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A PT Classic: The Republic of Texas, Sort of

* This is from roughly 1996 to early 1997. *

Texas, Our Texas

  As I stumble through life, I have found very few things that I actually believe in, and of those few things, I feel passionate about   even less. But there is one thing that burns in my chest like  border town chili, and that’s the thought of Texas succeeding from the lesser 49 states and becoming the “Shaft” of countries as it was always meant to be. So when I saw that the defacto government of the Republic of Texas” was having their “national” conference, I was eager as a beaver to go. What I was wanting was a spiritual awakening, a cause to fight for, a reason to blow shit up.

  Unfortunately, I received something quite different. Jay accompanied me to this convention. We were gonna cast our votes for war on the “man” that keeps Texas down. The flyer we had said that the entire state of Texas was invited, so we decided to leave early and get a good parking spot. This is the point in the story where things start to take that funny course of events in which I always seem to find myself. The convention was being held at the huge and spacious coffee room of the God damn Best Western. We strolled in to find 28 seats. If everybody from Texas shows up, I think we might need some more chairs. I got this strange  feeling in the ol’ guliver that this was not gonna be pretty.

  The guy in front of me was enthusiastically talking to his comrade in arms. Like any good writer I started eavesdropping and heard some honey of some lines. The first of which was “I don’t like the term militia, it takes all the professionalism out of it.” Out of what??!?

  If you’re gonna start a war, you had better be some form of army. Then he said that some guy in the ranks had promoted himself up a couple of ranks and he felt that he had no power to do this. That’s when it hit me like a jean claude van damme swing kick. These people, all of them, have no basis for their power. Who is he to say who can and cannot be promoted, he has no platform or origin for his rank. I know I wasn’t asked who I thought should be the president of Texas. It reminds me of a high school club gone bad, real bad. The other guy discussed with the eager little fellow how the courts are getting him for mail fraud, and how they have no jurisdiction over him because he is in the Republic of Texas, and that it is a federal court. So basically sir, you can do whatever the hell you want, and if you get caught just proclaim yourself a new nation? Huh?

  I knew the meeting was about to begin when the “real” Texas flag was ceremonially unraveled and taped to a projection screen. Now that’s class. These guys weren’t just being silly, they were being extremely silly. The meeting stalled for a while, not at two o’clock like they said. I guess they were waiting for the roughly 25 million other Texans to show.

  I hit the coffee table. These guys might not know how to throw a revolution, but they make a damn  fine cup of coffee. Then I heard a commotion in the back. Some old man was in the face of a fellow reporter, and thank God not Jay. The elder was using his own brand of logic to try and belittle the reporter. Something to this effect, “You don’t have to have a  press pass and be taking notes and doing interviews to be a reporter. You threatened me. You tricked and then threatened me.”

  The reporter had the classic what-the-hell-are-the-voices inthis-guy’s-head-telling-him look, and she was escorted out of the room. Jay leaned over and said maybe they took her out and executed her. I laughed and said I think these guys are basically harmless as long as they aren’t armed. I looked around and asked Jay, “They aren’t, are they?”

  That line of thought was interrupted when the Secretary of State said he was now gonna take roll. I thought he meant for the people of Texas who were all supposed to be here. That could take a  while. Hope he brought all the phone books to read out of. The sad part is he was actually taking role of the Council, and only 3 of 6 were there. Gee guys, if you’re not gonna show up for your own revolution, then why should I? You just can’t throw together a  revolution like Jell-O pudding. Get organized.

Best pull quotes from the meeting:

 1. “I do this for my life, my wife, and my double wide…”

 2. ” There is not enough money in this here universe to pay off the fines and court charges I have.” I asked him how much, he had a dead pan on his face and shrugged. Not enough money in the universe? Man the aliens are gonna be so pissed.

