It’s going to get uglier: Bloomberg-Hagel

With a nod to Taegan Goddard, the New York Sun is reporting that New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg again appears to be preparing to run for president.

Mayor Bloomberg’s aides have been reaching out to consultants from his past campaigns about whether they are free for a possible 2008 White House bid – including one who helped make his slick mayoral TV spots, The Post has learned.

Bloomberg aides are said to be contacting ad-makers, to see if they’ll be available.

That Bloomberg aides would look to lock up an ad team dovetails with what the mayor has privately told people about how he would spend up to $1 billion of his own fortune on an independent run, which would be played out mostly on the TV airwaves and through direct mail.

Bloomberg Deputy Mayor Kevin Sheekey is said to be leading the effort. Bloomberg continues to deny interest, but:

Sheekey has said publicly that the mayor doesn’t have to make a decision before March 5.

That’s the day after the Texas primary elections – but it’s also the first date that nominating petitions for an independent candidate in the state can be circulated.


If he does run, the corporate media will certainly help him protrary himself as a moderate, or even liberal; but as Media Matters has explained:

Bloomberg endorsed Bush’s re-election in 2004 and has expressed support for the Iraq war and tied it to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

And as Wayne Barrett wrote, in the Village Voice:

He prefers, as the Times reported, “slipping in and out of a service entrance” while attending a February 2004 fundraiser with Karl Rove. He prefers sitting “in the shadows” in a limo with the president outside Madison Square Garden, the Times again noted, rather than joining the Bush family in its on-camera convention box. It’s only when he thinks no one in the press is listening-like at a Manhattan GOP event this March-that he says the GOP is the party of “honesty, efficiency, compassion, and inclusiveness,” turning political reality, at least as much of his city sees it, on its head. His mountain of GOP donations is as much a pittance to him as his calculated and inconsequential disagreements with them are a sham to us.

We have thousands fewer cops because of Bush’s 90 percent slashing of Clinton’s COPS programs. We had to reprogram FDNY radios because Bush blanched at the $120 million cost of replacing them, even after 9-11’s communication breakdown. Not only has Bloomberg never complained about these security breaches, he’s publicly excused the president for ignoring all the “blinking red” signs of attack that George Tenet described, and refused to criticize him when he defied and undercut the 9-11 Commission, forcing subpoenas and deleting its funding.

He even rushed to Bush’s defense when the Environmental Protection Agency’s inspector general blasted the White House for doctoring press releases after 9-11 to portray “hazardous” air quality findings as safe, a distortion that’s led to lung damage for thousands of firefighters and others at ground zero. “I know the president,” Bloomberg said when confronted with the shocking findings. “I think he’s a very honest guy. It would never occur to me not to trust him.” Over 2,000 ground zero workers have already settled with the Victim Compensation Board, collecting hundreds of thousands of dollars for respiratory and other damages at the site, while hundreds are still suing the city.

Which brings me to a very simple question: can anyone explain what, exactly, Bloomberg has accomplished, as Mayor of New York?  

And in a new development, the Huffington Post is reporting this:

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel have been conducting regular, private phone conversations over the past few months in an effort to “feel each other out” for a possible presidential run, sources have told the Huffington Post.

The development feeds speculation that the two men could mount a third-party White House ticket. And while the maverick Republican and the independent mayor have met in the past, the ongoing conversations provide the clearest indication yet that they are considering such a move.

Sources with knowledge of the conversations say they are done in private, and so the topics of discussion remain unclear. But one high-ranking aide confirmed that the two have discussed Hagel joining the presidential campaign should Bloomberg decide to run.

This is not looking good. The media will portrary Bloomberg as a moderate. Hagel is against the war. If people are overlooking Ron Paul’s bigotry and general extremism, because of his opposition to the war, they’ll give Hagel even more of a pass. He is, after all, at least coherent. A cookie-cutter social conservative, but well-spoken and seemingly reasonable.

A Bloomberg-Hagel ticket would be much more damaging to the Democrats than to the Republicans. It’s time to start researching anything and everything about both Bloomberg and Hagel.  

