(2 pm. – promoted by ek hornbeck)

Occupy Wall Street 10.05.11
For more Info, previous editions in this series can be found HERE
READ Occupy Wall Street LIST OF DEMANDSPARTICIPATE TOMORROW: Occupy DC Protest at Freedom Plaza Thursday 10.07.11
PARTICIPATE: Locate Occupy Events in YOUR area
SIGN PETITION: AVAAZ: The World vs Wall Street
SIGN PETITION: Credo Action: Stand with Occupy Wall Street
(for more info see “Petitions” below)ATTEND TOMORROW: Yom Kippur Kol Nidre Service at Occupy Wall Street
Friday, October 7 ยท 7:00pm – 10:00pm,ZuccottiLiberty ParkTURN ON LIVE STREAM: open a separate tab for Live Stream- Global Revolution
**WEAR/DISPLAY 99% SCHWAG: Get yours at blogger Eileen B‘s CafePress store
SHARE A RIDE: Are you going to an Occupy event & have room in your car? Do you want to go but have no ride?
Carpool-to-Occupy is endorsing yRides (promoted by Occupy Together)First Declaration of the Occupation of New York City 09.29.11
Occupy Wall Street OrganizationOccupy Together– info on Occupy Actions in every area of the country…& the world!
Occupy the Nation, We ARE the 99%
event listings, live streams, news & updates, resources, event flyersLinks to US & WorldWide Occupation Events & Solidarity Accounts– event, email & twitter info
Occupy Wall Street’s General Assembly– updates on progress of OWS NY Protest, lists of needed items & addresses to send them
Occupy Wall Street’s General Assembly Minutes
On Facebook
Occupy Wall St.
Occupy Together
Occupy Wall Street West FaceBook pageDKos: Directory of Facebook Occupy Event Pages
from We Occupy America: Occupation Times Newspaper!FIRST EDITION AVAILABLE IN PDF
DONATE to: Occupy Wall Street Media
Live Stream- Global RevolutionOTHER LIVE STREAMs:
Occupy Baltimore * Occupy Boston * Occupy Chicago * Occupy Dallas * OWS Los Angeles * Occupy Portland * Occupy Seattle
*Plutocracy Files*Guardian UK: Adam Gabbett: Live Blog of OWS
joanneleon’s Live Blog at DKos
Kevin Gosztola-Live Blog of OWS
MOST UP-TO-DATE INFO/ARTICLEs (imho) check frequently, updated continually
*Huffington Post Occupy Wall Street Section
*The Guardian Occupy Wall Street Section
*Aljazeera Occupy Wall Street Section
RawStory Occupy Wall Street Section
Teamster Nation Occupy Wall Street articles (various)
DocuDharma Live Stream & Links
DKos Occupy Wall Street Mothership
DONATIONs (this is ONLY for Occupy Wall Street in NYC)
To Send Money: EASY ONLINE LINKVirtual Address: Please indicate “Occupy wall street” in the memo line.
Alliance for Global Justice
1247 “E” Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003Or CALL at 202-544-9355 to make a telephone donation.
To Snail Mail ITEMs:
Please see the twitter-feed list of needs (scroll down a bit) You can also send MONEY ORDERS.OCCUPY WALL STREET
c/o The UPS Store
118 A Fulton St #205
NY NY 10038To Send FOOD:
These wonderful restaurants will deliver to Liberty Plaza:
** Please try to focus on vegan and vegetarian options with some meat options.Panini & Co 115 Broadway:; Lemongrass Grill; Tolache Taqueria; Liberatos Pizza – order the “Occu-pie”
Please order vegan or non-meat pizzas ๐Other local business that deliver
HISTORY of Occupy Wall Street
Anonymous joins Occupy Wall Street (09.10.11) (video HERE)
(logos are clickable, link to official statements or articles)
PEOPLE IN SOLIDARITY Richard Wolff at OWS; Stuart Appelbaum, President Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union (RWDSU); Peter Yarrow; Bernie Sanders; San Francisco District Supervisor & Mayoral Candidate John Avalos; Kansas State Rep. Marci Francisco; Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz & economic columnist Jeff Madrick; Mark Ruffalo, Alec Baldwin & Yoko Ono tweet support; Russell Simmons; Rapper Lupe Fiasco; Roseanne Barr; Regina Spektor, singer; Van Jones; New York City Councilman Charles Barron; Michael Moore; Cornell West; Susan Sarandon; Noam Chomsky
LINKs & ARTICLEs Nation of Change: Brian Walker: President Obama Empathizes withthe Wall Street Occupation
NPR: Bill Chappell: Seemingly Bogus Website Uses ‘Occupy Party’ Name… To Sell Ads (10.06.11)
FeedTheProtest: Astro-turfing the Occupy Wall Street Movement: Can it Happen?BusinessWeek: Anti-Wall Street Protesters March From NYC to San Francisco (10.06.11)
CNN Money: Laura Batchelor:Occupy Wall Street lands on private property (10.06.11)
RawStory: Kase Wickman: PHOTOS: Inside Occupy Wall Street at Liberty Square (10.06.11)
***(the next two articles taken together imply NYPD Paid To Disrupt OWS By JP Morgan Chase)
Disinformation: Jacob Sloan: JP Morgan Chase Donates $4.6 Million To NYPD On Eve Of Protests (10.03.11)Reader Supported News: Amy Goodman: Policing the Prophets of Wall Street (10.05.11)
*(this goes hand-in-hand with above)
Democracy Now! Journalists Announce Major Settlement in Federal Lawsuit Challenging Police and U.S. Secret Service Crackdown on Media at 2008 Republican National Convention(10.03.11)Norwalk Patch: David Moran: ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Protestors Occupying in CT (10.05.11)
Huffington Post: College Sympathizers Of Occupy Wall Street Walk Out Of Class In Support (10.05.11)
Salon: Glenn Greenwald: Erin Burnett: Voice of the People (10.05.11)
Black Agenda Report: Glenn Ford: Wall Street as Public Enemy Number One (10.05.11)
Naomi Klein at Democracy NOW! (10.06.11)
Washington Post: Ezra Klein: Who are the 99 percent? (10.05.11)
Examiner: Dana Edwards: We are the 99 percent (10.05.11)News Day: Editorial: Real anger of ‘the 99 percent’ (10.04.11)
Buisness Insider: Kevin Lincoln: WE ARE THE 99 PERCENT: Stories Of American Disillusionment
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com…
(10.04.11)Consortium News: Mark Provost: From Boston with the “99 Percent” (10.04.11)
Guardian: Jason Farago: Occupy Wall Street: more than the sum of its demands (10.05.11)
Occupy Together: #OccupySF is being ordered to abandon their occupation site.