 3. “…and when them guys who wear all black and fly in on them helicopters come and try and take me away in the night, I don’t want them to see the first lady in her sleep wear, that’s why I make her wear street clothes to bed”

 4. “I mean it to, as long as you is a good ol’ boy, you’re in.” I think  it would take a small town, real small town, good ol’ boy to follow these fools.

   By now, I had become thoroughly disgusted. These monkeys were going on national television soon and they were not only going reflect badly on themselves, but on any true revolutionary group in Texas. These guys are all going to die if they try to start a  war. Their Secretary of War has no military training. Their battle  plans are on the internet for pete’s sake. Plus, I know no one who  is willing to die for this band of idiots. I really wanted to stay for the Q and A session, but when they invoked the image of the Alamo as the way they wanted to go, I had to leave. But I left a better man.


Post Notes: A few weeks later, these yahoos would hole up in the St. Davis Mountains in Texas in a broken down old double wide. There would be a shoot out, people and a few dogs would die. And I would make a mint selling Richard L. McLaren’s cell phone number to CNN:…

One Texas Secessionist Who Fled Into Mountains Is Killed


Published: May 6, 1997

A member of the militant secessionist group known as the Republic of Texas was shot and killed today in a gun battle with the Texas authorities in the Davis Mountains here.

The man was one of two group members who fled on foot on Saturday, as the police held their fire and as the republic’s leader and four other followers were surrendering. He was killed after both fugitives fired at a state police helicopter overhead and at several redbone hounds that had been tracking them. The other fugitive was not captured.

At least three of the hounds were shot by the fugitives. One was killed, two were expected to survive, and a fourth was missing late tonight, the authorities said.

In Dallas today, a 25-count Federal indictment was unsealed against the group’s leader, Richard L. McLaren, on charges related to phony Republic of Texas checks.


“This indictment sends a clear message to those who try to rip off residents and then ride off into the sunset by wrapping themselves in militia doublespeak,” said Paul Coggins, the United States District Attorney for the Northern District of Texas. ”Don’t mess with Texas.”

God Bless Texas, actually.

In Search of the Cricket Master: Clean and Handy

* Getting real tired of politics, so *

In Search of the Cricket Master:

Clean and Handy

 Through the Slug National Network there came a startling report from Gene Slacks which could not be ignored: Cricket wrestling, a Chinese pastime akin to the cock fights of Puerto Rico, had entered our borders. The NYC SFS Bureau knew that a story of such social import could only be handled by their new reporting duo, a post-modern day Woodward and Bernstein, that is, Splinter and Roaddawg.

 They decided there was only way to do this properly, dress up like part German heroin dealer/part ’70s TV detective. All of the following is true, or so says the two who danced with the Cricket Masters.

McCain to star in Rambo VI – Total Conquer

Hollywood, CA – In a nod to both Ronald Reagan and Arnold Schwarzenegger, John McCain has gone Hollywood. With a deal secured to star in a upcoming sequel to Rambo, Rambo VI – Total Conquer, McCain will join the ranks of Republican actors. Though it might conflict with his duties as President, McCain said he can easily handle both and still answer the phone at 3 a.m.

“What is truly special about this,” said McCain, already ripped out for his new role, “is to be part of this special franchise. Film after film, Rambo wins a former war for America. I plan on taking the full enchilada like the hot tamale I am.”

The script is being hastily written by some hacks who actually still live in Hollywood. The basic plot is McCain singled handedly conquers the whole world, bringing peace on Earth.

“A peace with honor, at that,” McCain grinned out, oiling up a vast array of awe-inspiring weapons. “Sylvester Stallone not only endorsed me, but also gave me a chance to strap on the headband of John Rambo. Let’s roll.”

John McCain will star as McCainbo, as the elite solider is known in the screenplay, and the list of countries he brings the final peace solution to is impressive. Somalia, Indonesia, China, Russia all fall to the fury of McCainbo. He also ties up loose ends in Iraq, Afghanistan, Colombia and North Korea.

