Tag: Atmosphere

4 Inches Deeper

The 1976 Viking lander would have likely found water ice on Mars if it had probed just 4 inches deeper.

NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has revealed frozen water hiding just below the surface of mid-latitude Mars. The spacecraft’s observations were obtained from orbit after meteorites excavated fresh craters on the Red Planet.

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By FishOutofWater

Water ice, never seen before in Mars’ “temperate” zone, was discovered in a shallow crater that was made in 2008. The ice reveals that Mars was warmer and wetter in the relatively recent past.

The finds indicate water-ice occurs beneath Mars’ surface halfway between the north pole and the equator, a lower latitude than expected in the Martian climate.

This ice is a relic of a more humid climate from perhaps just several thousand years ago.

said Shane Byrne of the University of Arizona, Tucson.

Mars has large variations in its tilt that cause its climate to change even more strongly that the changes from glacial to interglacial on earth. However, Mars lost most of its atmosphere to space because Mars lacks the mass (size) to hold on to its upper atmosphere when it interacts with energetic particles in the solar wind. With only 1% of the atmospheric pressure of the earth, the Martian surface is uninhabitable to humans.

Quote for Discussion: 12.12.2008

Tonight’s quote comes from one of my favorite songs of the year, “Peyote” by Minnesota rapper Atmosphere.

She goes by the nickname peyote,

Her real name is Iris

Appearance doesn’t matter so I’m not gonna describe it

She was a dancer down at edit this portion

I cant name the spot they don’t merit the promotion

But I been there look like any strip club

Everybody slicked up trying to get they dick sucked

Smoke and mirrors you know fake magic tricks

Like these people didn’t come here just for ass and tits

But this one in particular was popular with midlife ballers

And white collar out of towners

Plus it attracted athletic individuals that came here to play against

The twins and the timber wolves

Safe to say she made the rent good

Twenty years of age a spot up in Kentwood

She had the car, the dog, and the kitchen sink

She had a drug free body didn’t even drink

She had a sister who wouldn’t stop giving her shit

For dropping out of art school to be a stripper

Iris was sick and tired of the questions

But big sis didn’t understand the perspective

She knows her little sister isn’t a slut

But she objectifies herself and contributes to the gluttony

Now here’s Iris stealin’ from the devil to buy some time

To make life something special

Where did you go? When did you fall?

That little one, you all grown up

Oh how they’ve grown, those days are done

Under the gun, now you are dealt

Where did you go? When did you fall?

That little one, you all grown up

Oh how they’ve grown, those days are done

Look at us, who you to judge?

Her oldest sisters name was Jocelyn

Awfully slim, on a diet of bottled water and oxygen

She lives on higher water by the Target

And she dates a photographer, that’s how she started modeling

She ain’t no supermodel, this is Minneap for that you’d have to move to Chicago

Or maybe move LA or NY

Now she does what she does here and she gets by

And her boyfriend gets a little currency

Taking photos for advertising agencies

Now he’s gonna steal from the devil

Stick it to the man, revolutionary rebel

One afternoon after work he went to the strip club

Just to loosen up that shirt

He and a couple job associates are gonna sink them drinks

Like they about to be extinct

Never met his girlfriends little sister

But she recognized him from cell phone pictures

Any other circumstances she’d have hollered

But topless in heels is a little bit awkward

Eventually his friends leave

And when he gets up, she grabs him by the coat sleeve

Too drunk to catch what she said

But he did offer her three hundred on some head, like

Where did you go? When did you fall?

That little one, you all grown up

Oh how they’ve grown, those days are done

Under the gun, now you are dealt

Where did you go? When did you fall?

That little one, you all grown up

Oh how they’ve grown, those days are done

Look at us, who you to judge?

When you do wrong it makes me want to do right

It also cancels out the guilt that makes the load feel light

It also gives some leverage to the morally impaired

So make mistakes for us to hold over your hair