So you . . . thought you . . .
Might like to go to the show,
To feel the warm thrill of confusion,
That space cadet glow.
I’ve got some bad news for you, Sunshine,
Change isn’t well, it stayed back at the hotel,
And it sent us along, as a surrogate band,
We’re going to find out where you folks really stand.
So far, it’s quite clear where ardent admirers of Obama stand . . .

They stand for ardent admiration of Obama.
Can they support no torture prosecutions?
Can they support no investigations of BushCo’s 8 year crime rampage?
Can they support trillions of dollars for Wall Street criminals?
Can they support indefinite detentions, more government secrecy, and more NSA spying on Americans?
Yes they can!
Meanwhile, as Obama’s ardent admirers clap louder for superficial change, the hard core RePug base is waiting for a great leader to emerge. Someone who’ll wave the flag like it’s never been waved before, who’ll carry the cross into that bloody mess of a Holy Land, who’ll smite those heathen Muslims so Jews can live in peace until they die and burn in Hell for eternity, who’ll punish the enemies of Christianism and conservatism, who’ll boldly go where no RePug has ever gone before, even that halfwit wolf-killing governor of Alaska.
They’re damn well not waiting quietly, they’re celebrating murder while they’re waiting, spewing racism while they’re waiting, inciting hatred while they’re waiting . . .
Waiting to cut out the deadwood.
Waiting to clean up the city.
Waiting to follow the worms.
Waiting to put on a black shirt.
Waiting to weed out the weaklings.
Waiting to smash in their windows
And kick in their doors.
Waiting for another 9/11. It might not happen for 10 years. Or it might happen tomorrow. And then the shit will hit the fan like this country hasn’t seen since the Civil War.