Brutal Betrayal

( – promoted by buhdydharma )

On January 25, Donna Norton had a 40 minute conversation with a legislative assistant in the office of John Conyers regarding Impeachment.   It did not go well.  In fact, it was a big FUCK YOU to every American who believes in the Constitution, the rule of law, and American democracy.  

Take a look at betrayal.  Take a good look at it:

Congressman Conyers

In Continuing Battle with Conyers’ Office on Impeachment , Ms. Norton reports what she was told by one of the smug aides of the no longer trustworthy Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee:

* Impeachment’s not necessary. The next election will take care of EVERYTHING.  Just ELECT DEMOCRATS. (This chorus was repeated throughout our discussion.)

* A sitting President is not subject to court actions. Nothing in the Constitution says a President is subject to the law.  He finally conceded this remains an “unsettled” question in the courts. (I insisted on documentation to support his statements, and he emailed me a Congressional report, 1978 “CRS Report for Congress” #98-186 A, on impeachment, about 30 pgs.)

* Congress does not have an OBLIGATION or duty to investigate or take any action to prevent a President from breaking the law or abusing his powers.  It’s totally up to THEIR DISCRETION.

* It’s okay for their decision to be based on party politics rather than Constitutional considerations because the decision is solely theirs to make.

* The courts can follow up with any illegal acts of the President or Vice-President AFTER they’re out of office, and all will be fine.

* Correcting power-abuse really has no meaning because power is what it’s all about.  They all abuse it.  So what?  It’s just politics.

The aide seemed not the least bit disturbed by the gravity or import of my conclusions.  It is, after all, just politics.  And, by the way, electing Democrats to office will take care of everything (just in case I forgot to mention that).

Lies.   Forty minutes of lies.    

If it was legal to walk up to that smug traitor and punch his lights out, I’d make an appointment and punch his lights out.   Unfortunately for American democracy, the Bill of Rights does not provide abused, lied to, spied on, robbed blind and betrayed citizens with the right to deck smug traitors.   It’s illegal.   Treason and fascism are legal though. They’ve been legalized by the USAPatriot Act, they’ve been legalized by the Military Commissions Act.  They’ve been legalized for seven years by the thugs in what used to be our White House, our Congress, and our Supreme Court.   I can’t punch out even one of those traitors, so I have to settle for asking that complicit son of a bitch in Conyers’ office a few questions instead . . .

So tell me, smug traitor.   When the stink of cowardice and treachery gets too thick in that office, like every 5 minutes for example, what do you do about it?  Does Conyers write useless letters to the Commander Guy, asking permission to open the windows?  If anyone has mastered the process of writing useless letters, it’s John Conyers Junior, so is that what he does?  The Commander Guy writes back and tells him to go fuck himself every time, but hey, at least there hasn’t been any anthrax in those letters yet.      

Perhaps you’ve all grown so accustomed to that stench of cowardice and treason you don’t even notice it anymore. Is that it?            

I only have one more question for you at this point.  When you get your government paycheck, do you wipe the blood off it before you head to the bank?  

According to that conveniently anonymous legislative assistant, party politics confers upon Conyers the right to refuse to hold brazen traitors accountable for seven years of treason.  He’s insulted us with more bullshit reasons for not Impeaching than Bush and Cheney have insulted us with bullshit reasons for invading Iraq.  He sold us out so Madame Speaker would hand him that precious Chairman’s gavel he’d been coveting for 12 years.  


Rings of Power corrupt.  So do Gavels of Power.  

America’s democracy, America’s economy, and America’s future are being destroyed, but we’re told Conyers has no obligation or duty to investigate or take any action against the White House criminals responsible for it.

Some district court in Kentucky or Oklahoma can give that a try.    

We’re told the Constitution isn’t the highest law in the land, it’s not the foundation of American democracy, it’s just a list of suggestions.   The Bill of Rights?  That’s just some tedious advice the Founding Fathers jotted down for some reason.  Who really knows why?  It’s a mystery.  