“And don’t forget Cuba,” said McCain, smearing war paint on, relishing in his role as the ultimate warrior. “And Iran, you are officially on notice. And so are you France.”

There are also rumors of McCain and Stallone are teaming up for yet another sequel called Rambos: Ageless Warrior, where the dynamic duo go back in time to not only destroy ancient Rome, but slay Alexander the Great himself.

Rambo VI – Total Conquer is set for release in Christmas, 2010 and will be the first movie rated MV, Mandatory Viewing.

Mind if I scare the living shit out of you for a moment?

Okay, I got something really good coming down the pipes, actually doing a little investigative reporting. Seems there were some fronts used in the subprime market that are of very questionable legality. But more on that later, today I am gonna scare the living shit out of you.

I’ve heard a lot about American Depression this, Holy Fuck Our Money Is Worthless that, but where is the data?

Where are the charts?

Where is the pure information that will prove we are not over a barrel, because we can’t even afford the barrel anymore?

Well, folks, here it is. Take a drink, hit the bong or prozac up like a suburban soccer mom, because here we go into the rabbit hole:

President Bush Relegated to Sippy Cup

Order was finally restored this morning when President George W. Bush was issued a sippy cup. Last night, in what is being referred to as the “Grape Juice Incident”, President Bush lost his big boy glass privileges after spilling his nighty-night drink all over the Oval Office carpet.

“No matter where my Georgie goes,” said his bemused wife Laura, “he is sure to leave a mess. You should see the havoc he cases when we traveling overseas. After George leaves, I always get calls that the place looks like a hurricane went through.”

Others did not find the situation so funny. One anonymous source says this is the biggest fiasco since the infamous “CookieGate”, where President Bush was busted stashing two chocolate chip cookies under his pillow.

“Look, I am the decider, and I decided to put juice on my family with this here cup,” President Bush said in a hastily called press conference concerning his downgrade in glassware. “I promise you I will listen to what has been said about my cup, even though I wasn’t here. I’m the commander of my sippy cup – see, I don’t need to explain – I do not need to explain why I say things. That’s the interesting thing about being president.”

“This big boy glass stuff is a little frustrating,” he continued, sipping his afternoon milk with the safety top securely screwed on. “I’m the master of low expectations.”

There is no word when Bush will be granted big boy glass privileges again. Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten suggested that Administration will withdraw the sippy cup when Bush learns to “not destroy every single **expletive** thing he touches.”

McDonald’s To Honor McCain With New Sandwich

Washington, D.C.  — McDonald’s has decided to honor the straight talking senator from Arizona with a new mouth watering sandwich that will go straight to your lips, The McSame! Noting that Republican presidential candidate John McCain has the same kind of maverick  branding often associated with the world’s leading burger chain, the brand tie in was  a match made in dead cow heaven.

“Customers continue to tell us that they want the exact same burger served the exact same way in all our exactly the same restaurants,” said Bonnie Clinsdine, Vice President/GeneralManager of the McDonald’s International. “Since McCain is offering the exact same presidency of the last eight years, we knew the McSame sandwich would appeal to our clientele.”

While basically just a Big Mac, the McSame offers a new layer of red, red meat shipped directly from the ranches outside of Tehran. It also features onions from Somalia and non-organic lettuce shipped semi-directly by slow boats from Indonesia.

“We are also in talks with Venezuela to produce our buns,” add Clinsdine. “If their buns aren’t brown enough, there is always Ecuador.”

Customers reactions so far have been mixed.

“To tell you the truth, I have really lost a taste for these things,” said unemployed local trucker John Golkin. “I basically came in for the commerative McSame cup, after hearing Rush talk it up. Of course, I couldn’t afford to get it and to super-size, so I just went with my gut.”

Area Slow Food activist Jeremy Norfair complained that McDonald’s was just selling the exact same sandwich they had always sold, except with a new face.

