(4 pm. – promoted by ek hornbeck)

**NOTE: Updates will be done at the TOP of each section & have an asterisk**
First of all. There are no Official Demands of the Occupy Movement. that being said, multiple factions of the movement have been assembling to discuss and vote on the output and message for the movement. Below is a LIST OF PROPOSED “DEMANDS FOR CONGRESS” proposed by the website (occupywallstreet.org) which does not entirely represent the Occupy Wall Street General Assembly. Below this list is a list of grievance that citizens have provided nationally and have voted on in solidarity of the movement.
They are in process of making this list.THEY WANT YOUR INPUT (YOU as in EVERYbody)
There are instructions to give your opinion/additions/suggestions to this.
There is a team of lawyers working on this (pro-bono) & tweaking this ALL the time.
GO! make your voice heard!!PARTICIPATE: Locate Occupy Events in YOUR area
TURN ON LIVE STREAM: open a tab for Live Stream- Global Revolution
*SIGN PETITION: WE the People: petition the obama administration to: Make Bribing Politicians Illegal
*SIGN PETITION: Change.org: NYC Mayor: Stand with Occupy Wall Street
*SIGN PETITION: Change.org: Occupy Wall Street: Occupy Together
SIGN PETITION: AVAAZ: The World vs Wall Street
SIGN PETITION: Credo: Stand with Occupy Wall Street
SIGN PETITION: Eric Grieco: Tell Congress: We need jobs, not cuts!
(for more info see “Petitions” below)**WEAR/DISPLAY 99%: CafePress store
SHARE A RIDE: Are you going to an Occupy event & have room in your car? Do you want to go but have no ride?
Carpool-to-Occupy is endorsing yRides (promoted by Occupy Together)OCCUPY ANNOUNCEMENTS!!
Occupy Together Meetups
in 1199 cities as of 10.10.11 at 1pm EDTOccupy Together is creating an Occupy Directory
Please make sure YOUR Occupy Group is listed!FREE downloadable files
These are promotional materials to help support the Occupy Wall Street Movement and are NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE.
First Declaration of the Occupation of New York City 09.29.11
Occupy Wall Street Organization
Occupy Wall Street’s General Assembly– updates on progress OWS Protest, lists of needed items, addresses to send them
Occupy Wall Street’s General Assembly MinutesOccupy Together– info on Occupy Actions in every area of the country…& the world!
Occupy the Nation, We ARE the 99%– event listings, live streams, news & updates, resources, event flyers
Occupy Colleges– Campuses nationwide joining in protest.Links to US & WorldWide Occupation Events & Solidarity Accounts– event, email & twitter info
Occupy Wall St. ↔ Occupy Together ↔ Occupy Wall Street West ↔ Occupy Colleges
DKos: Directory of Facebook Occupy Event Pages
Demonstrator’s Manual–Print This Out, Carry It With You
Civil Disobedience Index– lessons in how to Participate in a Nonviolent Action All are pertinent to Occupying.
ACLU Affiliates– There are in EVERY State and Puerto Rico & will handle requests for legal assistance.
Know Your Rights– Printable list to take with you/distribute to Protesters
*PDF* YOUR RIGHTs Printable Wallet Card from National Lawyers Guild
Civil Rights Lawyers by Location– find one before you go, write down the name & number on your arm
(often all your belongings will be taken from you)
Occupy Wall Street NEWSPAPER, MEDIA
from We Occupy America: Occupation Times Newspaper!
