Chris Matthews HEARTS Hillary Clinton on Valentine’s Day


(Alternate title: Ratings and Relevance – Why the Media Elite Need Hillary to Stay in the Race)

Like many of you, I am fascinated by our Elite Media’s collective reaction to the Obama surge. They appear to be tripping over themselves to minimize the importance of his victories this week. They are muddling the delegate count to make it appear like we have a neck-and-neck horse race, rather than an obvious clear leader today. Tim Russert has to stand on his head wearing those 3-D colored glasses in order not to sound like a complete idiot when he says ‘As I read the results, there is no clear picture in the race today, Chris’. Matthews, Andrea Mitchell, and the rest are all saying how uncertain things are, when in fact we have a darn good idea of what is happening.

So what’s going on here? Aren’t these the same people who couldn’t wait to trash Hillary Clinton from the moment she announced her candidacy? Weren’t these folks practically wetting themselves when it looked like she had a legitimate challenger in the Democratic primary? Yet now, you get the sense they are all cheering her on behind the scenes, although of course they can’t be so blatant as to say so on national TV.

What’s changed?

What’s changed is she looks like she might actually lose. Pretty soon, our media elite might not have Hillary Clinton to kick around any more. And I suspect this is a scary thought to many of them.

There are two reason why having her around is important to them – Ratings and Relevance.


Here is a partial list of media figures who saw their career prospects soar while Bill Clinton was President:

Bill O’Reilly

Chris Matthews

Sean Hannity

George Stephanopoulos

Wolf Blitzer

Andrea Mitchell

Ann Coulter

Rush Limbaugh

In a fair and equitable world, Monica Lewinsky would be getting a cut from each of these people’s salaries for life. Back in the day, beating up on Bill Clinton wasn’t just good for ratings, it was great for ratings. To put it mildly, these people have the ‘Attack Clinton’ gene built right into their DNA.

So they continue the pattern when Hillary Clinton announces her candidacy. And then, lo and behold, along comes Barack Obama. Suddenly, a legitimate contender to the Clinton throne! How exciting! So they rush to report just exactly how exciting it is, and whaddya know, ratings go up again! Ah, the power of a knock-down fight with one of the competitors named Clinton. It is ratings gold to these folks. What’s that you say, there’s this pesky fellow named Edwards mucking up our story? Not to worry, we can ignore him till he drops out, then we’ll add to the drama by saying how he shaped the race for the two remaining combatants. Drama! Ah yes, more ratings gold. What a great story! Let’s make sure we give Obama some good press to keep things close for a while, shall we?

Of course, when Hillary beats her challenger in the primaries, we can then move on to the heavyweight championship. Hillary Clinton vs. John McCain! OMFG can you just imagine! We’ll probably also have to pump up John a bit to keep things close and exciting, but that’s not a problem – we’re experts at the game by now.

Ah yes, our ratings will be through the roof in 2008. How wonderful not to have to report on those depressing topics like The War or The Economy for a whole year…

But wait. Oh noes! What’s that? Barack Obama is winning? That, well that just can’t be happening…but…ok calm down…stall for time…maybe we can still have our dream title match…doesn’t look good you say?…um, what if we make it seem like it’s closer than it really is?…I suppose it’s all we can do for now…jeepers I sure hope Obama says something stupid soon…er, does anybody around here have a plan B?

Bottom line, I believe commercial considerations are driving about 90% of the spin we see today in political reporting. Explaining in full detail how Hillary Clinton really is in deep trouble does little for their ratings, so they make it seem like things might just be closer than they are in reality. After all, it’s not yet 100% impossible for her to win, so run with it while we keep those eyeballs tuned to our oh-so-exciting ‘news’ programming! While we’re at it, let’s support Hillary’s call for more debates so we can gain the temporary ratings boost AND we can help spin the results back into her favor if we get desperate enough. Not much of a plan, but you gotta do what you gotta do…


Going back to the list above, it’s surprising to see just how many of our media elite today owe their careers to Bill Clinton and his personal peccadilloes. With Hillary Clinton in the White House, they are all nearly assured of continuous influence, ratings, and relevance. And of course, the paycheck that comes along with said relevance. Natch.

