Confessions of Damned Elitist

First off, let me assure you that does not mean I am one of Society’s “Elites.”

ELITE: In sociology as in general usage, the elite is a group of relatively small size, that is dominant within a large society, having a privileged status perceived as being envied by others of a lower line of order.

No, no privileged status here. Quite the contrary, actually.  No money, no status, no “powah”… yet I embrace the title anyway. I’m a different kind of Elitist; that being a member of a minute segment of this society who has become Truly LEFT.

I am however Elitist enough to infuriate the common dregs who adore Palin’s absolute slaughter of the language she employs in describing her absolute ignorance of any subject on which she speaks. In fact I am Elitist enough to irritate the piss out of well-intended Liberalish people, too.

I finally understand the words spoken to me so very long ago, “Sweetheart, we are about a tenth of one percent in the Country. Face it, we are pretty much out here alone on the far edges of the Left.”

Whether it be Progressives demanding loyalty to Democrats, or an accusation of being Racist for not supporting Obama… The centrist mentality pervades people who consider themselves “Left” and use “far-left” as an insult. Right after Far-left usually comes the cry of “Elitist” and god forbid you cite actual evidence that teeters their ideology or to rebut their Obamabot screeches. From the so-called “Left” it makes me doubly crazy. They HELP demonize the very IDEAS that would create a real Democracy for the People: Socialism.

Let me cite my favorite author on my “Elitism.”


Ok wait. I am an admitted “Elitist.” I mean I call right-wing fucktards and sheeple as I see them. If I can be an autodidactic person easily enough to understand and be able to comprehend the system of political-economics than ANYONE can, and I resent the hell out of the class of people who scream about “obamacare” while collecting Social Security and Medicare… I resent willful ignorance all the time.

So “elite” to me isn’t an insult anymore, now that I think about it. Well hell yeah, I am… I’m probably in about a 2% bastion of political awareness in the COUNTRY, and a tenth of that 2% have gone as far left as me, in discovering what I have discovered. Heh… Just saying, in a moment of levity, but truth.

If anyone is going to address my Elitism, it may as well be me.

I am part of an ever-shrinking group that not only researches, but is willing to impart what they find out aloud. I did not get here overnight. As little as 2 years ago when I cast my vote for Obama, M_A was trying to lead me by the nose-ring to where I am now, and I was as stubborn as the proverbial bull with said nose-ring.  Well, not really. I listened, and deliberated, hell I spent countless hours weighing everything and deciding how to cast that vote. I heard her, but still felt that centroid-liberal compulsion to vote for the lesser of the two evils in this Kabuki Theater called the American Electoral Process.

The lectures pour forth: We live in reality, idealism doesn’t cut it! In a Country where so many are far-right, we have to make concessions to their right to be represented too! It is pompous and condescending to point out people vote against their best interests, even if its true! He is up against soooo much! Its only been 2 years! (which once was a month, 6 months, a year….)

It is utterly exhausting to have people so close to the finish line, but refusing to take that leap of logic and cross over. Its ok to point out the obvious treachery of the right, but taboo in many circles to point out the equal treachery of the so-called left representing us in this Country.

Obama has done more to split the Left in this Country than a thousand Fox New Liars could.

He has divided us into ideologues who cling to a dream, and realists who have discovered partisan politics is a sham.

That sentence alone would bring screams of my Elitism, “How dare you say that you know more than we do. People like YOU will give us a Palin Presidency! Is THAT what you want? You talk down to us. Like you are oh-so-smart for clinging to your leftier-than-thou ideology!!”

I see that directed at the few allies who still are with this tiny Elite of .1% of the nation’s political compass, nearly daily. Its comes close to dissolving new alliance networks. It has certainly undone many blogs.

Bit by bit? The circle grows smaller. For every new connection I seem to make with a kindred, an old one falls away. Its lonely on the fringe. Its hard to be an outsider, an Elitist. Its so much easier to just quit talking, and fit in. But Elitist I remain.

Here’s my Elitist Manifesto:

I resent the hell out of the fact that ignorance is prized in this country, intelligence dismissed as egg-headed nerdishness, that pile-ons of the celebrity-fail de jour trumps real politic, and that group-think surpasses reasoned individual opinion.

I reject partisan politics as an utter sham. Any Candidate that makes it even close to the public has been vetted, and stamped with the seal of Korporate Kleptocracy approval.

I am for Nationalizing every Major Company in the Country.

I reject any Religious Code that seeks to make Laws based on it’s Bias. Separation of Church and State must be Complete!

I am for Direct Democracy, not Representative Democracy. Representative Democracy sets a Small Group above and apart, and smaller numbers are more easily corrupted.

