Pony Party, muy malo

From the “You did what……why???? department…..

According to this Yahoo!News story, Clint Straatman, a PE teacher at Minico High School in Rupert, ID, took a Mexican flag from a student…

because “white kids” might have hurt the 16-year-old.


But wait…..it gets better…..

He said he put it in a garbage can because he had no place else to keep it.

¡Muy, muy malo!

Camelo had brought the flag to school, as did other students, in celebration of Cinco de Mayo….

Straatman insists that the student, Froylan Camelo, was waving the flag in the gym and then never asked for it back.  He feels that maybe the student’s ‘poor english skills’ caused a misunderstanding….

But Camelo’s version differs greatly…that he was in the locker room when the flag was demanded of him…that he was told “The problem is that we are in the United States, not Mexico” when he asked what the problem was…that when he asked for the flag back, Straatman asked “What, the U.S. flag?”

Camelo has been contacted by the ACLU….the district is investigating…you know, the usual….

From gym teacher to president, there’s a reason why some people seek positions of authority……the very reasons that they SHOULDN’T HAVE AUTHORITY!!!!

I don’t know whether to cry, or break something……….


Of spirit

It may sound trite, but it is true, and is at the forefront of my mind these days:

Be careful what you wish for – you might get it.

I did a piece the other day that got a lukewarm reception. I have to wonder whether anyone wondered WHY I blogged that.

It wasn’t because it was representative of a normal day on the air, a normal topic selection…not at all.

That was precisely what it WASN’T.

More below.

I haven’t forgotten what radio was like before this latest excursion. I know why I changed formats, and what I said my reasons were. Those reasons stand in the sense that I was honestly expressing my motivations. But let me tell you what the environment I successfully wished myself into is like.

Talk radio is driven by conflict, whereas when you’re spinning records, you go out of your way to avoid conflict, with the exception of that which is not particularly relevant in the grand scheme – for example, did dreadlock-boy get a raw deal on American Idol last night?

The March Of The Hillemmings

Onward to West Virginia! After duping fewer of the “white niggers” in the Hoosier state into believing that she is some sort of brawling, beer drinking, elbow wrestling, blue collar ‘one of them’ the bitter and recalcitrant monster that is Hillary Rodham-Clinton moves the goalposts one more time. The non-elitist who just happens to be worth somewhere in the neighborhood of at least $ 109 million dug around in the sofa cushions in order to lend her never ending crusade another $ 6 million and change in order to remain solvent while the operatives work their chicanery and try to strong arm, sweet talk, cajole and bribe those superdelegates into getting with the fucking program and throwing in the Clinton restoration – when will those fuckers get it that Tracy Flick 2008 is entitled to the presidency goddammit?

The encouraging thing about the very narrow Clinton ‘win’ in Indiana is that there seems to be a limit to the stupidity of at least enough of the people to have not bitten on the race baiting, the demagoguery and that idiotic fucking suspension of the gas tax over the summer as some sort of band aid on the sucking chest wound of the average American family’s budget. The new openness to something different is courtesy of the economic disaster brought on by a quarter century of deregulation, fucked up trade policies, the enshrinement of greed as the highest possible virtue – the giveaway on this was that television show where people actually competed for the honor of licking Donald Trump’s balls. Compounding matters was the flood of easy credit and deceptively cheap credit that unregulated Wall Street ivory tower ‘banking’ houses (casinos is a more appropriate word) then packaged into toxic debt instruments and sold to suckers worldwide. As the old saying goes ‘if something appears to be too good to be true then it is too good to be true’ or something along those lines and it was only a matter of time until the music stopped and now millions of saps who bought into the big con have suddenly discovered that they have no chairs.

American idiots can only blame themselves for being dumb enough to be swindled into ignoring reality and their own economic self interests in order to vote for the most dumb and superficial reasons while keeping their heads in the sand and the home equity credit lines open to buy all of the trinkets and baubles necessary for them to still go to bed at night miserable, unfulfilled and deeper in debt. I find it ironic that the degenerate pigman Rush Limbaugh is throwing out a rotator cuff patting himself on the back for inducing his army of angry idiots to crossover and vote for Clinton in the obviously Animal House inspired “Operation Chaos” that have given the bitter old bitties who see Hillary as their own personal version of Taarna the avenger enough backup to keep Obama on the ropes until the dirt diggers can find a big enough chunk of kryptonite to vanquish him once and for all. Limbaugh, the human (and I use that term very loosely) version of the giant gas filled pig balloon that Pink Floyd used as a prop during shows and who is a similar icon for the fascist Republican party is largely responsible for today’s economic misery that will only continue unabated under the neocon dream of McClinton. After all, it was his modern day Father Coughlin propaganda that harnessed the anger and misery of the economic diaspora that began to emerge during the 80s when Reagan’s war on the middle class was kicking into high gear with the farm crisis and the closing of the mills. The heartland and the rust belt were the first to be thrust upon the alter of greed for sacrifice to the gods of Milton Friedman style voodoo economics and the down on his luck loser Limbaugh was discovered and recruited to propagandize the hurt, scorned and angry to scapegoat minorities and liberals for their deteriorating lives.

