Tag: Site Design

Thoughts on the Site

First, for me anything Buhdy does is great so take these comments as they are meant – with a grain of salt. As some reading may know my professional background is creating media so I may be a bit more critical and I hope ‘THE CREATOR’ not take it personally. Here goes:

Mission: What is the intended goal of DOCUDHARMA
The name is GREAT. To me it implies “documenting life in its many aspects”. That’s a guess. I think it need a TAGLINE

The Design: My guess is the circles at the top represent different catagories. Yes? What are they? I think this aspect needs some real hard thinking as it will define the culture of this site. I have some ideas if you want them.

Use of Video: With a name like this it is a must have. Here is my bio I can’t seem to publish

I’m known at DKOS as NOTIMPORTANT. I chose that name 5 years ago because in my career I was a “behind the scenes” person – and effective as well. 1.5 years ago I was in a near fatal car crash. I am ok, but it caused an early retirement, which is also ok. Recently I decided it was time for a new name that reflects how happy I am to be alive and thriving. Lastly, my professional expertise was in creating “branded content”. In the 80’s it was cable channels. In the 90’s it was Internet Portals and content. Now I am working on my own project which I hope to bring to this site and other – the ability to diary and comment encorporating user generated video. That will have the effect of blogs such as Docudharma less reliant on the shifting sands of corporately owned entities like YouTube. Really lastly, my ultimate goal is to work with people like Budhy to put some of this content on the digital tiers of cable systems.

So you see I am already working on this and would like community input on new ways of incorporating video.

lASTLY. and this is for everyone here, Buhdy already knows this. I think Buhdy rocks and this site could be a “changling” for the blogging world. And yes, I think the small group here is up for it. When I say changling I am talking about being the first blog to create a new dynamic in blogging that it changes all that comes after it.

To me, this site should document in words, in pictures, in music and sound and video all that is communicated by its users. Its a tall order but this is afterall, what Buhdya started isn’t it?