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Afternoon Edition

Afternoon Edition is an Open Thread

From Yahoo News Top Stories

1 Activist boat ‘sliced in two’ by Japanese whalers

by Amy Coopes, AFP

Wed Jan 6, 8:38 am ET

SYDNEY (AFP) – A space-age powerboat sent to harass Japanese whalers was rammed and sliced in two in its very first clash on Wednesday, activists said, dramatically escalating hostilities in icy Antarctic seas.

The futuristic Ady Gil trimaran, which holds the round-the-world speed record for a powered vessel and was enlisted by activists from the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society for this whaling season, received “catastrophic damage” and was sinking, they said.

All six crew, who earlier hurled stink bombs at the whalers to disrupt their annual hunt, were rescued unharmed by Sea Shepherd’s Bob Barker ship.

Oh Fishy, Fishy, Fishy, Fish

It went where ever I…

would go.

People of Iceland Versus Global Economic Policymakers

Sheldon Filger, Huffington Post

Writer, founder of

Posted: January 5, 2010 04:18 PM

An extraordinary development is occurring in the tiny island nation of Iceland. The first sovereign casualty of the financial tsunami that occurred during the onset of the global economic crisis in 2008, Iceland underwent a fiscal meltdown and currency collapse when its 3 largest banks became insolvent. A neo-liberal government allowed Iceland’s financial industry to go global amid an environment of deregulation. The result was that Icelandic banks held more deposits from foreigners than from the nation’s citizens. When the global economy went into a nosedive, the three banks were rendered utterly insolvent, with liabilities exceeding the GDP of Iceland by a multiple of ten.

What is now occurring in Iceland is a foretaste of what may become more common throughout the developed world. Taxpayers have been told by policymakers that they must bear the financial costs of failed decisions made by private business, no matter how steep the price, or accept even more horrendous economic consequences. For the first time, an aroused public in at least one country has rejected the dictates being imposed by the political establishment. No wonder that the Dutch and British governments reacted so swiftly with a condemnation of Iceland’s citizens for having the audacity to think they have the right to exercise their democratic rights in deciding for themselves what is in the best economic interests of their nation.

As the global economic crisis continues, leading to more private business failures and demands by policymakers that taxpayers fund ever-larger bailouts, look for other aroused citizenry following in the footsteps of Iceland’s.

Wednesday Morning Science Supplement

Wednesday Morning Science Supplement is an Open Thread

From Yahoo News Science

1 Namibia’s landmark trees dying from climate change

by Brigitte Weidlich, AFP

Tue Jan 5, 11:01 pm ET

WINDHOEK (AFP) – An old man gently touches the trunk of the huge quiver tree with a worried look on his wrinkled face, as he points at several dead branches lying on Namibia’s rugged terrain.

“When I was a boy, my grandfather made my first quiver from a branch of this old tree about seventy years ago, but I fear the tree is dying — too many dead branches. Things changed over the past few years, and these trees just die,” he tells AFP.

Aaron Kairabeb works on a farm 200 kilometres (125 miles) southeast of Namibia’s capital Windhoek, where tourists go on scenic hikes and also view a cluster of the giant aloe trees that can live for more than 300 years.

Chris Dodd Retiring From Senate

Via Kombiz @ Eschaton

Now with dday update below the fold.

I’ll remember Chris as the Democrat who was almost there.

Almost there on FISA.  Almost there on the Bailout.  Almost there on Health Care.  A guy who made some of the right noises but was ultimately betrayed by Qusiling Democrats like Barack Obama, Rahm Emanuel, Tim Geithner, and Larry Summers.

People will bring up Countrywide one more time, but there is no there there.  The deal he got from them was the same Bankster shafting anyone else got with a little more suck up.

VIP?  Yeah, look at the terms and you’ll see it’s like being a VIP at Blockbuster.  Just another piece of plastic to stuff in your wallet.

But there is no denying it was going to hurt.  What electioneering I’ve done over the past few months has been for him and I was twisting arms I shouldn’t have had to.