Limbaugh’s act worked to perfection to the extent there the lazy, mainstream media public relations flacks who pass themselves as legitimate journalists in this sorry era of the fucked and dumb actually feel comfortable in citing him as some sort of legitimate public figure to be respected and quoted. Well, John Wayne Gacy once had a similar aura of respectability and we all know how that ended up so perhaps there is at least some hope that the drug addled, thrice divorced, multi-millionaire grand poobah of white populist propaganda will soon come crashing down as well. His insertion of himself into the perennially clueless and hapless Democratic party primary season of no end may be the petard upon which his mammoth carcass is finally hoisted. People start to look for different victims when gas is approaching four dollars a gallon, their overpriced homes are in pre-foreclosure, speculators driving up food prices make it harder to put food on the family and jobs are being sent by the thousands to whatever third world shithole has the cheapest slave labor gulag system. The fingers of blame are very slowly starting to be pointed upwards as indolent Americans begin to realize that the ultra rich four flushing asshole class that Limbaugh works for are the ones to blame for their misery and not the brown menace.

The failure of what was perceived to be the bread and butter of the massively overhyped by both the multi-millionaire Clintons and the Republican looter establishment Reverend Wright race card is by all indications from Indiana going up like a flaming bag of dogshit on the castle doorstep. When race baiting and fear mongering no longer work then the establishment is in big time trouble. It’s hard to blame the black man for everything during those long cold winters when the furniture is being burned for heat and the family pets begin to look like a cheap way to eat for a few days. Now I am not naïve enough to think that the American sheeple will ever be able to muster up enough gumption for a full fledged peasant revolt but their not being duped by the standard horseshit that politicians shovel out in order to distract and keep from talking about the real issues is at the very least a flicker of light in the darkness. That Clinton didn’t win Indiana by at least 30 points given the massive ignorant hick demographic and the temporary loan of battalions of Limbaugh’s angry army of dittohead drones proves that things just might be different this time and that would indeed strike deeply at the very heart of the oligarchy. Even that philandering little fascist dwarf Newt Gingrich is freaking out that the GOP mojo is no longer working.

So onward march the Hillemmings, a proxy army to defend the status quo who have much in common with their newfound brethren on loan from Lord Limbaugh, towards West Virginia, towards the edge of the abyss and with any luck ultimately off of the edge of the cliff.  

Docudharma Times Thursday May 8

So say goodbye it’s Independence Day

It’s Independence Day

All down the line

Just say goodbye it’s Independence Day

It’s Independence Day this time

Thursday’s Headlines: Hilary Clinton’s strategy of last resort: FBI Backs Off From Secret Order for Data After Lawsuit: Iran offers nuclear deal but refuses to stop enrichment: Israel: From independence to intifada: Tibetan woman carries Olympic torch to the top of Everest: US trains Pakistani killing machine: Violence in Zimbabwe Disrupts Schools and Aid: Why South Africa will never be like Zimbabwe: Putin ever present as Medvedev becomes president: Sebastien Loeb’s long hair and stubble causes more of a row than Max Mosley:  

Fears rise over Burma aid delays

Burma’s leaders are facing growing international concern over their reluctance to accept foreign aid, days after the devastating cyclone.

The UN says its planes carrying vital food supplies cannot enter because they still do not have permission to land.

But the regime has now given permission for at least one US aid flight to land in the country.

A US diplomat has said conditions are “horrendous” and warned the death toll could top 100,000 if they worsened.

Teams reaching some of the worst-hit areas have described harrowing scenes.

Some aid workers reported bodies rotting in the fields and desperate survivors fighting over food and water.

Support disaster relief in Myanmar (Burma)


Hilary Clinton’s strategy of last resort

She would have to get the DNC to count the Michigan and Florida delegates and then press her case with superdelegates.

WASHINGTON — Unable to revive her presidential campaign at the polls, Hillary Rodham Clinton now envisions a road to the nomination built on disputes over Democratic Party rules and fights over delegate selections. But on Wednesday even that route looked unattainable, with some key party officials warning that they would not cooperate with Clinton’s strategy.

The party leaders’ comments came as they digested Tuesday night’s election results from Indiana and North Carolina — results that extended Barack Obama’s lead over Clinton in both the popular vote and nominating delegates and led some to conclude that the New York senator simply could not catch up.

FBI Backs Off From Secret Order for Data After Lawsuit

The FBI has withdrawn a secret administrative order seeking the name, address and online activity of a patron of the Internet Archive after the San Francisco-based digital library filed suit to block the action.

It is one of only three known instances in which the FBI has backed off from such a data demand, known as a “national security letter,” or NSL, which is not subject to judicial approval and whose recipient is barred from disclosing the order’s existence.

Middle East

Iran offers nuclear deal but refuses to stop enrichment

· British officials say plan is a ‘spoiler’ to west’s proposal

· Breakthrough in deadlock thought to be unlikely

Iran said yesterday that it is to present the international community with a new package of proposals aimed at breaking the diplomatic deadlock over the country’s nuclear programme.

