December 2010 archive

LONGEST WALK 3 (Reversing Diabetes): Fundraiser!

Dennis Banks spoke on the Tuscarora Reservation about the war on diabetes and what inspired him to fight diabetes. It was when he spoke to the Hopi, who were at least 90% in wheelchairs, that he realized diabetes must be defeated for the survival of the 7th Generation.

LW32011 (2)

WikiLeaks and What It Says About Us

It is easy to be cynical in light of the Wikileaks revelations.  The automatic believers in the worst case and the perfidious have had confirmation followed by confirmation in the past few days.  An intelligence community and a President promising greater transparency has not followed through on its lofty promises.  Do as I say, not as I do, would seem to be its modus opperandi.  While I recognize that having the strongest hand at the bargaining table is considered the key to diplomacy, the behind-the-scenes sausage factory present here only confirms the fears of many Americans.  The timing could not be worse, especially when a strong anti-government sentiment swept the GOP to power in the House.          

Davos Globalist Scumbag Meeting

Go head, Google It!

Click on the Globalist Crime Syndicate link.…

File not found!  Hey Julian Assange, what a frigging surprize.

Thumbprints to cash a check!…

OK, my “temp agency” checks come from another company DBA/doing business as, that encourages “trust” don’t it, a company alias, well anyway, the company wants the bank to “call this number” to “verify” the frigging check.  Electronic implantable virtual microchips of Satan aside, WTF?!

Sharia law in Ohio!…

Whole sections of Rense on S510, the frankenfoods Bill!

Also a graphic from the exhiled David Dees.  I wonder how he is making out.

Docudharma Times Thursday December 2

Thursday’s Headlines:

Manga, hip hop and high fashion: The world of Takashi Murakami


Chicago takes wrecking ball to its final tower of violence

Accused whistleblower ‘just wanted to live a normal life’


Wikileaks: Russia branded ‘mafia state’ in recent cable

Ségolène Royal’s presidential announcement throws French Socialists into disarray

Middle East

US papers twist Iranian missile tale

Mubarak party’s landslide election win leaves a bitter taste


Karzai brothers risk wrath of US over release of Taliban fighters

Pakistan stares into a valley of death


Farms destined for poor went to Mugabe loyalists

Nigerian troops attack camps, rebels say scores killed

Latin America

Cartel arrests fail to curb drug trade

Fed aid in financial crisis went beyond U.S. banks to industry, foreign firms

By Jia Lynn Yang, Neil Irwin and David S. Hilzenrath

Washington Post Staff Writers

Thursday, December 2, 2010; 12:15 AM

The financial crisis stretched even farther across the economy than many had realized, as new disclosures show the Federal Reserve rushed trillions of dollars in emergency aid not just to Wall Street but also to motorcycle makers, telecom firms and foreign-owned banks in 2008 and 2009. The Fed’s efforts to prop up the financial sector reached across a broad spectrum of the economy, benefiting stalwarts of American industry including General Electric and Caterpillar and household-name companies such as Verizon, Harley-Davidson and Toyota. The central bank’s aid programs also supported U.S. subsidiaries of banks based in East Asia, Europe and Canada while rescuing money-market mutual funds held by millions of Americans.

Someone please diary this

Someone please diary this info. I do not have time and this is really huge


Banking giants leaned heavily on Fed in crisis

* Fed releases details of loans made during crisis

* Barclays took largest loan from broker-dealer window

* Citigroup, BofA sought support well into spring 2009

* Korea, Harley Davidson borrowed commercial paper (Recasts, adds details, analyst reaction)

By Pedro da Costa and Rachelle Younglai

WASHINGTON, Dec 1 (Reuters) – Goldman Sachs Group (GS.N) Citigroup (C.N) and other big U.S. banks repeatedly sought help from the Federal Reserve during the financial crisis, according to data on Wednesday that showed just how precarious their situation was at the time.

Many of the firms now boasting solid profits had to rely on funding from the U.S. central bank, which essentially acted as the glue holding the financial system together in the tumultuous months that followed the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in September 2008.

Citi tapped Fed window 278 times during crisis

Goldman tapped Fed window 84 times during crisis

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

Time for a break from poetry…in order to create some art.

I may not be different, but I’m definitely not the same.

–William J. Dybus

Ornamental 9

Late Night Karaoke

On Asking And Telling, Or, 115,000 LBGT Troops? How Many Is That, Exactly?

I took a couple of weeks off, as Thanksgiving and snow came around (a subject we’ll address in a day or so), but we are all again occupied as lots of things we’ve been talking about  either will or won’t come to pass, and it seems like all that’s happening all at once.

Today we’ll take on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT); this because the Pentagon’s top leadership just came out and reported that revocation of the policy, following a period of preparation, would be their preferred way to go.

There will be lots of others who will take on the question of what’s right and wrong here, and exactly how implementation might occur; my interest is, instead, to focus on one little fact that makes all teh rest of the conversation a lot more relevant.

That is the fact that about 70,000 LBGT troops serve in the military today, DADT notwithstanding, and, that if it wasn’t for DADT, almost 45,000 more troops would be serving that aren’t today.

And that one little fact leads to today’s Great Big Question: exactly how much military would 115,000 troops be, exactly?

Single teaspoon of pure stupid heavier than entire galaxy.

The Economist:

The best protection against global warming is global prosperity. Wealthier, healthier people are better able to deal with higher food prices, or invest in new farming techniques, or move to another city or country, than poor ones are. Richer economies rely less on agriculture, which is vulnerable to climatic change, and more on industry and services, which by and large are not. Richer people tend to work in air-conditioned buildings. Poor ones tend not to.

I thinx mah brain herniated outs mah mouf!


Will Somebody Save Docudharma, or What?

So what’s happening? Will DD just vanish one day with no further notice?

Apparently Edger was the leading contender to keep it going, but if that doesn’t happen, how about the incredibly hard-working blogger, gjohnsit, along with dharmasyd and some other regulars as an editorial board?

I’m willing to contribute some money, but nobody tells me anything about what it costs to maintain the site!

Step up, people!

The bad guys are winning everywhere, and one less established progressive site is gravy for them!

Today is Mine


Today’s my birthday, and was a strangely rainy day in the Big Apple.  I felt like going to work, which was bizarre in and of itself.

I like birthdays, the ego gets a holiday and can run free!  Free at last!  Hee.

In this moderen age, we can self-publish.  So that’s easy right there.  Boom!  Instant connection to cyberworld.

Anyhoo …

Wikileaks Release: Torture Prosecution Discussed In Cables

A major worry was a torture case brought by a Spanish non-governmental organisation against six senior Bush administration officials, including the former attorney general Alberto Gonzales.

Senator Mel Martinez, a former Republican party chairman, and the US embassy’s charge d’affaires visited the Spanish foreign ministry to warn the investigation would have consequences. “Martinez and the charge underscored that the prosecutions would … have an enormous impact on the bilateral relationship,” the officials reported.

Officials in Madrid discussed with Zaragoza ways in which a US investigation into the same allegations might be opened in order to force the Spanish court to close its own case. “Zaragoza has also told us that if a proceeding regarding this matter were underway in the US, that would effectively bar proceedings in Spain. We intend to further explore this option with him informally,” they said.…

This is some of the worst high school bullshit: “Oh yeah, we’ll open our OWN investigation and then you can’t investigate!”  

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