Blumenthal is Joe Lieberman II.  Seriously.

A self righteous oily prick of a pol who’d stab you in the back for a dime or a dirty dishrag if he happened to need one.  No improvement at all.

That said he is unbeatable and if you’d asked me six months ago what I wanted to happen in Nutmeg Land (which I’ll remind you got the nick because we’re happy to sell you a lump of wood and call it Nutmeg) it would have been Blumenthal v. Rell.

That would have been a tough one because she has underserved popularity too, but Dick proved 4 years ago he was too cowardly to challenge her directly.

What we have instead is Jodi retiring for reasons I don’t understand while Ned waltzes into 990 Prospect Av. and while that’s not a bad thing, it’s a waste of his talents.  Oily Dick will go to a Village that appreciates his dubious dignity and negotiable principles (none of which are progressive).  And Linda and Rob will just have to pound sand because there is a limit to how many people still think wrestling is real or that teabagging does anything but suck balls.

Afternoon Edition

Afternoon Edition is an Open Thread

From Yahoo News Top Stories

1 CIA Afghan base bomber was Qaeda triple agent: militants

by Randa Habib, AFP

Tue Jan 5, 9:26 am ET

AMMAN (AFP) – A suicide bomber who killed eight people at a CIA base in Afghanistan was an Al-Qaeda triple agent who duped Western intelligence services for months before turning on his handlers, jihadist websites boasted on Tuesday.

The Jordanian intelligence services, believing the bomber to be their double agent, brought him to eastern Afghanistan with the mission of finding Al-Qaeda number two, Ayman al-Zawahiri, the websites and Western intelligence agents cited by US media said.

But instead he blew himself up at Forward Operating Base Chapman in Khost province near the Pakistani border, killing seven CIA agents and his Jordanian handler, a top intelligence officer and member of the royal family.


CIA Blast Blamed On Double Agent


January 5, 2010

WASHINGTON — The suicide bomber who killed seven Central Intelligence Agency employees and contractors and a Jordanian intelligence officer was a double agent the CIA had recruited to provide intelligence on senior al Qaeda leadership, according to current and former U.S. officials and an Afghan security official.

Remember, our people in Washington D.C., especially our trained intelligence professionals, are so much brighter and better informed than you could ever possibly be.

Because you are so fucking dumb.

Afternoon Edition

From Yahoo News Top Stories

1 Dubai opens world’s tallest skyscraper

by Wissam Keyrouz, AFP

2 hrs 40 mins ago

DUBAI (AFP) – The financially troubled Gulf emirate of Dubai on Monday opened the world’s tallest building, a glistening concrete, glass and steel pinnacle rising 828 metres (2,717 feet) out of the desert sands.

Blazing fireworks rippled up and down the massive structure after it was officially opened by Dubai ruler Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashed al-Maktoum.

Known during construction as Burj Dubai, Sheikh Mohammad renamed the building Burj Khalifa, in honour of United Arab Emirates President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahayan.

Monday Meta Madness

You know, it isn’t like I’m not providing enough content.

My current concept is a constant Computer Corner, because I do that and I’m interested in experiences with Windows 7 (I run an XP shop and highly recommend it).

But the bigger question is this- what kind of content are you willing to provide?

I usually promote 4 essays a day and for the most part I’m content with your random ramblings.

I’ve had the Muse hit me upside my head and I totally understand.

Yet if you push out a publication worthy of promotion on a regular basis and can deal with a deadline you don’t need much of a title (or responsibilities) to draw my attention.

What you need is commitment.

I can run a show about nothing, Jerry Seinfeld and Larry Davis are not geniuses.

Yet I’d far rather run a show about you.

So think about it.

I hate spunk.

Stars on the Wall

I strongly recall the moment I first stepped into the Meeting Hall in Stars Hollow.