But what happens if Barack Obama not only wins the Democratic nomination, but also the White House? Will this change signify a public shift away from not only the two families who have run the show for ages, but also a deeper shift towards a new way of politics? What if talking about blue dresses and cigars just won’t bring folks to your program like it used to?

I don’t think our media elite have fully thought this through yet. Individually, their egos are big enough to believe ‘it won’t happen to me’. But, subconsciously, I think it’s starting to register. You can see it in their eyes. Change is coming, and they don’t know what to do. It’s not clear, but it is possible this could be the beginning of the end to their relevance. It has to happen eventually, so why not now?

Of course, if Barack Obama wins the nomination they will make the best of it. But I suspect their hearts won’t be in it, and they just might start looking over their collective shoulders to see what other change might start heading their way. It’s enough to make you downright nervous in this oh-so-competitive day and age. I mean, what happens if folks decide that, in addition to Bushes and Clintons and such, they are tired of Matthews’s and Mitchells and Russerts and Blitzers and Limbaughs too?

Now there’s a truly scary hopeful thought this Valentine’s Day.


Pony Party, The Valentine Thing….

If you’re celebrating Lupercalia instead of Valentine’s Day today, please enjoy my blessings on your celebration.  

The Lupercalia was a very ancient, possibly pre-Roman pastoral festival, observed on February 13 through February 15 to avert evil spirits and purify the city, releasing health and fertility….(snip)…The Lupercalia festival was in honor of the She-Wolf who suckled the infant orphans, Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome. Explaining the name of the festival, Lupercalia, which translates out into “Wolf Festival.”(snip)…The sacrificial feast followed, after which the Luperci cut thongs from the skins of the victims, which were called Februa, dressed themselves in the skins of the sacrificed goats, in imitation of Lupercus, and ran round the walls of the old Palatine city, the line of which was marked with stones, with the thongs in their hands in two bands, striking the people who crowded near. Girls and young women would line up on their route to receive lashes from these whips. This was supposed to ensure fertility, prevent sterility in women and ease the pains of childbirth. This tradition itself may survive (Christianised, and shifted to Spring) in certain ritual Easter Monday whippings.

…though I’ll sadly not be participating.  Fertility is the LAST thing i need right now…  ๐Ÿ˜‰

To the rest of us,

Happy Valentine’s Day ♥

Love has no desire but to fulfill itself.

But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires;

To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night.

To know the pain of too much tenderness.

To be wounded by your own understanding of love;

And to bleed willingly and joyfully.

-Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place.

-Zora Neale Hurston

Be excellent to each other.

-Bill S. Preston, Esq., Ted Theodore Logan, Rufus, and Buhdydharma

Segregated Communities in Iraq

May Spell Trouble

As Iraqis who fled their homes during the war begin to return, some are finding it safer to move into areas inhabited by other members of their sect, creating segregated communities of Shia and Sunni Muslims at ever-increasing rates.

The country has seen a drop in sectarian violence as a result, but some observers are concerned by the trend’s other possible consequences.

This does not bode well for a countries citizens, that once lived in relative comfort in a mixed religious/tribal sectarian society, under the rule of a dictatorship once propped up by the west.

Now, as Iraqis return — due to the decline in violence or because they ran out of money or face new visa restrictions in other countries — many cannot move back to their homes because they are destroyed or occupied by other families, or they are choosing to live elsewhere.

Ethnic cleansing of neighborhoods and sections of the country, taking place under the control of an occupying military, may be bringing a calm to the destructive violence, but it leaves these area’s wide open to control of sectarian groups and not a weak central government.

International Organization for Migration – Report {PDF}

And since about one-third of Iraqis are in mixed marriages, “we’re getting reports of families who are being split up,” Ferris noted.

We have already seen the reports of how our occupation is contributing by walling off neighborhoods of Baghdad, in that report as well as this and this one which also has this video slide show, Fortress Baghdad.

