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Wis. News: Wis. governor a Fiscal Conservative??

Gov walker Cutting State Expenses???:

embattled Gov. Scott Walker spoke at an invitation-only event

And how does he arrive at this ‘invitation only’ tepublican fund raising event:

Walker arrived in a convoy of six unmarked police cars that pulled up at 5:45 p.m. to the Steak Pit for a Republican Lincoln Day fundraiser.

This turkey is taking the bush ‘it would be easier if a dictator’ to heart and he thinks he’s the Pres. apparently!!

Live-WI Rallies

This is a live feed coming out of Madison:

Right now they are bouncing back and forth from the speaker at the station to show recordings from yesterday as well as some live feeds via cell phones as the rally goes on today.

The Sheen’s, Lohan’s, Oscar’s Style’s vs The Fallen Soldiers’

I’m not going to add anything except this to what I’m posting below, we’ve got a decade plus of living the reality while also no mention of the Country demanding ‘Sacrifice’ for what they readily support,

The Country doesn’t even understand the damage they’ve created with the actions of these two now long running occupations and the hate rhetoric towards others, as a group, that still continues!

CEO talks “clean power”

Those who know or use Duke power don’t really like them especially for their wide use of coal, mentioned in the opening of this article.

But with time on my hands, the past couple of years leading into early retirement with the collapse of the construction industry, I’ve been following them as well as trying to follow others, not much on the others, as to innovation in new energy development and needs and a green economy.

They have actually not been a big corporate machine that has been sitting on there bottom line these past couple of years. They’ve been moving rapidly into solar and wind. Either by themselves or partnering with others or buying up existing solar and wind developments others had already built. Not fast enough, especially here in NC, to make a big dent in all the unemployed trades, architects and engineers, but have put many back to work.  

‘gotta be the so called conservative mentality’

In honor of International Women’s Day

Now why would someone, or a group, target a site such as this? It would be really interesting to find the sources and ask them. Are they funded by the wealth already going after women’s rights or just pranksters with a sick agenda? Something tells me there’s more to this than that.

Hackers target ‘Women’s Day’ site

The Great Stagnation:

Earlier today I posted up an article I found on one of my sites, this one related to the Green Economic growth going on mostly everywhere but here in the U.S., though here we are finally doing some things. I was going to leave it at that posting but low and behold I started streaming NPR and caught a related short interview with an author that wasn’t directly related to Green but was about what we once had as an economy here in the States, which gives me the title.  

GRITtv with guest Michael Moore: People Power

No need to say much as to an intro to this discussion, they, as usual, do a great job.

One thing I would like to say is that  think Keith would be doin great if he picked up Laura and gave her a spot on the rebuild of that Gore and company TV Station.

She’s always done a great job when doing radio, her books, and now with this GRITtv venture, though to a to small an audience and Rachel’s still under contract to MSNBC.

Iraq and Afghanistan: Wasting Tens of Billions of Dollars

First I have a question, already know the answers, not related directly to this report nor the Wars of Choice but is as to the economy, as to anyone interviewing this Gov. Walker.

Why is it when questions are being pointedly asked to him about his battle with the public sector employee’s, and especially as to collective bargaining, his constant response is just how broke that state, and many others are, that as soon as he says everyone must sacrifice whoever is asking the questions doesn’t forcefully ask what about those tax cuts passed and signed within his first month?

I didn’t hear one mention, question or statement by anyone, admit I tuned in a tad late, about those tax cuts, not one!

Now onto the recently released report, where much of our treasury, on the credit card, has gone and readily flushed down the drain by the tepublicans especially, who not only don’t want the past decade brought up they certainly don’t want the country reminded of not only the spent but the lost billions.

Report: Billions lost on contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan

February 25, 2011 – A new report blasts the U.S. government for wasting tens of billions of dollars in Iraq and Afghanistan by relying too much on contractors and doing too little to monitor their performance.

The interim report from the Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan points out that contractors in the war zones sometimes have exceeded the number of military personnel. Numbering 200,000, contractors now roughly match the military force.

“Misspent dollars run into the tens of billions,” the report said. The 64-page report was released Thursday and will be followed up next week with a hearing on how to improve contractor accountability.

“War by its nature entails waste. But the scale of the problems in Iraq and Afghanistan also reflects the toxic interplay of huge sums of money pumped into relatively small economies and an unprecedented reliance on contractors,” the report said.

Sen. James Webb, D-Virginia, who helped establish the commission three years ago, said Friday that its latest proposals deserve attention from Congress and the Department of Defense and called for a hearing on the matter. {continued}

For your convenience, and mine, I uploaded the pdf so others can read it who may not want to download it, just below.

Iraq and Afghan: Interim report from the Commission on Wartime Contracting

You can visit the Commissions site with link below to read the pdf press release as well as their other links.

Commission on Wartime Contracting

An Altered Ocean

Caught this report earlier on the PBS News Hour site and then went searching for the report, given yesterday at the National Press Club. The press club still doesn’t have anything but the announcement for up at their site, but I did catch the report and it page with plenty of backlinks as well as audio to the press club presentation.