FIRST EDITION AVAILABLE IN PDFDONATE to: Occupy Wall Street Media and/or We Are The Other 99% Media Fund
This money will go towards the batteries for the cameras, the Live Streaming, food for these people who are volunteering their time to bring YOU the news as it unfolds
Live Stream- Global RevolutionOTHER LIVE STREAMs:
Occpy Atlanta * Occupy Baltimore * Occupy Boston * Occupy Chicago * Occupy Dallas * Occupy DC * Occupy Houston * OWS Los Angeles * Occupy Portland * Occupy Salt Lake City * Occupy Seattle
Plutocracy Files ∞ Guardian’s Adam Gabbett ∞ TheNation’s Greg Mitchell ∞ DKos’ joanneleon
Dissenter- Kevin Gosztola
MOST UP-TO-DATE INFO/ARTICLEs (imho) check frequently, updated continually
Huffington Post OWS Section ⇔ The Guardian OWS Section ⇔ Aljazeera OWS Section ⇔ RawStory OWS Section ⇔ Teamster Nation OWS articles ⇔ DocuDharma Live Stream & Links ⇔ DKos OWS Mothership ⇔ DKos Occupy Wall Street posts
DONATIONs (this is ONLY for Occupy Wall Street in NYC)
To Send Money: EASY ONLINE LINKVirtual Address: Please indicate “Occupy wall street” in the memo line.
Alliance for Global Justice
1247 “E” Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003Or CALL at 202-544-9355 to make a telephone donation.
To Snail Mail ITEMs:
Please see the twitter-feed list of needs (scroll down a bit) You can also send MONEY ORDERS.OCCUPY WALL STREET
118 A Fulton St #205
NY NY 10038To Send FOOD:
These wonderful restaurants will deliver toZuccottiLiberty Park:
** Please try to focus on vegan and vegetarian options with some meat options.Panini & Co 115 Broadway:; Lemongrass Grill; Tolache Taqueria
Liberatos Pizza – order the “Occu-pie”
Please order vegan or non-meat pizzas 🙂Other local business that deliver
HISTORY of Occupy Wall Street
Anonymous joins Occupy Wall Street (09.10.11) (video HERE)
(logos are clickable, link to official statements or articles)
Jeff Mangum of band Neutral Milk Hotel, Radiohead, Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), Louisiana Gov. Buddy Roemer, Reps. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), Former Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI), Eliot Spitzer, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Reps. Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.), Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), Caucus Chairman John Larson (Conn.), Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) and Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y., Howard Dean; Michael Franti; Rep. Peter DeFazio; Richard Wolff at OWS; Stuart Appelbaum, President Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union (RWDSU); Peter Yarrow; Bernie Sanders; San Francisco District Supervisor & Mayoral Candidate John Avalos; Kansas State Rep. Marci Francisco; Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz & economic columnist Jeff Madrick; Mark Ruffalo, Alec Baldwin & Yoko Ono tweet support; Russell Simmons; Rapper Lupe Fiasco; Roseanne Barr; Regina Spektor, singer; Van Jones; New York City Councilman Charles Barron; Michael Moore; Cornell West; Susan Sarandon; Noam Chomsky
Who Do the White Shirt Police Report to at Occupy Wall Street Protests?
**CounterPunch: Pam Martins: Financial Giants Put New York City Cops On Their Payroll (10.10.11)*Wickersham’s Conscience: Neocon Code Phrases for Dummies (10.09.11)
*RawStory: David Edwards: Obama-appointed CEO: Protesters should ‘root for me’ (10.10.11)
*RawStory: Andrew Jones: Bloomberg: Occupy Wall Street can stay, for now (10.10.11)
*RawStory: Kase Wickman: Dem campaign committee: Support ‘Occupy,’ beat GOP (10.10.11)
*RawStory: Stephen C. Webster: Watch live: Unions, students march with ‘Occupy Boston’ (10.10.11)
*RawStory: Andrew Jones: GOP Rep: ‘We can’t allow’ more coverage of Occupy Wall Street (10.09.11)
*Aljazeera: Zayd Sifri: Occupy Wall Street through Egyptian eyes (10.10.11)
*Aljazeera: Andrea Schmidt: #OWS: The human mic (10.10.11)
*Aljazeera: Heather Digby Parton: The class warfare the rich don’t understand (10.10.11)
*OWS: Today Liberty Plaza had a visit from Slavoj Zizek (10.09.11)
*ABC: Alan Farnham: Occupy Wall Street Protests Rankle the Rich (10.10.11)
(this is part of the problem, imho)
*Bloomberg: Bradley Keoun and Phil Kuntz : Wall Street Aristocracy Got $1.2 Trillion in Secret Loans (Aug 22, 2011)(sorry, i thought i’d already listed this one)
*NY Times: Paul Krugman: Panic of the Plutocrats (10.09.11)*ABC: Rick Klein: Democrats Seek to Own ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Movement (10.10.11)
*ABC: Rick Klein: Democrats Seek to Own ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Movement (10.10.11)
FOX NEWS POLL: Do ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Protests Represent Your Views of the Economy?