And as I was writing this {home with a flu bug} NPR aired this report:

Baghdad Neighborhoods’ Future Security Uncertain

Morning Edition, February 14, 2008 ยท With the downturn in violence, some Baghdad neighborhoods have begun to spring back to life. Iraqi forces have been taking more responsibility for security. But with U.S. military officials committed to bringing some troops home by mid-summer, some Iraqis are beginning to ask what the city will look like a few months from now. Peter Kenyon

You can listen here

We created the extremely dangerous unstability by our invasion, in this War of Choice, and we have perpetuated that unstability by our longterm occupation and support of the puppet government!

Will what is taking place in Iraq, under the U.S. occupation, create an even more unstable country and regional problems leading to even more danger to the National Security of this country, and citizens of, and others than already may exist?

Time will tell, but I believe it will, for it was the failed foreign policies of the past and recent present that brought us to this evolving destructive point in todays World!

We aren’t “Fighting them over there so as to not fight them here.”, we are creating even more hatreds, in once innocent people in that country and enhancing the hatreds within the region, and for some they will lash out in the blowback of ‘Criminal Terrorism’, and already have!

Under the Ideologies of Conservative Republicanism and National Security this is the direction of this Countries Policies:

Enhance more Hatreds anywhere possible, through propaganda, destruction, mass death, under the terms ‘Freedom’ and ‘Democracy’ in order to Continue threats against from similar Failed Policies of Past!

Those Hatreds lead to ‘Blowback’ by recipients of the many Failed Policies called ‘Criminal Terrorism’!

Take the word ‘Terrorism’, while practicing same, and paste it on any group needed to Enhance the Fear in Populations causing Perpetual Conflicts and Huge Profits for any Military Industrial Complex and Control by same for Further Policies set up to Fail!

And when ‘Johnny and Jane’ come Marching Home, Dump Them {that one cuts across all Political Ideology and This Society }

It’s Not ‘Strong on National Defense’, it Destroys ‘National Defense’ and brings about more and more ‘Conflicts of Choice’ for Greed and Power!

If we don’t hold those Responsible for the Wrath of Failed Policies Instituted than in the eyes of the World ‘We Have Excepted All That Has Been Done In Our Names’ and are thus Just As Guilty!

A dose of fun and humor (minimum daily requirement)

Cross posted from Sancho Press to Docudharma. Come join Sancho Press and help the troops and veterans.


Happy Valentine’s day.

Trivia question of the day. (answer below the fold) — What hit 2005 film was promoted in ads that declared, “In the harshest place on Earth, love finds a way”?  

Word of the day. (definition below the fold) — Penchant

Quote of the day. — “And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind. …” William Shakespeare

Useless information. — About 8,000 Americans are injured by musical instruments each year.

Bad President/Bushisms. — While flying over the aftermath of hurricane Katrina in Air Force one. 8/31/05. “It’s totally wiped out…It’s devastating, it’s got to be doubly devastating on the ground.”

Dog(s) of the day

My dogs. Walter the pug and Oreo the mix breed. Raised Walter from a pup (4yrs old) and adopted Oreo (2yrs old) a year ago. In front of the heater, one of their favorite spots.

Humorous photo/video of the day

Common misconception. — The legendary “Love and Peace” festical took place at Woodstock — It was supposed to take place August 15-18, 1969 at Woodstock, New York. Because residents protested it was moved 60 miles to Bethel, New York.

Quirky Quotable — “Big girls need big diamonds.” Elizabeth Taylor


— March of the penquins

n A definate liking; a strong inclination. (too easy for a few days now)

Let the Protect America Act Expire (FISA)

Today, Thursday, the House of Representatives is scheduled to mourn the passing of Tom Lantos, victim of fascism.

Tomorrow, Friday, the extension of the Protect America Act expires.

Let it.

This will be brief.

What greater tribute could we pay to a survivor of the Holocaust than to stop the rising tide of fascism in our country?

An American by choice was Tom Lantos, secure in the knowledge that this country could not be stampeded into a Kristallnacht by a mere Reichstag Fire.