Checks and balances?  Coequal branches of government?  Oaths of office?  


Power is what it’s all about.  

Conyers and his lying staffers condone fascism, lie to us, and tell us, SO WHAT?    

Some readers of this essay might object to me accusing Conyers and his staffers of treason.  Well I’d like to know what else it can be called.   This man is betraying his Constitutional responsibility to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, from all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC.  Despite the lies of a conceited legislative assistant puke in a power tie, that is the most fundamental responsibility of every elected official.  

Ethnic cleansing in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast?  That’s just party politics, he tells us.  Locking up human beings in cages and torturing them in secret prisons?  It’s just party politics.  A million slaughtered human beings in Iraq?  Just party politics.  4,000 dead American soldiers?  30,000 wounded and maimed?  An epidemic of suicides?  A surge of PTSD?   It’s just party politics.  Massive government spying on every American?  Relax everyone, it’s just party politics.

So we’re supposed to all get with the program and pledge allegiance to:


With no liberty or justice at all.  

A pampered congressman sitting in a plush Beltway office is actively aiding and abetting fascism.  He’s refusing over and over again to begin Impeachment Hearings.  He lies to us, thanks traitors for lying to him, and calls it discretion.        

For two years, I posted nearly every day on ConyersBlog.  Often several times a day.  So did Alma.  And Tahoebasha3.  And Feline.  And Serendipity.  And Wolverine6.  They still are.  Hundreds of other Americans did too, but there’s only a handful of them left now.  They’re bitter.  They’re angry.  They have every right to be.   So do I.  So do you.  We all have every right to be.   We’re all angry at John Conyers Junior, but we aren’t angry enough.

We’re.  Not.  Even.  Fucking.  CLOSE.  To.  Being.  Angry.  Enough.  

The Constitution is off the table.  The Bill of Rights is off the table.  The American people are off the table. America’s future is off the table.  The only thing left on that fucking table in Washington are the fascist demands of a despised president with a rap sheet of crimes eight years long.





I don’t recommend personally demanding Impeachment in one of the reeking offices listed below unless you wear one of these:


If you call instead, ask to speak to an American.  Good luck with that, whenever I’ve called there weren’t any Americans available, I had to talk to a Conyers staffer instead.

Washington, D.C. Address

2426 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515

Phone: 202-225-5126

Fax: 202-225-0072

District Address

669 Federal Building, 231 West Lafayette Boulevard

Detroit, MI 48226-2766

Phone: 313-961-5670

Fax: 313-226-2085

District Address

2615 West Jefferson

Trenton, MI 48183

Phone: 734-675-4084

Fax: 734-675-4218

Key Staff Address

Rinia Shelby


2426 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515

Phone: 202-225-5126

Fax: 202-225-0072

Key Staff Address

Cynthia Martin

Chief of Staff

2426 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515

Phone: 202-225-5126

Fax: 202-225-0072

Key Staff Address

Karen Morgan

Press Secretary

2426 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515

Phone: 202-225-5126

Fax: 202-225-0072


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  1. ? pass bills benefiting their corporate masters?

  2. So, thank you, Rusty!

    If McCain gets in, we can forget about it all — fascism will reach the top.  And, unfortunately, it is a possibility!  The Republican machine is enormously strong monetarily, as compared to Democrats, and we already know that they don’t mind “fixing” things.  And Conyers will have squandered the ONLY chance to Impeach these mass murderers, lying, spying, thieving, misanthropic psychopaths in the WH.  

    I called Conyers’ office last Thursday a.m.  I spoke to a staff person.  “. . . . and we’re sick and tired of hearing Chairman Conyers’ excuses for not commencing Impeachment hearings — and they are JUST that — excuses!”  The staff person was a little dumbfounded and fumbled a response.

