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Ex-Presidents Message To Obama: Get Some Balls!

Well here is a “bipartisan” message, from our former Presidents, that everyone can agree upon…

Sign The Kucinich Out Of Afghanistan Resolution Petition!!

Afghanistan “Awash with US Cash and US Blood”

Congressman Dennis Kucinich will introduce a new resolution on Thursday, March 4, 2010, that will force the U.S. Congress (against their will) until debating the merits of continuing to fund the fraud and folly of the Afghnistan foreign occupation.  

It is expected that the resolution will be taken up for consideration on the following Wednesday, March 10, 2010, and that the debate will be subject to a rule providing for three hours of debate.

Dennis Kucinich urges that we all sign the petition in favor of this resolution, and getting out of Afghanistan on his web site:

Sign the Petition at:

*New Resolution By Dennis Kucinich

Afghanistan “Awash with US Cash and US Blood”

WASHINGTON – February 26 – Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today made the following statement about the ongoing war in Afghanistan:

“The Washington Post reports that nearly one billion dollars per year in cash, suspected to include U.S. aid, opium receipts or both, is moving from Afghanistan to Dubai, where friends and family of Afghanistan’s President Karzai have multimillion dollar villas.

“Dubai real estate deals and a number of crooked enterprises connected to the Karzai family have created crony capitalism in a country awash with U.S. cash and U.S. blood.

“Nearly 1000 U.S. soldiers have died. And for what? Hundreds of billions spent. And for what?  To make Afghanistan safe for crooks, drug dealers and crony capitalism?

“Next Thursday, I will bring a privileged resolution to this House so that Congress can claim our constitutional right to end this war and to bring our troops home.  Please support the resolution.”

      –Congressman Dennis Kucinich

Ron Paul Educates U.S. Media on War/ForeignPolicy

Congressman Dr. Ron Paul educates the Orwellian U.S. News Media about War and Foreign Policy.

Alert: Kennedy HIT Piece on The History Channel

A new tasteless Trash-Piece about President John Kennedy, composed almost entirely of ficticious dialog, malicious rumors, and outright lies, is now being made by Joel Surnow (the creator of the series “24”) — a well-known Hollywood ultra-conservative Neocon, in the form of a 8-part Mini-Series, titled: “The Kennedys“, to be aired on “The History Channel” network.

The piece is so completely full of made-up-out-of-whole-cloth garbage and malicious propaganda, that even the mild mannered Ted Sorenson (former Kennedy aide, and speechwriter) has come out publically denouncing it, in advance of its airing (which is one whole year away).

Filmmaker Robert Greenwald obtained an early version of the screenplay containing a draft of the dialog and its content. Greenwald said, “this one-sided right wing script suffers from a totally vindictive, malicious approach”. Greenwald and Sorenson both contend that it is not only littered with easily documented falsehoods, they also insist that the production team drafted a ridiculous “cartoon” and “caricature” of the former president — downplaying all the weighty historical episodes in favor of tawdry, salacious and entirely ficitious material and dialog.  

Greenwald told the Huffington Post he counted more than a dozen sex scenes written into the biopic with only scant acknowledgment of the Cuban Missile crisis. Sorenson, in the film, says that each and every one of the conversations he is depicted to have had with the President never even happened.

“I was amazed to find reading those pages that every single conversation with the President in the Oval office or elsewhere in which I according to the script participated, never happened. There were no such conversations… A minimum amount of research could’ve avoided the remarkable number of obvious errors of that kind in this script.”

       —Ted Sorensen

Robert Greenwald has now started a Web Site: where you can sign a Petition to demand that The History Channel stop this character assassination piece that has no business, and no merit being aired on “The History Channel” network.

Everyone please go and sign the Petition  With enough public pressure from the public, this piece of sleaze journalism, and fraudulent history can be stopped.

Super Bowl Rant Of The Day

Obama’s SOTU Rhetoric .vs. Governing

Obama sure looked good last night.

He was poised, articulate, even more forceful than aloof at various times.  He sure seemed like he really cared. I certaintly wouldn’t mind getting the chance to talk with him. He seems like such a well intentioned guy.

The only problem is Obama outright lied in several places, and his wonderful rhetoric is in great conflict with his actual governing decisions and priorities. For example:

1. Obama assured us again that he was “Ending the Iraq War”.  First he said that he would have all our “combat” troops out by August.  Then a few sentences later he claimed that “all our troops” (unqualified) would be out of Iraq. But the reality is that this is the man who brought back George W. Bush’s outgoing War Secretary, Robert Gates (CIA-IRAN-CONTRA crook) to run his War Policies. Gates and Obama and Hillary Clinton (also a WarHawk) are all in agreement that at least 50,000 troops will remain permanently in Iraq, and of course, the 17 unwelcome U.S. Military Bases will also be there permanently.  The private contractors Halliburton and Blackwater (which operates under another name now), will all continue to remain as well.  Obama’s claim to end the Iraq War in August 2010 has about as much validity as his claim to end Guantanimo within 1 year. The crooked Oil Contracts, the Corporations, the Military Bases, the huge multi-hundred million dollar U.S. Embassy, and at least 50,000 troops to protect all of that — ain’t going nowhere.  

Whether the people that are stuck there are classified as being “combat” troops or not, is hardly relevant. The War and the Foreign Occupation has not ended, is not ending, and will not end. The vow to end the Iraq War is another empty promise from President Obama, and until and unless he stops listening and empowering the likes of Robert Gates – no meaningful change to this corrupt War policy will truthfully occur.  We have over 1.5 million dead Iraqis, over 2 million Iraqi refugees, over 5,500 dead Americans, over 75,000 wounded or disabled Americans, and have wasted of some 3-Trillion of the taxpayers dollars.  Clearly our Foreign Policy does far more damage to our own Country (as well as to the World) then anything any terrorist could ever dream up.  Obama’s patty-cake policy on confronting the tragedy of the U.S. Iraq intervention is sadly insufficient.  

