Category: Community

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

The unbelievable is going to happen

TBC: Morning Musing 9.3.14

I’ve got 3 interesting article this morning for you all.

I think that we ought to do automatic DNA testing on evidence from crimes where there is anyone convicted of them on Death Row. And throw in the life without parole folks too. I abhor the death penalty in and of itself and it seems cruel and unusual to not just make sure in this day and age.

2 Convicted in 1983 North Carolina Murder Are Cleared After DNA Tests


Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

Fantasy will set you free

TBC: Morning Musing 9.2.14

Well, I had to work yesterday so I’m kind of dragging and don’t have a proper rant at the moment, so I’ve decided to give you some funnies and a tune this morning. Hope you enjoy!

see noises

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

At ships with tattooed sails

TBC: Morning Musing 9.1.14

Just a short and sweet thought on this holiday!

labor day

Happy Labor Day everyone!

Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

They say sing while you slave and I just get bored

TBC: Morning Musing 8.29.14

So I saw this meme on Facebook today that I’m ambivalent about today.



Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

Barefoot girls dancin’ in the moonlight

TBC: Morning Musing 8.27.14

So, I was surfing around the net yesterday and I happened upon this masterpiece of right wing wet dreamery at Red State Daily Kos. Seems Robert Reich, former Clinton Secy of Labor, had a short brainfart the other day where he suggested that we should eliminate the corporate tax in favor of caps gains taxes. I think maybe Reich may have started being a morning tippler, or maybe he didn’t quite think it through or some sort of similar lapse. Anyway it was all of 3 paragraphs long.

Of course, this was music to former GOPer cum gate crasher cum Dem Party neoliberal gate polisher and blog owner’s ears. In his zealous embrace of the idea, he even seemingly managed to forget copyright and posted 2/3rds of the entire missive. He brought up being able to hire more employees on the money he’d get to keep. The whole post had a rather gleeful feel to it.


Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

The clowns that you have commissioned

TBC: Morning Musing 8.26.14

I was thinking about The Breakfast Club this past weekend, mulling over the format (for the editions I author), mulling over how interesting it may or may not be to readers and had some interesting ideas. Let’s face it, we all get our news 20 ways til Sunday from a million different places, and by the time you read TBC, you’ve probably heard most of it anyway. So it really is kind of just another news feed in a world of 24 hour news feeds.

So I was thinking, instead of doing just a bunch of short news stories and blog clips for The Breakfast Club, I would do something shorter and more narrow, whatever it was that intrigued me, moved me, surprised me, made me laugh, or pissed me off that day. So from now on on the days that I author, I’m going to do something different.

Without further adieu, here is poli’s Morning Musing…


That there are Climate Change deniers drives me absolutely batty. I’m the kid who loved weather. The first book I ever bought was on storms when I was all of 7 years old. I grew up in SoCal, where there really was no weather other than endless sunshine, so I remember most of the very rare storms that we experienced. I would make my friends sit by the window if we were out somewhere, just so I could see. To this day, if there’s an awesome storm, I, and if I’m with family, then either my ma or my sister cuz they’re both kind of weather freaks too, will get a good vantage point just to watch. Hell – one of the draws of the south for me was storms.

(Go ahead! Jump!)

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