I am for Utter and Complete Equality for all sexes, orientations, or Genetic Heritage. I refute the Idea of “race”; there is only one – The Human Race.

I am for Universal Health Care, including a Woman’s right to have any medical procedure she and her Doctor agree upon. I believe that any Doctor who refuses a procedure on Religious Grounds should have their License revoked.

All Education, including the Highest Levels should be Free and Unrestricted, with absolutely no Religious influence whatsoever.

I am for dismantling the Military entirely, and removing every US presence in bases from Foreign Lands.

I reject Fossil Fuel usage, and think only Green Renewable Energy should be used.

I think Pollution of any type should be illegal.

I reject Capitalism in any or all of its forms.

I am for Freedom of the Press. Any Press calling itself “news” must be subject to fact-checkers, with heavy penalty for lying to the Citizenry. Any Opinion Editorials must be clearly presented as such, and countered by a Opposing View ala a Fairness Doctrine.

I believe drugs should be Legal; and addictions treated as illness, not crime.

I believe in dismantling Puritanical norms that defile sex as evil, and promote violence as acceptable.

I believe in the Right for Citizens to own and bear arms, for security against any Oligarchy that would choose to take away these rights.

I am a commie-pinko, tree-hugging, anarchist, socialism-loving, professional-left ELITIST.

There are Damned few of us, and fewer still willing to be Activist Elitists.

I refuse to accept the moderate-centrist framing. I will not abdicate my role in pushing the Overton Window further Left.

There’s my confession.

It has made many bolt for the door.

But if you are one of the few, the ones who “get it” ????

We need more Damned Elitists, JOIN IN!


    • Diane G on February 12, 2011 at 22:56

    by an exchange on “Links for Progressive Activists” on FB, moreso by years of losing allies – from my old blog-home becoming absolutely centrist if not right, to watching as Lefties fade and get soured on the fight, die or lose the ability to participate due to illness.

    I miss them all. Isaiah, and her kind words, may she rest with her beloved God. Pluto, who has made a career out of being elusive and distant. (she calls it a short blog shelf-life) Maryscott, even, who in her day would rally against this raising tide like an avenging angel. Beagle and Tabby, whose leftiness always included a laugh, no matter how much pain he was in. Cheryl, whose heart & spirit always inspired me. Clammy and OPOL and Jeff Huber, who are still around, but so much more rarely. Renee in Ohio and Dammit Janet from Portland, who I see occasionally on Twitter or FB, but have given up on political blogging. Gatoscuro who hand made me hats. Raybin who is on FB, but no longer writes. Shannika, who knows? She had her own blog for a while, but it stood empty for years, and I quit looking. Pyrrho who went solo into philosophy youtubing. Dr Mirrim, who taught us so much. pegleghippy, whose youthful enthusiasm filled every post he commented in. Eugene, who understood the need for a space for unfetted left-ness LONG before I did, who went entirely into local politics where he lives. Founder Nonpartisan has his PHD stuff keeping him busy and founder M_A whose RA prevents her from typing much, and disgust with the Health Care fail made her turn away in disgust. In fact, of the founders of WWL, only Louise is left, and she isn’t too active. And Gottlieb, the single biggest influence in my last decade and writing started fading away long before we parted ways. I miss them all, and it breaks my heart, but the last was worst. He was mentor, muse, and family from my point of view. But in the end? They are just as gone.

    But new allies are joining, adding depth, wonder, insights and life to my Elite little circle. I just wish that we didn’t lose people as new friends are found.

  1. recently and that was at a CPAC convention.  Obama is nothing more than a corporate globalist puppet and his entire Council on Fucked up Relations membership of an  administration proves it.  Prior to that there was Bush and the PNACians of 911 fame who secured Islam as the former Cold War Russia replacement enemy of choice for “our” military-industrial/intelligence(oxymoron here) community.

    I believe that they have suppressed 60/or more years of technology that would replace fossil(so called) fuels easily.

    The benevolent advanced Pleadians tell us earth would carry 11 billion if we did things right.

    I open my ears when I hear a non-american accent because they will have a different worldview, more “diverse” and potenially enlightening viewpoint outside of Lady GaGa, NASCAR, or Oprah.  They might have something valuable to say or contribute about being globalistically multicultural at gunpoint for wage suppression purposes.  What do I mean by this?  Well Kumbahya might be nice dreamy ideal except for the mind control microchip probing your very thoughts for corporate correctness.

    Some of the “right-tards” have graduated into anti-globalist, no Bilderberg New World Order “Illuminati” crowd but they don’t get mainstream press by being on the blacklist.

    Recall my Knights theme.  “We” are insane to them.  We are those spiritual souls who have rejected our own culture.  We are just the bums on the street holding the Armageddon signs nobody pays any mind to.

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