Rasoul Movahedian, Iran’s ambassador in London, told the Guardian: “My government has worked out a new package, a new initiative, which is going to be put forward in the near future to deal with all aspects of our relationship [with the international community].”

He said he was not permitted to give details before the initiative is presented “before the end of next week” to the five permanent members of the UN security council – the US, Britain, France, Russia and China – as well as Germany, who together constitute the “5+1” group leading nuclear negotiations with Tehran.

Israel: From independence to intifada

It was created from the ashes of the Holocaust, and grew into one of the most confident (and controversial) nations in history. Today, as Israel turns 60, its people’s hopes for a peaceful future are as delicately poised as ever

By Donald Macintyre

Thursday, 8 May 2008

You get the clearest sense of it in Tel Aviv. Swinging in on the Ayalon highway past the 50-floor Azrieli towers, joining the entrepreneurs in their open-necked shirts and jeans tapping at their laptops at a café off the Rothschild Boulevard, lunching among the families and fashionistas at the beachside Manta Ray, or wandering through the elegantly renovated lanes of Neve Tzedek, where Jews in the 1880s first started spreading north along the coast from Jaffa, the still-mixed neighbouring Arab port town that secular, hedonistic, Tel Aviv grew out of, you quickly begin to see how much Israel has achieved in the last 60 years.


Tibetan woman carries Olympic torch to the top of Everest

A young Tibetan woman has carried the Olympic torch to the top of the world.

Panting in the thin air at the top of Mount Everest, Tsering Wangmo was the last of five mountaineers battling high winds and freezing temperatures in a slow-moving mini-relay on the summit of the world’s highest peak that ended with jubilant shouts of “Beijing welcomes you!”

The team of 19 climbers broke camp at 27,390ft (8,300m) before dawn to begin the laborious final climb, setting off in the dark to take advantage of calmer morning winds and firmer footholds on the packed ice before the heat of the sun causes it to shift.

US trains Pakistani killing machine

KARACHI – A longstanding disconnect between the Pakistan and United States militaries is largely responsible for the inability of the “war on terror” to nail key targets such as al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, as well as military failures against the Taliban-led insurgency in Afghanistan.

Former US ambassador to Honduras, Mexico and the Philippines and presently Deputy Secretary of State, John Negroponte, aims to change this by creating special Pakistani units, trained by the US, to go after key figures.

“These programs have already started and will continue at length. Already, many teams of US military officials have arrived in Pakistan and have started basic training courses,” a senior

Pakistani security official told Asia Times Online on the condition of anonymity.


Violence in Zimbabwe Disrupts Schools and Aid

JOHANNESBURG – Zimbabwe’s ruling party, bent on retaining control after 28 years in power, has broadened its campaign of intimidation and violence to include teachers and even aid workers, disrupting education and basic care for tens of thousands of children across the country, according to humanitarian groups, union officials and the teachers themselves.

Teachers have been upbraided by the ruling party for allegedly siding with the opposition during the nation’s disputed March elections, in which they served as poll monitors. More than 2,700 of them have fled or been evicted from classrooms, the teachers’ union says. Dozens of schools have closed, the union says, and 121 are being used as bases for the ruling party’s youth militias as they harass and beat opponents in the countryside.

Why South Africa will never be like Zimbabwe

n this Chris Hani Memorial Lecture, Jeremy Cronin traces the differences between the ANC and Zanu-PF as liberation movements and as parties in power.

Our government’s stand on Zimbabwe has once again distressed many South Africans. How can President Thabo Mbeki say there is no crisis in Zimbabwe? He later claimed he was not talking about the social and economic reality but about the elections in Zimbabwe. But isn’t there an electoral crisis?

If this denial were a one-off oversight on President Mbeki’s part then it would only be opposition parties here in South Africa and those not in solidarity with the Zimbabwean people who would want to go on making a meal of it.


Putin ever present as Medvedev becomes president

· Duma expected to confirm outgoing leader as PM

· Successor promises to fight corruption

Dmitry Medvedev became Russia’s new president and the country’s third post-Soviet leader yesterday during a glittering ceremony at the Kremlin which – formally at least – brought down the curtain on Vladimir Putin’s eight tumultuous years in power.

Standing next to Putin, Medvedev swore an oath on Russia’s constitution. He then delivered an upbeat speech promising to improve the lives of ordinary Russians, fight corruption and end the country’s “legal nihilism”.

“I believe my most important aims will be to protect civil and economic freedoms,” he told guests at the inauguration. He added: “We must fight for a true respect of the law and overcome legal nihilism, which seriously hampers modern development.”

Sebastien Loeb’s long hair and stubble causes more of a row than Max Mosley

Its President faces possible deselection amid reports that he indulged in a Nazi-themed orgy with five prostitutes, but the governing body of world motorsport knows what really hurts its image: a driver who forgets to wash and shave.

There were howls of indignation yesterday when Sébastien Loeb, the world champion rally ace, was taken to task by the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile.

Just before Max Mosley, the FIA chief, was exposed on film appearing to enjoy his exotic encounter, the head of its rally division endorsed a complaint over the unkempt appearance of Loeb, 34. The Alsace-born driver, world champion for the past four years and one of the biggest stars in rally history, has recently adopted longer hair and stubble. “The same thing happens in football and other virile sports.

