least we offend Daily Kos, are not unlike the purple-fingered Republicans who say you can’t disagree with the President because he is also Commander-in-Chief. How dare people purpose we practice self-censorship least we offend that user’s political meme leader. How dare people flirt with subjectigating free speech in the name of one blog’s sense of purity.

How dare people suggest we cannot disagree with Markos just because he started a liberal blog. If he had written this piece on Daily Kos, that’s private commentary, since he will tell you its his blog, his rules. But when he stepped out into the public domain of Newsweek, he stepped right into the line of fire for critique.

And here is mine. This is not against Daily Kos, which I am sure some users will try to hanger me with, it is about the Markos and his piece at Newsweek:

Taking Lambs Out To Slaughter

While rabid little lambs claim to understand, they are better used for slaughter, or sacrifice to a greater understanding that escapes humanity. This is mostly because the underlying lattice of geometric time/space/reality of our perceived universe is rather complex, it is like trying to teach a dog algebra. But I will attempt to cut the thoughts of the lamb in equal parts, and walk between them to touch the very mask of the eternal mystery.

First things, first. Imagine a mobius strip.

This will do pig, this will do:

This is not the universe, we are just a spec on it:

Now here comes the first tricky part, a basic system design. Our universe is nothing but a subatomic action to a system above us. While our own subatomic actions are entire universes from Big Bang to Ultimate Implosion. Our own universe is destined to collapse upon itself one day, but we will not around to see it, though we have always been around to see it. How is that possible you say?

Here is a basic snip of the system design:

Ron Paul Supporter Embarressed He Met Candidate Online

Buffalo, NY – While most Americans’ are introduced to their candidates through friends  and families, local salesclerk Tim Ofroll has gone about things differently. After not finding any candidate through traditional means, he wound up finding, then choosing, Ron Paul online.

“I am sorta a political junkie,” said Ofroll, who still hasn’t told his close friends he discovered Ron Paul on the internet. “I watch Countdown with Keith Olbermann and even Meet the Press on Sunday mornings, but I just didn’t see any other candidate I liked. It wasn’t until I went by that I saw Ron Paul, and then clicked on a link to his profile.”

Ofroll, like most normal Americans, usually finds candidates through his friends, or even at bars and parties, where political discussion abounds in the lead up to the 2008 election. But after playing the field, Ofroll still could not find that special candidate in real life that he wanted to share his vote with, instead having to go online to discover Ron Paul.

“Man, Thanksgiving is coming up, and I just know my mom is gonna ask my where I first saw Ron Paul,” said a distraught Ofroll. “I better come up with a story quick, or else I am gonna be shamed into admitting I became a Ron Paul supporter online.”

The Dolphins are laughing at us. (Trojan Dolphin!)

This was an elaborate trojan dolphin to make a statement on a well-known blog that supports Chevron. Snuck one past the goalie for Burma.

One of the greatest tricks mankind has every played on himself is convincing himself that he is not animal. Of course, he had to create God, and/or Gods, to pull this feat off, but for some reason he thinks he is not only at the top of the creature pyramid, but he built it himself. Of course, from his perception, it all seems to be true.

But these cleverest of monkeys, who call themselves humans, because knife-wielding homicidal earth-wrecking primates didn’t sound so nice, have only a limited skill set when it comes to truly seeing the world around them. In their quest to fill so superior to all other creatures on the planet, their hubris blinds them from the other way animals see, talk and live.

Cowboy Meets Sunset – The Last Long Sweet Kiss Good-bye

Samson was going all out, catching a stride that almost felt like floating. Though he was more known for his cutting skills, and bravery among bulls, he was showing me in a pinch he could also be a race horse. But even with his gallant effort, he was still a good five lengths back from the steed carrying my rose.

Down we galloped into valley, playing lover’s games as rode down tree-lined country lanes. She would look back, her long black hair flowing like pozos lit by an angel’s halo from the large Mexican harvest moon. We raced towards the music that was waffing over the next ridge.

Samson did his best to catch her filly, since he felt the same about that horse as I did it’s rider, but it was all for not. You can never truly ever catch a rancher’s daughter from the El Bajio. 

