December 2008 archive

If I could have a moment of your time to discuss your crapper.

With the knowledge that Joe The Plumber’s book “Joe the Plumber – Fighting for the American Dream” is fast approaching publication, I, a professional writer of pronouns and gerunds and other stuff with serif based English letters, am becoming increasingly worried about my job security.

I mean… now that HE’S an author, there surely will be one less opportunity for people of my ilk to ply our trade. That said, I know me some math, and while there is one less slot for wordsmiths, there is a opening in the area of sinks, toilets, and septic tanks.

So, with that in mind…

Open Thread

So I’m glancing through the news this morning and I find this:

Every once in a while, something will appear in the night sky that will attract the attention of even those who normally don’t bother looking up. It’s likely to be that way on Monday evening, Dec. 1.

A slender crescent moon, just 15-percent illuminated, will appear in very close proximity to the two brightest planets in our sky, Venus and Jupiter.

People who are unaware or have no advance notice will almost certainly wonder, as they cast a casual glance toward the moon on that night, what those two “large silvery stars” happen to be? Sometimes, such an occasion brings with it a sudden spike of phone calls to local planetariums, weather offices and even police precincts. Not a few of these calls excitedly inquire about “the UFOs” that are hovering in the vicinity of our natural satellite.

Now I have been burned too many times by astrological events … either the sky is too cloudy to see the fabulous eclipses or there’s too much light in my neighborhood to view the wonderful meteor showers.

So I forgot about it until I got home from work.  I got off the subway in my usual trance, half asleep, and was walking the four blocks to my apartment when I inadvertently glanced up at the sky.

Wow!  There it was, a beautiful crescent moon, bright Venus and Jupiter right there!  Although it had been raining all week, tonight the sky was dark and clear.  The lovely sight put a big smile on my face.

Open thread is open for your tales of astronomical wowness or anything else that you’d like to share.

Sorry for my absence

folks, I have been out of here for some months. We are still moving to South America, This month I hope, but we’ve been fighting health issues, tax issues, and, of course money issues. More below the fold…

Banks Stopped Regulations That Could Have Prevented Financial Meltdown.

Well, it’s all coming out now.  The Bush administration was warned about the potential problems with the housing bubble and loans being made, considered regulation, but backed off under pressure from, guess who?  Yes, the very banks being bailed out now.

Accountability means one thing for working people and another for the investment class.

WASHINGTON – The Bush administration backed off proposed crackdowns on no-money-down, interest-only mortgages years before the economy collapsed, buckling to pressure from some of the same banks that have now failed. It ignored remarkably prescient warnings that foretold the financial meltdown, according to an Associated Press review of regulatory documents.

Expect fallout, expect foreclosures, expect horror stories,” California mortgage lender Paris Welch wrote to U.S. regulators in January 2006, about one year before the housing implosion cost her a job.

Also on Daily Kos:…

From the “what were they thinking?” catalog: greenwashing the Chevy Tahoe

There are many greenwashing efforts for gas guzzling McSUVs, seeking to put a green shine on polluting behemoths.  Normally, these come from well-paid hacks and company publicity machines.  Sometimes, however, you have to ask yourself, “What were they thinking?”  

This is truly the case with the naming of the Chevy Tahoe Hybrid as the Green Car Journal’s Green Car of the Year.  Amid the overall absurdity of naming a 20 mpg, 5500 pound, $50,000+ light-duty vehicle that will mainly end up in suburban drive-ways (typically with just one person in them when driven) somehow green, one has to wonder at the “names” associated with the award. These include Carl Pope, Sierra Club’s executive director; Christopher Flavin (Worldwatch Institute), Jonathan Lash (World Resources Institute), and Jean-Michel Cousteau (Ocean Futures Society).  

Let’s be clear, the Tahoe Hybrid is less bad for the environment and less problemmatic for America’s oil addiction than the traditional Tahoe behemoth, but ‘less bad’ doesn’t mean “green”.