    I also called my Congressman’s office and asked the staff person, “Why hasn’t Congressman Jackson signed onto Cong. Wexler’s call for Impeachment hearings — I know he hasn’t, I want to know WHY!”  The staff person said he didn’t know and that most everybody was out the whole day for a meeting and there was no one to ask and there wouldn’t be until Monday.  He took my name and number and said he would have so and so call me back.  We’ll see!

    We really NEED to step up our efforts to put pressure on the NEED for IMPEACHMENT.

    Thanks for a mean, lean and raw facts essay!

  3. Mark had this to say on CB today!

    . . . .They’ve already prepared the groundwork for the swift boating to begin. Obama’s man is soon to be indicted, dragging his ass down with him. And Hillary’s man will provide swiftboating fodder via his promotion of Kazakstan and the Canadian.

    What was the biggest reason cited for the 2006 Dem upset of the GOP, at the exit polls? Corruption.

    It will be the same in 2008, and the GOP Just-Us Department isn’t afraid to prosecute.

    Who’s gonna stop them? Mr. Conyers?

    He’ll be holding the rope like the sycophant he truly is.

    I haven’t turned my back on him, he’s turned his back on America. I’m American.

    Truer words (my bold) were never spoken!!!!!

    • pfiore8 on February 3, 2008 at 19:13

    it’s way past time to get over party politics and acknowledge how very much on our own we citizens are.

    mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa to you for your courageous fighting words Rusty.

    • OPOL on February 3, 2008 at 19:31

    nicely done sir.

  4. Benedict Arnold Conyers has managed to do something to me that is worse than anything any republican politician has ever done-he’s made me totally distrust every politician, republican or democrat.  That’s why I can’t muster any enthusiasm for any of the Democratic presidential candidates.  I don’t even trust the alleged “progressive” candidates that are running for Congressional office.  

    You see (and I know you understand this, Rusty) in 2005 and 2006 up to November, Conyers talked about Impeachment many times, in many places, including on his blog.  He held the infamous “basement hearings” about the Downing St. Memos and investigating allegations that the Bush admin. Manufactured and/or cherry picked intelligence to get the US into an unnecessary war with Iraq. Then he wrote a book titled “The Constitution in Crisis”, later revised and retitled “George W. Bush Versus the Constitution” where he drew the blueprints for the Impeachment of Bush/ Cheney.  He even offered those of us who supported his stated quest for accountability the opportunity to buy a signed copy of his book for $60 which was essentially a donation to his re-election campaign.

    Well, we trusted him.  We believed that he was telling the truth.  A man of principle would not, could not do a complete about face in his beliefs in such a short time.  A man of principle could not be bought off with a gavel.  Shame on me for believing the promises of a politician, but the greater shame is his for betraying not only us, but for betraying himself.

    Conyers trampled my hopes and my dreams.  I want to listen to Obama’s inspiring speeches with the hope and the “can do spirit” that I had when I listened to JFK, RFK & MLK all those years ago-but I can’t.  Some of the reason for that is just the fact that I’m older & have lived through the Nixon, Bush I, Reagan & Bush II presidencies.  But I believe the main reason I find it hard to be inspired is that Conyers has shown me that even a politician that I would have sworn was on “our” side can morph into a betrayer in a very short time.  He is the perfect example of the phrase:  “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”.  

    I will write or call those offices Rusty, not because I think I’ll have much influence on the arrogant ones, but because they need to be reminded that they work for me, not the other way around.  And they need to be reminded forcefully and frequently.

    Sorry about the length of this, but your post opened the floodgates of my pent up anger at Benedict Conyers.  (And since the CB writers strike, I haven’t been able to tell him so personally 😉

  5. And we are all being lied to.

    Impeach.  Convict.  Imprison.

  6. From 2003

    Conyers in support of a draft.  Men and women  ages 18 to 40 no exceptions.  I think they forgot though that Rosie the Riveter now lives in Red China and it would look silly having a naked army sans equipment.

    Here is John with Senselessburger fucking up the internet.

    “justice department”, now that’s an oxymoron.

