Tag: racism



The Indian removals which destroyed one quarter of the Cherokee tribe, were actually conceptualized by Jefferson and then extended and carried out by Jackson. There were great debates about whether the “redskins” were human and whether they had souls.

Out of the Woodwork.

Can we stop pretending now?

Can we stop pretending that the  Republican Party has become a haven for racists? Can we stop pretending that the today’s Republican Party represents more than two ideas, greed and racism?

If you have been paying attention, you have seen the racists, the just plain ignorant and in the case of this latest hoax, the truly malicious aspects of those who identify as Republicans….


…. come out of the woodwork as their Real America is, in their little closed minds, threatened. This IS the Republican base. Though I hasten to add that not all Republicans share these views and traits.

But it is time to stop pretending that these people don’t exist, and that they don’t have a huge influence on the Republican Party and American politics in general.  

World Without Tears

I’ve been feeling mournful of late.  Can’t say why.  Well I could but you don’t have all day.  Let’s just say things are catching up with me:  torture, war, theft, lies, fraud, corruption, joblessness, homelessness and doing nothing in the face of ecological disaster.

What a shame that we remain at war without reason.  Shame on us.

And what a shame that we continue to blunder down the path to biospheric disaster defying all logic and denying all science.

What is wrong with us?

There are at least two wars ongoing that our government could stop, and would, if they had an ounce of moral fiber…or a lick of sense.


Riots Break Out in 17 Cities

November 5th, 2008


Diane G, WWL National Newsgroup

Protests broke out last night and this morning after a surprising John McCain upset over frontrunner Barack Obama.

Amidst charges of dubious voter challenges, irregular counts and vote tampering, riots and demonstrations took place in several major cities including Detroit, Cleveland and Palm Beach last night and this morning.

Unconfirmed sources have reported widespread damage to property, injuries and 23 deaths.

Local Law Enforcement Agencies were supported by the deployment of National Guardsmen and the First Brigade of the Third Infantry Division. In Louisiana, where the demonstrations were more widespread in smaller Parishes, Blackwater agents were also deployed to prevent violence.

John Lewis On McCain/Palin Rallies, Race and Violence

From Politico:

As one who was a victim of violence and hate during the height of the Civil Rights Movement, I am deeply disturbed by the negative tone of the McCain-Palin campaign.  What I am seeing reminds me too much of another destructive period in American history.  Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are sowing the seeds of hatred and division, and there is no need for this hostility in our political discourse.

During another period, in the not too distant past, there was a governor of the state of Alabama named George Wallace who also became a presidential candidate.  George Wallace never threw a bomb.  He never fired a gun, but he created the climate and the conditions that encouraged vicious attacks against innocent Americans who were simply trying to exercise their constitutional rights.  Because of this atmosphere of hate, four little girls were killed on Sunday morning when a church was bombed in Birmingham, Alabama.

As public figures with the power to influence and persuade, Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are playing with fire, and if they are not careful, that fire will consume us all.  They are playing a very dangerous game that disregards the value of the political process and cheapens our entire democracy.  We can do better.  The American people deserve better.

link: http://www.politico.com/arena/…

I’m Not A Racist, But…

Dedicated to Chris Matthews and his handwringing over the McCain campaign’s last, desperate attempt to win through fear and smear.

It happens at the drop of a hat, when you least expect it from folks you’d normally think are just better than to utter the phrase.

And then it comes. “I’m not a racist, but…”

And when you hear it you instinctively hold onto whatever chair you’re sitting in and prepare yourself for the worst and wackiest of racist rhetoric ever to cross another human’s lips. And the folks who utter this phrase are the ones the McCain campaign is trying to appeal to, with the drumbeat of Ayers and Obama’s middle name and all the nonsense they’ve been throwing the last few days.

The only problem is it’s not working, and it probably won’t work moving forward.

Ignorant / Racist McCain “leadership team” OPED in VA, including on Energy

A Virginia Republican leader and member of the McCain Virginia leadership team recently wrote an ugly OPED seeking to link every shallow form of ignorant bias in the direction of hating Barack Obama and, well, black Americans.

listing for your consideration the platform of Barack Hussein Obama as best as I can figure it out after ventining all the hot air, straining out the honey and removing the smelly substance similiar to what the old bull left behind.