9/11 is the Reichstag Fire.  A bully beating to put down the Constitutional guarantees of government and if you don’t see it you are as weak as the Weimar Republicans.  This is an endorsement of Gestapo Police State tactics of torture and universal surveillance.

I know no one here prefers temporary safety to essential liberty.  Today is the day to let your Elected Representatives know that you will be satisfied with nothing less.

As Tom knew the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

It is our fate to live in interesting times.

Docudharma Times Thursday February 14

This is an Open Thread:

London calling to the faraway towns

Now that war is declared-and battle come down

London calling to the underworld

Come out of the cupboard, all you boys and girls

Thursday’s Headlines: Obama’s Lead in Delegates Shifts Focus of Campaign: Baseball star caught in ‘drug lie’ duel: Police left Ramos-Horta to bleed: brother :S. Korea Mourns Landmark Lost to Arson : China feels heat as activists take their cue from Spielberg: Serbia appeals to security council as Kosovo prepares to go it alone: Georgian billionaire declared ‘enemy of the state’ is found dead in Surrey exile: : Robert Fisk: Bloody end of man who made kidnapping a weapon of war: Chad vows raids ‘to seek rebels’

Candidates’ Earmarks Worth Millions

Of Front-Runners, McCain Abstained

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton helped secure more than $340 million worth of home-state projects in last year’s spending bills, placing her among the top 10 Senate recipients of what are commonly known as earmarks, according to a new study by a nonpartisan budget watchdog group

Working with her New York colleagues in nearly every case, Clinton supported almost four times as much spending on earmarked projects as her rival for the Democratic presidential nomination, Sen. Barack Obama (Ill.), whose $91 million total placed him in the bottom quarter of senators who seek earmarks, the study showed.

Sen. John McCain (Ariz.), the likely GOP presidential nominee, was one of five senators to reject earmarks entirely, part of his long-standing view that such measures prompt needless spending.


Obama’s Lead in Delegates Shifts Focus of Campaign

WASHINGTON – Senator Barack Obama emerged from Tuesday’s primaries leading Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton by more than 100 delegates, a small but significant advantage that Democrats said would be difficult for Mrs. Clinton to make up in the remaining contests in the presidential nomination battle.

Neither candidate is expected to win the 2,025 pledged delegates needed to claim the nomination by the time the voting ends in June. But Mr. Obama’s campaign began making a case in earnest on Wednesday that if he maintained his edge in delegates won in primaries and caucuses, he would have the strongest claim to the backing of the 796 elected Democrats and party leaders known as superdelegates who are free to vote as they choose and who now stand to determine the outcome.

Baseball star caught in ‘drug lie’ duel

Roger Clemens is used to handling pressure as one of the greatest baseball pitchers of all time. But the former New York Yankees player came under greater scrutiny yesterday than he ever has on the pitcher’s mound.

The burly sports star clashed in a televised congressional hearing with the former trainer who claims that he used steroids and human growth hormone (HGH) to boost his performance.

The showdown was as intensely watched as any pitching duel in a World Series game. Clemens and his accuser, Brian McNamee, each gave sworn testimony that directly contradicted each other. “Let me be clear, I have never taken steroids or HGH,” Clemens told the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.


Police left Ramos-Horta to bleed: brother

United Nations police were “bloody cowards” who left East Timorese President Jose Ramos-Horta lying bleeding outside his house for nearly 30 minutes after he’d been shot, says the President’s younger brother.

Arsenio Ramos Horta said he cradled his brother’s body, trying to stem the bleeding from his bullet wounds, as he waited more than 20 minutes for an ambulance.

But a road block thrown up by the UN police stopped medical teams from getting to the stricken President.

“When the shooting started the police put the road block up, and they wouldn’t put the people in, and they needed to go to rescue the President right away. That’s what went wrong,” he said.


S. Korea Mourns Landmark Lost to Arson

Grief, Anger and Recrimination Follow Destruction of Seoul’s Treasured 14th-Century Gate

SEOUL, Feb. 13 — To appreciate the fury that has gripped South Korea since Sunday, imagine this:

The Alamo (or Independence Hall or the Old North Church) is set afire. There is live prime-time coverage on national television. Firefighters rush to the scene but dither for more than an hour before spraying any water. As the irreplaceable goes up in smoke, firemen argue jurisdictional niceties with government preservationists.