Latin America

Captive macaws now reproduce in the wild in Costa Rica

LA GARITA DE ALAJUELA, Costa Rica – Endangered scarlet macaws born in captivity are reproducing in the wild for the first time on Costa Rica’s southern Pacific coast.

The ZooAve Center for the Rescue of Endangered Species has released 100 of the birds into the wild in the last decade. But biologists didn’t spot offspring until last year, said biologist Laura Fournier.

Since then, they have recorded 22 chicks born in the wild, and four more scarlet macaw couples have laid eggs, Fournier said.

The parrots once occupied all of Costa Rica. But hunting and poaching dramatically cut their population, and they are now found only in two national parks along the coast.

Muse in the Morning


The Damage Done

Aches and pains

of muscles and bones

of nerves and organs

are bearable

when old injuries

to the psyche

have been soothed

when the twinges

of a fragile confidence

the throbbing

of squandered initiative

and the millions of stings

that punctured

a too slim veneer

of self-esteem

have been given

tender care

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–March 4, 2008

Please join us inside to celebrate our various muses…

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Muse in the Morning

The muses are ancient.  The inspirations for our stories were said to be born from them.  Muses of song and dance, or poetry and prose, of comedy and tragedy, of the inward and the outward.  In one version they are Calliope, Euterpe and Terpsichore, Erato and Clio, Thalia and Melpomene, Polyhymnia and Urania.

It has also been traditional to name a tenth muse.  Plato declared Sappho to be the tenth muse, the muse of women poets.  Others have been suggested throughout the centuries.  I don’t have a name for one, but I do think there should be a muse for the graphical arts.  And maybe there should be many more.

I know you have talent.  What sometimes is forgotten is that being practical is a talent.  I have a paucity for that sort of talent in many situations, though it turns out that I’m a pretty darn good cook.  🙂  

Let your talent bloom.  You can share it here.  Encourage others to let it bloom inside them as well.

Won’t you share your words or art, your sounds or visions, your thoughts scientific or philosophic, the comedy or tragedy of your days, the stories of doing and making?  And be excellent to one another!

Congressional Developments

(10 am – promoted by ek hornbeck)

There are 3 Congressional actions we need to keep our eye on today and in the near future-

  • FISA Compromise
  • FEC Appointments
  • Occupation Funding

FISA Compromise

It Ain’t Over ‘Til It’s Over

by digby

5/07/2008 05:03:00 PM  

This is an piece of legislation which we can feel proud to have battled back since last August. But Bush wants this one very, very badly for some reason and he’s going to push it right up until the day he leaves office. It’s a zombie. And it’s not just about money. These are huge corporations that can easily afford to litigate these claims and since it is unlikely that any of the plaintiffs suffered huge damages they don’t face outrageous financial liability. They don’t even face much bad PR: if they lose, they just say they were trying to help the government fight terrorists and there won’t be a whole lot of customers who will switch to other carriers when they find out they violated the fourth amendment. This is about the Bush administration and keeping civil liberties lawyers from having access to discovery documents.


Dear Steny: We Won’t Get Fooled Again

By: Jane Hamsher

Monday May 5, 2008 1:30 pm

There is no public outcry to “free Dick Cheney.” There is no constituency ready to storm the halls of Congress unless the telecoms are given immunity, just a lot of K Street money pouring into the coffers of the Blue Dogs. If Steny, Jello Jay and Carney have their way, it will be virtually impossible to discover the extent of the crimes of the telecos (and the Bushies) for spying on American citizens.

plus the seminal

What backroom conniving are Steny Hoyer and the Chris Carney Blue Dogs up to on FISA?

Glenn Greenwald

May 2, 2008 07:50 EDT

The Steny Hoyers of the world need to realize that there will be a real cost when they enable lawbreaking and help to further eviscerate the rule of law, or else they will continue to do it. There’s no point in having Chris Carneys in Congress if — as he and his small band of like-minded comrades are doing now — they’re going to force the House Democrats to join with the most radical elements of the GOP in dismantling core constitutional protections and further entrenching our two-tiered system of justice where the most politically well-connected actors are literally immune from the rule of law.

The planned capitulation makes even less sense politically. Having picked this fight and then stood their ground for months while numerous caucus members were subjected to ad campaigns, a reversal and capitulation by Democrats now — and that is what any so-called “compromise” would be — would make them look even weaker and more devoid of convictions than is typical. It would severely exacerbate the greatest political liability Democrats have: namely, the perception that they are “weak” because they stand for nothing and/or lack the courage to defend their convictions.

FEC Appointments

Deal And No Deal

by dday

5/07/2008 04:39:00 PM

The one concession in this deal is that von Spakovsky will get a separate vote. Now, the Bush Administration fully believes he’ll pass under that standard, while Harry Reid’s office says they “expect” to defeat von Spakovsky. But I don’t know what they’re basing that on. As far as I can tell there’s no “upperdown vote” agreed to here, so his confirmation could be filibustered. Still, Mitch McConnell is wily and there are so many obstructions they’ve thrown up in the past, that I could easily see a scenario where they agree to move forward on some minor initiatives in exchange for von Spakovsky’s nomination. Alternatively, the Republicans will relent on von Spakovsky in exchange for retroactive immunity for the telecoms. There are a lot of balls in the air.