‘Forgotten’ Troops with PTSD

Daniel Zwerdling does it again, another great report, of his continuing reports on PTSD. It aired today, 12-20-07 on NPR’s All Things Considered

The report is titled Effort Builds to Help ‘Forgotten’ Troops with PTSD

The site written report opens with this:

“Our military families deserve better,” President Bush declared in October as he sent a proposed bill to Congress. The legislation, he said, would make it easier for our troops to receive care for PTSD, “and it will help affected service members to move forward with their lives.”

Down aways and also on the audio we get this:

“I think it’s an outrage that we have not taken proper care of them,” said Sen. Christopher “Kit” Bond (R-MO), one of the most influential voices on veterans’ affairs. “Too many of these people have been kicked out because of the results of the stress they’ve been under.”

Now the Question I keep asking is “Where were these voices of concern of Military Personal as Republicans, like the one above, were rubber stamping the Administrations rush into War with Iraq, once again For No Damn Reason!”!

Where have they been since, in the 109th Congress they had Total Control over the purse strings and oversite, their jobs! They had the power of investigation, non existed and they blocked or marginalized any wanted by the opposition!

In the present Congress they lost their Majority Power so now they’ve become Obstructionists to anything getting done and still showing little concern for the plight of the returning troops, only empty words No Actions!

NPR has tracked down dozens of vets across the U.S. to put a face on the problem.

You can read the NPR report at above link where you can also listen to it, or click here to listen now

And there are some other links at the report site page, as always.

This is a National Issue

(@2 – promoted by buhdydharma )

Many folks have read that there were riots and some violence and a bunch of rabble rousing and yelling and such at the New Orleans City Council meeting on public housing, heck, it’s the top story at AOL News.

And the NOLA blogs are covering this as well.

Yep, that’s the breaking story out of New Orleans.  NOT!

Let’s take a look at what actually happened today, let’s … oh, I don’t know … BLOG about it.  The fucking media and our fucking representatives sure as fuck aren’t going to educate us.  Arrggh.

This is a national issue.

And it’s especially a national issue for any blogger who is against this misAdministration of criminals and thieves.

h/t to Jeffrey over at Library Chronicles for this set of live updates from the Times-Picayune.

The New Orleans City Council voted unanimously to go ahead with the demolitions of public housing.

Please remember these seven names (one of them has posted at Daily Kos):

Arnie Fielkow

Stacy Head

Cynthia Willard-Lewis

Shelly Midura

Cynthia Hedge-Morrell

Jacquelyn Brechtel-Clarkson

James Carter

(If Any NOLA bloggers find I’ve incorrectly named one of these Council members, please let me know in the comments and I’ll fix.)

These seven people now own the challenge of providing fair and well built public housing in New Orleans, for both the poor who were forced out after the Federal Flood and for the greater community who are their good neighbors.  That is a big responsibility.

And these seven people are going to have to work with city, state, and federal agencies, including the Bush-ridden and incompetent HUD.

This is a national story.  I will tell you right now we are not going to get the truth from either our traditional media or elected political representatives — unless we push them hard.

That’s what bloggers do, imo.

The story about the riots and the poor folks who are being tasered and tortured is a big fat distraction being thrown in our faces by a traditional media who doesn’t know its ass from a hole in the ground.

This is going to be a tremendously difficult story to cover, and it has major national implications for cities all across the country.

The hyenas are out, and they want their share of the meat.  The only thing between those hyenas and our brothers and sisters in New Orleans will be folks who find out the truth and let others know about it.

I think bloggers, nationally, have a role to play in this.  One of the many, many rewards of doing this investigative work will be that when the hyenas come to your city, you’ll be prepared to call them out for what they are.

For seven years we have not heard a peep from this misAdministration about the suffering of the poor, as millions more Americans have fallen into poverty.  This latest story about protesters being treated badly by the cops is nothing but a distraction — for the poor have been treated like shit for seven years and no media has bothered to cover it.

The real story is the vote.  And those seven people who now have the responsibility of letting American taxpayers know what’s happening with their money.


(@Noon – I love this pic – promoted by On The Bus)


No I Don’t ACCEPT the license agreement

Four hours.  Piece of crap, 2nd attempt to install software.  Crashed halfway through on the first attempt.  FT4KL-TQC2-PZ48B-QM666-SEIG-HEIL-666.

“You may now activate your software via the internet”.