China feels heat as activists take their cue from Spielberg

Focus on Darfur as human rights campaigners salute film director and vow to target main sponsors of the games

The Chinese authorities yesterday received an uncomfortable preview of the scrutiny and criticism likely to accompany the Beijing Olympics this summer as human rights groups hailed Steven Spielberg’s withdrawal from his role as an artistic adviser to the games.

Campaign groups vowed to turn their attention to the major Olympic sponsors and other high-profile supporters of the games as they celebrated the international reaction to Spielberg’s decision.

The director stepped down from his role as artistic adviser to Beijing late on Tuesday, citing his opposition to China’s support for the Sudanese regime responsible for the humanitarian crisis in Darfur. He accused China of not doing enough to press Sudan to end the “continuing human suffering” in the troubled region. China imports two-thirds of Sudan’s oil and in return is said to be the African country’s biggest arms supplier.


Serbia appeals to security council as Kosovo prepares to go it alone

The battle over Kosovo’s independence entered its endgame yesterday with Serbia calling for an emergency meeting of the UN security council as the province’s leader declared that the final preparations for statehood had been completed.

Serbia’s foreign minister, Vuk Jeremic, is expected in New York today to ask security council members not to recognise the province – seen as a breakaway from Serbia – if it declares independence, as expected, early next week.

Russia expressed its support for the emergency session. However, western diplomats said the debate would not postpone Kosovo’s declaration.

In Pristina, Kosovo’s prime minister, Hashim Thaci, said yesterday: “The Kosovo issue has already left the security council building.” He told the Guardian: “The flag is ready. The constitution is ready.” Both Kosovo’s new flag and constitution have been the subject of prolonged secret discussion in Pristina.

Georgian billionaire declared ‘enemy of the state’ is found dead in Surrey exile

By Anne Penketh, Diplomatic Editor

Thursday, 14 February 2008

Badri Patarkatsishvili, an exiled billionaire considered an “enemy of the state” in his native Georgia, has died in his Surrey mansion of a suspected heart attack, two months after accusing Georgian authorities of plotting his murder.

Surrey police said they were treating the death as “suspicious” and ordered a post-mortem examination. Mr Patarkatsishvili, who challenged the Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili in last month’s presidential election, was based in Britain after having his assets frozen in Georgia, where he faced charges of attempting to mount a coup against the president.

It is the second time in just over a year that British police have been brought in to investigate the death of a man with links to leading Russian dissidents in London, following the murder of the former KGB security agent Alexander Litvinenko, who died of radiation poisoning in a London hospital.


Chad vows raids ‘to seek rebels’

Chad’s government says it will continue house-to-house searches to seek rebels in the capital following a coup attempt earlier this month.

A BBC correspondent says the raids have terrorised parts of N’Djamena.

Interior Minister Mahamat Ahmat Bachir was speaking after dozens of alleged rebels, many of them children, were paraded in front of journalists.

He also reportedly said an enquiry had begun into the whereabouts of three missing opposition leaders.

The three, who include former President Lol Mahamat Choua, disappeared while rebels were attacking the city.

The opposition say they were seized by government soldiers but the government says they went missing from parts of the city controlled by the rebels, AFP news agency reported.

Middle East

Robert Fisk: Bloody end of man who made kidnapping a weapon of war

It wasn’t the staring eyes, nor the way he picked up an apple in front of me and cut it open with such careful deliberation. It was the vice-like handshake, the steely grip that made my fingers hurt. “Imad Mougnieh,” he said, as if to show he wasn’t on the run, wasn’t afraid to use his real name.

Yes, he said, he was a “member of Islamic Jihad” – I knew very well he was the leader of the organisation, that he had arranged the kidnapping of so many Western hostages in Beirut – but he was in Tehran, in the upper floor of a luxury hotel. Safe from his enemies – but then again, that’s probably what he thought when he climbed into his car in Damascus on Tuesday night.

