This is a combination of two posts from my Shenandoah Valley blog,
In this case, the President made us a safer people … holding off terrorist attacks … but warning terrorism is still looming and we must never let down our guard.
Never mind the fact that he permitted the attacks of 9/11 through inaction in the face of multiple warnings. That’s not relevant, right?
Do not permit historical revisionism on the part of the Republicans.
There is nothing – NOTHING – to thank George W. Bush for. To merely call him the “Worst. President. Ever.” does not go nearly far enough.
He and his are criminals, and their sycophants and enablers should be ashamed of themselves.
Go AWAY, Bush. But please, be where we can find you when we come to take you away in handcuffs.
And I’m here to remind you
Of the mess you left when you went away
It’s not fair to deny me
Of the cross I bear that you gave to me
You, you, you oughta know
I should give you a bit of the back story as to why this particular SWAC Girl excursion into….well, blatant dishonesty…..bothers me so much.
This is an excerpt from a piece that originally appeared in my hometown newspaper end of last month, written, naturally, by a GOP hack: a past chairwoman of our local Republican party.
When you see the title of her piece, you will, I am sure, realize that it directly inspired the title of my previous post.
The title,in all its emetic glory, is:
“A Panegyric To The President.”
Here, then, is a small excerpt:
History should judge President George W. Bush as one of America’s great Presidents. His record of accomplishment in foreign policy, his grace in the face of unrivaled malevolence, his courage in the face of dreadful pressure, and his vision of a world made free are the stuff of greatness. Here is an abbreviated catalogue of his accomplishments and virtues:
Rather than putting you through the rest of the rectal osculations and historical revision the author offers up, I’ll let someone else pick up at that point.
Here, Ms. Bucknam, is your “catalogue of his accomplishments and virtues”.
You should watch this too, Lynn.
The only kick with this that I have is the use of the word, “legacy.” I’m uncomfortable with applying that term to the Bush presidency. It’s not a “legacy”.
Criminals have RECORDS.