I think not, last time I did that it wiped out three highly useful engineering progams and I spent three days on the phone trying to restore.  Even the techno-geeks didn’t have an answer.  Felt like an idiot trying to run something in the lab that ran just fine last week.  NPI,negative productivity intitative.

This company gives you “upgrades” four times a year.  It was a good thing though as the email saying not to install the latest “upgrade” actually preceeded receipt of the “upgrade”.…

No, I actually don’t care if it comes from a “hatter site”, I fully take every word as Gospel.  Am I smarter than Huckabee?

Lucky I’m not in charge, these people, far from Boy Scouts would get anti-trusted into oblivion.  IMHO no other “industry” does more in supporting the subliminal aspects of citizens non-participation in bettering their community life.…………

What is real?  Well HR 1955 and S 1959, our permanently, positively,prepetually, post 911 world.

More real is an Apocalyptic horse in a lope on 14 inches of new snow.

Pony Party… Delayed For No Good Reason

very very sorry this is so late…

i’m still ailing…

carry on

Iraqi Teachers’ Strike, and Other Notes on Life in Iraq

Given the US media blackout on the lives of ordinary Iraqis, we have to go elsewhere to get an idea of what life is like there.

McClatchy’s blog for their Iraqi reporters is one of the few places I know of where we still get something like unfiltered accounts of life in Iraq, for Iraqis.

Did you know that teachers recently went on strike?

December 18, 2007

Teachers’ Strike

For the first time, teachers feel that their union has remembered its staff and it starts working for them.

The teachers’ union called for a strike two weeks ago to be for one simple day put Sunday 16th of this recent month as a start demanding all teachers of the fifteen Iraqi provinces ( without the other three provinces in Kurdistan region in the north of Iraq) to take part in it. As this step is for the benefit of them , teachers of Basra, Anbar , Mosul , Baghdad and the other provinces in the south , west , east and centre of Iraq carried  it out hoping to get its result so soon.

The aim of this strike is to make those teachers of the south and centre of Iraq in a balance with those teachers in Kurdistan region by having the same salaries and privilege. Teachers in Kurdistan get double and they reach triple the salaries of those in all over the country. The question is why we have this double standard in dealing with teachers.

— snip —

Googling about, I can find a snip of info about the teacher’s strike from a news site called “Aswat Aliraq”:

— snip —

Meanwhile, the independent daily al-Mada newspaper covered a planned strike by Iraqi teachers on Sunday. Speaking to the newspaper, the deputy head of the Teachers’ Syndicate, Burhan Nema, said “Iraqi teachers will stage a sit-in as part of a protest campaign that calls for improving the living standards of 500,000 families living in poverty.”

Urging the government to put them on equal terms with their counterparts in the Kurdistan region, the protestors said that they will go on indefinite strike if their demands are not met, according to Nema.

Back at McClatchy’s blog, today an unnamed (all posts are anonymous for safety) reporter describes an argument with a cab driver about the safest route to take:

December 20, 2007

friendly argument

— snip —

I told him “at least its safe” and that was the point when the politics talk started. He said ” people now started fighting Al Qaida and they are awakened now. They formed awakening council in many Sunni neighborhoods including Adil” I laughed sarcastically and said “why are they awakened? Were they sleeping when Al Qaida killed thousands of innocent people?” At that point, I can say the political struggle started. We argued for about 30 minutes. After a long fight, we agreed on one point. We agreed that so many promises were made by the American administration and by the Iraqi government _ so many promises that were never fulfilled.  He started laughing and said “I feel so sorry because I participated in the election. I though that Saddam’s days were over but now I feel sorry because we have many small Saddams who were brought by the USA. The old Saddam had been kicked out by the Americans but who will help us to end the days of the new Saddams if the USA keeps supporting them”. I didn’t answer him because I couldn’t find an answer.

As an ironic juxtaposition to the above, Alternet notes that “Bush, Maliki Break Iraqi Law to Renew U.N. Mandate for Occupation”:

— snip —

On Tuesday, the Bush administration and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki pushed a resolution through the U.N. Security Council extending the mandate that provides legal cover for foreign troops to operate in Iraq for another year.

The move violated both the Iraqi constitution and a law passed earlier this year by the Iraqi parliament — the only body directly elected by all those purple-finger-waving Iraqis in 2005 — and it defied the will of around 80 percent of the Iraqi population.

