Tag: investment


One of the many problems with this extremely slow growth is the jobs being created are more towards the lower wage so called service sector, that sector that doesn’t really produce a product but the workers try and still give a quality job while getting low wages and few benefits and seek respect for what they do.

Popular Culture 20110114: Gold

This is designed to be a companion piece to a new Pique the Geek installment of the same title that will be published Sunday.  The idea for this dual treatment of gold was inspired by our good friend and supporter from the other two sites to which I contribute, ek hornbeck.

This half of the couple has to do with gold in a nontechnical sense.  The one on Sunday gets, obviously, much more Geeky.  However, technical uses aside, gold has been part of the popular culture since prehistory.  Only recently have truly technical uses for gold been found, and those will be covered elsewhere.

Tonight we shall look at some of the history of gold in popular culture, and finish with a discussion of the so-called gold standard and the numerous sales pitches that dominate the conservative airwaves.  We shall try not to get too Geeky.

So The Stimulus Did Nothing, Huh!

This, directly below, as well as the continuing political? propaganda speak from a certain group that still wear the banner of a once political party, their media mouth and sponsor on 24/7 TV, their so called think tanks and those that want to leave the previous administration in the dust, after agreeing with everything it did, In Our Names, but now don’t want anyone  to think they’re associated with that eight years plus so they formed the so called TEA party or as many did even before that started calling themselves libertarians, Has Been Eating At My Craw!!

Summertime Blues: Senator Tom Coburn, M.D., Senator John McCain A u g u s t  2 0 1 0

100 stimulus projects that give taxpayers the blues 74 page PDF, but there’s plenty of articles, by reliable sources, to read all about without downloading.

The Collapsed Middle Class

When Talking About The Economy Now And The So Called ‘Capitalism Practiced’ Start Calling It Exactly What It Is, “Reaganomics”, i.e. ‘trickle down’ ‘free market’…………, there’s a hole host of meme’s used that sold this Con of what must be in order to advance? which when implemented was forecast by many then and over the years, last couple of decades, to do Exactly What It Did, Collapse The Once Growing and Proud Economic Reality That Was!!

Have no idea why those who are supposed to represent the working people don’t use the reality and voice it over and over, do know why th media don’t, they profit from not reporting the reality!

Manufacturing Monday: The so-called Big Three, and the taxpayers’ money

Greetings folks, the start of new week and thus we kick off another episode of Manufacturing Monday!  Never a dull moment when it comes to covering stuff that either goes into the products you buy, or the impact that that consumption leads to. Now originally, I had these other items on bio-fuels, hydrogen cars, China and oil, and a few other things.  But I see now that my section on the bailout of the US automakers is so big, that the whole thing is too long.  So, if it is OK with you, I will post those items tomorrow.