“Sure, it says McSame, but that is the same promotional item they have been pawning off on customers for the last eight years,” commented Norfair, watching the people devour the red, red meat of the McSame. “First it was the Freedom Burger, then it was Burger Accomplished. Of course it all started with, least we forget, the 9-11 Burger. I always thought it was in bad taste, but Americans’ seem to be buying it. Come on people, it’s the same hamburger! It’s even in the name!”

While Norfair questioned the repetitive nature of a hamburger whose previous incarnations were utter failures, there were also some who did not like the ever so slight new changes to the McSame.

“I am not sure I can quite put my finger on it, or nor would I,” disgruntled patron Sheila Eliam said while trying to down the same meat she has been eating for the last eight years. “While the extra meat appeals to me, I am not so sure about this new secret sauce.”

“Ah yes, the new secret sauce,” Clinsdine said in response to Eliam’s comments. “It’s basically the same one we have been using since 2000, except we added a streak of something crazy. Very, very crazy. How else can we flavor all that red meat? But don’t worry America! The McSame is still the same red, red meat you have enjoyed the last 8 years!”

Tin Foil Theater: May Day! May Day!

I love it when a plan comes together, especially when its some real A-Team geopolitical jive. While I don’t believe this will happen, the mere fact that it is plausible should make any citizen, left or right of the aisle, question their faith in the imperial executive. I give you the May Day Conspiracy:

How to buy an ounce of gold for a quarter.

I guess this is cool, to all the people who fear that nationalizing our banks will lead to the doom of America. Sure, repeal all the regulations and let the private Federal Reserve do whatever it wants. It’s not like they are devaluating the coinage in some elaborate scheme meant to loot the citizenry.

Or is it?…

“Gold was at $400 at the time, and the cost of production was $187 to the mining companies. By keeping the price reasonable, Red explained that it also kept the mining companies operating. Hearing the mumblings of disbelief in the audience, Red said, “Oh, you didn’t know that the Fed bought gold for 10 cents an ounce? Well, let me tell you how they do it.”

He then reminded them of something that everyone in that audience already knew: that the Fed printed paper bills-from $1 to $100 denominations. The price of ink and paper was the same-at a cost of 2.5 cents each. So four $100 bills were created at a cost to the Fed of 10 cents, and these could then be traded for one ounce of gold.”

I often try to remind people that the rich have various ways of ripping us off. One way is to transfer gold around at rock bottom prices. Of course when that gold is then transfered again, someone makes a hell of a return.

Last I checked, gold was around 925 USD. Each $100 costs the Fed about 2.5 cents to make. So we are looking about a quarter in printing costs. This has lead to a debasing of the coinage of the most absurd kind.

This gets into the realm of Lawful Money vs. Fiat Money.

Technically, every bill in your wallet is unlawful. At the bottom is “Legal Tender for All Debts, Public and Private”, our money is just bankers’ script. It is based on nothing but the whims of the ruling elite and their patsy the Federal Reserve, which isn’t federal and has no reserves. In fact, recently it has negative reserves. Which is why they will just print more money and buy more gold for a quarter. Of course, this will cause a further devaluation of our coinage and the cycle continues.

Now here is the kicker. The ruling elite has almost a monopoly on lawful money, any form of currency issued by the United States Treasury and not the Federal Reserve System, including gold and silver coins, Treasury notes and Treasury bonds.

Now as they increase inflation, either through this ingenious gold buying technique to generate more bankers’ script or through a wholescale looting of the collective treasury of America, unlawful money’s value inflates as well.

Only the unlawful money based on fiat is affected by inflation. So as the people’s buying power goes down, the ruling elite’s buying power goes up.

It’s quite a system.

The Church of War

Storytime with Pinche!

All the great men of import gathered around the table. Lunch had broken and the help swiftly took the service away so the captains of industry could tackle the task at hand. They were veritable whose who of plutocrats.

At the head of the table sat Thomas W. Lamont, acting head of Morgan Bank; Albert Wiggin, head of the Chase National Bank; and Charles E. Mitchell, president of the National City Bank. Lesser men flanked them down each side of the dark chestnut table. There was levity in the air. The Republic was in crisis.