— snip —

(hat tip to Steven D at Booman Tribune for that the Alternet story.)

Back at McClatchy:

December 12, a woman describes the craziness required to get an electricity generator through a checkpoint.  

Let there be light

This is the very last time I will attempt this, I say to myself as I drive towards the checkpoint. If they won’t let me through this time, I will give up the idea of going home.

— snip —

This is a new soldier, I haven’t seen him before. “Is it big?”, “No, there, you can see it in the pickup truck behind me.”

He looks at me very suspiciously then walks off to take a look. “OK. But you must get us a letter from the owner” That’s easy! I am the owner. I took out my ever ready notebook and pen. “I am the owner. What shall I say?”, “No. Not from you. From the owner.”. “I am the owner. What do you want me to write?”, “NO. NO. NOT FROM YOU – FROM THE OWNER”, “I AM THE OWNER!!”.. .

He looks baffled. “Then get me a letter from the fitter who repaired it.” He was so fresh from the back of nowhere that he could not conceive of a generator being owned by a woman. What to do now?

I ring my nephew. I had wanted him to stay clear of the generator; he was driving several cars behind me. I give him specific instructions, and wink in the phone. He comes.

“Assalamu Alaykum. How are you doing, my cousin? What about my generator, my aunt says there are problems …”, “Oh, the generator, is it yours? No, not really, we just can’t let it through without a letter from the owner that’s all. And your aunt here, the Hijiya, doesn’t seem to understand.”,

“Never mind, my cousin, you know how it is … (making a face and rolling up his eyes). This is my ID, keep it with you until I install the generator and come out. Come with me if you like, and after you are sure that I have taken the generator to my house, you can give it back to me.”

“No, no. This letter is enough. Yalla, go through.”

I was so intent on my own business; I hadn’t noticed that more than fifty cars had piled up behind me blocking the road. Oh no! Flushed faces – angry eyes, but no one out of their car to fight – yet. “Quickly, Hammoudi – lets go!” And we drive off.

And today there shall be light in my home – again.

December 14, a reporter hopes that a recent trouble-free car trip portends a lasting peace.

The First Tour

Yesterday morning I made a tour to different areas in Baghdad which I would never think or dream to pass through a year ago.

I didn’t mean to make this trip, but I had an appointment with my sister and her husband to go to the main directorate of passports in east Baghdad at Risafa bank. I live in Amil neighborhood in the south west of Baghdad at Karkh bank while my sister and her husband who don’t have a car live at Ameriyah neighborhood in the west bank

So I, with my brother, the driver, have to pick them up from there to go to our final destination in Rusafa bank.

The great thing is that my brother decided to take the highway that joins my neighborhood with Ameriyah through Ja’amia and Khadra’a neighborhoods which were with Ameriyah the main bases for Qaeda and terrorists till the beginning of this year.

— snip —

December 10, a prose-poem thanking Allah for favors large and small.  You really have to read this one in its entirety.

December 10, 2007

Thanx Allah

For those who doesn’t believe in God (Allah), I have some evidences that our mighty creator is everywhere.

When I see the chaos in the Iraqis streets and when I see that the traffic police can do nothing with the crazy Iraqi drivers, I know that Allah gives some of them patience to bear the craziness of the majority of them.

— snip —

When I see my family, all of them (more than 11 members)gather around one kerosene heater and they are all satisfied and don’t feel cold, I get sure that Allah help us by putting Iraq in such place on earth where we don’t have snow in winter because we would be all dead.

Then I see the failure in electricity that lasts for about twenty hours a day, I feel that Allah love us because we are not that type of people who care about staying awake all the night to watch TV.

— snip —


I wonder if it is possible to comprehend the enormity of what America has done.  

You Talkin to Me? You Talkin to Me?

( – promoted by buhdydharma )

The Garifuna people of Belize and Guatemala have a very special culture and a very special language.  In fact, the men have a language for speaking to men, and the women have a language for speaking to women. Specifically

One interesting feature of Garifuna is a vocabulary split between terms used only by men and terms used only by women. This does not however affect the entire vocabulary but when it does, the terms used by men generally come from Carib and those used by women come from Arawak.

