December 2008 archive

Late Night Karaoke

Talking Avoids Silence

Bette Davis Eyes

First Satanic Veil

The “news” today about those “top” internet searches from Yahoo has prompted me the get on and classify the first of the Satanic Veils.  That veil would be media.

Manufacturing Tuesday: Week of 12.01.08

(My apologies folks, for the delay.  This was supposed to be published this morning, but I had rush a sick wiener dog to one of those emergency vet places.  Rest assured, he’s Ok, and probably won’t eat another sock again!)

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to another edition of Manufacturing Monday…er Tuesday!  Originally I wanted to post this on Monday morning, but I wanted to include the latest development from the Boeing SPEEA talks. Outside of this we got news from the steel industry, unfortunately not the good kind.  Sticking with steel for a moment, there’s an op-ed piece I wish to highlight that I thought you should look at.  We have news or alarm bells I should say about pensions.  Of course we also have some Green news, some ominous, but some good.  

But before we get to those, let’s take a look at the Numbers!

Pony Party/Open Thread!

This Pony Party is an Open Thread!  Use it as such.  Please do not rec the Pony Party / Open Thread.

Who’s doing the circular firing squad now?

This essay probably has no redeeming social value. It might not even be interesting to most folks unless you enjoy watching the circular firing squad that has now become the Republican Party. But I’ve been noticing some interesting discussions taking place and thought I’d chronicle them.

Of course, as I write, I plan to drown my sorrows with a little of this.


So, here we go. First of all, are you ready for a rumble between Kathleen Parker and James Dobson?

Audio File: US elections – Obama for change?

Original article, by Mick Brooks, via Socialist Appeal (UK):

The U.S. has elected a new president, Barack Hussein Obama. Along with the dramatic turn in the economic situation, this marks a definite turning point in the history of the country and of the world. Big illusions have been created that Obama will provide “change”. What American workers have voted for is an end to policies that benefit the rich – but does Obama represent real change?

Bringing The Fear, Year after Year!

Our Corporate Media is on a mission.  It is a mission of concern for the American people.  It is a mission to enlighten ALL of us to the FACT that the world is not a SAFE place.  

Teh World Is To Be Feared!  No, really.  

Not only can bad things happen to YOU when you are out there in the world, but bad things can happen when bad people want to do bad things to YOU!  I’m positive!

The Corporate Media told me so.  Why just today……

What’s LEFT Of Blogs?

Magnifico reports today in his Four at Four on the Washington Post story today: Nuclear or Biological Attack Called Likely.

The story tells in a very serious “objectively journalistic” matter of fact manner of a new report produced by the “Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism”.

WAPO’s article notes that:

The odds that terrorists will soon strike a major city with weapons of mass destruction are now better than even, a bipartisan congressionally mandated task force concludes in a draft study that warns of growing threats from rogue states, nuclear smuggling networks and the spread of atomic know-how in the developing world.

The sobering assessment of such threats, due for release as early as today, singled out Pakistan as a grave concern because of its terrorist networks, history of instability and arsenal of several dozen nuclear warheads. The report urged the incoming Obama administration to take “decisive action” to reduce the likelihood of a devastating attack.

…the creation of the commission, chaired by former senator Bob Graham (D-Fla.), with former congressman James M. Talent (R-Mo.) serving as vice chairman, was one of the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission, which explored the causes of the 2001 terrorist attacks against the United States.

I don’t recall the 9/11 Commission ever doing any “exploring” of the root causes of the 2001 terrorist attacks or of the root causes of the oppresssion and imperialism and the general foreign policies of messing internally with other countries militarily and via CIA fomented insurrections, destabilization campaigns, and false flag operations to fog the minds of Americans over the past six or more decades.

I don’t recall the 9/11 Commission ever doing anything other than their job: creating justifications for the “war on terror” fearmongering and propaganda campaigns that replaced the “cold war” mentality of ‘political rule on behalf of multinational corporate stripping the earth bare like a swarm of locusts the rest of the world’s human beings are our property and resources to be used till exhausted with no regard for their humanity‘ American Exceptionalism that was behind all the lies and deceits of the ten year sanctions war and eventual invasion and occupation of Iraq that was directly responsible for the deaths, maimings and poisonings of over a million Iraqis; men, women, and children.

But “explore the causes”? Deluded misinformation at best, and pure manipulative propaganda at worst.

Boo! The boogeymen are out to get you.