It’s filled with pews because they rent it out to the Congregational Church on Sundays and we are a parsimonious lot and the benches serve just as well for town meetings (for which they have the grace since I asked to remove the hymnals for).

In the lobby is a big old board I’ll never be on that records our dead in the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, and World War One and Two.  Kind of separate so you can see it’s an update are our Korean and Vietnam casualties.

What you don’t see are the people who died in our Native American genocide or our Colonial Wars against Spanish speaking  “brown” people (and I just have to stop and explain once again SPAIN IS PART OF EUROPE!  LOOK AT A FUCKING MAP!)


Anyway out of political correctness they’ve started to include Gulf War One (justified in my mind as the defense of the weak against the strong) and our current crusade against Islam (as doomed to defeat as all of them say I an Illuminati DeMolay Knight).

What I wonder is where we will put our stars on the wall for the CIA/Blackwater operatives who kill indiscriminately and are themselves killed in return.

Eight CIA agents were killed when a suicide bomber somehow gained access to their forward operating base near the Pakistan border. The incident made Wednesday the single bloodiest day for U.S. intelligence operatives in the eight-year Afghanistan war. The CIA has been conducting a campaign involving drone attacks on suspected, high-ranking insurgents on Pakistani soil.

The drone attacks have been responsible for the deaths of over 500 people since September of 2008. Publicly, the Pakistan government has expressed its opposition to the incursions, but it is suspected that it has surreptitiously cooperated with the CIA in organizing the attacks.

Happy New Year.

A Fish Story

In the Oh Noes Iceland, a proud and iconic nation of Vikings, decided to devote the plurality of their economy to the service of Mammon, including “investments” in speculative securities and questionable derivatives.

They ran their nation like a hedge fund Ponzi scheme because suits are thought less smelly than herring and are more numerous in these Global Warming times and suffered the Bernie Madoff consequences during our current tulip bulb bubble pop real estate value correction.

Because so much of their underfunded liability was owed to serious people in the “City” of London, those Banksters demanded their pound of flesh (Yup.  I know who Shylock was.  Given average body mass even for non-Americans a hand or foot would suffice, let alone an arm or a leg.  Ask Saudi Arabia how effective a deterrent dismemberment is.) but it seems Vikings may sail once again.

Over 70% of the population of that barely habitable rift rock is urging the veto of their craven legislature’s capitulation and their President is vacilating.

Good for them.

I’ve carried my shield a long way and the axe is sharp enough.

Good Americans

By: Teddy Partridge Sunday January 3, 2010 8:01 pm

My father worked alongside some Germans, too, who had very nice families like ours. Socializing in the long summer evenings was sometimes part of his job, and (sort of) part of ours, too. But if the mom and dad were my dad’s age or older, I used to wonder: were these the ‘good Germans’ I had read about in my history books?

I mean, these people didn’t simply appear in Germany during the Marshall Plan, America’s wonderfully generous reconstruction of free markets and political institutions. They must have lived through the second world war, right? What role did they play? Were they soldiers, civilians, students, citizens?

When Germany was doing barbaric things, I asked myself, what were these people doing? When their state was acting in ways since condemned by the civilized world, what did these folks do? Did they know? Did they pretend not to know? Did the benefits of their situation somehow outweigh the risks of objection?

Did they know and not care? Or did they not know? Or did they not want to know? Or did they know now and simply want to forget? Did we all want to forget?

How, I wondered then, could an entire nation go insane and then, afterward, act as if it hadn’t happened? How did that work, exactly?

Iron Chef Obama

As you may know, the original Iron Chef is one of my very favorites.  Who can forget Battle Anglerfish?

Tonight the Secret Ingredient is Michelle Obama’s organic Rose Garden.

Team Batali and Lagasse v. Ricky Flame and White House Executive Chef Cristeta Comerford.

I’ll not try to outdo Alton’s breathless commentary.  My fingers are not as fast as his tongue.  Feel free to contribute your ruminations about things culinary or political.

This 2 Hour Special will repeat at 9 pm PT.

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