Author's posts

Through the Darkest of Nights: Testament II

Every few days over the next several months I will be posting installments of a novel about life, death, war and politics in America since 9/11.  Through the Darkest of Nights is an intensely personal story of hope, reflection, determination, and redemption.  It is a testament to the progressive values we all believe in, have always defended, and always will defend no matter how long this darkness lasts.          

All installments are available for reading here on my page, and also here on Docudharma’s Fiction Page, where refuge from politicians, blogging overload, and one BushCo outrage after another can always be found.

Through the Darkest of Nights: Testament I

Every Friday every few days over the next several months I will be posting installments of a novel I’ve written about life, death, war and politics in America since 9/11.  This second post is the first installment of Chapter I of Through the Darkest of Nights, an intensely personal story of hope, reflection, determination, and redemption that contrasts the protagonist’s idealism with the apathy and moral decline of a nation that has lost its way.

All installments will be available for reading here.


Through the Darkest of Nights

Every Friday over the next several months I will be posting installments of a novel I’ve written about life, death, war and politics in America since 9/11.  This first post is the Prologue of Through the Darkest of Nights.  It is an intensely personal story of hope, reflection, determination, and redemption, and contrasts the protagonist’s idealism with the apathy and moral decline of a nation that has lost its way.  

Self-righteousness and self-delusion are so entrenched in conservative America’s collective consciousness that half the nation is literally insane.  Facts mean nothing to them.  The self-delusion and propaganda of these people and their leaders dominate political discourse.  They are a lethal threat to the survival of America and the world, their leaders are as dangerous as they’ve ever been, and despite indications that their power and influence are declining, they have already inflicted so much damage to our political system, our economy, and our media that America’s journey out of the darkness is going to be a long one . . .    


BREAKING: Obama Campaign Attacks Geraldine Ferraro Because She’s White

TPM is covering this shocking development, which has stunned white people everywhere and produced an outpouring of love and compassion for the victim, who is not going to tolerate this outrage:

Any time anybody does anything that in any way pulls this campaign down and says let’s address reality and the problems we’re facing in this world, you’re accused of being racist, so you have to shut up,” Ferraro said. “Racism works in two different directions. I really think they’re attacking me because I’m white. How’s that?

There Will Be No Forgiveness

As Glenn Greenwald warns, Madame Speaker and Congressional Democrats are once again working their complicit asses off to protect Amerika’s smirking Fuhrer and his telecom spies:

The signs are unmistakably clear that what was always inevitable — full compliance by the House Democratic leadership with Bush’s demands on warrantless eavesdropping and telecom amnesty — is now imminent. House leaders spent the week floating their specific proposals floating their specific for how they intend to comply in full, and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Silvestre Reyes went on CNN with Wolf Blitzer, refused to criticize the President or the Senate FISA bill, and repeatedly and meekly expressed his willingness “this week” to give what he called full “blanket immunity” to telecoms.

When this latest obscenity gets shoved in our faces, perhaps Mr. Zuniga will cordially welcome Cindy Sheehan back to post again on Daily Kos, even though she’s not one of our HEROIC DEMOCRATS.   Then again, perhaps he won’t. Having an “attention whore” like her criticizing HEROIC DEMOCRATS on his impressively unified blog dedicated to electing HEROIC DEMOCRATS might generate some minor disunity there for the very first time in the long and fabled history of Orange R’ Us.  

Call me a lowly advocate who doesn’t understand what leadership is all about, but I think we seriously need to seriously kick Madame Speaker’s seriously complicit ass out of Congress.

Starting right now would be a good idea.

Cindy Sheehan’s determination to seriously kick Madame Speaker’s seriously complicit ass out of Congress is not just about Impeachment, it’s not just about ending this criminal occupation of Iraq, it’s about challenging the entire corrupt, broken, fucked up beyond all recognition political system we have in this country.

Targeted By Psychopaths

For 26 years Don Siegelman served the people of Alabama with distinction as Secretary of State, as Attorney General, as Lieutenant Governor, and as Governor.  His life of public service and accomplishment is a testament to everything that is noble in the American spirit:

Don Siegelman was born in Mobile, Alabama in 1946, where he grew up. His mother worked as a beautician until her late 70s and his father worked in a music store until he got fired after suffering heart attacks. “I saw him cry because he thought he was bringing shame to his family,” Siegelman said.

Don went to the University of Alabama where he served as the President of the Student Government Association. He graduated from the University of Alabama in 1968, and from Georgetown University School of Law in 1972 and studied International Law at Oxford University in Oxford, England from 1972 to 1973. He served 18 months in the Air National Guard and worked in the Washington office of U.S. Rep. Allard Lowenstein, D-N.Y.  While in law school at Georgetown, Siegelman met his expenses by working as an officer in the United States Capitol Police.

Before he was targeted by Rovian psychopaths, prosecuted by Rovian psychopaths, and imprisoned by Rovian psychopaths, Don Siegelman told the people of Alabama, “I was drawn into public service because I believe in the people of this state. All I ever wanted to do was to work to make this state a better place.”