When Garifuna people speak to each other, they are consciously aware of whom they are speaking with and they know what language is appropriate.

Which brings me to the US and the separate languages used in the US in political discourse.  The right and its media refer to “harsh interrogation” techniques. The left should refer to “torture.”  The right and its media refer to “extraordinary renditions”.  The left should refer to “kidnappings” and “illegal extraditions.”   The right wing refers to “illegal immigrants.”  The left should say “undocumented workers.”  You get the idea.  I could go on and on.  Suffice it to say that the traditional media almost always use the right wing language.  The left wing language can be found in some places in Leftblogistan, but even there the right wing language frequently infiltrates the discussion.

So I have made a late 2007 early 2008 resolution.  When discussing the political issues surrounding the abridgment of the US Constitution and US policy, I am no longer going to use any of the right wing vocabulary.  In fact, I am going to ferret out all right wing language and substitute other, clearer, more precise words in my writing and discourse.

I am convinced that when I drop right wing language it will immediately make it clear that I am no longer indulging in the same incorrect assumptions as those who speak the right wing language.  And my new choice of words will, I hope, cut through all of the pernicious verbal forms our traditional media persist in serving up.  This can only lead to increased clarity and precision. And it can only end the prevalence of that fuzzy code the right wing speaks to us to subvert our own expressions.

Want to join me in this?  I hope so.    

Four at Four

Some news and the afternoon’s open thread.

  1. According to the Los Angeles Times, Democrats blame Republicans for making them govern like… Republicans. The Democrats’ “approval of a bill giving Bush funds for a war they oppose helps sum up their 2007 congressional record… Democratic leaders left the Capitol complaining that much of their agenda had been thwarted by congressional Republicans who repeatedly stopped their most cherished initiatives. ‘We could have accomplished so much more,’ said a rueful Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.”

    Not everyone is unhappy with the Capitulation Congress. The Hill reports Bush praises Congress. “Bush on Thursday praised leaders from both parties for passing key bills prior to the end of the congressional session and refused to gloat even though Democratic leaders caved to many of the White House’s demands. Bush said the country can be proud of Congress’s action over the past few days, lauding the legislature for fending off the Alternative Minimum Tax, improving energy security and funding the war in Iraq.”

  2. The Washington Post asks Will enough men vote for Hillary Clinton? “In Iowa, Clinton’s support among male Democratic caucus goers lags behind Barack Obama, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. In New Hampshire, she’s doing better among male Democrats, but she faces questions about her candor. Half of men say she’s not willing to say what she really thinks… Nationally, her gender gap among Democrats is smaller, the poll shows, but some analysts suggest that these numbers are not strong enough for a general election, because a majority of male independents view her unfavorably… Women’s rights advocates attribute male skepticism about Clinton to long-ingrained sexism — and a sense that men, no matter what they say, just aren’t ready for a female president… But in several interviews with Democratic men across the country, the stated reasons for their aversion to Clinton seem more complicated, and in many cases, far more visceral than substantive.”

  3. I have a ten-year-old car that is really starting to show signs of its age. I am loathe to buy a replacement vehicle because I should drive less as it is, lack of money, and auto companies are truly environmental bad guys. Yesterday, the enviro-terrorist Bush administration’s EPA forbade California from having stricter automobile CO2 emissions standards — a gift to the dying Detroit automakers.

    Meanwhile, the New York Times reports Europe proposes binding limits on auto emissions. “European Union officials told leading automakers… to make deep cuts in tailpipe emissions of the cars they produce or face fines that could reach billions of euros. Companies including Volkswagen and Renault immediately promised a fight to weaken the proposed legislation, saying that compliance would be difficult and that it would hurt their competitiveness around the world… The rules would apply to new cars sold in the 200 billion euro ($288 billion) auto market, including those sold by manufacturers based in the United States, Japan and South Korea… None of the 17 major manufacturers selling cars in Europe, including producers of smaller vehicles like Fiat, currently meet the proposed targets.” The automakers are only profitable because they do not have to pay for the greenhouse gas emissions their products produce. The full cost of automobiles are not being addressed.