This OPED, which should never have been published, is filled with invective and disgust (and disgusting material). When it comes to religion, for example, the distilled platform is supposedly:

Freedom of Religion: Mandatory Black Liberation Theology courses taught in all churches — raise taxes to pay for this mandate. Put Reverand Jeremiah Wright in charge. Condemnation of homosexuality from the pulpit will become a Class 1 felony.

It is hard to figure out what is most outrageous of all this. That a newspaper would choose to publish it or that, in fact, the reality that some people will actually believe some of it.

Poem Against Land Theft, McCain, & Hate Crimes

Esoteric spiritual madness has accompanied me as I have watched the continuing web of land theft spreading, still, from the Arctic to across the United States.

I know why, but I don’t know why. I have watched Manifest Destiny pair with Climate Change on what is a repetition of land theft from the gun to the gavel. I have watched a leading Republican presidential candidate who is getting away with having enacted legislation that forcefully removed the Navajo. That’s the last straw. The straw that breaks the camel’s back is hate crimes that don’t get noticed by the general public like other hate crimes would.

Domestic Terrorists Strike Inside US Against Children and Mothers Engaged in Prayer

Hat-tip Chris Rodda for this story; his her piece is currently sitting at the top of the Recommended list over there.  Please help get the traditional media to cover this story, and make sure they call it what it is: domestic terrorism.

Terrorists have struck on US soil again.  All the bluff and bluster of “we’re fighting them there so we won’t have to fight them here” — along with all the idiotic, illegal and unconstitutional surveillance, searches and seizures, have finally been put to the test and found ridiculously wanting.

The attack was by domestic terrorists, the most insidious kind.

They struck, as if on some unholy jihad, against children.1

Obama Waffles Leave Bad Taste

The 2 gentlemen who created this abomination somehow fail to see just how racist their product and the corresponding writing on the packages back panel really are. The caricature of Obama is straight out the Jim Crow segregationist period in Americas South.  Their supposed satirical writing is just offensive.  Yet in this corresponding video they are just yucking it up in some sad belief that they are quite clever. When they are just out and out racists.

The item in question was being sold at the “value voters conference”          

Racist Republicans

Rep. Lynn Westmoreland, (R)(acist) Georgia, is a hypocritical, ignorant racist asshole. How’s that for name calling Lynn? (Isn’t Lynn a GIRL’S name, btw?)  It makes me feel dirty to call you those names, does it make you feel dirty to use patently blatant racism, Lynn? Somehow I doubt it.


“Honestly, I’ve never paid that much attention to Michelle Obama,” Westmoreland said. “Just what little I’ve seen of her and Senator Barack] Obama, is that they’re a member of an elitist class…that thinks that they’re uppity.”

The 58-year-old, Atlanta-born congressman declined to elaborate further, though he did repeat one part of his comment when asked to clarify.

“Uppity, you said?” he was asked.

“Yeah, uppity,” Westmoreland replied.

The audio.

This is the same dumb, racist, hypocritical, sanctimonious, Republican who….well I will let [Wikipedia tell you…

As a U.S. congressman, Westmoreland cosponsored a bill to place the Ten Commandments in the House of Representatives and the Senate. Westmoreland also sponsored a bill that the Ten Commandments could be displayed in courthouses in a historical setting. In May 2006, political humorist Stephen Colbert interviewed Westmoreland for The Colbert Report show segment Better Know a District. The congressman was only able to name three of the Ten Commandments he sought to legally put in public display.

Would we truly be racist if we demanded “Made in the USA”?

Amazingly, in the past several months I’ve been called a racist 3 times, more than anytime in my life!  The first time was when the Jeremiah Wright thing broke out and I defended the guy, I was called bigoted against whites.  Then, just the other I was called first "pro-Black" then "racist against whites" because I favored Barack Obama over that walking museum piece from Arizona.  Now, today, the conservative economic blog site, Carpe Diem, is labeling people like me racist for demanding things be made in this country!

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