The State Of The Union: Preview

Regardless of what President Barack Obama says tonight during his “speech“, this below is the real State Of The Union:

The State Of The Union


Until this high corruption is exposed and honestly dealt with, at a Presidential level, American citizens will just continue to be systematically robbed blind, see their own standard-of-living and economic security continue to diminish, and the purchasing power of the “U.S. Dollar” shrink before their eyes.

No amount of “happy talk”, phony Federal Reserve Chairman worship, or “small-ball” policy tinkering around the edges (tax cuts, “stimulus”, etc.) can ever supplant what is fundamentally a wholly corrupt Financial and Monetary model.

The true State Of The Union must be finally recognized for what it really is. The United States is owned and operated by an elite Worldwide criminal Banking cartel (modeled after the Rothschilds dynasty banking empire), and our Country’s so-called “Independence“, that we celebrate every 4th of July, is now only just a myth today .

We never permanantly escaped the Empire and Central Bank Monopoly that we once had separated from. Conversely, we were inflitrated by it, and today we remain trapped within the “Empire”.

America’s short lived victory over the British Empire explained



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