The Spanish zombie
stalks midnight, bleeding Euros.
Vaya con Dios.

Found poetry from Ilargi.
Jun 14 2012
Jan 30 2011
Defy the curfew,
Demand real democracy.
I support your dream.Solidarity,
Non-violence will prevail.
I stand with Egypt.Do not be afraid,
I can still hear your voices.
I link arms with you.May you soon be free.
May your children enjoy peace.
May your courage persist.
cross-posted from The Dream Antilles
Mar 12 2008
You know what’s missing on the Intertubes? (well, if you read my title the cat is already out of the bag)
Haiku written for the right wing!
For some inexplicable reason the right has not yet embraced this literary form. Maybe that’s because right-wingers can’t use the left half of their brains. Or is it the right half? OK, they generally don’t use either half. So being a generous soul, I’m offering some haiku written from a right-wing perspective to get them started.
Dec 07 2007
I’m sure you already know…. don’t wRECk the pony party
So… (I recently learned from davidseth this is a jewish way to start a paragraph!)
Nightprowlkitty had a neat essay about haiku’s, or pops…. and since I had nothin’….
I thought I’d try to continue the puppy theme with my haiku effort.
(I want to warn you I’m pisspoor at poetry & don’t remember the rules of haiku!)
Your haiku’s can be about anything, of course… and you don’t have to haiku.
tumbling growling running
wet noses, sloppy kisses
Puppy pile up
fur-people friends
understand everything
yet never think worse of you
soft and good to burble on
rotund replete asleep
fat puppy belly