Author's posts
May 05 2008
Too important for just a comment. This affects YOU directly.
cross posted to Docudharma, Dailykos, Turn Maine Blue and VetVoice from Military Spouse Press,
I began writing a response to NamGuardianAngel’s article below this one,… and it became a MEGA comment.
I also realized that the information was too important to you as a military spouse to contribute as just a comment. I had to ensure it was read by the maximum number by making it a stand alone Editorial Page contribution.
Hopefully, what is discussed will never affect you personally but statistics, studies and history prove beyond any doubt that they will affect a high percentage of military spouses.
PLEASE do not wait. Take action. If not for your soldier, yourself, your family, then for the other military spouses who will be affected by this.
Apr 13 2008
New blog for Military Spouses and those who support them
We would like to have anyone come visit a brand new blog established for military spouses to discuss issues involving the troops/veterans, their spouses and their families issues.
It is not necessary to be a military spouse to join but it is anticipated that anyone who joins will follow the guidelines outlined on the site. There are some very unique issues and problems that military spouses face both in supporting their spouse and handling the “homefront” and dealing with the VA healthcare system and other military bureaucracies. Anyone might find the discussions interesting.
Carissa Picard, Esq, President of Military Spouses for Change ( is heading up this new blog. Carissa has been active in helping military spouses and their families for many years. She has been interviewed on many talk radio shows such as NPR. In addition to being President of Military Spouses for Change and this new blog, Carissa is the wife of a Blackhawk Medivac pilot who served a tour in South America and is due to go to Iraq in June with orders for a 16 month tour. She is also the mother of two young boys.
There are a number of other very active military spouses who have already joined and are participating.
Come on over and check it out.
Military Spouse Press
Military Spouses Empowering Military Spouses
Feb 29 2008
Help veterans, call your Congressmen about H.R. 5448…
Rep. Tom Allen Praises VA Decision to Change Rule on Proving PTSD is Service-Connected
Tuesday February 19, 2008
Says passage of the Full Faith in Veterans Act is still necessary “to ensure that our veterans receive the highest quality of care”
Portland, Maine (February 19, 2008) — U.S. Representative Tom Allen today issued the following statement in response to the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) decision to no longer require combat veterans diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) while on active duty to provide written documentation that they witnessed or experienced a traumatic event during their service that caused their PTSD. On February 11th, Representative Allen unveiled H.R. 5448, the Full Faith in Veterans Act at an Augusta press conference with veterans and representatives of veterans service organizations.
Feb 28 2008
What is the cost of a Purple Heart?
Cross posted from Sancho Press.
I can’t add anything that these photos and article from the NYT do not say, so I won’t.
Feb 28 2008
Special laser to reduce Iraqi civilian deaths also falls on deaf ears as MRAP did.
Cross posted from Sancho Press.
We had an article contributed two days ago on Sancho Press about investigations being launched about the delay since 2005 of special vehicles that cost hundreds of our militaries lives.…
In addition to the MRAP requests being ignored the same individual who has filed for whistle blower status reports that a special laser to save Iraqi civilian lives was delayed despite requests from the field.
Marines had been requesting since 2005 that they receive a special laser that diverts drivers from checkpoints who had not adhered to requests to stop which resulted in our troops firing on them.
Marines on the front lines sought the tool, known as a Compact High Power Laser Dazzler, but stateside acquisition officials did not deliver it, a civilian Marine Corps official said. A less capable laser was eventually sent, but delays of nearly 18 months may have led to an untold number of Iraqi civilian casualties, according to allegations by the official, an internal critic whose claims are being investigated.
Feb 26 2008
Pentagon & Senate to investigate 2 yr delay in the fielding of blast-resistant vehicles.
Cross posted from Sancho Press.
FINALLY! This is an issue that has been discussed for some time now.
In a Jan. 22 internal report, Franz Gayl, a civilian Marine Corps official, accused the service of “gross mismanagement” that delayed deliveries of the mine-resistant, ambush-protected trucks.
This is another case of money taking priority over our troops. On Sancho Press we most often talk about money taking priority over helping our returning troops, veterans and their families regarding health care and other benefits they earned but are not being provided at all or sufficiently.
Feb 26 2008
How did your day begin today?
cross posted from Sancho Press to Dkos, DD and TMB.
Mine began with a cup of coffee and then a short walk of my dogs. Beautiful morning here in the deep woods in the heart of Maine. 15 degrees this morning at 7am with about three feet of snow on the ground. Below is a photo out my back window at 7:15am.
Click to enlarge

Feb 25 2008
Another Bush promise to Military personnel being broken.
cross posted from Sancho Press.
In 2002 President Bush signed a bill to put citezenship applications of non US citizens who serve in the military on “the fast track”. In addition, fees for citizenship are waived.
Like many other promises made to military personnel this one is not being kept. This may not be the most important issue regarding failures to meet what military members have earned, promised and deserved but just another example of bureacratic snafus, incompetence and poor management.
Feb 22 2008
As tears roll down my cheeks
cross posted from Sancho Press.
We spend our time on Sancho Press highlighting problems faced by our troops and veterans. We write articles about the injustices suffered by many who have bravely served our nation.
We point out problems with the VA and DOD policies. We work at joining citizens with the troops and veterans all together on Sancho Press. We want all to unite to get changes made to the many problems faced by those with PTSD, TBI, other mental health issues and the 800,000+ with backed up disability claims.
I stumbled across a few videos on you tube today. I realized that with all the focus I put on the above items I occasionally lose sight of those who didn’t come back and the families they left behind.
Feb 21 2008
4 years of despair, hopelessness & torment turns to 5 years of recovery & happiness.
(excerpts from “full” article on Sancho Press)
I have considered writing this article for nearly six months. The only way for me to write this is to reveal very deep, emotional and private details of my life. To lay myself open for all to see. The good, the bad and the ugly of nine years of living with TBI, the side effects it created, the results of the chronic pain from breaking my back in 3 places, the numerous other aches and pains that begin to set in four, six, nine years after a truamatic injury that added to my chronic pain. I have laid my self out there in a few articles but this goes beyond any I have done before.
I have been clear to all who know me, about my sincere desire to help our troops and veterans. The “full” article is another attempt at doing so. I started a website/blog solely for this purpose. A place to unite our citizens (many are unaware how massive the problems are) with our troops and veterans. I often spend 12 hours in a day on this cause. I want to and I have the time, so I should. My higher power ahs blessed me and I need to help others with the same problems I had. There are others who do the same like NamGuardianAngel.
Feb 18 2008
Dogs***t.. Horse*hi*.. Bulls*i*.. Bush*h*t
cross posted from Sancho Press.…
Horseshit, Bullshit and Bushshit are below the fold. Please provide tips so I know if anybody is reading this shit. Your contributions to any category for inclusion in future editions are encouraged. They can be submitted by using the email on my profile. Thanks.
“I am humiliated having to share my futon with this f***ing cat!”
(click to enlarge photo)
Feb 17 2008
Dogs***t, horse*hi*, bulls*i* and Bush*h*t
Cross posted from Sancho Press to Docudharma. Docudharma members can join Sancho Press and help the troops and veterans. Sancho Press members can join Docudharma and help with political issues.
Horseshit, bullshit and Bushshit below the fold. If not commenting, please provide tips so I know if anybody is reading this shit. Contributions to any category are welcomed and can be submitted using the email on my profile. Thanks.
First time he was out when it was below freezing
(click to enlarge)
“Gwad dwam wit, my fwucking twongue is stwuck”