They remember the Panic of 1907, the fourth panic in three score years. It was JP Morgan who stepped in then, the great man himself. He organized a team of bank and trust executives that secured international lines of credit and bought plummeting stocks of healthy corporations. The free market had saved itself that day, save the help from international friends.

Or that’s how they chose to remember it.

After brief rebout, they choose Richard Whitney to be there man who was to be their new Morgan. He would lead their resources into battle. They would buy large blocks of the falling stock of U.S. Steel. Then they would move onto other blue chip stocks. Unfortunately, there was no foreign capital to be had. So they decided to move forward as one, coordinated like the fingers of a hand.

This was at 1 p.m. on Friday, October 25.

Over the weekend, this meeting of the financial gods was splashed on every newspapers across the United States. The plutocrats were the Britney Spears of their day, and these group of elite was all but certain that their actions would fix public trust in the market. By Sunday, these men had convinced them that they were finally around the bend and good times were here again. The credit crisis of the late 1920s was over!

On Monday, October 28, the people bought none of what the plutocrats were selling, and even less stock. In fact, the public who had stock along with almost all other investors decided to get out of the market. At the end of the day, the Dow was down by 13%.

There were rumors that the Rockefeller family and other financial giants were set to buy large quantities of stocks. Even William C. Durant was on board. Surely the public would see that they had confidence in the market, so the public should to.

The next day was “Black Tuesday”, October 29, 1929, 16.4 million shares were traded.

The Dow lost another 12%.

The ticker did not stop running until about 7:45 that evening.

The lost for the week was $30 billion, ten times more than the annual budget of the federal government.

It was more than America had spent in World War 1.

The masters of Wall Street meet and discussed went wrong. They released that it was the foreign capital that JP Morgan had connected with domestic spending capabilities that had won the day in 1907. It was outside investors who bought the American credit. Without outside stimulus, the credit cycle would cannibalize itself until it was not only unruly, but also worthless.

The men laughed, realizing their folly. One junior raised a specter, “What if the country had already burned through its entire line of foreign investment and credit?”

Lamont looked up from his bourbon and muttered, “Not only would that be impossible, it would be sheer and utter madness. JP Morgan would never do anything as foolish as to prop up some industry again, unless there is a vast supply of cheap foreign investments. Mark my words young man, that would never happen.”

A cheer went up from the gaggle, and merriment. Sure, the country would be in a bind for quite awhile, but the absurdity of the junior executives comments gave them thanks that at least they were not that over a barrel.

Or wearing barrels, which would surely be the case.


Richard M. Salsman:

“As late as April 1942, U.S. stock prices were still 75% below their 1929 peak and would not revisit that level until November 1954-almost a quarter of a century later.”

Breaking the Last Seal of Republican Socialism

Wow, so I thought ruling elite would let this die down in the news cycle and let JP Morgan absorb Bear Stearns in Q3 when no one was looking. I mean hell, the election hysteria should have made this bailout Section D news. Nopes, everyone in millionaire row realized the last days of the pig trough are in effect.

No matter who is elected next, even McCain, knows that the country cannot continue to sustain the whole scale looting by the ruling elite. So they are getting while the getting is good. Well, for them, not us.

JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N) said on Sunday it would buy troubled rival Bear Stearns (BSC.N) for about $2 a share in an all-stock deal, and that the Federal Reserve would fund up to $30 billion of Bear Stearns’ less liquid assets.

Wow, we had a spare $30 billion lying around to save Bear Stearns’s ass? No one tell New Orleans! They might get the idea the government saves the ruling elite while the people are left to die on their roofs. Or that our government has been hijacked by Republican Socialist supplanting our democracy.

(emphasis added, bd)

American coinage now based on unsecured mortgages loans.