Another scathing report we’d better pay attention to and start what should have already been a couple of decades old advancing this country towards the innovations, we were once envied for, needed to move forward.  

UN Report: Green Growth is Better, Safer Growth

I just caught this a short while ago and just in time to stream most of the press conference, without even finishing my first pot of coffee.

Did some searching and found a couple of reports, more are being added as I type this, as well as the UNEP site page with the full report broken down in sections to download, read and study.

One doesn’t need to believe in ‘Climate Change’, using the label ‘global warming’ in a simplistic way to feed the detraction of the obvious, detractors of advancing technologies and individual advancements and dreams have always been around. Developing, long over due and argued about, the technologies and finding the possible new means to the goals of a cleaner planet and cleaner living are just the same as any advancements man has made as we’ve evolved.

Greening should help bring about cleaner living. Greening should stop many of mans conflicts {think national securities and the continued growth of hatreds} on his fellow man, who will go to war to try and control anothers sun or wind,or what other possibilities can be found to cleaner energy needs through other advancing technologies and not with fossil fuels or anothers mineral assets.

Advancing to green economies brings growth, everywhere, as well as the needed trades and expertise to be able to carry out the advancement needs. Developing and growing towards cleaner living, cleaner manufacturing, cleaner air, cleaner water and much more, a cleaner and possibly less hostile planet.

Veterans: WRONG Direction for Funding {once again}

<——- Remember these? They were a big joke and joy for a group still calling themselves republicans and happened as the Country were sending Military Troops into war once again, wars that still continue, and never a real apology for their joke. I’ll bet some of them still have some handy to be used and laughed about when their need arises to do so as they wave the flag and condemn others who don’t agree with them. Oh and while they seem to get joy about Soldiers being wounded in our wars and awarded the “Purple Heart” these were pointed directly at a brother In-Country Vietnam Navy Veteran, my tour there, as a Navy GunnersMate 3rd, was my last year of my four ’70-’71.

Or how about the many forms of these ——->

Till they quickly blew off the SUV’s and other vehicles never to be replaced, only ones you’ll see now are the very rare bumper stickers that only weather will remove after they fade out to much effort needed to remove by the owners.

Or who can forget these ——–><——–, that any who wore suits, especially representatives hired by the people, if they didn’t wear were called unpatriotic, unsupportive of our soldiers and veterans, even enemy sympathisers and much more, why the FOX couldn’t stop supposedly reporting on these traders of the U.S. and {non}Americans.

In the previous election did anyone hear any mention by the so called great movement of royally pissed off americans, corporate sponsored and corporate media hyped, still, TEA Party and their many talking heads as to any Demands for Finally ‘Sacrificing’ as Soldiers are still sent into two conflicts, their families waiting for their return, and those who survive come back as Veterans of their Military Service to the Country. I didn’t, all I heard once again were ‘tax cuts’ which every time I’ve heard these last some forty years, as a Veterans Advocate and Activist, says the Country doesn’t want to pony up for the results of it’s Wars and our brother and sister veterans will continue facing an underfunded Veterans Administration and be in constant catch up mode which in the long run constantly costs more to give what is owed and promised. One of the results of that around the country, contributing to as well is the collapsed economy from failed economic and business practices the past thirty years, has been the cutting back or shutting down of local Veterans offices that help the millions of Veterans coop with the system and the paperwork etc. needed to get that promised help as it took the past four years to finally start not only catching up with what wasn’t done but bring the VA into the 21st century.

Green Economy: Created 1 Million Jobs, $146 Billion to the GDP

But not only should have created more jobs and GDP growth, ronnynomic’s free trade trickle down investments from the top few percent huge growth in wealth con, with even huge tax cuts or no tax at all, called capitalism, in these past few years it should have started and been well established some thirty years ago. We should be the World Leader in the innovation and growth as we once were in most things done on this planet, even as detractors fought against advancements!

The idea’s of growth in going off the grid, so to speak, with things like solar and wind as well as other possibilities have been around for my decades of growing up and actually put into practice. I know as a multi tradesman in construction, residential and commercial, I was a part of those early installations and attempts. But the old money and established businesses stayed out of investing in and fought hard against advancing into the new thus keeping the costs and future innovations at bay or less then stagnant. Many older folks can remember when homes started sporting solar panels on their roofs and some carried that further and developed their own means of going off the grid, then it went dead, been around now for decades and talked about, argued, for as long.

Lets be honest, there have always been detractors as to new idea’s, inventions, advancements on the already established, etc., mostly coming from wealthy old guard established businesses and individual’s leading the arguments against for their already established means of wealth thinking apparently it was them, and not the workers, who created the growth and more that they profit from.

The arguments about ‘global warming’, purposefully misrepresented, reality ‘climate change’ the obvious, are the detraction’s put forth with force to lock the brakes on innovation and advancing society needs and a continually growing economy. Led by the old guard established business folks who know they can control a great number within a society with their brand of propaganda of false meme’s with their wealth.

The following just came out a few days ago and is getting some off the msm reporting.

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