September 2008 archive

Election Toolkit 2008

Upfront: I’m not attached to nor have anything to do with the group below, except as an Old Voting Adult.

Yesterday I received a little booklet in the mail, I’m sure many others have as well. In case you hadn’t I thought I’d pass on who sent it and how you can get one.

Open Thread


My Sweet Thread

The table.

(crossposted from Cobalt6)

Is anyone on our side of the fence scared but me?

I mean – REALLY scared?

Look what’s going on. From the local level, folks such as Myron and his insane wingnut buddies like Hard Right Rudder, to the national level and the McCain campaign throwing a hissy fit over Tucker Bounds getting pwn3d over La Palin on CNN, they are well and truly imploding.

I should be doing a Snoopy dance.

But…I ain’t.

Why not?

Because the President of the United States and his cronies are just as batshit insane as HRR, and just as much, if not more – a bunch of craven, pandering liars as John McCain.

And the President and his puppetmasters have the ability to create, shall we say, a rather large distraction at the time of their choosing.

Clearly, they were hoping for it with Gustav, but the God they pimp to the ignorant didn’t come through for them.

(Maybe the real One got in the way.)

As the Senate Intelligence Committee has documented for us in a recent report, these maniacs in the White House are not above lying us into a war when it suits their agenda.

Nancy Pelosi, John Conyers, Senator Leahy….it’s time for a big, bad press conference. It’s time to tell Bush et al that impeachment is back on the table, in a big way, and it only BEGINS there.

It’s time to put them on notice: if they start another war in order to make the current problems they have go away…THEY go away.

To prison.


Country before politics, folks.

Be afraid. Be VERY afraid.


Muse in the Morning

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Muse in the Morning

Humans prepare for the future all their lives,

yet meet the next life totally unprepared.

Drakpa Gyaltsen

Phenomena XXXV:  posterity

River of Time

Note in a Bottle


strung like beads

into thoughts


into frayed patches

a fragile parchment

from your past

A note

in a bottle

set adrift

in the river

of time

If the words

reach you

can you see too it

that they are read

and then sent

once again

on their way

–Robyn Elaine Serven

–May 16, 2008

The Morning News

The Morning News is an Open Thread

Now with invisible character removed from the Science Section!

From Yahoo News Top Stories

1 Gonzales won’t face charges for mishandling info

By LARA JAKES JORDAN, Associated Press Writer

59 minutes ago

WASHINGTON – The Justice Department refused to prosecute former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales for improperly – and possibly illegally – storing in his office and home classified information about two of the Bush administration’s most sensitive counterterrorism efforts.

Mishandling classified materials violates Justice Department regulations, and removing them from special secure facilities without proper authorization is a misdemeanor crime.

A report issued Tuesday by the Justice Department’s inspector general says the agency decided not to press charges against Gonzales, who resigned under fire last year.

The Weapon of Young Gods #35: Fitful Mind Games

My tolerance had really gone to shit over the past six months, as if I’d never realized that staying on the wagon in a college town would be fucking impossible. I had to maintain the facade and pretend to hold my liquor, not only to blunt the ball-busters-everyone suddenly seemed to decide they liked me better when I was drunk-but also to avoid any more epic blackouts. My liver, which had once been a slab of impregnable steel, had degenerated into a functional piece of meat, but that was a trade-off I could deal with as long as eternal sickness, halitosis, and the single life stayed the hell away from me. So it was a little disconcerting, but not exactly disagreeable, to find myself half-bombed in Frankie’s dorm room a few shades on the wrong side of tequila shots.

It had been three hours since we stepped off the downtown bus, and though it had been a good day I felt this creeping, nasty fear that sooner or later we’d be wading through a minefield of mutual mendacity if we spent too much more time together. Frankie solved that problem, for the moment, when she reminded me that we’d be getting happy and stupid with our friends at yet another dorm party. Finals were coming up, and this would be the last chance we’d all really have to relax before exams consumed our waking lives.

Previous Episode

What the NOLA Blogs are Saying: Return

The bloggers I am about to quote — and there are so many more in this group equally as good — have emerged as sort of a blogging coalition since Katrina hit.  They have, working together (even when they violently disagree with each other), gotten the real story out on what’s been going on in New Orleans, from housing to the recovery to the colorful politics that they are working hard to change from within and without.  I believe they are an excellent example of citizen journalists and activists.

From Adrastos, the first NOLA blog I ever read, his post The Tiers of A Clown, on Mayor Nagin’s “return” plan:

There’s rampant confusion about re-entry. Nagin has been nattering on and on (it’s the only thing he does well) about a four tiered scheme. LINK. Supposedly, some sort of placard exists that would help people re-enter. Unfortunately, C Ray and his inept minions neglected to tell us how to obtain said placards either before Gustav or subsequently. As a business owner, I should in theory be in the third tier and be able to return tomorrow. BUT all I have is my occupational license. And I don’t feel like waving that at some burly guardsman with an automatic weapon. I suppose the info about the re-entry placards is another state secret like C Ray’s schedule.