Don Siegelman is not in a better place today.

THIS is where he is:

Don Siegelman


Satellite Prison Camp

Post Office Box 5010

Oakdale, LA  71463-5019

The Road We Must Travel

Many of us spend hours each and every day on progressive blogs.   I know I do.   It’s important, we keep each other informed about the latest events in the world and developments in politics.  We debate the issues, we take action together by contacting our senators and congressmen, we contribute money to deserving progressive candidates through ActBlue and help other Americans in need by donating what we can as often as we can.

Our blogs have been vital sources of mutual support and friendship.  For years, on progressive websites large and small, we’ve helped each other make it through another day, and then another week, and then another month, and then another year as we’ve endured the abuses of this obscene travesty of a government.      

We’ve supported each other all the way through this, and we’re gaining political influence at the state and national levels.  But we have to build upon what we’re accomplishing on our blogs by defending democracy where it needs defending the most, in the corrupt corporate media.  We have to be the truth tellers in the pages of America’s newspapers.  We have to publicly condemn the bought and paid for politicians in both parties who claim to be defenders of America, but defend nothing but their sordid careers as they betray us time and time again.      

I managed to quit blogging long enough to write an LTE, and successfully e-mailed it to the Fargo Forum, so readers of my state’s largest newspaper have just seen the public condemnation of a treacherous politician who isn’t even fit to be an American citizen, much less fit to be representing 400,000 of them:  

Conrad’s Telecom Vote is a Betrayal

Published Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., betrayed us all on Feb. 12.  He betrayed you, he betrayed me, he betrayed every American soldier who ever fought and died to defend our freedom and liberty.  Conrad no longer believes in the Constitution and the rule of law.  He told us so.  He told us that when he tossed the Constitution and the rule of law into the nearest Dumpster, put on his politician suit and tie, combed his politician hair, and walked into what used to be the Senate of the United States to help criminal telecom companies and a criminal president destroy American democracy.

For years, big telecom companies conspired with George W. Bush and the National Security Agency to engage in massive, pervasive, illegal spying on Americans in violation of the Constitution.  That’s just fine with Conrad.  He told us so on Feb. 12. These powerful telecom companies believe they are above the law.  Conrad agrees.  He told us so on Feb. 12.  They don’t want spied on, lied to, abused, betrayed and victimized American citizens to be able to defend their Fourth Amendment rights in court.  That’s just fine with Conrad.  He couldn’t care less about the Constitution, the rule of law or our civil liberties.  He told us so on Feb. 12.

Terrorists can never destroy America, but they don’t have to.  They can just sit back and watch Conrad, Bush and the most corrupt pack of Beltway politicians ever to cash congressional paychecks destroy America for them.

If you still believe in the Constitution and the rule of law, call Conrad and ask him why he doesn’t.  His number is (202) 224-2043.


Crucify Him

Crooks and Liars notes that the backlash against ‘Obama-mania’ has begun in earnest.  On February 15, eager to collect her 30 pieces of silver, CNN’s Coral Costanzo joined the mob smearing Obama as the leader of a messianic cult:

COSTELLO: Many political observers say they’ve never seen anything like it. Thousands wait in line to see him, and it seems with every speech, they always latch onto Obama’s three favorite words.

OBAMA: Yes, we can.

COSTELLO: Obama supporters wildly respond, chanting enthusiastically along with their candidate.  But it’s a scene some increasingly find not inspirational but “creepy.”

By God, it can’t be denied.  Americans saying “Yes We Can” sure is creepy.  It’s almost as creepy as crowds responding enthusiastically to the chants of other notorious cult leaders like this:  


“Push ’em back!  Push ’em back!  WAY back!  We like it!  We like it!”

WTF?  Every time I turn around, creepy socialist sluts like this are inciting sedition and slandering Republicans when they aren’t busy fornicating with Negroes under the bleachers.


Writing in the Raw: Valentine Confessions

I was 14 when I had my first sexual experience.  It began at 9:45 am and ended abruptly but successfully at 9:49 am.  Central Standard Time.  On the morning of December 25, 1969.  The bringer of that brief but memorable Christmas morning gift was a covertly adventurous “older woman” of 18 whose family lived next door.  She was admired by mothers in the neighborhood as a “nice girl” who had no interest in “that hippie music” so many of their daughters listened to when they weren’t busy “sassing their parents”.

I had always liked her too, she had all of the features and accessories 14-year-old guys admire very much.  

Unlike many first timers back then, who discovered paradise by the dashboard lights, I discovered paradise by the Christmas tree lights.  I was concerned that my parents would come home earlier than expected from exchanging gifts at my aunt and uncle’s and catch us, but the version of paradise I was experiencing would at least have enabled me to wag my finger at them and say “I did not have sex with that woman.”      

I wasn’t concerned about my parents returning early for very long though, my attention focused rather quickly on the gifts being exchanged where I was, not where they were.   At the time, I felt I was receiving much more from this exchange than I was giving, but I made up for that with future lovers.  I’ve learned that it IS better to give than to receive, especially when it comes to love.            