    A “Wings of Justice” award for the Downing Street Memo.

    ya, we know what that led to.

    Last one, no vote on the Satanically inspired completion of the dictatorship called Northcomm, HR 1955

    Bildeburg owns them all.

    End Game explains it all.

    Anyway impeachment might stop WWIII.  Go for it.

    • feline on February 3, 2008 at 20:59

    really is heartbreaking.  He’s said he has “compelling” reasons not to impeach – specifically the fear of ridicule by the Republicans if impeachment doesn’t “succeed”, and his apparent certainty that such failure and ridicule would compromise the inevitability of a Democratic president taking power in 2009.  He’s making a lot of assumptions about what would and wouldn’t be – none of them rooted in history, none of them compelling arguments, and certainly none of them founded on constitutional law.

    I’m sure others here are well informed of the facts, but I’m going to repeat them anyway, for my own sanity’s sake:

    – Historically, impeachment has helped the Party doing the impeaching in the next election cycle.

    – A vote on conviction after the impeachment hearings may not even reach the Senate, as the facts alone could precipitate resignation(s).

    – Although there may be some debate about the founders’ intentions regarding “shall remove upon impeachment” (as to whether Congress is forced to begin impeachment hearings or forced to remove the guilty officials), there absolutely is no question that Bush and Cheney are guilty of “high crimes and misdemeanors”; and the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee allowing the crimes of this administration to continue without making every effort to scrutinize and stop them is committing obstruction of justice per the U.S. Code.  Members of this administration have used “executive privilege” to avoid oversight, and the only means to fully investigate their crimes is through impeachment.  Conyers knows this.

    –  Conyers has said he is compelled by a potential reaction from Republicans on this issue, rather than compelled by the will of the people he was elected to represent.

    –  Conyers has said that Bush and Cheney can be impeached or tried after they are out of office; to my knowledge, there is no precedent that supports this assertion.

    – If Bush and Cheney are not impeached, the next President and VP will inherit the same overreaching powers and the unchecked abilities to abuse them.  The 112th Congress will inherit the same crippling impotent position that Conyers created.  The people of this country will be subject to the same government that operates with a unitary executive.

    Conyers’ reasons are not compelling.  What’s compelling is the death of innocent people, the detainment and torture of people, the collapse of our economy, the repeated violations of the laws, legislation that destroys civil rights, the history and precedent set by past impeachment processes, and the U.S. Constitution.

  7. aide expects us all to accept:

    The RePug KGB strikes again

  8. And who should we challenge him?

    • Viet71 on February 4, 2008 at 01:20

    but I know this, as much as I know I breath and am alive:  John Kennedy was killed in a conspriracy.

    If we do not address this fact we will live with Bush-like presidents throughout our lives.

    • Ska-T on February 4, 2008 at 02:23

    wasn’t design for the purpose of ferreting out potential terrorists, it was done to collect dirt on political rivals to control the political process. Conyers doesn’t want to go up against the “intelligence” Cheney has on him.

    That theory seems reasonable to me, but how can we know?

  9. This sounds like the Declaration of the Final Curtain on the Republic, on Democracy!

    The aide’s statements confirm what I have been feeling. We are no longer ruled by law, by the Constitution, by principles.  

    We are ruled by, did I hear that right, “Party Politics?”  Just vote and everything will be alright?

    USA!   …   death throes…  

    Is it time to storm the capitol?  Perform CPR?  Electro-shock?

    “When in the course of human events”…and all that?

      • kj on February 4, 2008 at 00:57

      was around the other day… moneysmith brought him.  ðŸ˜‰

      • Alma on February 4, 2008 at 01:56

      All we get is a Leggolas/Gimley cross-breed named Dennis.

    • Temmoku on February 4, 2008 at 21:33

    I missed all the good stuff somehow and have been caught up. I know that some who used to blog at the orange haven’t been in a while…and Now I have an idea why!

    I appreciate your honesty in reviewing this for those of us who missed it all.

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