Today’s Must Read

By Paul Kiel

May 7, 2008, 9:57AM

Spakovsky remains a nominee. Instead, the administration has submitted a new nominee to replace the current chairman, David Mason. Mason is one of the only two seated commissioners, and it just so happens that he’s been creating a whole lot of trouble for John McCain lately.

In February, the McCain campaign notified the FEC that it was withdrawing from the public financing system for the primary. Although McCain had once opted in, his campaign said that it had never received public funds and so could opt out. The move meant that McCain would not be bound by the $54 million spending limit for the system.

But Mason balked. McCain couldn’t just opt out — the FEC had to approve his request before he could. And Mason also indicated that a tricky bank loan might mean that McCain had locked himself in to the system. That would be disastrous for the campaign, since the Dem nominee would have a tremendous spending advantage through August. So McCain’s campaign has continued to spend away, far surpassing the limit already. The Democratic Party has filed a complaint with the FEC and has also taken the matter to court.

And now Mason is getting the boot.

So where’s the compromise, exactly?

Occupation Funding

Would you believe that the House is going to vote tomorrow on a three tiered abortion of a bill designed to let our REPRESENTATIVES skate without ANY accountability for letting this war criminal administration continue it’s insane occupation policy without any restriction and I can’t find any outrage?

I can find news-

War funding would break Dem promises

By: Martin Kady II, Politico

May 6, 2008 04:38 AM EST

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is about to lead her party into a major showdown over Iraq funding by violating two Democratic campaign pledges in one fell swoop.

To the critics, whether anti-war activists or House Republicans, Pelosi has made her feelings clear: Get over it.

This week’s maneuvering over a $200 billion war spending bill has revealed Pelosi self-confidently playing what she believes – with increasing evidence – is a strong hand.

Obey Outlines Supplemental Strategy

By Daniel W. Reilly

May 6, 2008

(The Politico)  After a flurry of last-minute number changes, House Appropriations Committee Chairman Dave Obey (D-Wis.) unveiled a three-step process Tuesday for the House consideration of an emergency $183.7 billion wartime spending bill, possibly as early as this week.

In a press conference, Obey said the House will hold three votes related to different components: the first on military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, the second on conditions to be imposed on the defense funds, and the third on a set of domestic initiatives, not all of which are reflected in the chairman’s price-tag.

Chief among these are an extension of unemployment insurance benefits, expected to cost between $11 billion to $12 billion over 10 years, and a landmark expansion of education benefits for veterans who have served since the 2001 terrorist attacks.

But where are the blog posts?

Buried under a blizzard of horserace.  I’m sure there’s a pony in there somewhere, there’s certainly enough shit.

The Stars Hollow Gazette

I found it quite amusing to watch the reverse MSNBC meltdown last night.  It was New Hampshire all over again.

What these Beltway Butt Kissing Access Whore Media MORANS don’t get is that people don’t buy their bullshit anymore.  Eight years (at least) of continuous cognitive dissonance has taught them better.

It’s objectively true.  Disregarding the disintegrating broadcast audience it in fact takes many many more impressions to achieve the same sales effect- ask any ad buyer.  We are resistant, which is why viral marketing is such a big deal.

But it’s not just their credibility, these dying Dinosaur Dolts have dumbed down their job so that any Hair Sprayed Made Up MORAN pretty enough to read a teleprompter and stupid enough to charge less than your ELITIST ULTRA-RICH SALARY can get the same ratings.  What makes you better than the next Faux Noise Bimbo?

Sucks to be an actor when Hollywood for the Ugly goes all pretty on ya.

So you’ve outsourced your own employment.  You deserve to be extinct.

We all get cable TV and we watch it every night.  We remember when you re-work the same tired (do you think he looks it?) old plot lines substituting Jamie Sommers for Steve Austin and even having the same tired old B-List uncle cousins of the Producers in the same stinking old parts.

The reason you hate hippies is you’re unhip.  You’re ugly.  You’re just outcasts who haven’t gotten over High School so you’ve formed your own kool kidz klub (initials intentional).

Well good luck with that.  You’re being hoist by your own latte drinking life styles you chauffeured cell phone chattering chumps.

The average person graduates High School and understands things better than your 7th grade schoolyard gossip stories.

But Wait!

Happy Birthday Timmeh.

Tuesday’s Biggest Loser: Tim Russert (And All The Other TV Blowhards)

John Eskow, Huffington Post

May 7, 2008 | 05:56 PM (EST)

Tuesday’s biggest winner was not Barack Obama — though it’s impossible to overstate just how stunning his victory was, scoring a 200,000+ vote margin in the wake of 24/7 media demonization — but the American voting public itself. And Tuesday’s biggest loser was not Hillary Clinton but her media surrogates, like Little Georgie Stephanopolous and Tiny Tim Russert.

