January 2009 archive

The Stars Hollow Gazette

After the big scare this might be an appropriate time for me to let everyone know I’m not planning on going anywhere.

I like DocuDharma, I like all you guys, and I enjoy our time together more than I can easily express.

I’m constantly bragging about you to my friends and relations who uniformly tell me that they much prefer the content of this site to any of the others I post at.

During the last few months I’ve been involved in some heavy lifting projects in other places and in real life also, so I haven’t been able to be as active as I would want.  These projects involve changes to my schedule which will take some getting used to, at least for me.

I want to thank you for your patients and tolerance and I’m hoping that conditions will soon stabilize so you can expect more regularity from my performance.

America’s West Bank (Edited and New Info.)

Why is the title of this America’s West Bank? (BIA tribal authorities say (Pauline Whitesinger’s traditional earth lodge) is illegal because Pauline has never signed any kind of agreements with the Feds in regards to the 1974 relocation law)

Pauline: Plans and schedules were important and are made in advance. However, such disruption that we had earlier are unexpected and those kinds of events take away the time delegated for priorities and goals. But here, at Big Mountain, we live with a lot of threats from the police and guns of the United States. And unfortunately, we just saw that this morning and you yourself have seen it personally.

Relocation Law, what Relocation


Yes, “Pauline Whitesinger, was served a notice to halt “new” construction of an earth lodge commonly known as a Hogan” is current.

Pony Party Political LOLs

Pony Party is an Open Thread.  Please do not rec the party.


Protectionism: can it help us survive?

Original article, by Neil Faulkner, via Socialistworker.org (UK):

The economic crisis that swept the globe in 2008 provoked debate about whether individual states or trade blocs could insulate themselves from the international turmoil through “protectionist” economic measures.

How the U.S. Army’s Field Manual Codified Torture — and Still Does

Originally posted at AlterNet, and reposted here with additional links and some minor format changes

In early September 2006, the U.S. Department of Defense, reeling from at least a dozen investigations into detainee abuse by interrogators, released Directive 2310.01E. This directive was advertised as an overhaul and improvement on earlier detainee operations and included a newly rewritten Army Field Manual for Human Intelligence Collector Operations (FM-2-22-3). This guidebook for interrogators was meant to set a humane standard for U.S. interrogators worldwide, a standard that was respectful of the Geneva Conventions and other U.S. and international laws concerning treatment of prisoners.

While George W. Bush was signing a presidential directive allowing the CIA to conduct other, secret “enhanced interrogation techniques,” which may or may not have included waterboarding, the new AFM was sold to the public as a return to civilized norms, in regards to interrogation.

Two pictures worth a thousand words

Rikyrah at Jack and Jill Politics shares this beautiful photo juxtaposition.

From this:

Norman Rockwell’s “The Problem We All Live With”

Putting my money where my fingers are.


So, yesterday in a diary about the looming shortage of uppercase I’s and P’s (not to mention the dire virgules (“/”) epidemic (warning: link to the GOS) there was some back and forth about “heads in sand” and “trying to silence discussion” to which I responded:

There are HUNDREDS of places in the world where people are dying RIGHT NOW… of starvation… of genocide… of apathy… of dehydration and NONE OF THOSE PLACES get 1/3 the screen time here (or anywhere else on the web) because they’re just not “SEXY” in an anger inducing way. And the next Israel vs. Palestine diary that seeks to HELP anyone may be the FIRST of these diaries I’ve ever seen.

I was referred to THIS DIARY by the Droogester which has some GREAT links for giving aide to the people who are actually suffering in Israel, but then… as if on command… the WHAT ABOUT YOU MIRROR on my computer screen was automatically enabled and suddenly I was staring right at myself.

Failure in Government

I have supported Barack Obama, but every time he appoints a rightwinger or a centrist (who are nothing more than rightwingers with apologies IMO) I lose a little hope.

