Tag: fathers

Primary Teachers and Their Pedagogy


copyright © 2011 Betsy L. Angert.  Empathy And Education; BeThink or  BeThink.org

I offer homage to a Teacher whose pedagogy touched me in a manner invisible to me until this moment.  For scores, I understood what a gift he was to me.  His open and caring ways were as I craved.  However, I had never imagined that this man’s schooling style made the difference in my life.  Today, I invite each of us to look beyond the boundaries or the labels.

Often in life we are asked to reflect; who was or were your most profound Teachers.  I shared my stories in a missive or more.  Those Who Can Teach; Life Lessons Learned, Those Who Can Teach; Transformative Teachers, and Why I Write and Write, Then Write Again.  There are myriad sorts of Teachers.  A few are true treasures.  These special souls take a personal interest in us as individuals.  Students are seen as whole beings, not solely a score, or a name to be identified as a number.  Without these rare Teachers we would not soar.

Innumerable Scholars seek to inform rather than interact in a way that inspires.  Academicians, an abundance of these, think to fill a brain full of facts, formulas, and figures, is to teach.  I wonder; do these Educators believe they learn from their students?  I cannot know with certainty. For myriad mentors, their labor is not born out of love, but out of need . . . the need to train students for a test.


Cross posted from sanchopress.com

Citizens and military combine forces to advocate for better care for troops and vets, for responsive government and for the Constitution

There is a you tube video below the fold of this article I write. It is about OUR troops. It is about our nation supporting them. It is about our obligation to help them with the multitude of problems they face.

Remember them. Remember they are not a number or a statistic. Remember they are not bad people. Remember they are not in Iraq because they support George Bush’s policies. Remember they raised their right hand and swore an oath to God, our nation, to me and to you. Remember that oath was most of all to themselves.

Remember that this oath was to follow any lawful order of those of higher rank. Remember that even when they disagree with what they are told to do or where they are told to go or why they are there, they are soldiers and THEY DO IT, THEY MUST. Remember they are bound by the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Remember they do it because it is their job. Remember they do it because they swore they would. Remember they do it because they are men and women of their word. Remember they are men and women of honor. Remember that when they signed up to serve our nation, you and me, they knew it was possible they would have to do things, go places and fight wars they may not agree with.

Remember many die in the sands of Iraq. Remember many are permanently physically wounded in the sands of Iraq. Remember even many more will be mentally scarred for the remainder of their life with PTSD and TBI and Depression and mental health problems and more. Remember that 20 or 30 and even 40 years from now, many will wake at night from horrendous memories, awful demons and things most of us can not imagine in our worst nightmares.

Remember they swore an oath. Remember they were doing their job. Remember they are soldiers. Remeber THEY MUST DO WHAT THEY DO. Remember they don’t deserve the things described above.    

MOST OF ALL; Remember they are husbands, fathers, sons and brothers. Remember they are wives, mothers, daughters and sisters. Remember they are away from those they love and those that love them.


Aside from Iraq and our troops and our veterans, I NEED to express my feelings about the paragraph you will read just below the fold.

This paragraph below the fold was written by the author of the video. It is just above the video you will watch.

Regarding what the author had to write, I am outraged, disgusted, amazed and astounded. I am God damn pissed off and outright fucking angry. I can not believe she had to do what she had to do and write this to her audience. Please read what she had to write and watch the video below the fold and then please read my closing comments.

Aside from Iraq and our troops and our veterans, I NEED to express my feelings about the paragraph you will read just below the fold.

This paragraph below the fold was written by the author of the video. It is just above the video you will watch.

Regarding what the author had to write, I am outraged, disgusted, amazed and astounded. I am God damn pissed off and outright fucking angry. I can not believe she had to do what she had to do and write this to her audience. Please read what she had to write and watch the video below the fold and then please read my closing comments.