  4. Can you smell the “democracy” in action? The AP reports New Orleans police go Taser-crazy at City Hall. “Police used chemical spray and stun guns Thursday as dozens of protesters seeking to halt the demolition of 4,500 public housing units tried to force their way through an iron gate at City Hall. One woman was sprayed with chemicals and dragged from the gates. She was taken away on a stretcher by emergency officials. Before that, the woman was seen pouring water from a bottle into her eyes and weeping. Another woman said she was stunned by officers, and still had what appeared to be a Taser wire hanging from her shirt.” WWL-TV reports “SWAT teams and vans with riot gear were sent to City Hall”.

I Might Be Movin To Montana Soon….

“We are no longer citizens of the United States of America and all those who live in the five-state area that encompasses our country are free to join us,”

Russell Means Photobucket

The Lakota Nation includes parts of the states of Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana and Wyoming.

As far as I know, Means does NOT represent the official Lakota Tribal government. And is of course, quite a, shall we say, controversial figure. Technically and legally and practically, this is probably not much more than a publicity stunt….but it is a damn good one! IF there are no repercussions.

The Lakota Freedom Delegation website returns an “exceeded bandwidth” message right now…this is big news!

Headed by leaders of the American Indian Movement, including activist, actor and Porcupine resident Russell Means, the group dropped in on the State Department and the embassies of Bolivia, Venezuela, Chile and South Africa this week seeking recognition for their effort to form a free and independent Lakota nation. The group plans to visit more embassies in the coming months.

The new nation is needed because Indians have been “dismissed” by the United States and are tired of living under a colonial apartheid system,

More from the Raw Story link

This is according to the laws of the United States, specifically article six of the constitution,” which states that treaties are the supreme law of the land, he said.

“It is also within the laws on treaties passed at the Vienna Convention and put into effect by the US and the rest of the international community in 1980. We are legally within our rights to be free and independent,” said Means.

Courtesy of prodigal on dkos and Wikipedia

   Pine Ridge is the biggest reservation in the United States, but it is also the poorest. It is probably easily comparable to the least developed countries of the Third World. Unemployment on the Reservation hovers around 35% and 61% live below the Federal poverty level.[1] Adolescent suicide is four times the national average. Many of the families have no electricity, telephone, running water, or sewer. Many families use wood stoves to heat their homes. The population on Pine Ridge has among the shortest life expectancies of any group in the Western Hemisphere: approximately 47 years for males and in the low 50s for females. The infant mortality rate is five times the United States national average.

   Despite the lack of formal employment opportunities on Pine Ridge, there is a great deal of agricultural production taking place, yet only a small percentage of the tribe directly benefits from this. According to the USDA, in 2002 there was nearly 33 million dollars in receipts from agricultural production on Pine Ridge, yet less than 1/3rd of that income went to members of the tribe.[2]

George has already given his blessing…I think…well maybe not….who can tell??? But at least the Lakota Nation is safe, NO ONE would ever invade a sovereign nation without good cause….right?

“We are not trying to embarrass the United States. We are here to continue the struggle for our children and grandchildren,” she (Phyllis Young) said, predicting that the battle would not be won in her lifetime.

Yeah, it’s probably just hot air….but it is hot air that gave me a bit of a spark, and I NEED a spark right now!

The Death Of Democratic Party Opposition

To no one’s great surprise, the Democrats once again have given George Bush a blank check for the Iraq Occupation.

This represents a direct lie from Nancy Pelosi.

“Our chairman of our committee, and it’s my view as well, that we shouldn’t even take up a bill without a fixed date for us to come home.”

(Read the link, and the link within the link, for the full context)

Is there a chance that after this latest betrayal they will ever vote…or not vote…to end the occupation? They were already in too deep as it was, this latest travesty cements it. The Democrats were elected to end he war, the Democrats had the power to end the war, the Democrats have chosen not to end the war.

A miserable cowardly failure of a direct mission mandated by the American People in the ’06 elections. There are no excuses that are even close to sufficient.

There really is nothing left to say.

Except, what now?  

How can we demand courage from our leaders when we have so little?

Cross posted at KOS

How can we demand courage from our leader when we have so little?

How can we continue to support candidates who do not support us NOW?

How can we uphold the Constitution when we allow others to abrogate our most important responsibility, our vote?

How can we beg for change when we cannot face change?

How can we save the planet when we cannot save ourselves?