We’re used to incompetent and high-handed government in New Orleans. Most of the time, it doesn’t effect our daily lives but right now it does. Our city is “led” by a fool who couldn’t find a bathroom without a GPS and we’re supposed to believe that he knows what’s best for ordinary citizens. This is the same mook who screwed the pooch in 2005 and has given us the glories of the Jack-o-Lantern recovery. And we’re now supposed to trust in C Ray and in a Governor who is out to make himself look good to aid and abet his ambition.

Lies, Damned Lies, and Damnation

According to the U.S. Army, Private First Class LaVena L. Johnson was killed by a self-inflicted gunshot wound from a rifle on July 19, 2005.  

She was found in the tent of a military contractor.  She had been beaten, burned badly on one side of her body, her nose had been broken, and someone had poured lye on her vagina.  The crime scene sketch showed her rifle was several feet away, on the other side of a cot.

This 5’1″ woman, who volunteered to serve in our Armed Forces, serving in a war zone, was beaten, raped, murdered and set on fire.  Our government concealed this from her family.  Our government concealed this from the public.  The Army rewarded her for her service by promoting her posthumously to Private First Class and giving her a medal for Good Conduct and the Army Commendation Medal.  They rewarded her father, himself an Army veteran, by refusing to give him any details of his daughter’s death until after Missouri Rep. William Lacy Clay Jr. (D) made hay of it during the Pat Tillman-Jessica Lynch hearings.  Afterward, they sent him a CD-ROM of color photos of his daughter’s body.

The theme for the Republican National Convention this week is “Country First”.  Sen. John McCain claims to believe in that principle.  PFC Johnson did as well; she honored her family tradition of putting her country first.

Consider, for just one moment, what our country seems to think of PFC Johnson.  What her worth was to the armed forces.

Ask yourself, do the people who concealed and lied about these events “share your values”?

Pony Party 8 PM Tuesday: Peace at Croke Park

Note: This is a Pony Party, which is an open thread.  Do not rec the Pony Party.

Quote for Discussion: Susanna Clarke

Mr. Segundus wished to know, he said, why modern magicians were unable to work the magic they wrote about.  In short, he wished to know why there was no more magic done in England.

It was the most commonplace question in the world.  It was the question which, sooner or later, every child in the kingdom asks his governess or his schoolmaster or his parent.  Yet the learned members of the York society did not at all like hearing it asked and the reason was this: they were no more able to answer it than anyone else.

The President of the York society (whose name was Dr Foxcastle) turned to John Segundus and explained that the question was a wrong one.  “It presupposes that magicians have some sort of duty to do magic — which is clearly nonsense.  You would not, I imagine, suggest that it is the duty of botanists to devise more flowers?  Or that astronomers should labour to rearrange the stars?  Magicians, Mr Segundus, study magic that was done long ago.  Why should anyone expect more?”

An elderly gentleman with faint blue eyes and faintly colored clothes (called either Hart or Hunt — Mr Segundus could never quite catch the name) faintly said that it did not matter whether anyone expected it or not.  A gentleman could not do magic.  Magic was what street sorcerers pretended to do in order to rob children of their pennies.  Magic (in the practical sense) was much fallen off.  It had low connexions.  It was the bosom companion of unshaven faces, gypsies, house-breakers; the frequenter of dingy rooms with dirty yellow curtains.  Oh no!  A gentleman could not do magic.  A gentleman might study the history of magic (nothing could be nobler), but he could not do any.

~Susanna Clarke, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

This is my story – I hope that it finds you

Note #1:  This is a highly personal diary but it touches on some important issues like education, prison reform, the drug war, the death penalty, war and peace, and man’s inhumanity to man.  To the extent that it is self-indulgent, I beg your forgiveness.  

Note #2:  I’ve been reluctant to post this for both personal and political reasons.  The personal will become obvious as you read, the political being all that’s going on right now such as the police state bullshit in MN, the repub convention and their ‘oh we’re so serious about governance’ choice of Palin for VeePee.  But it occurs to me that there’s always going to be a lot going on, so I probably should just post it now that it’s not quite ready.

Part I – Words Are Like Poison

I believe that we all have a story to tell…here’s mine.

I wrote about growing up as an Army brat in An American Tale.


Life as a military dependent was a fascinating way to grow up and contributed much to the formation of my personal point of view.  I would take nothing for the value I have derived from my interactions with other cultures.  It taught me that deep connections are often made between profoundly different people, suggesting what has become a theme in my life – that we are all more alike than we are different.  

Online Sex, Anyone?

A Spanish Teacher was explaining to her class that in Spanish, unlike English, nouns are designated as either masculine or feminine.

‘House’ for instance, is feminine: ‘la casa’.

‘Pencil,’ however, is masculine: ‘el lapiz’.

One of the students asked, ‘What gender is ‘computer’?’

Instead of giving the answer, the teacher split the class into two groups, male and female, and asked them to decide for themselves whether ‘computer’ should be a masculine or a feminine noun.

Each group was asked to give four reasons for its recommendation.  

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