Thousands of New Prisoners Overwhelm Iraqi System

BAGHDAD – The increase in American troops in Iraq over the past year has been accompanied by waves of new Iraqi detainees, inundating the country’s already overburdened prisons and courts, American officials said Wednesday.

American advisers say Iraq’s nascent justice system does not have enough prison beds, investigative judges or lawyers to absorb the thousands of suspects that have been detained since last summer by the augmented American and Iraqi security forces. More than half of the 26,000 prisoners are still awaiting trial, and some have languished for years, American officials said.

Latin America

Mexican Rights Panel Called ‘Disappointing’

Report Cites Lack of Focus on Military

TIJUANA, Mexico, Feb. 13 — A leading U.S. human rights group said Wednesday that Mexico’s national human rights commission fails to press the military to end abusive practices and “has helped create an atmosphere of distrust.”

In a 128-page report released in Mexico City, the New York-based advocacy group Human Rights Watch concluded that Mexico’s commission “is failing to live up to its promise” and is “tolerating abusive practices.” The report said the commission “has been disappointing,” despite having a $73 million annual budget and 1,000 employees, making it “by far the largest of any ombudsman’s office in the Americas and one of the largest in the world.”

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

The muses are ancient.  The inspirations for our stories were said to be born from them.  Muses of song and dance, or poetry and prose, of comedy and tragedy, of the inward and the outward.  In one version they are Calliope, Euterpe and Terpsichore, Erato and Clio, Thalia and Melpomene, Polyhymnia and Urania.

It has also been traditional to name a tenth muse.  Plato declared Sappho to be the tenth muse, the muse of women poets.  Others have been suggested throughout the centuries.  I don’t have a name for one, but I do think there should be a muse for the graphical arts.  And maybe there should be many more.

Please join us inside to celebrate our various muses…

Happy Valentine’s Day.


Combination of the Two

The warmth of your smile

Providing comfort in a cold world

friendship to chase away loneliness

support in the face of hostility

a willing hand when relief is needed

And a hug

Two humans working together

cooperating for survival

sharing the joys and the pains

when they arrive

And a kiss

Having someone to be bored with

and sometimes break that boredom

someone to share stories with

and with whom to make new ones

And cuddle

Until the end of time

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–February 13, 2008

I know you have talent.  What sometimes is forgotten is that being practical is a talent.  I have a paucity for that sort of talent in many situations, though it turns out that I’m a pretty darn good cook.  ๐Ÿ™‚  

Let your talent bloom.  You can share it here.  Encourage others to let it bloom inside them as well.

Won’t you share your words or art, your sounds or visions, your thoughts scientific or philosophic, the comedy or tragedy of your days, the stories of doing and making?  And be excellent to one another!

Where to Buy Fair Trade Chocolate


A Valentine’s Day reminder, given chocolate’s status as a conflict substance, that ethical (and tasty!) chocolate is readily available. Why is this important? With Fair Trade chocolate:

* Forced and abusive child labor practices are prohibited

* Farming families earn a price that is adequate to meet their basic human needs

* Environmentally sustainable production methods are required

Where to buy Fair Trade chocolate and other Fair Trade goods?

A partial list is available here

Happy Valentine’s Day from THE ENVIRONMENTALIST


On Labor and Sports

OK, so first of all, I know this isn’t the most important issue in the world.  But having just gotten to the end of one labor dispute, seeing this post today brought up issues which are several of my pet peeves.

After four postseasons and two Cy Youngs, all of which made tons of money for the Pohlad family, Santana, could, with one more year’s work, reap the fruits of his labor and do what all too many major leaguers never do and hit the open market.

It was this set of circumstances caused that Jim Pohlad to utter the statement: “There’s loyalty and wanting to stay in Minnesota, and it varies from player to player.” What did Pohlad mean by this? In all practical terms in meant that Santana’s loyalty should translate into accepting less money than he is worth in baseball’s marketplace.

If Santana accepted this route, what would happen in the grand scheme of things-who benefits? Will the savings cause prices to watch Twins games to go down?