I quote my friend TocqueDeville in DrSteveB’s earlier diary, Sanjay Gupta for Surgeon General – worse than I thought:

I see it as a continuation of the same battle (20+ / 0-)

I’ve been having for the last 20 plus years.

If this pans out then it will be just another failed Obama appointment, along with a couple of good ones – maybe.

All of his appointments combined demonstrate what the late professor Carroll Quigley, of Harvard Princeton and Georgetown described about how the American political system is rigged so that we can have a great big election and real power never really changes hands. [emphasis my own ~ OPOL]

by TocqueDeville

The real power never really changes hands.

Four at Four

  1. Five former Blackwater mercenaries plead not guilty in the Nisoor Square massacre in Baghdad in 2007 reports the Washington Post. The men are charged with “14 counts of voluntary manslaughter, 20 counts of attempting to commit manslaughter and one count of discharging a firearm during a crime of violence. They will face a mandatory minimum sentence of 30 years if convicted of the firearms charge.” A sixth former Blackwater mercenary “pleaded guilty last month to voluntary manslaughter and attempting to commit manslaughter and is cooperating with the government”.

    Also, the Seattle Times reports of another Blackwater mercenary to be charged with Iraqi bodyguard killing. The Department of Justice plans to charge former Blackwater mercenary Andrew Moonen for fatally shooting Raheem Khalif, the bodyguard for Iraqi Vice President Adel Abdul Mahdi, outside the vice president’s quarters after a drunken Christmas party in Baghdad’s secure “Green Zone” in 2006.

  2. The Washington Post reports Military judge’s order could keep public from hearing details of 9/11 trials.

    The protective order, which was signed on Dec. 18 by Judge Stephen R. Henley, an Army colonel, not only protects documents and information that have been classified by intelligence agencies, it also presumptively classifies any information “referring” to a host of agencies, including the CIA, the FBI and the State Department. The order also allows the court in certain circumstances to classify information already in the public domain and presumptively classifies “any statements made by the accused.”

    The ruling will, for example, prevent public scrutiny of the trial of Khalid Sheik Mohammed.

Four at Four continues with nearly $2 trillion U.S. budget deficit and eating gray squirrels in Britain.

Dharmathon for Edger

Hey folks, it sounds like Edger is…a bit on the Edge.

Like, seriously.

Please pop over to OOIBC and hit the Paypal button and give what you can to help him keep food in the belly and a roof overhead. Every little bit helps, and helping is what we are about. Especially helping someone who works so hard at helping others.


Change: Not just a slogan anymore!

As we struggle through the emotional gut punch of PERHAPS having Soapblox shut down and PERHAPS having the blog affected, all I can think of is…


It’s HERE!

And of course change, especially on this big of a level, does NOT mean just the things we don’t like changing for the better. It means EVERYTHING will change. Including the things we don’t want to change. The things that comfort and please us will change too.

We are leaving a time where change has been repressed. But change IS life itself. It is the Life Force that changes things….and the Life Force cannot be repressed for long. And very often the change that comes after repression is sudden swift and “violent.” Violent in the sense that change has been pressing forward against the repression and once freed….tends to explode.

In unexpected directions and in unexpected ways. Be prepared, emotionally, for huge swings, explosions of good and bad, and expect the unexpected.

Buckle up. (not that it will do any good)

Stock up on the things you love. (not that it will do any good)

And Hold Onto Your Hats! (not that it will do any good.)

Change is here.

UPDATE from Soapblox: Phoenix!?!

The very definition of irony … amid Celebration


(from the Ancient Greek ???????? eironeĆ­a, meaning hypocrisy, deception, or feigned ignorance) is a literary or rhetorical device, in which there is an incongruity or discordance between what one says or does and what one means or what is generally understood. Irony is a mode of expression that calls attention to discrepancy between two levels of knowledge.

Yesterday was a marvelous day, on many levels, with some great people newly sworn into Congress, on both the Senate and House sides.  …

The irony …

Of watching Dick Cheney administer the oath of office to the Senators of the 111th Congress.

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