(go check it out. really! ~ria)Huffington Post: Dori Hartley: Occupy: Mad as Hell and Not Going to Take It Anymore (10.07.11)
AM NY: Mark Beja: Video from protesters and cops plays big role at Occupy Wall Street (10.09.11)
Wall St Examiner: Lee Adler: I Stand With The Protesters (10.09.11)
Market Watch: Brett Arends: How Wall Street scammed Mom and Pop – again (10.10.11)
Wall St Examiner Forum: Hussman: Talking Points for the “Occupy Wall Street” Protesters
Under The Mountain Bunker: 99percent > 1percent: Quick Roundup on the Weekend Occupation (10.10.11)
Under The Mountain Bunker: OccupyWallStreet and the Panic of the Plutocrats (10.10.11)
CNN: Sharpton to broadcast from Occupy Wall Street protests (10.10.11)MSNBC: Occupy Wall Street protesters running out of space (10.09.11)
CBS: “Occupy” protesters garner increased support (10.08.11)
DKos: Bionic for Tyler Coulson: We Occupy Every Street (10.09.11)
D.C. Douglas blog: Why #OccupyWallStreet? (10.03.11)
The Atlantic: Alan Taylor: Occupy Wall Street Spreads Beyond NYC (10.07.11)
DKos: nyceve: #ows unaffordable healthcare + sharply dropping income= death for the 99% (10.10.11)
OccupyWallSt Occupy Wall Street
Organizations and politicians are supporting us but they are not sponsoring us #ows
about 3 hours ago (10.08.11 appx 8:20am EDT)OpWallStreet #OccupyAmerica
by OccupyWallSt
To those who are worried about #OWS becoming coopted by partisan politics, DONT WORRY. #OccupyWallStreet by design cant be controlled.
9 hours ago (10.06.11 appx 2am EDT)
WE the People: petition the obama administration to: Make Bribing Politicians Illegal
No corporation should be allowed to give campaign contributions to any politician or political party that is involved in writing or voting on legislation that affects them or the industry they profit from.In any other scenario giving money to people who are supposed to be regulating something you are doing is considered bribery. If a sports team gives money to the referee before their game – its a bribe. If a defendant gives money to a judge or jury member before his trial – its a bribe. If a criminal gives money to a police officer – its a bribe.
Politics should be no different. Corporations giving millions of dollars to politicians could not create a more clear conflict of interest in policy making – ITS A BRIBE. If the Administration disagrees we would love to hear why.
Created: Sep 23, 2011
Change.org: NYC Mayor: Stand with Occupy Wall Street
Not a single banker has gone to jail for crimes that led to the financial meltdown. But now over 1,000 protesters have been arrested in the inspiring Occupy Wall Street protest in New York City.Tell Mayor Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Kelly: Respect the Occupy Wall Street protesters’ constitutional right to peaceful assembly.
The occupation of Wall Street has inspired a nationwide movement in the spirit of Wisconsin.
But there has been a powerful backlash against peaceful protesters who are using both their right to public assembly and tactics of nonviolent civil disobedience to call attention to the fact that our government has bailed out the wealthiest Americans but has done little to help middle and working class Americans who have lost their jobs and had their homes foreclosed on.