And here comes the bailout! I freaking knew this was coming. I mean, all you had to do was watch the game tape from the Savings & Loans scandal. Nothing like socialism for the rich! Of course, when someone gets bailed out, someone has to pay. That person is you, me and your grandma.

As you have probably heard by now, the Fed and JP Morgan are coming to save their boys at Bear Sterns. I suspect JP Morgan will be owning Bear Sterns by Q3 of this year, but that’s a whole different matter. That’s private capital, they can do whatever the hell they want. The Fed, on the other hand, is public capital. Again, you, me and your grandmother are the backers of the Fed.

Of course the Fed is a private organization, so there is no accountability for the asshat moves they are making this week. Here is one of my favorite moves:

The borrowings from the Fed will be secured by collateral furnished by Bear Stearns, and the Fed, not J.P. Morgan, is bearing the risk of losses if that collateral falls in value.

Thats a pretty sweetheart deal for J.P. Morgan. So basically the Fed has let Bear Sterns swap their unholy securities backed by mortgages for safer Treasury bonds. What this means is that the Fed is now backing the US Dollar on said mortgages.

By fiat, our coinage is now backed by the defaulting loans across America. This has to be one of the stupidest ideas ever. I challenge anyone to find a historical model of where a country got out of a economic slump by devaluating their own money. History will not be kind on this move.

And the worst part is Bear Sterns is not a bank. Never has been a bank, never will be a bank. It is an investment house. So technically they cannot even use the Fed’s discount window to access yet another $200 billion dollars the Fed is injecting into the  money supply. They have to get JP Morgan to do that.

Wait, $200 Billoon new dollars in the system you say? Yes, last week, the Fed announced an industry-wide rescue package that would provide as much as $200 billion in loans to banks and investment houses and allow them to put up risky home-loan packages as collateral.

Again, our dollar is now being back by the home-loan meltdown. This is so stupid that the Swiss Franc caught the dollar today. The rest of the world has officially stopped all dollar buys, and all but refuses to even pick up the phone if Bear Sterns or other such cash strapped banks and investment houses are calling from America.

See, investment houses are like a dude with a black box. You are never allowed to see inside the black box, but the dude assures you there is quite a bit of loot in that box. Plus, if you put your loot in the magic black box, it will magically grow like they are magic beans. Of course, everyone needs to believe in the power of the black box for this to work.

If people no longer believe there is loot in the black box, they will stop putting money in said black box. If enough people lose faith quickly enough, the black box is complete worthless and the dude goes broke.

Bear Sterns is that dude right now.

The intervention by J.P. Morgan and the New York Fed shows Bear “didn’t have enough money to turn the lights on this morning,” said Carl Lantz, strategist at Credit Suisse. “And in a big picture sense, this isn’t that comforting.”

Wait, I remember this story!

Went something like this:

Bear Sterns is the Duke Brothers, except in reality we have Republican Socialism that keeps private enterprise from failing. If only the Duke Brothers lives in our fantasy world instead of the one Hollywood creates.

But in the world of Republican Socialism, the Duke Brothers are saved by you, me and your grandmother. And when you are paying $10 lb for chicken, you will have the Fed to think. And the Fed doesn’t get a crap about what you think, because they are a private organization.

And the first thing to solving the riddle of Republican Socialism is to make the Fed accountable to the people of these United States of America, and not the hedge fund row, and only to the hedge fund row.

Why the coinage of the US dollar is not under government control is probably one of the best kept secrets in America.

And as always, it has to do with money.


The entire wealth of the USA is also in a black box. The world has recently decided that our black box is pretty worthless. In effect, they have decided our dollar is pretty worthless.

What these means, as Republican Socialism fails, it exposes the ugly truth that the rich are only rich because they say they are rich. If you take away their black box, they would be eating out of dumpster by the end of the month.

Of course to distract the people from this inconvient truth, you better do something drastic. Especially when even Nobel Prize winners calling Republican Socialism a form of looting.

Something crazy, oh say, like attacking Babylon.

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