Four at Four

  1. Like there was any doubt, but the NY Times reports “It’s Official: Recession Started One Year Ago“.

    The evidence of a downturn has been widespread for months: slower production, stagnant wages and hundreds of thousands of lost jobs. But the nonpartisan National Bureau of Economic Research, charged with making the call for the history books, waited until now to weigh in.

    In a statement released Monday, the members of the group’s Business Cycle Dating Committee – made up of seven prominent economists, most from the academic sector – said that the economy entered a recession in December 2007.

  2. The LA Times reports Bombs kill at least 34 people in Iraq. Police recruits in Baghdad and U.S. and Iraqi security forces in Mosul were targeted.

    The monthly death toll for November, including civilians, police and soldiers, was 339, compared to 278 in October, according to figures from the ministries of health and interior. The number is far lower than for the month of November last year, when the death toll from bombings, shootings and other attacks linked to Iraq’s war was 608.

    The NY Times has the following quote in their coverage of the bombing:

    “If you dare to tell the truth, this is because of the American forces,” said a man who refused to give his name. “Their convoy went to the end of the street and the suicide bomber came right then. All of our troubles are because of the Americans.”

    At a press conference today to unveils his national security team, President-elect Barack Obama said “said he was sticking to his goal of removing American combat troops from Iraq within 16 months, which he called ‘the right time frame,’ and that this would be accomplished with safety for the troops and security for the Iraqi people.”

Four at Four continues with the climate talks in Poland and Pakistani-Indian tension.

Playing for Life

On Saturday night I was invited to play for about a hundred yogis at ‘source yoga’, a studio in town, for the arrival of a swami from India. I get there and stand in a corner where I can hear myself tune, and think about what has happened in the last few days, specifically in Mumbai. I think of so many people who have given a message to us, a message of common humanity and shared values of goodness and compassion. In India, independence would not have come so easily had Gandhi not been there. Oh, it would have come; you cannot sustain a colonial presence, especially with ethnic differences as deep as between the British and the Indians; but somehow his message of Satyagraha, non-violent action, really succeeded where many armed uprisings failed.

I go to play, and the music comes out. I stand there, listening twice. Once for the music that I hear inside, and then again as I try to copy as accurately as I can the sounds that I hear in my heart. Mostly I do all right, and as I resolutely play without any amplifitation in the large and very full room, I let the music take me over until I’m hanging on for dear life as this sound emerges from my instrument.

The swami is late, held up in traffic; they ask if I would play some more. I take my instrument, and in the time that it takes to tune a new thing is there to be freed. I again try to be a pure conduit for the energy, thinking about everyone who has lost someone in the mess that was the siege of the hotels Oberoi, Taj, and Nariman house; the pictures of the young rabbi and his wife, the faces of the two ‘terrorists’ who were photographed, all come together in a face that reflects the intensity of the feelings of the situation.

The second piece starts with the hymn ‘Amazing Grace’, then moves into a terra ingognita of conflicting feelings, odd and jagged melodies contrasting with solemn tones that are like Bach’s cello suites in their sobriety. gradually the sound evolves back to finish where it began, with the simple notes of ‘Amazing Grace’, one of my favorite hymns, full of hope and redemption. I can’t help thinking that the young men who executed the attack left behind a grieving mother, a family burdened by grief; everyone of us pays for this, no matter the exhortations of religious figures that preach that violence is a great way of serving God. And I realize that we, as common humanity, have paid enough for religious differences; We have paid enough and too much for the exhortations of religious leaders who urge violence as a sacred duty, sanctioned by the Creator, who I believe has said no such thing.

And I return to my personal revelation, of Jesus coming to me late at night a few weeks ago and saying just this:

“I am love; first of all and most importantly, I am that love that moves all things. Remember this, and remember that apart from all sectarian feelings and dogmatic sayings I am first and last pure love.”

I pray that we all can move towards this universal love, the source of all good action towards all beings; beyond individual prophets and their revelations, “that love that moves the sun and the other stars”, as Dante so beautifully puts it, pulls all beings toward itself.

