Author's posts

America’s Mubarak Moment

You know, when Wikileaks let the cat out of the bag on just how rich and greedy Mubarak was, the people got royally pissed.

Now, Matt Taibbi let the whole litter of the critters out off the bag, in “Why Isn’t Wall Street in Jail?” and we need to get royally pissed too.

I mean, some of us knew already. The same people investigating Wall Street spin in and out of working for Wall Street. Its the fox guarding the fox, and they both get more chicken than Jim Morrison ever dreamed. Talk about back door men?


The Atomized Empire

I ain’t no roads scholar but I know which one we’re driving down. And that perdish’un don’t mean no prude. I also know I would have been doomed to repeat history, had it not been for my gift of writing microscopic crib sheets. But I do know all those Economic Rhodies soon coming to their eternal Perdition may not be just History repeating herself.

You cannot Atomize us anymore.


Wild Wild Left Radio #99 John Kozy Interview

Friday, February 18th at 6pm EST!

Listen live by clicking the link icon below:

Listen to The Wild Wild Left on internet talk radio

The call in number is 646-929-1264 to join the conversation!

The live chat link will go live around 5:45.. found at the bottom of the show page when you listen, or by clicking the link below. Chat will be monitored for comments and questions by the host.


Tip: In order to comment in chat, you must create a BTR account, its free and only takes seconds.

Miss the show? The podcasts are available at the link above, or at

PhotobucketTonight the brilliant sooth & truthsayer Professor John Kozy returns to grace WWL Radio with his views on his two latest articles, Demented Democracy and A Revolting World.

He speaks of ideologies and the lack of persuasion, how Politics has become Religion, and how true Democracy is often not the true goal of the US elsewhere. He speaks of revolutionaries must never quit being revolutionary for true change to occur. Revolution is happening in the Middle East and has begun to spread. We need to heed John’s words!

I love talking to the brightest and the best, and am honored to bring John Kozy to our working class audience! Viva la revolucion!

John Kozy is a retired professor of philosophy and logic who writes on social, political, and economic issues. After serving in the U.S. Army during the Korean War, he spent 20 years as a university professor and another 20 years working as a writer. He has published a textbook in formal logic commercially, in academic journals and a small number of commercial magazines, and has written a number of guest editorials for newspapers. His on-line pieces can be found on and he can be emailed from that site’s homepage.

Join Wild Wild Left Radio every Friday at 6pm EST, via Blog Talk Radio, with Hostess and Producer Diane Gee to guide you through Current Events taken from a Wildly Left Prospective….  her Joplinesque voice speaking straight from the heart about the real-life implications of the Political and the Class War on everyday American Citizens like you.

Controversy? We face it. Cutting Edge? We step over it. Revolutions start with information, and The Wild Wild Left Radio brings you the best in information and op/eds from a position that others on the Left fear to tread…. all with a grain shaker of irreverent humor.

WWL Radio: Bringing you “out there where the buses don’t run” LEFT perspective with interviews, op/eds and straight talk since January of 2009!

News from the Wild: WWL Headlines 2/17/11

Well, holy smokes, its been a week since I last highlighted my friends and subversive partners!

Its been a slow week on WWL, I have been ungodly busy with all things being my husband’s cancer complications, and my son’s flu. Sorry!

This Friday? I get to interview John Kozy again! He is an amazing writer and voice of the Left, you can join us here tomorrow on Wild Wild Left Radio!…

I worried about who we choose as allies, and if it is OUR choice at all, thinking that we the PEOPLE should be allying with our own peers abroad, rather than let the Rich choose in, Our Friends.

I also responded to some Obamabots critique of me, by writing Confessions of a Damned Elitist.

Edger graced us with Is B Incompetent – Or The Last Resort? chronicling the same-same of Obama/Bush.

The Mom Cat was in perfect form reporting on how The US Constitution Has Been Suspended by the GOP with some great commentary by our readers.

Al Osorio brought us another Obama comparison, this time imagining McCain won, with a piece called “Obama 2012 ! An interview with President John McCain” !!

My series of Open Threads babbled about living with cancer, random music,the trials of a blog gone down, the need for monetary support to keep WWL alive and general bitching about the insanity of the world… I got some wondrous advice on some of these……………

From the Vaults, a vintage gottlieb:

Do or Die

Last but not least? Never piss off a writer! Even a saint will reach her limit after the 3rd strike. Heh.

Our Friends……

Really. I hear it all the time. Egypt is our friend. Saudi Arabia is our friend. We have a special relationship with Israel.

So, how exactly is it that two Countries share “Friendship?” Do they call and cheer us up when we are having a bad hair peasant day? Do they cover for us when we are cheating on our wives ripping off other Countries? I mean when its gets up to the “special relationship” phase, do we have an “From Here to Eternity” moment in the surf?


Oh, come onnnnn already!