Moreover, he is expanding our excessive American Militarism and violence to the far corners of the Earth even more by tripling the troop exposure in Afghanistan, starting War with Pakistan, killing civilians with cowardly CIA-run, unmanned Drones equiped with Hellfire bombs, threatening Iran, Yemen, and Venezuela (via Columbia). He has embraced the illegitmate Bush-era policies of detaining people with no charges, and no rights. And he has kept torture sites such as Bagram, Gitmo, and Abu Grahib open for business, while additionally directly outsourcing human torture through the disgraceful secret program of CIA renditions to Foreign prisons.  And let us never forget that the Obama Military budget far exceeds any of the Miltary budgets submitted under Bush & Cheney.  While the words sounded good, the governing remains a shameful tragedy, and a bankrupt wasteland of corruption and unnecessary human carnage, and bloodshed.

2. Obama also spoke about the plight of the middle-class and winning their trust.  He said: “To close that credibility gap we must take action on both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue to end the outsized influence of lobbyists; to do our work openly; and to give our people the government they deserve.”  It is hard to take him seriously however when his administration has empowered and promoted the very special interests that were responsible for the Financial meltdown, such as Timothy Giethner, Lawerence Summers, Ben Bernanke, and unabashed GOP-Lite Corporatists like Rahm Emanuel. If Obama wants to help the middle-class, why are the crooked Banking/WallStreet elites hand chosen by him to run his policies? Why does he want to give the Federal Reserve even more power, instead of audit them?

The State Of The Union: Preview

Regardless of what President Barack Obama says tonight during his “speech“, this below is the real State Of The Union:

The State Of The Union


Until this high corruption is exposed and honestly dealt with, at a Presidential level, American citizens will just continue to be systematically robbed blind, see their own standard-of-living and economic security continue to diminish, and the purchasing power of the “U.S. Dollar” shrink before their eyes.

No amount of “happy talk”, phony Federal Reserve Chairman worship, or “small-ball” policy tinkering around the edges (tax cuts, “stimulus”, etc.) can ever supplant what is fundamentally a wholly corrupt Financial and Monetary model.

The true State Of The Union must be finally recognized for what it really is. The United States is owned and operated by an elite Worldwide criminal Banking cartel (modeled after the Rothschilds dynasty banking empire), and our Country’s so-called “Independence“, that we celebrate every 4th of July, is now only just a myth today .

We never permanantly escaped the Empire and Central Bank Monopoly that we once had separated from. Conversely, we were inflitrated by it, and today we remain trapped within the “Empire”.

Dennis Kucinich on Democratic Party, Obama, MA Election

Dennis Kucinich gave an exclusive interview to The Raw Story”, where he provided analysis on the MA Election, and the state of the Democratic Party, and President Obama.

Smashing The Machine

“There’s been a coup – have you heard? It’s the CIA coup.

The CIA runs everything! They run the military .. They’re the ones who are over there lobbing missiles and bombs on these Countries…It’s not even the Military that does it. The CIA runs this. …And, of course, the CIA is every bit as secretive as the Federal Reserve.

And yet, think of the harm they have done since they were established since World War II.  They are a government unto themselves. They’re in businesses, they’re in drug businesses, and they take out dictators……We need to take out the CIA!

         -Congressman Ron Paul

More “Change” From President Obama

President Obama’s track record has been stunning in its all out embrace and expansion of the corrupt Foreign Policy of the past 8 dark years (and with it, the total rejection of what people voted for) —  a darkness Obama won’t let any sunlight near.

Here’s the latest from Obama:

The Obama administration quietly announced Friday the appointment of John McLaughlin, former deputy CIA director, to head the internal investigation of the intelligence failures that led to the Christmas Day attempted bombing of a Delta airliner headed for Detroit as well as the events leading to the shootings at Fort Hood in November.

With this appointment, President Barack Obama has assured that the culture of intelligence cover-up will continue. McLaughlin has participated in and sought to cover-up many of the CIA’s most egregious failures and misdeeds of the past decade. When he left the CIA, he then served as the agency’s chief apologist.

So, who is John McLaughlin? Most of official Washington and the mainstream media view McLaughlin as the mild-mannered, professorial CIA bureaucrat, who former CIA director George Tenet called the “smartest man he had ever met.”

Few people understand, however, that McLaughlin played the most important role in making sure that the Bush administration received the intelligence that would be used and misused to justify the use of force against Iraq in 2003.

Washington insiders remember that it was CIA director Tenet who told President George W. Bush, “Don’t worry, it’s a slam dunk,” in response to the president’s demand for stronger intelligence on Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction (WMD) to provide to the American people. Few people remember that it was McLaughlin who actually delivered the “slam-dunk” briefing to the president in January 2003.

McLaughlin was the “villain” behind the politicized intelligence on Iraq in the run-up to the illegal war. He perverted the intelligence process, ignored high-level briefings on the weakness of the intelligence on WMD and then tried to silence David Kay, the chief of the Iraq Survey Group, when the weapons inspectors found no evidence of strategic weapons in Iraq.

When Kay returned to CIA headquarters from Baghdad, Tenet and McLaughlin made sure that Kay was given a tiny, windowless office at the end of a distant, deserted corridor undergoing construction. It had no secure phone or classified computer. Kay called it Siberia.



This guy has some balls…

Man confronts George H. W. Bush At Houston Restaurant

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