by OccupyWallSt
Installing solar lights in medical, comfort and media. That’s right. #occupywallstreet
8 hours ago (10.06.11 appx 3am EDT)OpWallStreet #OccupyAmerica
by OccupyWallSt
To those who are worried about #OWS becoming coopted by partisan politics, DONT WORRY. #OccupyWallStreet by design cant be controlled.
9 hours ago (10.06.11 appx 2am EDT)OccupyWallSt Occupy Wall Street
We need community accountability for cops actions.We want them to be terrified to commit horrible acts of violence against innocent people
10 hours ago (10.06.11 appx 1am EDT)TheOther99 TheOther99
by OccupyWallSt
@TheOther99 can now confirm 28 arrests, according to the NYPD. Tonight’s arrests, and the force used, may make protesters more defiant. #OWS
11 hours ago (10.06.11 appx 12am EDT)KeithOlbermann Props to WCBS-TV reporter Sean Hennessy: startling video of police slamming protestors against buildings, brutal arrests #OccupyWallStreet 9 minutes ago (10.05.11 11:16pmEDT)
@OccupyWallSt Occupy Wall Street
It’s clear that someone from higher up in the NYPD doesn’t like us ; we need to find that person and oust him #OccupyWallStreet (10.05.11 appx 10:35pmEDT)@OccupyWallStNYC #OCCUPYWALLSTREET
We have confirmed 18 arrests tonight. Thousands are sitting at #GeneralAssembly or around #LibertyPlaza. #occupywallstreet (10.05.11 appx 10:30pmEDT)
AVAAZ: The World vs Wall Street
To fellow citizens occupying Wall Street and peoples protesting across the world:We stand with you in this struggle for real democracy. Together we can end the capture and corruption of our governments by corporate and wealthy elites, and hold our politicians accountable to serve the public interest. We are united – the time for change has come!
Credo Action: Stand with Occupy Wall Street
“Not a single banker has gone to jail and yet over 1,000 protesters have been arrested. I stand with the protesters of Occupy Wall Street, and I demand that the NYPD respect their constitutional right to peaceful assembly.”
Get Money Out
It’s Time to GET MONEY OUT of politicsBailouts. War. Unemployment. Our government is bought, and we’re angry. Now, we’re turning our anger into positive action. By signing this petition, you are joining our campaign to get money out of politics. Our politicians won’t do this. But we will. We will become an unrelenting, organized wave advocating a Constitutional amendment to get money out of politics.
As the petition grows, the wave grows. Email, Facebook, Tweet — GET MONEY OUT. We are using The Dylan Ratigan Show on MSNBC, and our ability to influence other media outlets as a platform to force this issue to the center of the 2012 elections. Join us.
From our former Washington Lobbyist, Jimmy Williams, here is a DRAFT of our Constitutional Amendment for public debate this fall:
“No person, corporation or business entity of any type, domestic or foreign, shall be allowed to contribute money, directly or indirectly, to any candidate for Federal office or to contribute money on behalf of or opposed to any type of campaign for Federal office. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, campaign contributions to candidates for Federal office shall not constitute speech of any kind as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution or any amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Congress shall set forth a federal holiday for the purposes of voting for candidates for Federal office.”
Slideshow: Occupy Houston: 99 Percent March in Support of Occupy Wall StreetAerial shot OWS rally at Foley Square 10.05.11
Aerial shot2 OWS rally at Foley Square 10.05.11
OWS rally at Foley Square 10.05.11
Kase Wickman: PHOTOS: Inside Occupy Wall Street at Liberty Square (10.06.11)
Baton wielding cop @ OWS night of 10.05.11
Police & Protesters night of 10.05.11
We Are the 99 Percent (bring tissues!)
Official Occupy Wall Street Flicker Photos (ALL from people THERE)
Anonymous: The Tipping Point Has ARRIVEDDaily Show: Jon Stewart 10.05.11
Michael Franti raising spirits at #occupywallstreet
NYPD Officer on Wall Street bragging (night of 10.05.11)
**Keith Olbermann reads The Statement from Occupy Wall Street as the Special Comment
for your continued efforts! ๐