Countries aren’t people, they cannot have friends. So what could these code words possibly MEAN?

Confessions of Damned Elitist

First off, let me assure you that does not mean I am one of Society’s “Elites.”

ELITE: In sociology as in general usage, the elite is a group of relatively small size, that is dominant within a large society, having a privileged status perceived as being envied by others of a lower line of order.

No, no privileged status here. Quite the contrary, actually.  No money, no status, no “powah”… yet I embrace the title anyway. I’m a different kind of Elitist; that being a member of a minute segment of this society who has become Truly LEFT.

I am however Elitist enough to infuriate the common dregs who adore Palin’s absolute slaughter of the language she employs in describing her absolute ignorance of any subject on which she speaks. In fact I am Elitist enough to irritate the piss out of well-intended Liberalish people, too.

I finally understand the words spoken to me so very long ago, “Sweetheart, we are about a tenth of one percent in the Country. Face it, we are pretty much out here alone on the far edges of the Left.”

Whether it be Progressives demanding loyalty to Democrats, or an accusation of being Racist for not supporting Obama… The centrist mentality pervades people who consider themselves “Left” and use “far-left” as an insult. Right after Far-left usually comes the cry of “Elitist” and god forbid you cite actual evidence that teeters their ideology or to rebut their Obamabot screeches. From the so-called “Left” it makes me doubly crazy. They HELP demonize the very IDEAS that would create a real Democracy for the People: Socialism.

Let me cite my favorite author on my “Elitism.”

Wild Wild Left Radio #98 More CHAVEZ, Less Obama, Less Mubarak

Friday, February 11th at 6pm EST!

Listen live by clicking the link icon below:

Listen to The Wild Wild Left on internet talk radio

The call in number is 646-929-1264 to join the conversation!

The live chat link will go live around 5:45.. found at the bottom of the show page when you listen, or by clicking the link below. Chat will be monitored for comments and questions by the host.


Tip: In order to comment in chat, you must create a BTR account, its free and only takes seconds.

Miss the show? The podcasts are available at the link above, or at

More Chavez!

PhotobucketEgypt is FREE…of Mubarak anyway…but don’t forget, transition of power to the military comes while Mubarak, Suleiman and Prime Minister Ahmad Shafiq are all former military men.

I read an article this week by Mike Whitney, “World Focus: Can We Swap Obama for Chavez?” and it set me thinking deeply.

So, as I studied the no less than 14 different breaking headlines I wanted to cover tonight, I decided to spend a little time comparing what Hugo does for his country with what Obama has done for ours. Check out what we have gotten MORE of… more war, more fear, more cold, more neglect, more money to the top, more poisoning, more racism, more manipulation, more lies…. whew!

Its going to be scathing, and eye-opening in that tear your eyelids back and pour tabasco in them kind of way.

I know what I want. More Heroes & MORE LEFT!

No guesty goodness tonight, so I will be welcoming YOUR calls!

Remember to tune in next week for a return visit from Contributing Author on WWL, Professor John Kozy. HE GETS IT, and isn’t afraid to SPEAK OUT!

Join Wild Wild Left Radio every Friday at 6pm EST, via Blog Talk Radio, with Hostess and Producer Diane Gee to guide you through Current Events taken from a Wildly Left Prospective….  her Joplinesque voice speaking straight from the heart about the real-life implications of the Political and the Class War on everyday American Citizens like you.

Controversy? We face it. Cutting Edge? We step over it. Revolutions start with information, and The Wild Wild Left Radio brings you the best in information and op/eds from a position that others on the Left fear to tread…. all with a grain shaker of irreverent humor.

WWL Radio: Bringing you “out there where the buses don’t run” LEFT perspective with interviews, op/eds and straight talk since January of 2009!

News from the Wild: WWL Headlines 2/10/11

I still don’t know who sent me flowers anonymously last Friday evening, to finish out my Birthday Week. They are gorgeous, but it is kind of creepy to not know. It did bring a moment of light to the worst Birthday of my Life in the worst year of my life wherein life and people keep randomly kicking us while we are down…. but I digress.

Diane Gee’s week in the Wild:

*270 Billion: Super Egypt Bowl wherein I discuss that the advertising budget alone could feed a third world nation, and why we are too distracted to rise up.

*Boat Notes starts a fiction series from an American on the coming next Flotilla to Gaza.

*Cede Arizona rants about the racist “Anchor Baby” legislation they want to pass.

*Reason to Believe is an introspective look at how differently we behave when supported.

John Kozy’s contribution is sublime!

*A Revolting World

Tinrose adds her personal stories from Tenacatita! This is the story I have been chronicling since last summer – wherein one rich and corrupt man stole a whole village and beach.