I don’t know where Georgie was drowning his sorrows last night, but Russert was front and center on MSNBC, doing his best to take it like a man — which must’ve been incredibly hard. For weeks, the Russerts of this world fought desperately to force a narrative onto the American public that they explosively rejected last night.  …

And — superficially — Russert and Stephanopolous and their colleagues at CNN will stagger into the new dawn as well. But they blew it badly this time. Russert’s 18-minute filibuster on Reverend Wright — pinning Obama down under ludicrous question after ludicrous question at a time when US and Iraqi deaths are mounting, Haitian children are dying of starvation in the streets, you can write in your own global crisis — was as naked a display of corporate media’s hideously-misplaced priorities I have ever seen. To watch a dignified man try to politely move on to substantive matters — after he’d already given two entire speeches devoted to such a laughably spurious issue — was to watch Stupidity bullying Common Decency…for eighteen endless minutes.

So it was hard not to laugh at Russert’s stunned face all night, as voters in America basically told him and the others to shove a flag lapel-pin up their ass — not to put too fine a point on it — and he and the others of his ilk (as well as the Mark Penns and Howard Wolfsons who puppet-mastered them so hard) were left with cosmic egg on their faces. They can be forgiven for underestimating the rebel spirit of the American voter — many of us did — but they will not be forgiven for their collusion in shamefully pandering to our lowest un-common denominator by race-baiting, topic-shifting, and McCarthyist guilt-by-association.

NBC News’ bad week: Russert, Williams, and Huffington

by Eric Boehlert, Media Matters

Wed, May 7, 2008 1:42pm ET

Such is the state of affairs at NBC News, where last week it was not only reportedly boycotting Huffington, but also steadfastly boycotting a blockbuster New York Times report from April 20 that detailed how the Pentagon, during the run-up to the war with Iraq and for years after that, had worked closely with retired military officers now working as talking heads. The Pentagon selected scores of officers, many of whom had defense industry clients, and worked to “transform the analysts into a kind of media Trojan horse — an instrument intended to shape terrorism coverage from inside the major TV and radio networks,” according to the Times. The Pentagon did that by, among other things, treating the analysts to special briefings and taking them on guided tours of Iraq.

Yet two weeks after the Times billboarded the news above-the-fold on Page 1, neither NBC nor MSNBC had seriously examined their roles in the Pentagon program. In fact, the news teams at both outlets appeared allergic to the controversy. Despite the fact that the Times story ignited congressional inquiries, raised doubts about the legality of the program, and prompted the Pentagon to suddenly halt the initiative altogether, NBC considered the issue to have zero news value.

Keep in mind, NBC had never broadcast a single story about the Pentagon article, but Williams did, y’know, blog about it. Reading his explanation, no wonder NBC hasn’t wasted its time with the silly Pentagon controversy — it’s a non-story. At least at NBC. Because the news team did nothing wrong and its military analysts were above reproach. (Why did the Times waste 7,000 words on such nonsense?)

Note how Williams vouched for the generals’ patriotism and insisted they were “better” than spinning Pentagon talking points. (In his blog post, Williams noted he had entered “close friendship[s]” with the generals.) That’s all well and good. But the facts are clear: The generals did participate in the Pentagon program and they often did spout Pentagon spin. (The anchorman expressed little interest in the fact that some of the generals stood to profit from their defense industry connections while they promoted the costly Iraq war on NBC.)

Finally I want to draw your attention to one other story posted by News Corpse (also available in orange).

Junk News Gets FCC Seal Of Approval


The FCC’s latest satire-defying ruling has declared that the gossip-mongers at TMZ, and the God-casters at Pat Robertson’s 700 Club, are “bona fide” news providers.



Pentagon puts the squeeze on ‘supporting the troops’

( – promoted by buhdydharma )

And so it begins:

(Bloomberg)– The U.S. Army won’t be able to pay soldiers beyond June 15 unless Congress approves $108 billion more for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan or authorizes a funds transfer, a Defense Department official said.

If the supplemental spending legislation isn’t enacted by then, the Pentagon will be forced to seek congressional authority to use money designated for other services to fund the Army payroll, department spokesman Geoff Morrell said.

Pentagon budget officials briefed congressional staffers about the funding crunch earlier today, and Defense Secretary Robert Gates addressed the issue in a letter to lawmakers yesterday, Morrell said at a Pentagon briefing.

If those Democrats in Congress don’t knuckle under move quickly, we’ll just have to quit paying the troops.


There will still be enough money, apparently, to pay Blackwater and the military contractors and the munition manufacturers.  But not enough money to pay the troops.

I call bullshit.

The Pentagon must be awash in money.  It spills billions every day.

It just doesn’t happen to have enough in some account marked “pay the troops,” so Congress will just have to fill it up.

Fortunately, that won’t be a problem.  Congressional Democrats can’t wait to do that, even offering more money that Warmonger President Bush requested.

One would think that paying the troops would come first on the Pentagon’s priority list.  But this is the same Defense Department and administration that currently is working to kill a reasonable GI Bill that might actually let some veterans be able to finish college.

The troops come last in Bush World.

But now they are convenient pawns in the game with Congress.  It seems like overkill, though, since Congress isn’t putting up any resistance anyway.