The protest is building momentum with a huge solidarity march today that CREDO and Other 98% members, progressive organizations and labor are joining. However the very existence of Occupy Wall Street could be endangered by strongarm NYPD tactics aimed at intimidating protesters and ending their three week stand against the big Wall Street banks.
Tell Mayor Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Kelly: Respect the Occupy Wall Street protesters’ constitutional right to peaceful assembly.
Change.org: Occupy Wall Street: Occupy Together
We, the 99%, are fed up with our elected officials doing nothing to curb corruption and allowing, if not assisting, in the degradation of our rights, freedoms and liberties as not just citizens of the United States of America, but citizens of the Planet Earth.We won’t stand for intimidation and brutality that is taking place against these protesters. We support them, support their cause, and support their actions.
Eric Grieco: Tell Congress: We need jobs, not cuts!
Speaker John Boehner:We stand with the 99%.
We’re fed up with Wall Street greed and Washington inaction. We need jobs, not cuts, and policies that benefit 99% of Americans instead of only the top 1%.
Congress needs to work to build an economy that works for all of us, not just the richest. As a first step to putting America back to work, Congress should pass the American Jobs Act immediately — no later than by the Thanksgiving Recess. And pay for it by taxing Wall Street speculation.
AVAAZ: The World vs Wall Street
To fellow citizens occupying Wall Street and peoples protesting across the world:We stand with you in this struggle for real democracy. Together we can end the capture and corruption of our governments by corporate and wealthy elites, and hold our politicians accountable to serve the public interest. We are united – the time for change has come!
Credo Action: Stand with Occupy Wall Street
“Not a single banker has gone to jail and yet over 1,000 protesters have been arrested. I stand with the protesters of Occupy Wall Street, and I demand that the NYPD respect their constitutional right to peaceful assembly.”
Get Money Out
It’s Time to GET MONEY OUT of politicsBailouts. War. Unemployment. Our government is bought, and we’re angry. Now, we’re turning our anger into positive action. By signing this petition, you are joining our campaign to get money out of politics. Our politicians won’t do this. But we will. We will become an unrelenting, organized wave advocating a Constitutional amendment to get money out of politics.
As the petition grows, the wave grows. Email, Facebook, Tweet — GET MONEY OUT. We are using The Dylan Ratigan Show on MSNBC, and our ability to influence other media outlets as a platform to force this issue to the center of the 2012 elections. Join us.
From our former Washington Lobbyist, Jimmy Williams, here is a DRAFT of our Constitutional Amendment for public debate this fall:
“No person, corporation or business entity of any type, domestic or foreign, shall be allowed to contribute money, directly or indirectly, to any candidate for Federal office or to contribute money on behalf of or opposed to any type of campaign for Federal office. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, campaign contributions to candidates for Federal office shall not constitute speech of any kind as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution or any amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Congress shall set forth a federal holiday for the purposes of voting for candidates for Federal office.”
There are more #OWS protesters sleeping in Zuccotti Park tonight than I have seen before (10.09.11)
Tom Tomorrow: But What Do They Want??
We Are the 99 Percent (bring tissues!)
Official Occupy Wall Street Flicker Photos (ALL from people THERE)
ABC: Christiana Amanpour: Roundtable: Reactions to Wall Street Protests
(George Will, Matthew Dowd, Peggy Noonan, Donna Brazile, and Jesse Lagreca (aka MinistryOfTruth))Why #OccupyWallStreet? Four Reasons from DC Douglas
Real News Network: Michael Hudson: Occupy Wall St. to a Bank in the Public Interest
joanneleon: Interview at No Comment art exhibit
It Isn’t a Protest without a Cute Kid Dancing to Protest Music – Occupy Wall Street – Day 19
Wall Street protesters to RT: We can take down US fat cats!
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Every continent except Antarctica?
Get with the program, penguins!
(Note at 4:37 what the talking head sez: It’s tricky for Democrats to support Occupy when they still control a “Chamber of Commerce.” Ooops.)