Since that Christmas morning in 1969, I’ve found love and lost it, found it again and lost it again, but losing love the first time is so heartbreaking.  Breathing the fire of rejection is no fun at all, but we get used to it.  We have no choice.  This world is filled with dark and lonely backstreets, where no one cares, where people just use each other, where love is all too often filled with defeat.  But love is always worth seeking.  It’s worth seeking no matter how elusive it is, no matter how many years have come and gone, no matter how many times you’ve had to overcome defeat . . .        

Empty Garden

What happened here?


As the New York sunset disappeared?

Everything began to get very strange.  That’s what happened.  

Anthrax.  Patriot Act.  Deadly evil in Iraq!  Yellowcake shake and bake, Powell’s briefing is a fake.  Mushroom clouds, Evil Axis, what the fuck, let’s cut taxes!  Preemptive war, Judy’s a whore, photo op scenes and Diebold machines.  Alito, Katrina, Brownie and FEMA.  No jail for Scooter, a close call for Shooter.  Sex with pages, falling wages, attorney purges and Baghdad surges.  The Decider is Custer so his hacks filibuster.  FISA and spying while Reid keeps on lying.  The dollar is tanking, democracy’s fading, our soldiers are dying, and wingnuts keep hating. Huck and McCain, more wars in vain, Rudy and Romney and Rove are insane.  Obama keeps saying we have to unite, but after 8 years of treason, I think it’s time for a fight.    

What happened here?  The whole damn country’s an empty garden, that’s what happened here . . .  

Brutal Betrayal

On January 25, Donna Norton had a 40 minute conversation with a legislative assistant in the office of John Conyers regarding Impeachment.   It did not go well.  In fact, it was a big FUCK YOU to every American who believes in the Constitution, the rule of law, and American democracy.  

Take a look at betrayal.  Take a good look at it:

Congressman Conyers

In Continuing Battle with Conyers’ Office on Impeachment , Ms. Norton reports what she was told by one of the smug aides of the no longer trustworthy Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee:

* Impeachment’s not necessary. The next election will take care of EVERYTHING.  Just ELECT DEMOCRATS. (This chorus was repeated throughout our discussion.)

* A sitting President is not subject to court actions. Nothing in the Constitution says a President is subject to the law.  He finally conceded this remains an “unsettled” question in the courts. (I insisted on documentation to support his statements, and he emailed me a Congressional report, 1978 “CRS Report for Congress” #98-186 A, on impeachment, about 30 pgs.)

* Congress does not have an OBLIGATION or duty to investigate or take any action to prevent a President from breaking the law or abusing his powers.  It’s totally up to THEIR DISCRETION.

* It’s okay for their decision to be based on party politics rather than Constitutional considerations because the decision is solely theirs to make.

* The courts can follow up with any illegal acts of the President or Vice-President AFTER they’re out of office, and all will be fine.

* Correcting power-abuse really has no meaning because power is what it’s all about.  They all abuse it.  So what?  It’s just politics.

The aide seemed not the least bit disturbed by the gravity or import of my conclusions.  It is, after all, just politics.  And, by the way, electing Democrats to office will take care of everything (just in case I forgot to mention that).

Lies.   Forty minutes of lies.    

If it was legal to walk up to that smug traitor and punch his lights out, I’d make an appointment and punch his lights out.   Unfortunately for American democracy, the Bill of Rights does not provide abused, lied to, spied on, robbed blind and betrayed citizens with the right to deck smug traitors.   It’s illegal.   Treason and fascism are legal though. They’ve been legalized by the USAPatriot Act, they’ve been legalized by the Military Commissions Act.  They’ve been legalized for seven years by the thugs in what used to be our White House, our Congress, and our Supreme Court.   I can’t punch out even one of those traitors, so I have to settle for asking that complicit son of a bitch in Conyers’ office a few questions instead . . .

Apocalypse Now

Be careful what you ask for.  I wanted a mission, and for my sins, they gave me one.  Brought it up to me like room service.  It was a real choice mission, and when it was over, I never wanted another.

“Your mission is to proceed up the Impeachment River on Daily Kos.  Pick up the trail of RePug lies, war crimes and treason, follow it and learn what you can along the way.  When you see Madame Speaker’s complicit hackery, expose it by whatever means available, and Terminate her Speakership.”

nancy pelosi

I got terminated instead.  But I still wanted a mission, and for my sins, they gave me another one.  Brought it up to me like room service.  It was another real choice mission.  

“Your mission is to proceed up the Warmongering Hackery River.  Pick up Colonel Kurtz’s trail, follow it and learn what you can along the way.  When you see Colonel Kurtz’s warmongering hackery, expose it by whatever means available, and Terminate It.”

I was going to the worst place in the world and I didn’t even know it yet.    Months away and thousands of Bullshit Express campaign miles later, it was clear that Colonel Kurtz’s Bullshit Express snaked through America like a main circuit cable–plugged straight into Hell.

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