It does not appear that it will come to this, in any event:

But we can dream, can’t we?

Pony Party: Spring Cleaning

When I used to watch a lot more TV I really liked to see the TLC station’s home improvement shows like Trading Spaces.  There was another show called Clean Sweep that always impressed me.  For those that haven’t seen it…   The Clean Sweep crew would show up at someone’s house where they would show us two rooms crammed full of junk. It was the kind of junk you would expect a Cheap rubbish removals Melbourne team to spend an entire day sorting through!  With barely enough room to walk through.  And I would gawk at all that stuff and think I would never let my place get that bad.   The CS team would completely clear the rooms and then a designer and carpenter would come in and paint and redo the rooms with closet organizers and lableled bins, furniture, etc. and turn it into a functional space again.  Meanwhile the couple would be out on their lawn with all their piles of stuff.  The host and a professional organizer would then help them sort through all of it to Keep, Sell or Trash.  The organizer guy (with a cute Australian accent) would lay out a little section of tarp and allow them to keep only what could fit on it.   Then the homeowners go through excruciating distress trying to part with grandma’s treasures and all the unused wedding gifts they received…etc.   After they sort through it, they hold a yard sale.  What isn’t sold is donated to a charity.   In the end, the host brings them back into their house to see the new rooms: pristine and decluttered.  They are always stunned and delighted and most of them cry.   Sometimes I cried too.    

You can probably see where this is heading now.   I am getting pretty close to having one of those rooms.   I rent a 2-bedroom apartment – it’s 1/2 of a house actually.   We’ve been here about 2-1/2 years.  Prior to that we lived on the East coast for a year for my husband’s clerkship.  We stored most of the non-essential things we didn’t think we’d need that year in my sister’s garage.    When we moved back all that stuff ended up in the second bedroom – which was supposed to be a guest room/office.  It was fairly well organized when I unpacked it but I was determined even then to get rid of a most of it because if we didn’t need it for that year we probably didn’t need it at all.  Due to my blogging addiction busy schedule, I never got around to doing so and as time went by, more and more stuff ended up in that room.    We have an exercise machine in there too now.  So I think about 80% of the floor was covered.  

A few weeks ago, my job cut me to 50% time.  Now I have 2-1/2 days on, 2-1/2 days off.  Pretty nice.  That is giving me the time I need to tackle this project and get a lot of other things done as well.    (and hopefully more blog time too – but I gotta play that cool for now)

One of the first things I wanted to do was get rid of our eWaste – old printers, PC towers, floppy disks, etc.   I found out that our city was having an eWaste pickup the last weekend of April so I made it a priority to sort through that first.  As I went, I came across a lot of other things that I wanted to get rid of. Many items I were holding onto for sentimental reasons.  I realized that it was time to let go of them now.  So I decided to post everything on our local Freecycle group. I’m also on a neighborhood list so I posted there too.    I set it up like a yard sale, except everything was Free.  A lot of people replied to my posts to the group and requested particular items.   My Magic Bullet Blender was the most requested – I never would have guessed.     I set aside the things people asked for and put the rest out on tables in our driveway.  Surprisingly everyone showed up for their stuff.   My neighbors dropped by too.   I gave the next door kids some stuffed animals that my ex-boyfriends had given me.  I was glad to shed those memories and the kids were delighted with their new toys.  So that was a win-win.    A lot of my interactions were like that.  People were so happy to have what I was giving them – it was something they wanted or needed – and I was so happy to unload it.        I highly recommend Freecycle.  

Here’s a list of all the things that I Swept away that weekend – including the eWaste (which I significantly reduced with the giveaway).


3 old cell phones

Dead batteries

3.5″ floppy disks

CDs w/old software, games, etc

Dead hard drives – smashed for privacy

ViewSonic 19″ Computer Monitor (CRT) w/ drivers and documentation

HP LaserJet 1200 SE w/ parallel port cable, power cord and drivers (Win 95, 98, 2000, Me, NT4.0, MacOS 8.6.9).

Canon Multipass C5000 All-in-One Fax/Scanner/Printer w/ power cord, manual, and some ink. No parallel cable.

50 blank 3.5″ floppy disks w/case

Floppy disk “wallet”

3 Computer Mice – one w/USB connector; one w/6-pin round connector, one wireless

various Parallel/Serial port cables and adapters

Ribbon cables

BELKIN AutoSwitch

NetLine Wireless Broadband Gateway w/ CD Documentation and Wireless PC Card w/Driver

Adobe Elements 3.0 Video editing software w/User Guide

3 Stereo Antennae

SW Bell Freedom Phone – cordless w/answering machine and power supply

Lots of telephone cords

3 12″ modular to spade line cords for telephones

TV-VCR signal splitter


Hot air popcorn popper

GE Refrigerator Water Filtration Cartridge (new) SmartWater Model: MWF

Cookie cutters – Christmas and Cowboy themes

Magic Bullet Blender w/ all attachments

Pool Cue – “Player’s” purple, 19 oz.

Bag of 8 softballs, 5 baseballs – good for batting practice

Bag of Wire hangers

5 wood pants hangers

Folding card table with 3 matching chairs (circa 1960?)