This story is all over the left blogs today, and most of what I read is people lapping it up as easily and thoughtlessly as the 26 percenters lapped up all of Bush’s years of Rovian manipulations, and using it as justification for “pragmatic” hide their heads in the sand denial of Barack Obama’s obvious miltarist tendencies and full intentions to continue the war on terror memes and determination to militarily dominate the earth while blaming the blowback on “terrists” on behalf of the corporatocracy that rules America.

Have we learned nothing in eight years?

Glenn Greenwald: How Beltway reporters mislead the country

by: ek hornbeck

Sun Nov 25, 2007

I think this is the arena that we are most effective in, media criticism.

The press is a gang of cruel faggots.  Journalism is not a profession or a trade. It is a cheap catch-all for fuckoffs and misfits – a false doorway to the backside of life, a filthy piss-ridden little hole nailed off by the building inspector, but just deep enough for a wino to curl up from the sidewalk and masturbate like a chimp in a zoo-cage.

(I)t (is) a low trade and a habit worse than heroin, a strange seedy world full of misfits and drunkards and failures. The business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs.  There’s also a negative side.

Objective journalism is one of the main reasons American politics has been allowed to be so corrupt for so long. – Stockton

I think this is the arena that we used to be most effective in, media criticism. But no longer, it seems.

What’s LEFT Of Blogs?

HONORING THE FALLEN: US Military KIA, Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan – November 2008

If you visit any of the lists of the KIA’s or Injured in the Iraq Theater one thing you’ll notice, the Only Occupation Forces numbers rising, being Killed and Maimed, are American Forces these last number of months!! I find myself wondering how many are on a first tour, or second, or third, or forth…………………………….., in Both Theaters!!

Four at Four

  1. The Washington Post reports Nuclear or Biological Attack Called Likely.

    The odds that terrorists will soon strike a major city with weapons of mass destruction are now better than even, a bipartisan congressionally mandated task force concludes in a draft study that warns of growing threats from rogue states, nuclear smuggling networks and the spread of atomic know-how in the developing world.

    The sobering assessment of such threats, due for release as early as today, singled out Pakistan as a grave concern because of its terrorist networks, history of instability and arsenal of several dozen nuclear warheads. The report urged the incoming Obama administration to take “decisive action” to reduce the likelihood of a devastating attack.

    “No mission could be timelier,” says the draft report of the Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism, which spent six months preparing an assessment for Congress and the new president-elect. It adds: “In our judgment, America’s margin of safety is shrinking, not growing.”

    The report, ordered by Congress last year, concludes that terrorists are more likely to obtain materials for a biological attack than to buy or steal nuclear weapons. But it says the nuclear threat is growing rapidly, in part because of the increasing global supply of nuclear material and technology.

    Another Bush administration failure. Hopefully, Congress and Obama will take positive, corrective action before its too late.

Four at Four continues with news from the UNFCCC, James Jones connection to climate change deniers, and Europe’s plan to save the honeybee.

Dear Joe, I want an Electric Train for Christmas (Pt. 1)

Burning the Midnight Oil for Living Energy Independence (also in Orange)

Joe talks about trains to the National Governors Association:

(h/t Ryan Avent, Matthew Yglesias)

Three special Federal tasks are the provision of a coast to coast system of electric trains, support for a nationwide “Rapid Rail” network, and support for inter-regional corridors providing true High Speed Rail.

If we pursue the opportunities available to use now, using existing, well tested technology, we can have a big chunk of this job finished within eight years, and can have set things in motion to see an absolute Energy Revolution in inter-regional transport in this nations by 2024.

So it may not be this Christmas, but if we hit hard on this issue, its possible for us to say, “New York, you get an electric train. Boise, you get an electric train. Detroit, you get an electric train. Atlanta, you get an electric train. Amarillo, you get an electric train. …”

More, including maps, after the fold

Proposal: A New Net-wide Petition Drive…Targeting Bushco…..HELP!!!


A madman has ruined our country and helped set the world on fire!!!


He has committed War Crimes, domestic crimes, and crimes against humanity. And now he is about to retire to his ranch and drink himself to death. With no meaningful consequence and setting a precedent for Presidential Criminality that cannot be allowed to stand.


The Netroots helped elect Obama and give Democrats a near Supermajority (pending the outcome of the Georgia and Minnesota pennant Senate races) and now is floundering about looking for something to coordinate on to flex it’s now even stronger muscles!!!

HELP!!! I am going through a personal transition (nearly over) and my brain is not fully functional yet, but there is IMPORTANT WORK TO BE DONE!!!


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