Author's posts

Argentina: Zanon belongs to the workers

Orignal article, written by the workers of Zanon-Sindicato Ceramistas in Neuquén, Argentina and subtitled “After 9 years of struggle we have achieved the definitive expropriation of our factory.” Via In Defence of Marxism.

After 9 years of struggle we have achieved the definitive expropriation of our factory.

The path taken by the workers at Zanon would not have been possible without previously seizing our union representation from the trade union bureaucracy.

Argentina: They’ve made history – Workers will be owners of Ceramica Zanón

Original article, by ANRED, via In Defence of Marxism:

It would seem that the force of the wind, which was blowing at more than 60 km/hr in the Neuquén capital, was an omen of what was to come. 26 deputies supported the definitive expropriation and this sealed the declaration that the factory was of public interest and the transfer of Cerámica Zanon to the Fasinpat cooperative.

Argentina: They’ve made history – Workers will be owners of Ceramica Zanón

Original article, by ANRED, via In Defence of Marxism:

It would seem that the force of the wind, which was blowing at more than 60 km/hr in the Neuquén capital, was an omen of what was to come. 26 deputies supported the definitive expropriation and this sealed the declaration that the factory was of public interest and the transfer of Cerámica Zanon to the Fasinpat cooperative.

Argentina: They’ve made history – Workers will be owners of Ceramica Zanón

Original article, by ANRED, via In Defence of Marxism:

It would seem that the force of the wind, which was blowing at more than 60 km/hr in the Neuquén capital, was an omen of what was to come. 26 deputies supported the definitive expropriation and this sealed the declaration that the factory was of public interest and the transfer of Cerámica Zanon to the Fasinpat cooperative.

Guess What? He’s a Terrible President

Original article, by David Michael Green, via

Warning: If you like Obama, you won’t like the article.’s quarterly fundraiser going on now!

Just in case you didn’t know,’s quarterly fundraiser is going on right now.  If you think they do a good job, why don’t you kick in a bit?  They offer several ways to donate, including getting a percentage from an purchase.  Just think, that Finger Lickin’ new Janet Evanovich mystery you’ve been wanting to buy can go to help  This is how I made my donation this quarter.

Oh, Johnny Boy (Edwards that is)….…

Let’s see…

Sibel Edmonds’ partial testimony via liveblogging

Dandelion Salad’s got the skinny:  http://dandelionsalad.wordpres…

A prescription that makes the patient sicker

Original article, an interview with Dr. Quentin Young, via

The Obama administration is giving up on its August deadline for Congress to pass health care reform legislation, according to press reports. But far worse is what the administration has given up in the substance of the proposals–caving to pressure from a health care industry determined to maintain its power and profits.

Dr. Quentin Young is a veteran of struggles for civil rights and social justice, and a leading member of Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP). He talked to Elizabeth Schulte about why the proposals currently being discussed in Washington fall short of what’s needed.

Obama’s health care counterrevolution

Original article, by Kate Randall and Barry Grey, via World Socialist Web Site:

The New York Times is spearheading the campaign for President Obama’s health care proposals. His drive for an overhaul of the health care system, far from representing a reform designed to provide universal coverage and increased access to quality care, marks an unprecedented attack on health care for the working population. It is an effort to roll back social gains associated with the enactment of Medicare in 1965.

Vestas workers occupy: ‘A fight for jobs and the planet’

Original article via Socialist Worker (UK):

Workers at Vestas, the UK’s only wind turbine manufacturer, occupied their factory in Newport, Isle of Wight on Monday evening against plans to close it. Dave is one of the ­occupying workers. He spoke to Socialist Worker on Tuesday.

CIT crisis threatens wave of business failures and layoffs

Original article, by Barry Grey, via World Socialist Web Site:

The Obama administration has refused to provide government backing for outstanding debt or other emergency aid to CIT, a New York-based bank that finances nearly one million small and midsize companies in the US.

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