Folding table/night stand (also mid 20th century)

Humidifier – Never used. 4-Gallon Honeywell HCM-2000

Car Radio – for Honda Civic (2003) w/CD player

Men’s Rockport Shoes – Tan leather penny loafers. Size 10.5 M Never worn.

JVC Video Camera “Videomovie GR-M5”. Uses VHS-C tapes. w/case, battery, battery charger, cables, remote & Manual.

Bowling Ball – Reddish-pink, 12 lbs. w/ maroon bag.

Assorted books

Small speakers

3 stuffed animals


Rich Aurilia (SF Giants) Bobblehead

Ah – very satisfying but there is still significant work to be done.  I have to deal with my husbands junk too.    I will give an update when I’m done – with before and after pictures.    Carry on with your day!  

~♥~Please don’t recommend the Pony Party.~♥~    

NPR – Talk of the Nation – Veterans Court, Buffalo NY

5-07-08, NPR’s Talk of the Nation had a followup to a previous NPR Report on this, a Veterans Court setup in Buffalo NY. I previously did a post on the first report, and that report can also be found at todays Talk of the Nation site page, in the link below.

Vets in Legal Trouble Find Help in Buffalo Court

Talk of the Nation, May 7, 2008 · Earlier this year, Robert Russell, a judge in Buffalo New York, decided to address the increasing number of veterans he saw entering the criminal justice system. Russell established a special court that considers the experience of war before sentencing and helps former soldiers find treatment.


Hank Parowski, project director for Buffalo City Court

Libby Lewis, NPR’s national desk correspondent {who put together the first report}

Tom Berger, national chair of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Substance Abuse for Vietnam Veterans of America

This link brings up the NPR Player to listen to report

And an Update to the Conditions found at the Fort Bragg Army barracks that returning Afganistan and Iraq Military personal were living in:

Army Secretary: barracks repairs to cost $248 million

Army Secretary Pete Geren said today that the military will commit $248 million to repair dilapidated barracks around the world.

As good as we could get?

As Buhdy did in his essay a few days ago, I’ve been trying to imagine what our current political situation looks like to those who are not immersed in the blogosphere and the news…in other words, to people who are NOT political junkies.

I combine that with the fact that it looks like the long nightmare of our Democratic primary season might be about to come to an end. It seems obvious that we are going to have a race between McCain and Obama. For most folks here, that is not the choice we would have liked, but its what we have. That is unless we want to sit it out or cast a “conscience” vote for someone else. I will not judge anyone’s decision in these matters. But for me, the choice is easy. And that’s because I think that, with Obama, we’ve gotten about as good as we could get in our current political climate.

We’ve got alot of work to do in helping educate and motivate more people to take a deeper look into where we stand as a country. But I can see some progress in the outcome of our current race for the white house. And for me, Booman summed it up well today in a diary titled What This Means.

It hasn’t been a battle between Barack Obama (centrist black man) and Hillary Clinton (centrist white woman). That was the superficial story line where the only difference between them was their identities. If you thought that was what the choice was, you can be forgiven because that’s what the media and more than half the blogosphere told you it was about.

In reality, this was a generational fight. It was a fight between those that came to power during the post-McGovern era and those that aspire to power in the post-Bush era. It was between a party that relied on the white blue collar ethnic vote and a party that relies on majorities from non-whites, non-Christians, and the generation of whites that grew up well integrated with them. It was between a party that came to rely on corporate money and union muscle just to be competitive with Republicans and a party that has learned the new fundraising and social networking skills of the Information Age.

But, above all, it was a fight about leadership. Barack Obama knew better than to rely on the existing infrastructure, created by the blogosphere, to fight back against the Bush administration and the media. We are too stridently partisan to be messengers of a new kind of politics. He had to step around the gatekeepers of the blogosphere, much to their chagrin. Barack Obama’s greatest accomplishment is the organization that he created. He used our tools and his own message. And he won. He could not have won any other way.  

This was a fight for the ideological soul of the party. But the ideology wasn’t so much about health or education policy. It was about how the party is organized, who it really represents, and whether or not it will continue to be beholden to the old lobbyists, interests groups, and consultants, or whether it will become the truly people-powered party that is a necessary predicate for bringing real progressive change.

I have some major policy disagreements with Obama on how he sees the role of the US in the world today and his foreign policy. Those differences concern me greatly. But in some ways I agree with BooMan that there were “meta” issues at play here that go beyond those policies and have been overlooked by many as they judged his candidacy by how the game has been played in the past. He used the tools of this new generation and figured out a way to go around the machine and win the primary.

The reality is that a “people-powered party” is going to have to be a coalition of folks I don’t always agree with, mostly because to be a winning entity, it will have to include alot of people who aren’t political junkies. And it will be my job (working with all of you) to pressure the media and help inform our families, neighbors, friends and coworkers that the stakes are high and we have to get educated and involved.  

I do not see a “savior” in Barack Obama. And I continue to prepare myself to be disappointed in the possibility of his administration. But if there is a chance that he might revive a “people-powered party”…I’m ready to take a chance on that possibility and get to work making it the party I want it to be.  

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