Will it reduce the costs of going to games in the new park?


Will your cable/satellite package that carries Twins games go down?


Will the extra money be ploughed back into the roster?

Possible, but the Pohlad family’s track record indicates otherwise.

What then happens to the money Santana forgoes?

It goes right back into the pockets of the Pohlad family.

What the Pohlads are saying in effect is that the loyalty means that a kid from Venezuela who worked at his profession for 14 years to get to this point in his life should subsidize one of the wealthiest men in one of the richest countries on the planet.

The quote is from the article Who Wants to Subsidize a Billionaire? by John Brattain.  You ought to read it if you are a fan of professional sports – it is one of the best I’ve ever read.

Among many of my pet peeves is the use of taxpayer money to fund sports stadiums, which I consider a gross misuse of public funds.  But the article goes so much deeper than that – for example, it explains why I’m no longer a fan of the NFL.

Salary caps are awful popular.  People believe that professional athletes make too much money.  Perhaps they are right, relative to the value of sports.

But I consider them both wrong and immoral.

Because one thing is very simple.  Salary caps don’t mean shit for the fans of the game.  The strict salary cap in the NFL doesn’t make my ticket to a Giants game any cheaper.  Nor the $8 beer or the $5 hot dogs.  Nor the $100+ official jerseys for sale at the arena and sporting goods stores, nor the $25 baseball caps with the team logo on them.

All that it means is that the players who I am watching crash into other 300 pound men in peak physical condition are getting a smaller and smaller slice of those revenues.  Men who I might add have a union so shitty that it can’t cover the medical expenses of its former players, which are considerable.

The libertarian in me has an easy answer to why I think A-Rod is worth $300 million – because that is his value to a business which sells millions of tickets to games per year, along with millions more in TV revenues and sponsorship and a host of other ways the team makes money.  That being said, I can easily see the reasoning behind the argument that all he does is hit a ball with a stick (really, really well!) and that isn’t such a valuable skill.

But what I don’t understand is why anyone, on the political left or not, would prefer to see more money in George Steinbrenner’s pockets than Alex Rodriguez’s.  

It is a sick system when we care more about limiting the amount of money that goes into Michael Strahan’s pockets than into those of the ownership of the New Jersey Giants.  It is a sick system when we lament the lack of loyalty of workers who have their income limited by exception to the laws of our nation by Congress for the first eight years of their career when they will not accept discounts to further enrich billionaires.

If we can accept that Hollywood screenwriters deserve their fair share of billions more than giant media corporations, it seems beyond obvious that we should demand that our athlete entertainers deserve their compensation more than the greedy billionaires who control their industry.

HRC’s “Potentially Incendiary Steps”

Adam Nagourney’s piece in today’s New York Times demonstrates, unequivocally, that Hillary Clinton will do whatever it takes, anything–even destroying the Democratic Party–in order to win.

With every delegate precious, Mrs. Clinton’s advisers also made it clear that they were prepared to take a number of potentially incendiary steps to build up Mrs. Clinton’s count. Top among these, her aides said, is pressing for Democrats to seat the disputed delegations from Florida and Michigan, who held their primaries in January in defiance of a Democratic Party rules.


Mark Penn makes it plain:

Mrs. Clinton’s aides said they would also argue to superdelegates that they should give less deference to a lead from Mr. Obama because much of that had been built up in states where there were caucuses, which tend to attract far fewer voters than primaries, where Mrs. Clinton has tended to do better than she has done in caucuses.

“I think for superdelegates, the quality of where the win comes from should matter in terms of making a judgment about who might be the best general election candidate,” said Mark Penn, Mrs. Clinton’s senior campaign adviser.

The final Democratic primary contests are in early June; Montana and South Dakota vote June 3, and Puerto Rico four days later. It would then be almost three months until the Democratic convention, a period in which, if enough superdelegates have not expressed a firm preference to decide the outcome, the party could face a period of intense horse trading or worse.

Meanwhile, the likely Republican nominee, Senator John McCain of Arizona, would have a long period to rally his fractious party to his side and hone his attacks on the Democrats.