Lawrence of Arabia wrote that during one of his travels, he ran into an old blind hermit near a spring of pure water in the desert; and that finally, the old man said:

“The Love is From God, and of God, and towards God”.

That’s all the religion I need. And all the religion that the whole world needs.

Impeachment on TV!

I’ve been ‘out of it’ for a while, so this is the first i have heard of this, anyone have any more info?

Via Raw Story

The National Impeachment Network is planning to run an advertisement on California television during the months of December and January 2009 which advocates for the impeachment of President George W. Bush.

Headed by Ralph Lopez, diarist at the left-leaning Daily Kos, the National Impeachment Network is supported by grassroots groups such as Code Pink, Veterans for Peace and Republicans for Impeachment.

From the network’s website:

“Ralph Lopez at the National Impeachment Network has created this ad for television, a version of which has already run in Vermont on Fox News, MSNBC, CNN Headlines, and other stations. We are going over the heads of congressmen and appealing directly to their constituents in order to generate pressure for impeachment. Impeachment can be accomplished in three days with single article like refusing to obey congressional subpoenas. In an up-or-down vote before the entire Congress, even Republicans who are not part of the rabid right will start hearing from their constituents to impeach. Bush has no friends left, and he shouldn’t. They can do it. And the future of democracy will be that much more secure, with his unprecedented law-breaking firmly punished.”

The website, which includes a paypal account for donations. The commercial….

What Now, Speaker Pelosi?

We know you hold us mere ‘advocates’ in contempt…

Unsmilingly, she continued: “If they were poor and they were sleeping on my sidewalk, they would be arrested for loitering, but because they have ‘Impeach Bush’ across their chest, it’s the First Amendment.”


“They are advocates,” she said. “We are leaders.”

….and that when you hold someone in contempt, you tend to dismiss what they say. Well we hold you in contempt as well. I am sure that you would be happy if we all just forgot the last two years when you had the power to stop the Iraq war and impeach Bush for his multiple crimes. I am sure that you wish the shrill activists in your base would just go away. But we aren’t going away, and neither are the crimes that George Bush committed on your watch.

We will not forget that you literally allowed Bush to get away with murder while you were the only one who had the power to stop him, the power to impeach him. We will not forget that you had the unbridled arrogance to take the Constitution into your own hands and figuratively tear the impeachment clause right out of it.

All for political advantage, all to win the recent elections.

Well, we won.

Now what?

I am sure that you are more than happy to now kick the can down the road to Obama and dump the mess YOU made into his lap. But you are still here you still have power and it you are still responsible for the last two years of war, torture, domestic spying and all the rest.

We won’t forget, and we won’t let you off the hook. You have even more of a majority now, you have a completely different political climate. You can still do something to hold Bush accountable….if you WANT to.

Now what Nancy?

We are waiting. And we are NOT going away.

P-P-P-Pragmatically Preserving The Power of the President?

The US federal government has made strong preparations for “continuity of government” in the event of a national catastrophe.

A full army brigade is now on active duty within domestic borders, and the Bush administration has issued a directive which allows the president to coordinate all three branches of the federal government in such an event.

The Real News spoke to Bruce Fein.

Real News: December 1, 2008

US prepares for “continuity of government”

Bruce Fein: Army to deal with potential domestic “civil unrest and crowd control”

Bruce Fein is the founder of the American Freedom Agenda, that works to restore constitutional checks and balances. He served in the US Justice Department under President Reagan and has been an adjunct scholar with the American Enterprise Institute, a resident scholar at the Heritage Foundation, a lecturer at the Brookings Institute, and an adjunct professor at George Washington University. He is an adviser to Ron Paul.

Open Thread


Girls just want to have thread.

Considering the source

(crossposted from Cobalt6)

I am not now, nor have I ever been, nor will I ever be, a member of the National Rifle Association.

That said, many of you who read this blog know that I am extremely pro-Second Amendment.

“Laws that forbid the carrying of arms . . . disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes . . . Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.”

–Thomas Jefferson, quoting Cesare Beccaria in On Crimes and Punishment (1764).

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