Author's posts

hellooooo . . . Caroline is a BETTER democrat

Caroline Kennedy has written two books about aspects of the U.S. Constitution.  Ms. Kennedy has studied the Constitution. wOw. Studied the founding document of our country… has a law degree and been an advocate for public (PUBLIC) education and the arts and has served the public to champion these causes.

She believes in political courage.

These are serious times. Ms. Kennedy is a serious person. Not an ideologue. I think she feels called to the service of her country. Not to attain power. But to serve. Now, what more do you people (at dKos) want?

at dKos

NYT: shoe-throwing MAY reveal a security lapse

I saw it on CNN International News last night. George W. Bush and I were both stunned momentarily. Shoes thrown at the outgoing 43rd President of these United States. One shoe as  “… a gift from the Iraqis; this is the farewell kiss, you dog!”  The second shoe from “… the widows, the orphans and those who were killed in Iraq!”


Hitting someone with a shoe is considered the supreme insult in Iraq. It means that the target is even lower than the shoe, which is always on the ground and dirty.

at Daily Kos


my friend sent me this in an e-mail today . . .

Who is really your best friend? Your dog or your spouse?

Ok, check this out….I tried this…and guess what? It really, REALLY


1. Lock your spouse and your dog in the trunk of your car.

2. Wait one hour.

3. Open up and see who is really happy to see you

the value of nothing. . . pII

It can only be attributable to human error.


cross-posted at daily kos

on simmer . . .

I knew this would happen. A flattening of passion. Something close to a full stop. Floundering.

So much time spent waiting for the end of something is leaving me a bit lost.

Now that I get my wish… how will I live without George W. Bush?

american influence…

don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out

it just hit me: Krugman for Treasury Sec’y

I was reading his column today, The Obama Agenda and it hit me: kaBoom! why shouldn’t this guy, better than any one in Washington at reading the economic tea leaves, get tapped to serve in Washington.

cross posted at Daily Kos

writing in the raw: experience is unconditional

Photobucketexperience is unconditional.

i heard this guy, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, say that in a video in Edger’s essay Been a Long Time Coming.

it was like someone hit a bell and the clarity and simplicity of its sound keeps reverberating in my head.

experience is unconditional. how simple: that which happens to us happens.  

what, then, are the mechanisms that condition our experience?

i’ve been thinking about this in the context, of say poking fun at Sarah Palin (she doesn’t seem to realize Africa is a continent).

Is it dismissive or disdainful when I label 59 million people who voted (a second time) for bush as stupid?

i wonder how our reactions to those of others might condition experience and the ensuing interactions among us. what am i filtering out that makes it near impossible for me to understand teaching creationism as science? it isn’t so much that i mind another view point, but come on. it is religion. not science. or is it?

“your playing small does not serve the world”

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us…

Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do… It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Marianne Williamson

the “A” word

i’m miles away from home. it’s morning here and the polls haven’t opened back home yet. i wonder how late i can stay awake tonight…

cross posted at Daily Kos and Wild Wild Left

did i just hear what i just heard????????? holy shit.

ej and i are watching Dutch news at 8pm. and the video comes up of John McCain shouting to a crowd and i zero in when i hear::: I’M AN AMERICAN.”  that’s an exact quote. and then i think he said something like: i’m going to fight. don’t give up hope.

what the … what the … what the FUCK????????????????????????????

i mean i am stunned. even i am stunned. because at first, i heard it. and then i HEARD it. he’s an american. obama is not.

be ready on Nov. 5 is all i can say. maybe the progressives will become the new secessionists…

this just isn’t good.

anybody able to link this? because i’m still reeling………………

ps: the dutch love Obama!!!

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