Tag: Rob Sewell

The Unfolding Capitalist Crisis – a nightmare for workers everywhere

The Unfolding Capitalist Crisis – a nightmare for workers everywhere

By Rob Sewell

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Gutter press campaign aims to distort union demands

Original article, By Rob Sewell (vice-chair, London Central, National Union of Journalists), via Socialist Appeal (UK):

The present struggle of construction workers in defence of their national agreement on terms and conditions has been deliberately distorted by the British media and press. One not unexpected aspect of the recent wave of wildcat strikes in the construction industry has been the way that the media has reported them.

Capitalism has failed. Period.

Original article, by Rob Sewell, via Socialist Appeal (UK):

“I like thieves. Some of my best friends are thieves. Why, just last week we had the president of the bank over for dinner.” W.C. Fields.