*Ghost Beach: Stealth Camping at Tenacatita- Part 1

*Ghost Beach: Stealth Camping at Tenacatita- Part 2

fake consultant adds a bit of poignant Snark:

*Oklahoma Shari’a Law Controversy: The Secret Plot Is Finally Uncovered

I think every other post on my FP has been cross-posted Port-Alliance wide, and I have to go inflate my tire in – 1 weather before work. So, please pop by WWL and check it out, in case you missed anything. I LOVE cross-posts, comments and contributions!

270 Million: Super Egypt Bowl

Day 13 of Egypt’s fight for freedom from tyranny, and the US is focused on a display of excess and inanity called the Super Bowl.


Somehow, that is for me, what amounts to a perfect vignette of all that is wrong in the World. There is nothing inherently wrong with enjoying athletic contests as a “pastime,”  be it football, soccer, baseball, or hockey ~ or anything else that suits your fancy. What rankles me is that it has become a religious ritual worked into a fervor, treating men playing a game as “Gods” with all the residual excesses that provides in our system, and nothing but a vehicle to promote advertising for the already sickeningly wealthy who can purchase the air time to try and dupe us into buying McLard burgers and cheapass beer. Not that I have anything AGAINST cheapass beer. But it would be a LOT cheaper if they didn’t have to spend 3 million dollars for a 30 second spot.  

Today in the Wild: WWL FP News

Headlines from The Wild Wild Left…the last Island on the “LEFT” in a Sea of Wildly Wrong Rightness…a Harbour of Sanity for Liberals, Progressives and Radical Leftists – Get Wild, Get Left – JOIN IN!

If you read nothing else today, be sure to read John Kozy’s Demented Democracy.

He is kind enough to provide me his work via email, free of charge. I cannot stress how crucial to changing our thinking his views on logic/philosophy/ideology is to making people break out of this Demented state….

Speaking of Demented? davidseth’s Making the Independent Judiciary a Joke chronicles just how tainted we have allowed the SCOTUS to become. Good read!

Wild Wild Left Radio #97 Revolution Sounds!

Friday, February 4th at 6pm EST!

Listen live by clicking the link icon below:

Listen to The Wild Wild Left on internet talk radio

The call in number is 646-929-1264 to join the conversation!

The live chat link will go live around 5:45.. found at the bottom of the show page when you listen, or by clicking the link below. Chat will be monitored for comments and questions by the host.


Tip: In order to comment in chat, you must create a BTR account, its free and only takes seconds.

Miss the show? The podcasts are available at the link above, or at

How does a Revolution Sound?

Tracey Chapman may say it sounds like a whisper, but girlfriend that whisper has become a roar!

It is not just about the bread lines, nor about a simple regime change, the World is crying out for Democracy of the REAL kind – for People to determine the conditions of their own life.

I’ll be reporting on Egypt, and Tunisia and all the other places people are refusing to take the uneven hand they are dealt by the Ruling Elite Class.

When will WE quit whispering and ROAR?

We witnessed first hand as our Earth was torn asunder and bled oil, which we treated with poison. The Gulf Crisis is far from over. We need to keep looking critically at what has been done, and what is still occurring.  

No guesty goodness tonight, so I will be welcoming YOUR calls!

Join Wild Wild Left Radio every Friday at 6pm EST, via Blog Talk Radio, with Hostess and Producer Diane Gee to guide you through Current Events taken from a Wildly Left Prospective….  her Joplinesque voice speaking straight from the heart about the real-life implications of the Political and the Class War on everyday American Citizens like you.

Controversy? We face it. Cutting Edge? We step over it. Revolutions start with information, and The Wild Wild Left Radio brings you the best in information and op/eds from a position that others on the Left fear to tread…. all with a grain shaker of irreverent humor.

WWL Radio: Bringing you “out there where the buses don’t run” LEFT perspective with interviews, op/eds and straight talk since January of 2009!

The Week in the Wild

Headlines from The Wild Wild Left…the last Island on the “LEFT” in a Sea of Wildly Wrong Rightness…a Harbour of Sanity for Liberals, Progressives and Radical Leftists – Get Wild, Get Left – JOIN IN!

~Fake consultant asks Social Security: Where’s Our Tahrir Square?

~Rusty1776 adds his poetic voice to honor the spirit of the Egyptian People in We Gave Each Other Courage

Edger frames a warning, full of linky goodness to WikileaksA Warning To The US Government

~Cassidorus continues his series on THE question of our times, how to envision post-capitalism Envisioning postcapitalism: Joel Kovel, The Enemy of Nature

~Diane Gee weighs the likelihood of Egyptian autonomy and democracy with Imperialist Forces (the US) stacked against them in I Know Where This is Going…

~New member Al Osorio grieves for the children of war in If Tamerlane’s mother cried for him, would Persia have mourned her tears?

~You can also join in on Wild Wild Left Radio every (or nearly every) Friday Night at 6pm Eastern Time. You can catch podcasts there or on our homepage, for interviews with some fairly prestigious guests: Noam Chomsky, Frances Fox Piven, and others….

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