Here’s the linky to the full article:…

Draw your own conclusions.

[First posted at Planet Orange.]

Jesus the Lost Apostle

Hyper Thick Compression Sticks

like Jesus the lost Apostle begotten from Zen

and carved from Chi balancing

in/ rainbows cherub voices fugue

like “smile” on the cutting room floors

of  Billboard’s Top Forty

yeah yeah he hates these cans

and exchoooose me

blunderfoot and bubblehead bounces

in consumption spirals blank

syncopated like cannonball adderly

but a poor man’s version

that’s what I like

make it sparse

make it important

on a hillside at 3 am tingles

trickling spinewords in pinewood caskets

and baskets of wings

clipped by Missus Obstacles

in spent little pentagrams of white chalk dust


so ignore my days

ignore my gaze

not meant for you

just left over from

another’s reflection bouncing like time

while swinging on vines

or am i a doorbell


an instant classic that won’t be read on the radio

a stale bread masterpiece with caribou meat

and chalice

balanced at the first supper table’s edge where no one was betrayed in gospel tones and tent revivals

where god gets paid like the mob boss we make him out to be

in harmony off bathroom walls and corridors bleached

meat equals cake

bread equals life

egg is soul

fork is this memory of college before it went bad

and you got lost between the coats, toads and racists

oh bitch face it this dress ain’t for me

magnificent though it is

so go on ignoring

keep on ignoring


unintended tragedy singular and hollow

like being lied to at nineteen

when it meant so much

another small gray American upbringing

howling in cracked panes and coarse wood

in roadside shacks beside your car

meditating in motion

and crushing forces

Video: Wexler Confronts Condi on Iraq War Lies; Calls for Contempt Vote (reprinted w/permission)

( – promoted by buhdydharma )

The following message is reprinted with permission from Congressman Wexler’s office.

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Today, in hearings on Capitol Hill, I confronted Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on her role in the lies, exaggerations, and misdirection that led us into the Iraq war.

During my questioning, Secretary Rice falsely stated that she never saw intelligence casting doubt on the Bush Administration claims that Saddam possessed weapons of mass destruction. This unbelievable statement is flatly contradicted by numerous government reports and CIA testimonials.

Sources such as the 2006 Senate Intelligence Report, a January 2004  Carnegie Endowment for International Peace report as well as former CIA agents (including Tyler Drumheller) have disclosed that there was contrary intelligence to the information provided to the Bush Administration in the lead up to the Iraq war.

See this video:

Secretary Rice’s responses demonstrate once and for all that we need aggressive oversight over this out of control Administration. Unfortunately, the Bush Administration has ignored the constitutional right of Congress to provide such oversight.

It is time Congress took aggressive action to assert our rights on behalf of the American people.

The House of Representatives must immediately hold former White House Counsel Harriet Miers and White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten in contempt of Congress for their failure to respond to congressional subpoenas.

I have been aggressively lobbying Members of Congress to support a vote on contempt, and I am thrilled to report that Speaker Pelosi told me directly that she agrees it is well past time to vote on contempt. I am anticipating that the House will shortly vote on resolutions of both civil and criminal contempt for both Miers and Bolten.

No one should be immune from accountability and the rule of law.

Not Harriet Miers or Josh Bolten.

And especially not Condoleezza Rice, George W. Bush or Dick Cheney.

It is time to defend the Constitution and our rights as a co-equal branch of government.

I will continue to take on the Bush Administration for their outrageous abuses just as I confronted Condoleezza Rice today and Attorney General Mukasey last week. (Click here to see my questioning of Mukasey.)

With your help we will hold these top Bush officials in contempt and continue our efforts to hold impeachment hearings for Vice President Dick Cheney.

Thank you, as always, for your great support.

Yours truly,

Congressman Robert Wexler

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The above message was reprinted with permission from Congressman Wexler’s office. It has been faithfully crossposted to ePluribus Media, My Left Wing, Booman Tribune, European Tribune, Docudharma, Below Boston, The Wild Wild Left and on DelphiForums.

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