Follow me below the fold and I will give you my take on why who and what we are can be another recipe for a continuing disaster.

How can we demand courage from our leaders when we have so little?

We want leaders who are unafraid to take courageous stands and when they do we find reasons to not support them. Being right isn’t enough, being wrong doesn’t seem to matter. But being wrong is important and it has to do with courage.

We have candidates with a great deal of support who have been just plain wrong on a number of very important issues. They didn’t take courageous stands when it counted. Some have yet to address these votes in any meaningful way, some learned from their first error and some have openly appologised for their mistakes. While those admissions are a good thing, as one of the candiates pointed out we need a president who is right the first time. That IS the thing, you know. Presidents don’t get do overs and Congress doesn’t either, all these mistakes have serious consequences. The War in Iraq is a bell that can’t be unrung. No amount of I’m sorry and mia culpas will breath live into the dead, make the maimed whole or find a home for the millions disposessed. Can we, or even should we trust someone capable of such momumnetal lapses in judgement and lack of courage to lead us effectively? My answer is obviously no.

How can we continue to support candidates who do not support us NOW? When Chris Dodd fought the FISA bill the other candidates were not there to support him, they were still campaigning in Iowa. Dodd has gained some support but what is really telling is the three candidates who should have been there to vote or assist his fillabuster and weren’t, haven’t lost support. If they want to lead in january 2009 they need to lead NOW. They need to tend to their day jobs and stop putting campaigning and winning ahead of the well being of the country and its citizens. We DO have the right to expect, even demand this of candidates, because there comes a time in any campaign when fighting each other just isn’t as important as taking those few opportunities to fight the problems we face NOW.

How can we uphold the Constitution when we allow others to abrogate our most important responsibility, our vote?

Weeks before the Iowa Caucus, without a single vote being cast the winners and losers were preordained by pollsters, the GOP and the MSM, and we went right along on the fast track to hell. Some certainly thought it is easier to support a winner, but we can’t possibly WIN when we sell out our vote for the agenda of others. Already there have been discussions about what will happen to the candidate who don’t do well in Iowa, who will their supporters endorse. IOWA for god’s sake is a CAUCUS, it isn’t even representative of the citizens of Iowa, many of whom will not be able to participate, historically less than 10% of voters and we are willing to take this as some kind of make or break MANDATE?

So why fight when you have no chance of winning? Splitting the primaries, a Convention without a clear winner isn’t a bad thing. It gives us one more chance to press our issues. It also gives the courageous candidates an opportunity to withhold their support without meaningful changes to the platform. These are interesting times and why not an interesting Convention? Maybe people will actually watch and become involved in the process again.

How can we beg for change when we cannot face change?

Truthfully, aren’t most of our candidates at best just same old, same old lite? Where are the bold ideas. Where is the Democratic party of FDR, the can do, will do, all of us get to participate progressive agenda that made the Democratic party the party of the people? How can we support baby steps? How can we support a health care plan that includes insurance companies who contributed to the health care crisis we are in, or a plan that ignores the complications of insuring the most vulnerable among us? How can we support a continuation of the aggressive foreign policy that has made us a rogue nation or not ending the Iraq war in the first 100 days? Or less than 100% support of labor unions and worker rights? How can we support the lack of bold solutions to the climate crisis, wrong headed immigration reform, the continuation of the unitary president and no move to hold the present administration accountable? How can we support? But we do. We aren’t pressing hard enough for the real innovative changes necessary to turn this country around, not now and not even sometime in the future. This shouldn’t be scary, or even unattainable, we have after all a perfect example of what a solution oriented man of vision can accomplish in FDR.

How can we save the planet when we cannot save ourselves?

It is all back to the beginning, it takes courage. There is nothing facing us today that isn’t going to take courage to fix. It isn’t even about the will to make the changes, because without courage there is no will. This is the time and the chance we have, I don’t think it is hyperbole to say if we let this opportunity pass there may not be another. We complain about our leaders selling out, we can’t afford to do the same. We can’t afford to make this easy for ourselves or the candidates, or set the bar too low. Ask those questions until you get the right answer, look their solutions and judgement. Be critical, be smart, be courageous.

As an activist friend of mine says so elequently “Now is the time, we are the means”. She uses it to inspire demonstrations, but we can all be activists in the voting booth.

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