August 2007 archive

Thoughts on the Site

First, for me anything Buhdy does is great so take these comments as they are meant – with a grain of salt. As some reading may know my professional background is creating media so I may be a bit more critical and I hope ‘THE CREATOR’ not take it personally. Here goes:

Mission: What is the intended goal of DOCUDHARMA
The name is GREAT. To me it implies “documenting life in its many aspects”. That’s a guess. I think it need a TAGLINE

The Design: My guess is the circles at the top represent different catagories. Yes? What are they? I think this aspect needs some real hard thinking as it will define the culture of this site. I have some ideas if you want them.

Use of Video: With a name like this it is a must have. Here is my bio I can’t seem to publish

I’m known at DKOS as NOTIMPORTANT. I chose that name 5 years ago because in my career I was a “behind the scenes” person – and effective as well. 1.5 years ago I was in a near fatal car crash. I am ok, but it caused an early retirement, which is also ok. Recently I decided it was time for a new name that reflects how happy I am to be alive and thriving. Lastly, my professional expertise was in creating “branded content”. In the 80’s it was cable channels. In the 90’s it was Internet Portals and content. Now I am working on my own project which I hope to bring to this site and other – the ability to diary and comment encorporating user generated video. That will have the effect of blogs such as Docudharma less reliant on the shifting sands of corporately owned entities like YouTube. Really lastly, my ultimate goal is to work with people like Budhy to put some of this content on the digital tiers of cable systems.

So you see I am already working on this and would like community input on new ways of incorporating video.

lASTLY. and this is for everyone here, Buhdy already knows this. I think Buhdy rocks and this site could be a “changling” for the blogging world. And yes, I think the small group here is up for it. When I say changling I am talking about being the first blog to create a new dynamic in blogging that it changes all that comes after it.

To me, this site should document in words, in pictures, in music and sound and video all that is communicated by its users. Its a tall order but this is afterall, what Buhdya started isn’t it?

Hey Everybody!

Glad to see things are cooking here at Docudharma!  I apologize that I have been AWOL and probably will be for another few days.  My mother passed away Friday night.  The funeral is on Wednesday.  I’m doing fine, all things considered and will be back before you know it.  I’ll look forward to hooking back up with you then.

In the mean time, here are some thoughts from one of my heroes.

If I was running this conspiracy…

You know, the worst part of the Bush-Cheney cabal is how poorly it is ran. It use take years to sheer away layers of the hidden hand onion till you got to the teary filled truth. But with Bush Redux, it takes about five minutes. This is no way to run a conspiracy. If this really was an agenda for a permanent majority of capitalist plutocrats, then this is what would happen.

First off, you have to knee-cap all the ones who brought you, which has been done with Rove and Gonzo, and countless other Bush Administration officials. Now they are in the fourth quarter, they need someone with pure balls to take this game into a never-ending overtime. Enter Michael Chertoff, who even looks like an agent of Satan.

Sunday night meta

Here’s some more stuff to work on and think about…

Katrina: Two Years Later

This week marks the second anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, an anniversary we’d be wise to commemorate.  If history is all about lessons learned, then the complete breakdown of local, state, and federal government – the complete inability of the world’s wealthiest nation to rescue its own citizens in a disaster that had been well anticipated – should provide us with the best possible classroom for future change.

Two years later, has anything substantial changed?  Or are we back to where we started, with nothing but a wrecked coast and a few thousand displaced lives to show for it?

Carry on my wayward sonnets + Launch Date

Howdy Y’all!

Between spotty access and Real (ha!) World commitments I will may not be around NEARLY as much as I would like until I get to Todos Santos and get my satellite rehooked.

My departure has been moved back a bit, as well. It looks like the soonest we will be able to launch is around the sixth of Sept.

Reworked poem (thanks cronie!)

i would leave …today
and walk straight through tomorrow
if only i knew
that i’d find

i remember thinking…
as we watched the
fire flies fading
like falling embers into the night
i should kiss you
in this smoldering light

in the morning…
memory brings the garden into bloom
i still smell days, just before rain
and hear the thud and splat
of water, gathering in the bird bath
and making mud of our path

the afternoon and the sun
fall through the bedroom window
all warm and yellow,
with a warmed breeze blowing over us
… those few perfect moments of rest
when there is no need for it…

these things, and a hundred more
make me pull open the door
and walk away from today
through tomorrow
and further

to find you…………………

I need help.

I am spending far too much time at the train wreck that is this site.

It’s like rubbernecking an accident.

It brings the ill-mannered adolescent in me to the surface.

Go below the surface.

Here’s what I don’t get

That is a line I constantly have to squelch. Most recently it threatens to erupt in a diary I may or may not finish about a little beef I have with the US Fish & Wildlife Service as exemplified in a recent report of theirs.

But it happens all the time. Pretty much nonstop. Think Andy Rooney on 60 minutes. Some things just incredibly irritating, and some I really don’t understand at all.

Maybe a regular feature? I feel this way at least once a week about something or other. Surely others do as well.

And here’s another thing: maybe a “new resources column” about the new or newly discovered. Like, the new green youtube-type clearinghouse.

Maybe best left to be irregular columns. I kind of like the idea of a branded feature that has no schedule.

Do you get it?

Interrobang ?!?…….

Shake Your Blues Away

Want to see something scary?

Check out this very major piece of banking news that is currently flying under the radar, for the most part:

Fed Bends Rules to Help Two Big Banks


NEW YORK (Fortune) — In a clear sign that the credit crunch is still affecting the nation’s largest financial institutions, the Federal Reserve agreed this week to bend key banking regulations to help out Citigroup (Charts, Fortune 500) and Bank of America (Charts, Fortune 500), according to documents posted Friday on the Fed’s web site.

The Aug. 20 letters from the Fed to Citigroup and Bank of America state that the Fed, which regulates large parts of the U.S. financial system, has agreed to exempt both banks from rules that effectively limit the amount of lending that their federally-insured banks can do with their brokerage affiliates. The exemption, which is temporary, means, for example, that Citigroup’s Citibank entity can substantially increase funding to Citigroup Global Markets, its brokerage subsidiary. Citigroup and Bank of America requested the exemptions, according to the letters, to provide liquidity to those holding mortgage loans, mortgage-backed securities, and other securities.

Summary: In contravention of the current rules, the Fed is letting two ginormous banks lend a total of up to $50 billion to their brokerage subsidiaries.

For some analysis on what this might mean, see this thread:

Ticker Forum – Oh oh – Banks in MAJOR trouble

Or from the left, if you prefer:

Democratic Underground – Fed Bends Rules

Serious talk of major panic and financial disruptions… Bank runs and government seizures even… Or at the least, dozens of billions of dollars in handouts to some of the ultra-rich  investors who might otherwise become just a little less rich over the next few months.

Personally, I don’t know enough about banking and finance to say whether this is basically a nonevent economically, or the beginning of the next depression.

But one thing this tells us for sure: The Fed is absolutely, 100% in the pockets of the richest folks in the world — all at the expense of the taxpayers.  Maybe that’s not huge news, exactly, but at this particular juncture in our economy, it is quite disturbing.

Probably worth contacting your congressperson about, at the very least.

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