Midnight Cowboying – 1953

Okay, show of hands, who remembers 1953? Don’t be shy, I know there are few here who fondly remember that year. It was just yesterday to some, all those years ago. America was in its post-war prime.

Ah yes, 1953. Quite a year! The movie Peter Pan premiered at the Roxy Theatre, New York City. The first transsexual Christine Jorgenson returns to New York after successful sexual reassignment surgery in Denmark. The first 3D film, Bwana Devil opens, sparking the 3D glasses craze. James D. Watson and Francis Crick announce that they have discovered the structure of the DNA molecule.

Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay perform the first successful ascent to the summit of Mount Everest. The first Chevrolet Corvette is built at Flint, Michigan. The Korea War ends. And of course, the first color television sets go on sale for about $1,175.

In the theaters, Here to Eternity is a big smash, as is the western Shane. And who can forget War of the Worlds, or the Wild One.

Midnight Cowboying – Why you will never see the Apollo tapes

After a few calls into NASA, I finally broke down and went there. See, we jokingly call NASA the family business because we built the rockets and even the shuttles for America, but mostly for ourselves. We always thought we would have the first India Tea Company trading charter with aliens, making us richer than our wildest dreams and returning our once grand coat of arms to international importance. We also built them because we knew things we were never allowed to mention. This ends today.

After a meeting in a smoke-filled back room, I was told where the tapes were and I could see them in exchange for my advance lifter technology. Since NASA had already patented that against my consent, I decided there was no harm done in supplying the fractal sequences that drove the lifters. I even went the extra mile and showed them why certain fractals worked more efficiently within the gravitational-harmonics field, mostly out of fear someone might get hurt.

As their R&D team giddily ran off with my forbidden tech, a silver-templed member of the crew led me to back a room. Not only did they have the missing 698 tapes, they had them on HD. The only rule was I could never remove the missing movies from this underground bunker. After ordering an absurd amount of popcorn and Dr. Pepper, the old man sealed me in the undisclosed location and I settled in for about 200 hours of never before seen film.

Midnight Cowboying – Kings of Bullshit

Music to Read By:
Dear Deadly by Creeper Lagoon

Written on a mountain top in Mexico:

Okay, Jesse Ventura was just on TV, Donny Deutsch. MSNBC is our only American station  here on the mountain in Mexico. And there was Jesse, looking like Ming the Merciless on steroids.

He took Donny on a wild ride that sounded very legitimate until his remarks concerning him and some his Navy seals buddies going crazy in the USA. But his parting shot, spoken throw a goatee that ended in two two-foot long braids, was good though.

Midnight Cowboying – Why I’ve Sided with Iran on the Nukes

There comes a time when you finally got to put on the other shoe and give it a whirl for a mile or two. Abstract reasoning, the crux of international diplomacy, has left the Bush Administration as quickly as a preacher caught in the whorehouse. Some question if it was ever there, with choices like Bolton for the UN or Baker actually defending Saudi Arabia against survivors of 9-11. But as we enter the era of regional power nuclear proliferation, we must stop for a second and be rational for moment. I come here to praise Iran, not to bury them.

Midnight Cowboying – My Case Against John Edwards

As you know, I don’t like John Edwards. See, I have a bless/curse of a photographic memory. I remember John Edwards, from when he entered the national stage taking the deposition in the Lewinsky fiasco during the Clinton Administration, to his cheerleading for the war in 2002. I also remember his platforms from 2004, which is why I am shocked he has reinvented himself once again.

But when he decided he wanted to be a populist this election cycle, I took that shit personally. The Farmer’s Alliance started in Lampasas, Texas in 1876, which later evolved in the Populist Party. So yeah, you could say I have little emotional attachment to the name. That is why I refuse to allow this pretender advance towards the throne.

Nothing sums up better some of the issues I have with John Edwards, than this interview on Meet the Press. When called to the mat for his constant reinventions as a candidate, he stands by his record, even though that does not reflect his rhetoric today. I have no idea why anyone would believe a word he says after this:

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